MEMOIRS OF THE GEOL. SOC. OF JAPAN, No. 11, p.~283-290 (1974) 18. MINERALOGICAL STUDIES ON LEVYNE AND ERIONITE FROM JAPAN TADATO MIZOTA*, GORO SHIBUYA**, MrTsuo SHIMAZU* and YOSHIMI TAKESHITA* Abstract Levynes and erionite Ii'om three Japanese localities are described to show their compositional variations reflected by their lattice constants and refractive indices. The material from Chojabaru, Iki Island contains 8.41 wt.% Na20 placing it as the sodium dominant analogue ofllevyne, (Na2' Cal AI2Si.012·nH20. 1ll amygdales of a basaltic tuff breccia of Introduction Miocene age with intimate association of Although levyne and erionite are rather some other zeolites including chabazite, rare zeolites, they have been recently found stilbite, phillipsite, natrolite and thomsonite at three localities in Japan, Chojabaru, (SHIMAZU and MrzoTA, 1972). Nagasaki Prefecture, Kawaziri, Yamaguchi The Kawaziri levyne associates intimately Prefecture, and Kuroiwa, Niigata Prefecture. with erionite, chabazite, thomsonite, phil­ Their chemical analyses extend the range of lipsite, heulandite and stilbite in many compositional variation of levyne due to round to subround white amygdales of 1 substitution of Ca by Na2 over the known to 3 cm across contained in a brownish red range presented by FEOKTISTOV et at. (1971) altered basalt lava flow. In the amygdales without any crystallographic break, con­ are also found large amounts of calcite and firming the existence of the isomorphous Na montmorillonite with minor amounts of dominant analogue of levyne, (Na2 , Ca) manganoan calcite, aragonite and halloysite. AI2Si.012 ·6H20. In druses of several to ten cm across found In this paper the mineralogical descriptions in andesite dyke at Kuroiwa, levyne is found of these zeolites are presented with special with diopside, garnet, wollastonite, calcite reference to the variations of chemical com­ and amethyst accompaning some other position, lattice constants and optical zeolites and hydrous calcium silicates such as properties. chabasite, natrolite, apophyllite, epistilbite, heulandite, analcime and gyrolite. Richterite Mode of occurrence is also found in other druses devoid of levyne. Levyne and erionite from Chojabaru occur This uncommon assemblage is considered to be the product of skarnization of calcareous * Department ofGeology and Mineralogy, Faculty xenoliths in the andesite dyke intrucing of Science, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan Miocene calcareous sediments and subsequent ** Mineralogical Laboratory, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan hydrothermal effects to it. -283- 284 T. MIZOTA, G. SHlBUYA, M. SHlMAZU and Y. TAKESHITA Kuroiwa, but the development of polysyn­ Morphology thetic twinning forms deep striations on its Their Levyne from Kuroiwa has a hexagonal prisms, and its interfacial angles could not be by meai tabular habit flattened to c-axis and the measured. (Shimaz largest one reaches 10 mm. across. Most of Levyne from Chojabaru does not show any standard the crystals show interpenetrating twin. They euhedral form and only its basal cleavage is Stanclal are transparent and colourless with vitreous observed. anal< luster. The observed faces are c(OOOl), The crystals of erionite from Chojabaru are r(1012) and s(OlIl). The interfacial angles fibrous with about 1 mm in average length. glass measured by one-circle optical goniometer are Occassionally the columnar aggregates of glass as follows: fibers are found. acluL The e, Haid- obs. calc..mger* Microscopic observations to BENe' c;\r= (0001) ;\ (1012) 43°11' 44°33' 43°58f and optical properties aeceleral 15 KVa c;\s=(OOO1);\ (0111) 61°43' 63°04' 62°37'. The crystals oflevyne have hexagonal shape n1easure tabular to c-axis with about 0.05 mm in width, The calculated figures were obtained from rise to and in many cases penetrating twinning the lattice constants measured by x-ray speclmel relations were observed. Erionite is associated powder diffraction method. The nomen­ that the intimately at Chojabaru and Kawaziri, but clature of c(0001), r(10Il) and s(0221) were tively not found in Kuroiwa. Erionite is epitaxially taken from the work of HAIDINGER *(1828) different intergrown with levyne in general (Fig. 2). and their indices were converted to match rection the unit cell data here employed, because the fixed thl old axial ratio is the half of the present one. The tot< The errors for observation were mainly due three c\ to their dispersed reflection images resulting figures. from the minute twinning, which forms were SlY1> uneven crystal faces. A representative figure with th( of twinned crystals is given in Fig. 1. The of FEOI<' Kuroiwa levyne IS morphologically very this difl similar to that from Antrim, Ireland reported dehydra by STRUNZ (1956). to a hig! The chI Fig. 2. Photomicrograph of levyne and erionite from Kawaziri, one Mico!. erionite i and MI; Levyne is uniaxial negative and shows owing t very low birefringence. The refractive standard indices of three levynes varies to reflect their Erionite Fig. I. Morphology of twinned levyne from compositional variations among which Al-Si Japan, u Kuroiwa. had bee and Ca-(Na2 , K 2 ) substitutions seem to be Levyne from Kawaziri has the same hex­ significant except variations of water content. alumina agonal tabular shape as the material from Erionite from Chojabaru is uniaxial positive 1967), 1, with e = 1.467 and fibers are elongated analyzeCi * Dana's "The System of Mineralogy", 6th Ed. hand K 595 (1914) parallell to c. LEVYNE AND ERIONITE FROM JAPAN 285 f polysyn­ Che:rnical co:rnpositions alumina content of erionite from Maze to be Jns on its 23.48%. Their chemical compositions were surveyed uld not be The final chemical composition of their by means of electron probe microanalyser anhydrous part after correction were listed in (Shimazu EMX-2) employing the following show any Table 2 with atomic ratio based on 0=12. standard materials; leavage is Standard materials analysed Elements Table 1. Optical properties for levynes and erionite analcime from Maze Na, Si jabaru are Levyne uniaxial (-) Chojabaru Kuroiwa Kawaziri ge length. glass of anorthite composition Ca, Al 1.481 1.487 1.504 glass of diopside composition Mg :egates of Erionite uniaxial (+) adularia of unknown source K. Chojabaru The correction for E.P.M.A. data was due e 1.467 (e~w) s to BENCE and ALBEE(l968) method. The accelerating voltage of electron beam was Table 2. Partial chemical analyses of levynes and 15 KV and integrating time ofx-ray intensity erionite Jnal shape measurements was for 4 seconds, not to give Levyne 1 in width, Erionite rise to the decomposition of zeolites. The twinning Chojabaru Kawaziri Kuroiwa Chojabaru specimens available were so small in amounts ----- associated wt. % wt. % wt. % wt. % that the water contents were not quantita­ Si0 raziri, but 2 49.7 48.1 51.8 52.1 tively measured but estimated as the Alz0 22.8 24.4- 20.5 20.7 ~pi taxially 3 NazO 8.41 2.07 2.29 7.20 (Fig. 2). difference. In order of its preliminary cor­ K 20 1.27 0.71 0.03 3.34 rection for oxygens, the H 2 0 contents were CaO 3.51 10.6 fixed throughout the calculation procedures. 8.88 1.21 MgO 0.22 0.09 0.09 0.33 The total of metal oxides after corrections of Total 85.91 85.97 83.59 84.88 three cycles were almost same as initial [H2O] (14.09) (14.03) (16.41) (15.12) figures. The water contents, thus estimated, were smaller by 3 to 4 percent in comparison Cations (oxygen = 12 in anhydrous parts) with those of levynes appeared in the paper Si 3.91 3.77 4.10 4.12 of FEOKTISTOV et at. (1971). The reason for Al 2.11 2.25 1.91 1.93 this difference may be due to the partial Na 1.24 0.314 0.315 1.11 K 0.128 0.071 0.003 0.338 dehydration by electron bombardment under Ca 0.296 0.890 0.753 0.103 to a high vaccum condition at least in part. Mg 0.026 0.01 0.01 0.039 The chemical compositions of levyne and d erionite [H2O] (3.70) (3.67) (4.33) (3.99) erionite from Chojabaru reported by SHIMAZU Z 9 9 9 6 and MrzoTA (1972) contained some errors nd shows owing to the compositional ambiguity of Empirical formulae: Chojabaru levyne refractive standard materials employed at that time. ((Naz) O.62CaO.30(Kz)o.06MgO.03)1.01 [Alz.llSi3.91O,Z] • ~flect their Erionite from Maze, Niigata Prefecture, 3.70HzO Kawaziri levyne hich Al-Si Japan, used by them as the standard material (CaO.89(Naz)O.16(K2)O.04Mgo.0l),.10[Alz.z5Si3.770d • em to be had been assumed to be lower content of 3.67HzO Kuroiwa levyne ~r content. alumina (Al 0 = 15.24%, HARADA, et at., z 3 (Cao.75(Na2)O.16(Kz)o.ooMgo.0l)O.9Z[AI,.9,Si4.100,2] • al positive 1967), but it was not the same specimen 4.33HzO elongated analyzed by HARADA et at. On the other Chojabaru erionite ((NaZ)O.56(Kz)O.17CaO.loMgo.04)O.87[AI1.93Si <.l20 12]· hand KAWAHARA et at. (1967) gave the 3.99HzO. 286 T. MIZOTA, G. SHIBUYA, M. SHiMAZU and Y. TAKESHITA \ I -j Levy Na2 0 showin,l (Al 2Si/ .. (1120] Beca, prepan and po' '1< of levYl (1) Minerab Levyne Erionite The one en( the syst to Ca-l\ of diffr the sal R3m, i crystall, extincti satisfies erionite (3) a b ~c* Fig. 3. X-ray precession photographs of levynes. FEOK a: hkO plane, ,11=30°, CoKa. (I): single crystal of Kuroiwa levyne formula (2): Kawaziri with weak diffraction spots of erionite included USSR" (3): Chojabaru with relatively strong erionite spots b: upper layer of Ilkl reciprocal plane, "=0.078, ,11=30°, CoKa.
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