VOL. 111. BROOKINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA, DECEMBER 1,1927. NUMBER 6 SCHOOL HAS Hanson King of 8,300 MILE 'FOUR NEW PROGRAM Attend Meeting LARGE INCREASE BOXCar Tourists IS INE~ENSIVE ! Stitt Chosen Praident of Associatiom Old Customs Resumed After Severa: Lyle Kennedy, President, Has j far Coming Year New Instructors Taking Great Shultz Party Spends $80.98 for Outlined Constructive Pro- I Interest in School of Years' Lapse I (;asoline and $15.45 for Oil gram for School Year 1 The annual alumni meeting was held Agriculture Edwin Hanson, '23, was selected by -Total Cost Set at 2.2~ ;in the old North building the evening the judges as the King of Hoboes at iof Hobo Day. A very enjoyable pro- By Lyle Kennedy 1 the annual Hobo Day at State College Ry Ted Schultz The School of Agriculture Student gram, carrying the old Aggie spirit ion November the fifth. This is the In the several letters to the Lake Association has started a very exten- (with the fight in it) lead by James I 1 first time in a number of gears that a Norden Enterprise, I have given a sive program in the way of making Jensen, as chairman, started the ball 1 Hobo King ant1 Queen have been selec- week to week description of the area more and better activities for the st,l- lolling for the evening. This was fol- 'ted. It was originally the custom on covered. In this final letter I will try dent body. ~h~ program we have lowed by a short business meeting and / Hobo Day to select the best represent- !and summarize the entire toor and started is so extensive that it is prob- the remainder of the evening was I atives of the "way farers oY the road", point out the important characteris- able that all the details will not be turned over to the entertainment com- I ' and crown them as king and queen,tics of each area. entirely completed this year. We mittee. Various ~ameswere played1 tl~':.:ny the intermisston between A few figures and the mileage and have, however already made good pro- and providetl the most interesting get- Iinl\-cs at the 11, bo Day foothall game. cost of the trip may be of interest. pss in the way of organizing a tri- together meeting we have had This custcm was abandoned for a YOU live (Lake Norden) exactly three angular conference with the agricul- time- nuqnbr;. of years hut \*.as reinstabed days dishnt from the famous Yellow- tural schools at Morris and Crookston, 'I here were a large number al- 1 tll;~yenr and it is hoped that it will stone National Park. From the east Minnesota. We hope in time to in- umni back, but not as many as have be cont'nued in future years. The ad- entrance to Brookings is nine hundred of sometimes returned for this meeting elude all the agricultural clition of this feature created a large and eighty-five miles- hfinnesota and also the school at Far- On .Hobo Day. However, it was inter- By Dad Scarhro amount of interest in Hobo costumes We covered 2,315 miles this sum- go, ~~rthDakota, with our school at estlng to see the many faces we have -- and Ilobo Day found several hundred mer, travelecl through fifteen states, Brookings, this will make a tri-stab "Ot Seen the campus some The school opened the 17th of Oc- typical hoboes wandering about the not counting our home state, and conference of agricultural schools. time. Best of was the chance to Itober several new faces in the State College Campus. The probhm touched both Mexico and Canada. The This year we have a triangular de- mt together and Over tlmesl~gpie faculty. Miss Ora Sloat, '17, of choosing the best costume was states in order, are Iowa, Nebraska, in bate with Morris and Crookston. We as assistant principal in charge of the quite a puzzle to the judges until Han- Kansas* Arkansas* Okla- As a of the business meeting*, will send a team to Crookston, Crook- home economics work in the school; son wandered by the revie\\.ing stand homa, Texas, (Mexico) New Mexico, ston will send a team to ~~~~i~ and the following persons were elected to Miss Lalla Gerkin, a graduate of and removed all doubt from their Arizona* Oregon, Washing- Morris will send a team to Brookings, 'a '20, president, to Morningside CoHege, sioux City, with 'mintls. costume demonstrated a ton. (Canada), Idaho, Montana and all on the same date. We will also th vacancy left by Ted Schultz; one year graduate work at Columbia,'large amount of ingenuity in picking \lr~ominf7- . .. have a triangular forensic contest Oscar MOS~Y,'25, vice president, fill- 1 instructor in English; Mr. Arlington out the typical features of the Hoboes Our Ford burned 371 gallons of which will include orations, readings, jng the vacancy left by Ray Magnu-~F,(ldy,with a B. S. degree from State wardrobe and we believe that Hanson gasoline whcih ranged in price frdm essays and debates. son; Gladys Ring, '23, secretary, to,College, a veteran club member and could have passed for a member of the cents a gallon at Ia., Our livestock judging team will go fill the vacancy left by the resigna-'local leatler of the state; Miss Grace transient laborers without detection. to 35 cents a gallon in the New Mexi- Emma Lundin-' co mountains. The gasoline cost us cn a trip to Crookston to attend the tlOn ~arshman,a student at State for two / We have seen it demonstra!ed that Shortly before the close of the meet- I 1R or of 21.R cents a ~~d ~i~~~ valley ~i~~~to~kand Grain Years. The new instmctors are taking 'Aggies maket good farmers, business show, ,,,llich will be sponsored by the ing every one was greatly surprised &in:The average mileage was 22.4 ~,~dRiver Valley Livestock Associa- by having a f0mIer instructor, Pro- j a great interest in the school and are'men,, teachers and citizens, but Han- bdolng some excellent work in their'son has shown that they can also ex- to the gallon of gas. tion and is one of the largest live- fes'or R. N. Axford* the classes. Icell as hoboes. Used 61 quarts of oil costing S15.45. stock a7r.d pain &ows in the north- rOcn1. After greeting many of his old Cost of gas and oil amounted to 1.1 ilanson is at the present time en- west. M'e expect this trip to become students, he Rave a short impromp- The A Club I cents a mile. With car depreciation, i be Or- rolled as a sophomore in agriculture at tires md repair are illcluded the cost an mnual a9air and our team will t" IVeare glad know he is ganized early in January. A large list State college. *ftcr completing his compete with at least nine other ag- .gain back in South We are ,of Aggies per niile totaled to 3.2 cents. In con- have earned their Gold A's course in the khool of ~~~i~~l+~~~,he siclering these figures it must be re- ricultural schools, including two from looking to another peppy and distinction of being charter taught a rural school for a number of This will give us an excel- meeting next year. membered that the road traveled took Canada. Imemben. To be eligible for member- years but to take up his col- lent chance to see how our teams corn- ship an alumnus or former student, lege ccurse last us over the most scenic portions of pare with other teams of the north- Aggie G r a d s lmust send One new student the ting,ishinp himself as theBesides King dis- of the United States, which are also the west. t The list most mountainous. lsChoc1- members Hoboes of the institution, he is also We may also send a crops and grain Ferry and bridge tolls and Natiqnal Attend College will be published in the next issue of making a reputation for himself as a judging team to Crookston, but as yet -- the News. If you sent us a new stu- student. Park fees amounted to $9.05. Nearly this is a little uncertain. Course Pop u I a r-Many Continue dent, be sure to send us the informa- him in thewe future. expect to hear of all of the bridges are now state p~p- Our basket ball team will go to Mor- Study of Agriculture tion and name of the student as soon erty and traffic passes over untaxed. ris this year where they will play two as you read this article. The Gold A,I I We left Brookings June 15, and the games to return the two games Mor- From the enrollment records for the pin is a beauty. Members of the club first five nights out rain was the diet. ris played here last year. Next fall term of the College year 1927- can wear the emblem with pride and Christmas Partg After that first wet period rain was Crookston is coming to Brookings to 1928, we find thirteen former Aggies the satisfaction of having helped one I1 Held December 21 exchanged for the dry climate. Two play two games with us, but if the attending State College. boy or girl to better things and big- showers, one at Marfa, Texas, and an- (Continued on Page 2) I Graduates of classes from 1922 to ger opportunities in life's pathway. other electric storm in Montana w&e 1927 are represented.
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