_-_"""~,,:,-,... JI-'Ir. & I'irs. Grant CanTlon. Sulk f<a.te 4907 Klatt , Road U.S. POSTAGS Cincinnati.? Ohio 45244 -------~ .p A t 0 IN THIS ISSUE· PAGE 6 5"1) Fr""cj!co, Ca.Hf. Pe:-mir No. £603 CESAR CHAVEZ APRIL 1967 VOL. 3 NO.4 INTERVIEW $23,000,000 EDITORIAL OAKLAND FRAUD ! federal Money for Segregation lind Scab Labor Oakland, California The Economic Development Administration announced in April 1966 that it would put $23 million into this city to create jobs for 'hard­ core unemployed' in order to avert possible racial violence. However, the ef­ fect of the ED A activities has been to continue the widening gap between the white worker and the black worker. The firms receiving funds prefer black workers-BLACK' WORKERS ARE NaT UNION; THEY CAN BE FIRED AS SOON AS AUTOMATION COMES INTO THE PLANT. Thus the EDA is creating a disposable work force for for Oakland's businessmen. - . Serious training programs (such as The Skills Center) which were proposed in Oakland, where men and women would receive an education as well as skilled job trai ning, received little support from EDA or from seime unions such as the lily-white construction workets union. EDA claimed that the training program took too long and cost too much. The politicians wanted a fast, visible program in Oakland. They poured in money and.made headlines in the local press. But they have harmed more than The war in Vietnam is the third act itself and wage effective war. But the they have helped. They are in the process of creating a new work 'force for this of genocide committed by the United government does' 'not have the right to country. It IViII con.",ist of unskilled workers from racial minorities who are un­ States. The first was the enslavement of defend itself a;,d ~g~.d'iectiv~ :ar .....ith­ protectea by l1"lOn organizatIOns. The only benefit of this liberal reform pro­ African people which cost the lives of out the consent of the governed. gram goes to the businessmen who get both the lederal aid and the workers who millions of men, women and children. The will increase their production and their profit. second was the wanton. destruction of WE OPPOSE THE DRAFT the civilization of the American Indian. We oppose the draft because it forces As one Washington EDA staff person put it: " ...a serious and potentially Now Vietnam, where already we have used the people of the United States to commit dangerous racial situation existed in Oakland." All of the political figures more bombs and other weapons that kill genocide on the people of Vietnam. around the Bay Area were predicting a violent outbreak in the flatlands for the people than were used in all of World We oppose the draft because it uses summer. 1;he Oakland police are well known for their harrassment and brutality. War II. And Vietnam is smaller than people to fight a war which is not in Unemployment in Oakland is about 10% for whites and 20% for blac'ks. Housing California. the interests of those people. This is a in Oakland is bad and getting ·worse. There are overcrowded schools and in­ war which brings profits only to large adequate health services. The city has been notorious for its lack of action on NO GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE corporations. It brings death and destruc-' social problems. Here was a perfect situation for the bright young men of the The United states government, which tiQn to ou r people and the people of Federal Government t6 prove their ability to stop social unrest and potential commits this. murder in Vietnam, is not Vietnam. riots with "progressive" programs. a government of the people. We oppose the draft because the draft Black people have fought for their gives the government the power to kill UNSKILLED nature. There is no job freedom for over 400 years. They still the people of Vietnam, the poor people ONE YEAR LATER stability in any of the positions, nor is cannot vote without haVing their homes in the United States. there any chance of advancement. Some and churches burned, their families, jobs The business loans section of the pro­ of the jobs are warehouse work where and lives threatened. WE OPPOSE A NATIONAL SERVICE gram received much publicity at the' all that is required is, "to be able to In Harlem having the vote means nothing; We oppose the draft in all forms, in­ outset of the project. Some of the loans lift things up and put them down." One Congress has decided that the people of cluding the recently proposed National had been started under Area Redevelop­ firm which has been funded is a carwash­ that ghetto cannot choose who will re­ Service. The National Service idea would ment Administration, a forerunner of EDA ing company. They pay $1.58 an hour for present them. have young people register at 16. The in the Department of Commerce, which car cleaners. There is no training in­ In Puerto Rico people are drafted into government would test them to find whe.e was closed down, in 1965. volved. A worker could be replaced on the U:3. Army even though they have no they were deficient in mental and physi­ representation in Congress. The firms seeking EDA loans already one day's notice. cal ability. The government wouid then have young, flexible minds to reeducate employed minority group workers. Very PROTEST AND REBELLION few employers cared about the race of UNION DEALS and control. Many people have understood what is their perspective employees - as long Some of the firms will allow their As the liberalsenatorJacobJavits says, happening in this country. They have pro­ as they were willing to endure long hours workers to be unionized. One firm how- . it would be justlike compulsory education. tested the Vietnam war. They have fought and bad working conditions. They had ever, made an •'off-the-record" agree­ The question we must ask ourselves it, for the right to vote. They have protested found that Negro· workers, because they ment with the Paper Workers Union, "what is the purpose of compulsory edu­ against police brutality in their com­ are non-union and have a harder time which involved'''not pressing for union­ cation?" It was originally to educate the munitiesThey have rebelled against mur­ finding work than white workers, will ization" because the prospective work­ children of the poor who could not afford der by the police in Harlem, Chicago, accept these conditions. ers would be from minority groups. private schools. Butcompulsoryeducation Watts, Atlanta arid Illnter's Point. These bas become the means wbereby the govern­ "They ~iOOl"ity group WWl'­ people are blacks in the North and the LILY-WHITE ••IOIISM ment inatills its values into the young ers) accept longer hours than most peo­ South, farm workers, poor Whites, factory people of this country. This is Why our EDA faced an obstacle in the form of ple. Since we have a lot of night work, workers and students. They are the youth children are rarely taught Negro History, the Bay Area unions. Many of the EDA mostly minority group people apply for of the country. They are the people rarely taught how the federal government projects involved long-term construction the jobs." Those businesses which began who are forced to fight the government's broke hundreds of treaties with the Ameri­ work. The impact of the EDA money their loan application under EDA generally wars 'while sons and lovers of the rich can Indian in order to take over Indian had no qualms about hiring Negro and would be much greater if the construction. .are given special treatment drai't boards. land. The federal government is racist. work could be parceled out to some of Mexican-American workers. Said one The Declaration of Independence states The values its education instills are businessman in the process of trying to Oakland's "hard-core" unemployed. The that the inalienable rights of all men racist. Thus the racist nature of ou'r Building Trade Unions were responsible get a loan: "1 will have no problem in include Life, Liberty and the pursuit of society continues. for stQPping any action on this front'. hiring Negroes since 65% of the people Happiness. It continues: "That to secure A NationalService would give thefederal EDA head Eugene Foley attempted to working in the warehouse at the present these rights, Government~ are instituted government increased control over the get an agreement with the Building ,.1,.'-. time are Negroes and they are really among Men, deriving their just powers youth of the nation, the people who' now good at this job because they really Trades which would apply to those work- . from the consent of the governed. That protest the government's actions. We ing on the EDA construction. Foley was work hard." Or, as another businessman whenever any Form of Government be­ oppose greater control by this govern­ put it: "The lower mentality groups work not successful in his negotiations with the comes destructive of these ends, it is ment Which lies to its peOple. here now, so it's no problem:' Building Trades - their policy of exclu­ the Right of the People to alter 'or abolish siVE: apprenticeship and lily-white union •• ••** *• MENIAL LABOR it. Only the Americanpeople have the power membE:rship remained unchanged. Foley The Supreme Court has said that the to· stop what the government is doing in The kinds of jobs that will open up for dropped the project without much of a draft is not unconstitutional because the Oakland residents as a result of the fight.
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