------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accession No. Title Details ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 304521 An account of my life / Sultan Jahan Begam. --Bombay : Times Press, 1922 954.30356 SUL 92035 Addresses: literary and academic / Mookerjee, Ashutosh. --Calcutta: R. Cambray, 1915 378.5404 MOO 91377 The administration of Muslim Waqfs in British India / Shafaat Ahmad Khan. : Anjuman tahafuz auqaf 340.59 SHA 56729 Administration of policy and programmes for backward classes in India / Dubey, S. N. --Bombay: Somaiya Publications, 1976 362.50954 DUB 130374 The adventure of Philip: on his way throught the world... story / Thackeray, William Makepeace. --London : Thomas Nelson, 1901 823.7 THA 130457 The Afghan war, 1838-1842 / Low, Charles Rathbone. --London: Richard Bentley, 1879 958.103 LOW 3491 Africa and its exploration as told by its explorers: Mungo park, Clapperton... Emin--London: Sampson Law, Marston, 1997 916.03 AFR 304543 The age of Shakespeare: 1579-1631 / Seccombe, Thomas. --London: G. Bell, 1927 820.9 SEC 91440 Aggressive Hinduism / Nivedita. --Madras: G. A. Natesan , 1930 294.5 NIV 21909 The agrarian system of Mughal India: 1556-1707 / Irfan Habib. --New York: Asia Publishing House, 1963 954.025 IRF 129851 Ahom-Buranji: from the earliest time to the end fo Ahom rule / Barua, Golap Chandra. --Calcutta : Authority of the Assam Administration, 1930 954.1603 AHO 5631 The Ain-i-Akbari / Abul Fazl-I- Allami. : Royal Asiatic Society, 1948 954.0254 ABU 14563 The Ain-i-Akbari / Abul Fazl Allami. --Delhi: Aadiesh Book Depot, 1965 954.0254 ABU 43688 The Ain-i-Akbari / Abul Fazl Allami. --Delhi: Aadiesh Book Depot, 1965 954.0254 ABU 63272 The Ain-i-Akbari / Abul Fazl Allami. --New Delhi : Oriental Books, 1977 954.0254 ABU 68013 " 157361 The Ain-i-Akbari: a gazetteer and... of India / Abul Fazl Allami. --Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1993 954.0254 ABU 16352 Akbar's religious thought: reflected in Mogul painting / Wellesz, Emmy. --London: George Allen and Unwin , 1952 954.0254 WEL 49757 The Akbarnama / Abul Fazl. --Delhi: Rare Book Publishing, 1972 954.0254 ABU 49758 " 23061 Al-Biruni commemoration volume: A. H. 362 - A. H. 1362 --Calcutta: Iran Society, 1951 909.0954 ALB 72786 Al-Biruni commemorative volume: proceedings of the International Congress held in Pakistan on the occasion of millenary / International Congress on Al- B. --Karachi: Ministry of Education, 1979 080 INT 247889 Al-Biruni's knowldege of Indian geography / Law, B.C. --Calcutta: Iran Society, 1955 168814 Al-Islam: the religion with Allah is Islam / Mohammad Ali. --Poona: Jamiat-I-Dawat-O Tabligh-I-Islam, 1924 297.211 ALI 32135 Ali The Caliph: by Muhammad Ali-al-haj Salmin / Salmin, Muhammad Ali-al-haj. --Banglor: Modi power printing, 1931 297.648 SAL 83942 The Aligarh magazine--Aligarh: Muslim University Press , 1944 954.905 ALI 90829 All India Educational Conference / All India Educational Conferen. --Benares: [s.n.], 1930 378.1 ALL P819 All India muslim conference: Lahore session / Iqbal , Muhammad. --[s.l]: [s.n], 1932 324.220954 IQB 304470 The all India Muslim Leage: twelfth session / Ajmal Khan, Mohd. --Delhi: Star Press, 1919 324.220954 AJM P817 All India Muslim League: Lucknow session / Jinnah, M. A. --[s.l]: [s.n], 1937 324.220954 JIN 133029 All India poets' conference number 1968 / Sanyal, Ashis, ed. --Calcutta: [n.p.] 13167 All parties conference 1928: report of the committee... India / All India Committee (1928: All. : General Secretary All India Congress Committee 324.20954 ALL 73003 An alphabetical list of manuscripts in the oriental institute Baroda / Siromani, Raghavan Nambiyar. --Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1942 017.5 ALP 73004 " 19722 Amateur photographers handbook / Sussman, Aaron. --New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1953 770.2802 SUS 21384 The American architecture of to-day / Edgell, G. H. : Charles Scribner's Sons 720.973 EDG 21454 American painting: first flowers of our wilderness / Flexner, James Thomas. --Boston: Houghton Mifflin , 1947 759.13 FLE 19910 The American past: a history of the United States... 1945 / Butterfield, Buffer. --New York: Simon and Schuster, 1947 973 BUT 98869 Among Arab manuscripts: memories of libraries and men / Kratchkovsky, I. Y. --Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1953 892.706 KRA 5807 Annals of rural Bengal / Hunter, William Wilson. --London: Smith, Elder, 1897 954.1403 HUN 29284 An annotated bibliography of Hindi and Urdu dramas / Khaliq, Mohd. --New Delhi: Ministry of Education,India, 1959 891.432016 ANN 129515 Annotated gossary to the Urdu Roz-Marra: the text-book for the examination by the lower standard in Hindustani / Yusuf, Muhammad. --Calcutta: The Baptist Mission Press, 1921 63181 The annual of leeds university oriental society / Isserlin, B. S. J. --Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1975 950.43 ANN 14886 An Arab account of India in the 14th century / Spies, Otto. --Delhi: Jamia Press, 1935 954.0232 SPI C5503 " 18235 The Arab Kingdom and its fall / Wellhausen, Julius. --London: Curzon Press, 1927 917.125302 WEL 57650 Arabic history of Gujarat: Zafar-Ul-Walih Bi Muzaffar wa Alih / Al-Asafi Ulughkhani, Abdullah. : John Murray 892.709 ASA 3545 Arabic thought and its place in history / O'Leary, De Lacy. --London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1954 953 OLE P816 Arabs and Israel: an Indian interpretation of the palestine problem / Dewan, Manorma. --New Delhi: Afro Asian Publications, 1967 19093 An archaeological tour in upper swat and adjacent hill tracts / Stein, Aurel. --Calcutta: Central Publication Branch, 1930 915.470222 STE 196 Archaeology in India / India , Ministry of education. --Delhi: The manager of publication, 1950 930.154 IND 87354 Archological survey of India: Report of a Tour in Bihar and Bengal in 1879-80 from Patna to sunargaon / Cunningham , Alexander. --Calcutta: Office of the superintendent of Govt., 1882 726.143095412 CUN 91282 ARK: a study of the Koran / Zaki, Yaqub, ed. --London : Al-Fonlk Foundation, 1980 297.122 ARK 24583 The army of the Indian Moghuls: its organization and administration / Irvine, William. --London: Luzac, 1903 954.025 IRV C5436 " 5711 The art and architecture of India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain / Rowland, Benjamin. --MIddlesex: Penguin Books , 1959 720.954 ROW 22080 " 19595 Art in Urdu poetry: with twenty two illustration / Shahabuddin Rahmatullah. --Karachi: Pakistan Co- Operative Book Society, 1954 891.439109 SHA 37724 Art in Urdu poetry: with twenty two illustration / Shahabuddin Rahmatullah. --Karachi: Pakistan Co- Operative Book Society, 1954 891.439109 SHA 50802 Art of Islam / Dury, Carel J. --New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1970 704.94897 DUR 157286 The Arthashastra / Kautilya. --New Delhi: Penguin Books 320.010934 KAU 7594 As you like it / Shakespeare, William, 1564-161. --London: Cambridge University Press, 1965 822.33O3 SHA 7928 As you like it / Shakespeare, William, 1564-161. --London: Macmillan, 1893 822.33O3-4 SHA 34269 Asoka: the Buddhist emperor of India / Smith, Vincent A. --Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1920 934.045 SMI 5795 Aspects of Mahayana Buddhism and its relation to Hinayana / Dutt, Nalinaksha. : London 294.392 DUT 17659 Aspects of Shah Ismail Shaheed: essays on his literary political & religious activities / Butt, Abdullah, ed. --Lahore: Quami Kutub Khana, 1943 954.03092 ASP 130563 Astatic memorials of the creation, fall, deluge: from the sacred books of the Hindoos / Marsh, John. --London : James Robbins, 1823 294.592 MAR 3657 Aurangzib: and the decay of the mughal empire / Lane- Poole, Stanley. --Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908 954.0258 LAN 3710 " 24143 " 32411 Autobiography / Mill, John Stuart. --London: Longman , 1873 320.092 MIL 218721 Avicenna commemoration volume--Calcutta: Iran Society , 1956 001 AVI Z480 Azad Papers painful disclosures / Gupta,Peali Dutta. : India Today, 1988 954.0359 AZA 132487 Babbitt / Lewis, Sinclair. --New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1922 813.52 LEW 46041 Baby and the camera / Wakefield, George L. --London : Fountain Press, 1945 304496 Badayi the odes of Sheikh Muslihud-Din Sa'di Shirazi / Badayi. --Berlin: Kaviani Art Printing, 1918 891.5512 BAD 46560 Bagh O Bahar / Mir Amman. --London: H. Allen, 1874 891.43932 MIR C5792 Bahadur Shah II and the war of 1857 in Delhi with its unforgetable scenes / Mahdi Husain. --Delhi: Atma Ram & Sons, 1958 954.0317 MAH X78 Baharistabn-i-Ghaybi: a history of the Mughal Wars / Nathan, Mirza. --Gauhati: Narayani Handiqui Historical Institute, 1936 954.0256 NAT X79 " 130420 Barriers burned away / Roe, E. P. --London: Ward & Lock , 1900 823 ROE 2131 Basic national education: report / Zakir Husain. --Ahmedabad: Hindustani Talimi Sangh, 1938 373.20954 ZAK 91380 Basic of the ideology of Pakistan / Hasan Zaman. --Dacca: Society for Pakistan Studies, 1961 954.9 HAS 22058 Battles of the Indian mutiny / Edwards, Michael. --London: B. T. Batsford, 1963 954.0317 EDW 111890 Behristan / Jamy, Abdul Rehiman. --Bombay: Homee Sorab , 1913 170 JAM 130565 Below the surface / Currie, Fendall. --Westminster : Archibald Constable, 1900 954 CUR 5784 Benares: the sacred city, sketches of Hindu life and religion / Havell, H. B. --London: W. Thacker 294.544 HAV 11779 Bengal district gazetteers / Bengal. Department of Gazettee. --Calcutta: Bengal Secretariate Book Depot , 1908 910.35414 BEN 130476 Bible and Islam: the influence of the old and new testaments on the religion of Mohammed / Smith, Henry Preserved. --London: James Nisbet 297.283 SMI 10450 The Biblical proofs of Islam / Beg,Mirza Rafiuddin. : Kaiser-i-Hind 297.09 BEG 39617 Bibliography of Asian studies:
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