The original documents are located in Box 39, folder “Personnel - Presidential Appointments by Name, C” of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald R. Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 39 of the Philip Buchen Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ' ' THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 5, 1976 MEMORANDUM. FOR: ED SCHMULTS FRONI: PHIL BUCHE~~? I am returning the material you sent me about Bob Casey. As I understand it, arrangements have now been made to have his nomination resubmitted and to have the Senate confirm the nominee for appointment as soon as the Senate returns. I talked to Bob Casey last week and explained the situation to him. I would appreciate your following up to be sure that the necessary steps are taken. cc: Max Friedersdorf Jim Connor ~· ~ .- i,; /;' /) (\ THE WHITE HOUSE ) f ) WASHINGTON j .; I I December 17, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: PETER MCPHERSON FROM: PHILIP BUCHE~(? w.13. SUBJECT: Nomination, of Congressman Casey to fill position on Maritime Commission This memo will confirm our telephone conversation of today. The Justice Department advises that the statute which provides that the salary of an appointee to the Maritime Commission, who is a Member of Congress, shall be at the level prevailing before the current session of Congress, has not yet passed both Houses. It is also pointed out that inasmuch as the Casey nomination came before the adoption of this statute, it may be invalid even though the statute is passed before he is confirmed and takes office. Therefore, the xecommendation is that his nomination be allowed to lapse at the close of the current session so that it may be resubmitted in January only after the new statute has been passed. cc: William Kendall ! t I THE WHITE HOUSE v j WASHINGTON November 13, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR: DOUG BENNETT FROM: PHIL BUCHE/f? Attached is information concerning Harry Tolson Carter. It has been passed on to me by Abbott Washburn of the FCC who indicates that Mr. Carter would like to be considered for a position in the Executive branch. Attachment THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20230 January 29, 1975 Honorable Philip W•. Buchen Counsel to the President The 1i·i11ite House Washington, D. c. 20500 Dear Phil: I have just had a visit from Jim Chamberlain of Grand Rapids who expressed an interest in govern­ ment service. Naturally I was delighted to learn of a businessman who is anxious to come in into the Federal Government and will advise our personnel people to be alert to opportunities in the Department of Commerce. I understand that you know him and am, therefore, enclosing his resume in case you might wish to recommend him to Bill Walker for addition to the talent bank. With best wishes, I remain Sincerely yours, Secretary of Commerce Enclosure '•t_. "tvallace James Chamberlain bjective: A top level position "'lvi th a U.S. Government Agency working "'lvi th business. .1siness Address: Gill Manufacturing Corporation 2455 Oak Industrial Drive, N.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49505 (616)459-4629 -Phone orne Address: 2722 Maplewood, S.E. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506 (616)949-4184 -Phone amily: liife - Julie Daughter - Terri 19 Sons - Steve - 15 Bill - 11 ge: 43 Years - 2/~3/31 ealth: Excellent, last physical June 19i4, clean bill of health ducation: High School - East Grand Rapids, Michigan Graduated 1949 College - Duke University, BS~lli 1954 .mployment: une 1954 Michigan Consolidated Gas Company, Detroit·, MI an. 1955 Engineer Training Program an. 1955 USAF - Instruct'or Pilot - Single Engine Jet/Nulti :ct. 1957 Engine Prop. First Lieutenant when discharged from active duty. Reserve Rank Captain. Clearance: Secret }ct. 1957 Gill Manufacturing Corporation Grand Rapids, Nichigan · Product Line: Infants & Childrens Sleep and Pla~v-ear · Oct. '57 - June 1 59 - Engineer in charge of piece "'lvork rates, methods, work plan layout, plant layout, machine design, and costing. June '59- Oct. '61- Plant Nanager, Contract C.M.T. - plant 180 employees. Oct. '61 - June •66 -Vice-President, General Nanager in charge of t,vo se1ving plants employing approximately 350 people. ..: June '66 -Present - President From '66 to '72 operations expanded into four plants, including constructing and expanding two new facilitie acquiring an operating plant and merging a company making an allied product. Employment increased to a. maximum of 750 employees. September '69 to Jan 1, 1975 -President, Royal Dmv-n Products, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan This, Company was originally formed as a marketing company, partially owned by Gill Manufacturing Corpora tion to sell down-filled parkas and sleeping bags made by Gill. It is now a complete manufacturing marketing Company ·with a sales volume of over $2,000,0 Orga..">J.ization President, American Apparel Manufacturing Association Activities: Member, National Advisory Council for the Flammable Fabrics Act - USCPSC Member, Management-Labor Textile Advisory·Committee U.S.D.O.C. Grand Rapids Rotary Club Past-Commodore, Macatm-ra Bay Yacht Club Past-Commander, Grand Rapids Power Squadron Division Chairman, United Fund Campaign Director, Rospatch Corporation Leisure Tennis, Alpine & Nordic Skiing, Sailboat Racing, Activities: Bird Hunting, and Coaching Rocket Football. ) THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Dear Bill: I have your letter of November 3, 1975, and, as you have requested, I accept your resig­ nation as Director of Central Intelligence, effective upon the appointment and qualifica­ tion of your successor. In doing so, I want you to know of my appreciation for the valuable service you have rendered to our Nation. Throughout your long career you have served with. the highest dedication and ability. In difficult assignments you have borne heavy re­ sponsibility, and your high personal integrity and professional competence have earned you the respect of your colleagues throughout GoverTh~ent and my own personal admiration. You have every reason to be proud of your record of achievement. You may be sure that you take with you my heartfelt good wishes for every future success and happiness. Sincerely, The Honorable William E. Colby Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D.C. 20505 ------- -- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 11/4/75 • TO: PHIL BUCHEN FROM: JIM CONNOR Brent Scowcroft indicated he would like yoursign off on these letters to Schlesinger and Colby prior to h.a ving them signed by the President. Could you give me an immediate answer. encl. ()«a {J?U.rJ· ::WHITE HOLSE \\'AS I HS"GTOS Dear Jim: I have your letter of November 3, 1975 an~ it is with deep gratitude for your contributions to our Nation that I accept your resigr.ation as Secretary of Defense, effective upon the appointment and qualification of your successor. For more than six years you have se'rved our country \'lith the utmost distinction and deqi­ cation. As Chairman of the Atomic EneJ~gy Commission, as Director of the Central Intel­ ligence Agency, and particularly as Secretary of Defense you have carried out your r~sponsi­ bilities in a manner that has always baen consistent with the bes't interests of our H.J.tion , and in so doing you have earned the rcsp~ ct and admiration of your colleagues throughout the Government. I am especially grateful for your service to my Administration during one of the most challe~ging periods in o_ur Nation • s history, and I want to express my personal thanks as well as that of all our fellow Americans . l~ov1 as you prepare to depart please knov1 that I I you take with you my warmest good \dshes for I every continued success and happiness in the future . Sincerely, .. I ! The l_Ionorable James R. Schlesinger Secretary of Defense ' ~ Washington , D.C. 20301 --·' • TIll·, \or-\._{' T 1·: II 0 t- S E I Dear Bill : f I have yqur letter of November 3, 197.5 ,' and, as you have requested, I accept your resig­ nation as Director of .central Intelligence , effective upon the appointment and quali2ica­ tion of your successor. In doing so, I want you to knm·1 of my appreciation for the valuable s ervice you have rendered to our Nation. Throughout your long career you have served with the highest dedication and ability·. In di fficult assig~~ents . you have borne heavy re­ sponsibility, arid y9ur high personal integrity and professional compe·tence have earn,ed you the respect of your colleagues throughout Goverrv-:-.ent and my mvn personal admiration . You have every r eason t o be proud of your record of achievement . You may be sure that you take \•li th you my heartfelt good \'lishes for every future success and happiness . Sincerely, The Honorable Hilliam E . Colby Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. 20505 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM FOR: PHILIP W. BUCHEN FROM: DOUGLAS P. BENNETT~ SUBJECT: Waiver of Conflict of Interest and Security Investigation for Purposes of Announcement-­ Chairman, Federal Trade Commission (PAS, Level III) The President wishes to announce his intention to nominate Calvin Joseph Collier as Chairman, Federal Trade Commission. I request that you waive the normal procedures for the purposes of nomination and announcement. r,: lJ.
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