DIRECTORY,] MIDDLESEX. EDMONTON. 101 in 1883, in the Early Gothic style, at a cost. of £9,5oo, 1 bequests. The inns of Edmonton are mentioned by -affords sittings for 750. The Baptist chapel, in Fore Izaak Walton and other writers; the present "Bell" street, Lower Edmonton,erected in 186o, has 6oo sittings; tavern is built on the site of the original "Bell," con­ the Calvinistic chapel, in Claremont street, was erected in nected with Cowper's humorous story of "John Gilpin," 1818 and sea.ts 160. There is a Wesleyan chape·l in Fore and was rebuilt in 1878. The poets Cowper, Keats ft.reet, Lower Edmonton, erected in 1854, and sea.ting 750 and Lamb resided in Edm<mton. Near the church of persons; and a Salvation Army citadel, in Fore street, All Saints, Bay Oottage, in Church street, now called Lower Edmonton, erect.ed in 1892, and holding 550. A "Lamb's Cottage," is the house once occupied by Cemetery, at Church street, comprising an area of 30 Charles Lamb (Elia) and in which he died, 27 Dec. acres, was purchased and laid out at a oost of £2o,soo, 1834; his sister Mary Anne died in 1847, and both and -consecrated in 1884; it contains a mortuary and 2 are buried on the right of the path south-west of the .chapels, and is under the control of the Urban District church. Pymmes Park is the seat of Thomas Joseph Council. The Jews' Cemetery, belonging to the Western Farrell esq. M.P.; the mansion stands in a park of 56 Synagogue of St. Albans place, London, is in Monta.gu acres. Causey Ware Hall is the seat of James H. Swan­ road, and cons:.sts of about 10 acres. The Town Hall, in ton M.A., M.i:>. Bush Hill House stands in a park of 90 Fore street, Lower Edmonton, erected in 1884 at a cost acres; the mansion was built by Sir Hugh Myddletor . .of £Io,ooo, is a. structure of red brick with Bath stone the constructor of the New River, which runs through th.. lacing in the Gothic style, and is licensed for theatrical grounds. Sir William Michael Curtis bart. of Cayn­ enterliainme:ruts &c.; it will hold 675 persons. The Fl'ee ham Court, Ludlow, is lord of the manor. The princi­ Public Library and Reading Room, Fore street, Lowoc pal landowners are William Booker esq. Augustns iEdmonton, opened Nov. 20, 1897, was built principally at Booker esq. the trustees of Thomas T. Busk e.sq. Rev. the e-xpense of J. Passmore Edwards esq. and consists of Alex. Nash M.A. rector of Quedsley, Gloucester, and the reading and lending departments on the first fl.oor, .and Ecclesiastical Commissioners, the Edmonton Urban Coun­ .gtores and workrooms on the second floor; attached to the cil, and the Bush Hill Park Company. The soil is loam; 'building ~s a. librarian's house. The lending library at subsoil, brick earth and (!ravel. The chief crops are !Present consists of 2,000 volumes. The reference library wheat, oats, barley and tares, but the land is chiefly is now (1898) in course of forma,tion. Messrs. Ridley, culhvated by market gardeners. The area of the parish Whitley & Co. have works here for the manu- is 3,926 acres of land and 86 of water; rateable value, factur-e of linoleum, floor cloth and table covers; here £Io3,554; the population in 1891 was 36,351. Included also are the ammunition works of Messrs. Eley Bros. Lim. in the populatio::t was x,o68 in the Strand Union Work­ besides two varnish manufactories and brickworks. The house, 278 in the Strand Union Workhouse Infant Estab­ charities, the oldest of which was founded in I578, are lishment, and 56I in Edmonton Workhouse. The popu- 32 in number, with an annual income of about £930, lation attached to the parish church in I89I was 12,394; but they are mostly amalgamated and are administered of St. Mary ecclesiastical parish 4,558, and of St. James, "by Latymer's trustees and the churchwardens of the Upper Edmonton, 8,429. The area of the Urban District parish. The Children's Hm:ne, on the Green, was is 3,890 acres; rateable value, £1o7,23i; the population founded in 1864 by Miss Willis-Fleming, for orphan and in 1891 was 25,381. destitute children ; children are received and maintained Bush Hill Park is partly in this parish, but mostly here on small payments; Miss E. A. J ones is sister in in Enfield parish, which see. charge. Styles's almshouses, in Church street, founded in I679 by Thomas Styles, of Edmonton, and rebuilt in Cook's Ferry adjoins the river Lee, I mile from '1:754• have an annual income- of £I25, each inmate receiv- EJmOJ.ton. ing about four shillings weekly; Wild's almshouses, in Parish Clerk, Henry Martin Hiorns, 45 Church street, Church street, was founded in 1662 by John Wild, of Ed- Lower Edmonton. monton, for three women, each woman receiving about Parish Clerk, St. .Tames', Edward Joseph Webb, 25 three and sixpence per week; these are endowed by several Grove street, Upper Edmonton OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS &c. l'ost, Parcel, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Daly Frederick Henry M.D. I85 Amhurst road, Hackney Offices:- Downs NE tThe Green, Lower Edmonton.-William Ragg, sub­ Durrant Lieut.-Col. Alfred, Brabanconne, Southgate road, postma.ster. Letters are delivered at 7.30 & II.3o a.m. Wood Green N 1.30, 4·30, 6.30 & 9 p.m. ; dispatched 10 a.m. I, 5 & Ford John Walker esq. D.L. Enfield Old park, Wmch­ 9 p.m. & II.3Q p.m. (sats. exoepted); sundays, u more Hill N p.m. Express Delivery office Fotheringham Rev. David, 95 Northumberland park, .S St. Martin's terrace, Hertford road, Lower Edmonton. Tottenham N -Henry Simmons, sub-postmaster. Letters dispatched Foy Wm. Lowndes Toiler esq. Elm lo. Clay Hill, Enfield 9.40 a.m. 12.40, 4.40, 9 & 10.55 p.m. (sats. excepted); Hanbury Charles Addington esq. Belmont house, East sundays, 10.25 p.m Barnet, Herts ~o Frederick terrace, Fore street, Lower Edmonton.­ Howard Joseph esq. M.P., B.A. 18 Kensington court, Herbert Gevrge Lanham, sub-postmaster. Letters dis­ London W • patched 9.50 a.m. 12.50, 4·45• 9 & I 1.40 p.m. (sats. Huggett Edwd. Patten esq. 91 Philip la. Sth.Tottenham N excepted); sunday, 11.10 p.m Kitching Albert Geo. esq. F.G.S. Chase court, Enfield 101 Silver street, Upper Edmonton. Arthur Marnoch Leslie Jn. Edwd. Cranston esq. The Green, Southgate N Wbitby, sub-postm.tster. Letters dispatched 9.40 a.m. Littler Ralph Daniel Makison esq. C.B., B.A., Q.C. (chair- 12.40, 4·40, 9 & 11.30 p.m. (sats. excepted); sunday, man of quarter sessions), Broomfield house, Palmer's 10.50 p.m Green N tUpper Edmont~m. 134 Upper Fore .street. Henry Malone Patrick Bernard esq. r56 Harringay road, West Moses Lewis, sub-postmaster. Letters are delivered at Green, Tottenham N 7.25 &; 11.25 a.m. & 1.25, 4.25, 6.25 & 8.55 p.m. ; dis­ Mathews Ernest esq. Chequer's Mead, Potters Bar S.O -patched 10 a. m. I, 5, 9 & rx.so p.m. ( sats. excepted); Miles John esq. Bourneside, Southgate N -sunday, n.2o p.m Nield Herbert esq. Allington house, White Hart lane, Marked thus t are Telegraph Offices. Tottenham N Paulin William ·Thomas esq. Broadfields, Wadeshill, Winchmore Hill N {;OUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR EDM0:8TON PETTY Pedley Joshua esq. Trafalgar house, White Hart lane, SESSIONAL DIVISION. Tottenham N Latham Morton esq. ~LA., D.L. 23 l'lorfolk street, Park Somerset Col. Alfred Plantagenet Frederick Charles C.B,.. lane, London W (chairman) D.L. Enfield court, Enfield Bosanquet Lieut.-Col. Bernard Tindal D.L. Fairholme, Spicer Geo. esq. Dunraven, The Ridgeway, Enfield Teddington Stacey Saml. Lloyd esq. Elmhurst, Bruce gro.TottenhamN Bowles Henry Carringtou Bowles esq. D.L. ::Myddleton Taylor Major Geo. Kirkpatrick, Grovelands, Southgate N house, Waltham Cross Thompson Archibald esq. M.A. Mynwood,Bell Bar,Hatfield Bowles Major Henry Ferriman M.P. Forty hall, Enfield Walker Vyell Edward esq. Arnos grove, Southgate N Eurrows Wm. esq. Cannon hill, Southgate N Whitley John Thos. esq. Eagle house, Ponders End Carlyon-Britton Capt. Philip William Poole F.S.A. Bitton Widdicombe Jn. Geo. esq.Dilkoosha,Windmill hill,Enfield house, Bycullah avenue, Enfield Wilson John Josiah esq. Home farm, Enfield Highway, Cloudesley James esq. White Hart lane, Tottenham N Ponders End Clough Waiter Owen esq. M.P. Queen Anne's mansions, The chairmen, for the time being, of the Edmonton, En­ London SW field, Southgate, Tottenham & Wood Green Urban Dis­ Cook Lieut.-Col. Arthur Bott F.RG.S., M.I.N.A. 37 Great trict Councils are ex-officio magistrates Cumberl311d place, London W Clerks to the Magistrates, Hubert Gough & Frederiek .
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