Central Park Conservancy ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Table of Contents 4 Partnership 6 Letter from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Conservancy President 7 Letter from the Mayor and the Parks Commissioner 8 Craftsmanship 10 Ruth and Arthur Smadbeck Heckscher East Playground 12 The Woodlands Initiative 14 East 90th Street Entrance 16 The Fort Overlooks 17 Fort Clinton 17 Nutter’s Battery 18 Conservation 19 The Obelisk 20 Cannons 21 The Monument Conservation Technician Program 22 Stewardship 24 Operations 24 The Snowstorms of 2013–2014 25 Volunteer Program 26 Trash Receptacles 27 Computerized Maintenance Management System 28 Central Park Conservancy Institute for Urban Parks 29 The Center for Urban Park Management 31 The Center for Urban Park Discovery 35 Hallett Open Hours 36 Friendship 44 Financials 72 Supporters 108 Staff & Volunteers 118 Ways to Help the Park 122 Central Park Conservancy Mission, Guiding Principle, Core Values, and Credits 2 CENTRAL PARK CONSERVANCY Table of Contents 3 Table of Partnership Contents Central Park Conservancy The City of New York It has been a great year for Central Park and The City of New York and the Central Park Conservancy both believe that access to beautiful, green space is Central Park Conservancy. This year alone we Thecritically City of important NewThe York City toandof Newthe the lives CentralYork of and Parkall the New Conservancy Central Yorkers. Park bothConservancy The believe partnership that both access believe between to beautiful,that access the City to beautiful, and the Conservancy is conserved the 3,500-year-old Egyptian Obelisk; greenvital inspace ensuring is greencritically that space important one is critically of our to thebest important lives loved of toall and the New livesmost Yorkers. of utilized all NewThe parkspartnershipYorkers. continues The between partnership to the thrive. between And the through the hard City and the Conservancy is vital in ensuring that one of our best loved and most utilized parks rebuilt our historically rich Fort Landscape, Citywork and and the dedicationConservanc yof is thevital Conservancy in ensuring that and one itsof oursupporters, best loved andCentral most Parkutilized today parks is more vibrant than ever. continues to thrivecontinues. And tothrough thrive .the And hard through work theand hard dedication work and of thededication Conservancy of the andConservancy its and its including Fort Clinton and McGowan’s Pass; supporters, Central Park today is more vibrant than ever. supportersOur administration, Central Park is todaycommitted is more tovibrant the creationthan ever. and maintenance of vibrant parks and public spaces in all began a comprehensive restoration of Grand five boroughs.Our Thisadministration year, we islaunched committed NYC to the Parks: creation Framework and maintenance for an of Equitable vibrant parks Future and public which lays out our Army Plaza; and have continued our work Our administration is committed to the creation and maintenance of vibrant parks and public spacesplan to in restore all fivespaces boroughs. and in createall five This boroughs.thriving year, we public Thislaunched year, spaces NYC we launched Parks:for all Framework NewNYC Yorkers.Parks: for Framework an The Equitable first for phase an Equitable of our framework, reconstructing or renovating the Park’s 21 Future which lays out our plan to restore and create thriving public spaces for all New Yorkers. Futurethe Community which lays outParks our planInitiative, to restore is one and ofcreate nine thriving major publicsteps spaces in creating for all Newa brighter, Yorkers. greener future for New playgrounds, most recently completing the The first phaseThe of ourfirst framework, phase of our the framework, Community the P arksCommunity Initiative P,arks is one Initiative of nine, ismajor one stepof nines in major steps in York City. Tocreating support a brighter, an equitable greener parks future system,for New York this Cityinitiative. To support targets an under-resourcedequitable parks system, parks this that serve playground at East 79th Street. creating a brighter, greener future for New York City. To support an equitable parks system, this initiativegrowing targets communitiesinitiative under- resourcedtargets with under dense parks-resourced thatpopulations serve parks growing thatand serve communitieshigh growing levels of withcommunities poverty. dense populations This with initiativedense populations will combine capital and high levels of poverty. This initiative will combine capital investment with the three pillars Our carry-in, carry-out program has been andinvestment high levels with of poverty. the three This pillars initiative of willgood combine park development: capital investment enhancing with the threemaintenance, pillars expanding programming of good park developmentof good park: developmentenhancing maintenance,: enhancing expandmaintenance,ing programmi expandingng programmiand engagingng localand engag ing local From left to right: Douglas Blonsky, Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, and extremely successful and has become a model communitiesand engaging incommunities recreatinglocal communities their in recreating parks —in theirarecreating model parks that — theirhas a model been parks proventhat — has a successful modelbeen proven that by successfulhas been byproven successful by Thomas L. Kempner, Jr. for other parks. Our newly designed trash cans organizationsorganizations likeorganizations like the the Conservancy. Conservancy. like the Conservancy. have received several distinguished design awards from around the country. The new cans have been WithWith the the launch launchWith this thisthe year launch year of a ofnewthis a Fiveyearnew ofBorough Five a new Borough FiveCrew Borough, t heCrew, Conservancy Crew the ,Conservancy the isConservancy supporting is theis supporting supporting thethe Community Parks installed throughout the Park and have resulted in a 35% increase in recycling Parkwide. Community ParksCommunity Initiative Parks and expandingInitiative and on expandingits extensive on record its extensive of assist recording community of assisting parks community parks throInitiativeugh the and Centralthro expandingugh Park the Conservancy Central on its Park extensive InstituteConservancy recordfor Urban Institute of Parks. assisting for WeUrban are community Parks.grateful We for are parksthe grateful efforts through for the the efforts Central Park We also welcomed a new Mayor and Parks Commissioner. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Commissioner ofConservancy the Five Boroughof Institutethe FiveCrew Borough andfor itsUrban work Crew Parks. with and Conservancyits We work are with grateful andConservancy Parks for staff the and toefforts reviveParks staffparkof the tosites reviveFive Borough park sites Crew and its Mitchell J. Silver share our commitment to ensuring that all of the parks in New York are well maintained throughoutwork with the Conservancythroughout City to provi thede andCity beautiful, toParks provi lush staffde beautiful, green to revive spaces lush parkfor green New sites spaces York throughout ersfor whoNew needYork the themers City who the to need provide them thebeautiful, lush most. most. and that the New York City Parks Department staff receives the training it needs to be successful. green spaces for New Yorkers who need them the most. To support that effort we launched our Five Borough Crew, enabling us to share our expertise in urban We value the City'sWe value long the-standing City's longpartnership-standing with partnership the Central with Park the Conservancy Central Park andConservancy look and look We value the City’s long-standing partnership with the Central Park Conservancy and look forward to park management throughout the city. The Five Borough Crew joins our Historic Harlem Parks Crew forward to workingforward together to working to promote together the to long promote-term thevitality long of-term one vitalityof our mostof one treasured of our most parks treasured parks andworking to develop togetherand new to ways developto promote of bringing new ways the its long-term of expertise, bringing resources, vitalityits expertise, of and one resources, passion of our to andmost community passion treasured toparks community inparks andparks to in develop new that has been providing regular maintenance support to Morningside, Marcus Garvey, St. Nicholas, and need. need.ways of bringing its expertise, resources, and passion to community parks in need. Jackie Robinson Parks since 2005. It’s one of the initiatives we take particular pride in because it represents both the success and legacy of our partnership with the city and it will be a model for public–private partnerships. Next year marks the 35th anniversary of our partnership with the City of New York. The success of our relationship has allowed for the longest period of sustained restoration in the history of Central Park. BillBill d dee Blasio Blasio Bill de Blasio Mitchell J. Silver, Mitchell Mitchell FAICP J.J. Silver, Silver, FAICP FAICP Mayor Commissioner The spirit of cooperation and trust along with the loyal support of our donors has established the MayorMayor CommissionerCommissioner City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation Conservancy as the world leader in urban park management. City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation Our accomplishments are only possible because of the support of our more than 80,000 donors. It is
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