INDEX A ASEAN (Association of Southeast Abell, Anthony, 47 Asian Nations), 51, 53–56, 77, Abdul Kadir Mohamad, 60 85–89, 91–94, 96, 98, 100–101 Abdul Rahman, Tunku, 44, 46, 48, ASEAN-China Summit, 90, 92 50, 54 ASEAN Declaration on the South Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, 59, 80–81 China Sea, 85, 87, 89 Abu Hassan Omar, 57 ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting, 89 Agoncillo, Felipe, 9 ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, 54, 85 Aguinaldo, Emilio, 7 ASEAN Regional Forum, see ARF Alberto, Romulo, 96 Ali Moertopo, 51 B Anderson, General, 8 Bacon, Robert Low, 18 Anifah Aman, 62 B.A. Hamzah, 76 Aquino, Corazon C., 31, 43, 56–58, barangays, 5 62, 71, 85 Barbero, Carmelo Z., 30 Araneta, Salvador, 21 baselines, of the Philippines, 29–31, “archipelagic doctrine”, 106 33–36, 52–53, 114 “archipelagic State”, 36, 122 Basic Principles of the Law of the Sea “archipelagic waters”, 34 in the Montevideo Declaration, ARF (ASEAN Regional Forum), 89, 114–15 93, 96 Batanes Islands, 18–19 Arreglado, Juan, 70–71 Bateman, Sam, 76, 96–97 Aruego, Jose M., 21 Bates, John C., 13 ASA (Association of Southeast Asia), Bates Treaty, 13–16, 25 51 Beckman, Robert, 83 Where_Philippines.indb 125 12/9/10 11:33:35 AM 126 Index Bell, James, 50 Commercial Arrangement Area, 81 Benny Moerdani, 51 Committee on Territorial Delimitation Bernas, Joaquin, 18, 31, 55–56 of the Constitutional Beyer, H. Otley, 41–42 Convention, 18 BIMP-EAGA (Brunei Darussalam- Conference on the Law of the Sea, Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines 106–107, 110 East ASEAN Growth Area), 124 Conklin, Harold G., 41–42 Bonifacio, Andrés, 6 conquistadores, 5 British North Borneo Provisional Constitutional Commission, 18, 23, Association, 40, 45 31, 43, 54–55 Brocka, Lino, 31 Constitutional Convention, 26–27 Brunei, claims in South China Sea, Constitutional Programme of the 80–82 Philippine Republic, 8 Buendia, Nicolás, 18–19, 116 Constitution of 1935, 2, 18, 20–22, Bundy, William P., 50 26–29, 31–33 Constitution of 1973, 2, 20, 26–29, C 31–33, 35, 55 CAA (Commercial Arrangement Constitution of 1987, 2, 28, 31–33, Area), 81 37, 43, 55 Cambodian Constitution, 28 Costa, Horacio de la, 12 Canadian International Development Cuenco, Antonio V., 73 Agency, 98 Cuenco, Mariano Jesús, 21 Caron, David D., 106 Cultural Revolution, 85 Carpenter Agreement, 15–16, 45, 61 Carpenter, Frank, 16, 41 D Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 6 Dansalan Research Center, 13 China Davis, George W., 14 claims in South China Sea, 74–78, Declaration on the Conduct of Parties 84–88 in the South China Sea, see DOC territorial disputes, 28–29 Declaration on the Territorial Sea, 77 China National Offshore Oil Declaration of Santo Domingo, 115 Corporation, see CNOOC Defensor-Santiago, Miriam, 22, 73 Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 93, 96, Deng Xiaoping, 85 100 Dent, Alfred, 12, 39–40, 42–43, 45, Cloma, Tomás, 67–72, 74–75, 79 61 see also “Freedomland”; Tomás Dewey, George, 7–8 Cloma & Associates DOC (Declaration on the Conduct of CNOOC (China National Offshore Parties in the South China Sea), Oil Corporation), 1, 91 90, 92, 94, 100 Cobbold Commission, 47 Cold War, 105, 112 E colonial powers, 2, 27 ECAFE (UN Economic Commission Colony of North Borneo, 41 for Asia and the Far East), 54 Where_Philippines.indb 126 12/9/10 11:33:35 AM Index 127 EEZ (exclusive economic zone), 1–2, Hoyt, Ralph W., 18 33, 83, 95, 97, 99, 107, 109, 123 Huangyan, 2 overlapping, 114–18 Huber, Max, 116 Encarnacion, Vicente Singson, 21 Humabon, Rajah, 6 Enrile, Juan Ponce, 32 ESCAP (UN Economic and Social I Commission for Asia and the ICJ (International Court of Justice), Pacific), 54 46, 50, 60–61, 95 Esmail Kiram, Sultan, see Mohammad imperialism, 27 Esmail Kiram Indonesian Communist Party, 50 “exclusive fishing zone”, 80 Indonesian Constitution, 28 Ingles, José D., 70 F internal waters, 122 Federation of Malaya, 44, 47, 49 ISEAS (Institute of Southeast Asian Filipinization policy, 16 Studies), 91–92 Franck, Thomas, 60 Itu Aba island, 74, 80 “Freedom Constitution”, 31 “Freedomland”, 67–72, 79 J see also Cloma, Tomás; Tomás Jabidah Massacre, 31, 51 Cloma & Associates Jamalul Alam, Sultan, 12, 39, 41, 43, 61 G Jamalul Kiram, Sultan, 11 García II, E. Voltaire, 18, 26–27 Jamalul Kiram II, Sultan, 13, 15, 58, García, Carlos P., 67–70 61, 64 Ghazali Shafie, 47–51 heirs, 42–43 Gowing, Peter G., 13, 18 Jin Dynasty, 75 Granville, Earl, 40 Johnson, L.M., 8 “Greater Malaysia”, 44 Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking, 1 Guangming Daily, 68 jurisdiction, maritime, 19–20 jurisdiction of seabed, and Malta,105 H Halim Ali, 59 K Han Dynasty, 75 Kalayaan Island Group, 1, 33, 37, 70, Hare-Hawes-Cutting bill, 19 72–74, 84, 95, 109, 114, 119 Harriman, W. Averell, 50 Katipunan ng Mga Anak ng Bayan Harrison, Francis Burton, 16, 42 (Society of the Children of the Hartendorp, A.V.H., 67, 75 Nation), 6 Hashim Djalal, 98–99 Koh, Tommy, 110 Hassan Wirajuda, 60 konfrontasi, 49, 51 Hassanal Bolkiah, Sultan, 80 Home, Earl of, 44 L Hontiveros, Risa, 37 Laurel, José B., 32 Hoover, Herbert, 20 Laurel, Salvador, 85 Where_Philippines.indb 127 12/9/10 11:33:36 AM 128 Index Legazpi, Miguel López de, 6 Martelino, Eduardo “Abdul Latif”, 52 Lima Declaration, 115 martial law, 26 Liwag, Juan, 30 Martial Law Regime, 71 Location Map of the South China Sea Martínez, Carlos, 39 Islands, 76 Mastura, Michael, 56 López, Salvador P., 45, 48–49 McDuffie, John, 20 Lotilla, Raphael Perpetuo, 32, 34 McCulloch, boat, 7 Louisiana Purchase of 1803, 29 Mexican-American War, 29 Lu Ning, 75, 77, 82 Michelmore, Laurence, 48 Mindanao, 10–18 M Mindanao Plantation, 18 Maambong, Regalado, 18 Ming Dynasty, 82 Mabini, Apolinario, 8 Mischief, Heribert, 86 Macapagal-Arroyo, Gloria, 36, 73, Mischief Reef, 84, 86–89, 91 90–91 Mitra, Ramon, 56 Macapagal, Diosdado, 43, 45, 50 Mohammad Esmail Kiram, Sultan, 43, Macaskie, C.F.C., 42, 58 53, 61 Mackie, J.A.C., 44 Mohammed Pulalun, Sultan, 11 Magallona, Merlin, 37 Mohd Abu Bakar, 50 Magellan, Ferdinand, 6 Montinola, Ruperto, 21 Magsaysay, Ramón, 43, 68 “municipal law”, 33 Mahathir Mohamad, 56, 59 Muslim Filipinos, 2 Malaysia Muslim south, in the Philippines claims in South China Sea, 80–82 11–12 creation of, 44–51 Mutual Defense Treaty, see Philippine- see also Sabah U.S. Mutual Defence Treaty Malaysia Agreement, 48 “Malaysian Border Area”, 50 N Malaysiakini, 63 NAM (Non-Aligned Movement), 89 Malaysian Constitution, 28 Nanyang Technological University, 76 Malolos Constitution, 9, 21, 28 National Press Club, 49 Malta, and seabed jurisdiction, 105 national territory, defining, 27 Manglapus, Raul S., 43, 58, 85 National University of Singapore, 83 Manila Accord, 46, 50, 61 North Borneo Company, 12, 17, Manila Declaration, 86, 89 40–41, 45 MAPHILINDO (Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia), 46, O 49, 51 Oda, Shigeru, 60 Marcos, Ferdinand E., 26, 31, 50, 52, Ong, Romualdo, 85 54–55, 59–60, 69–70, 73, 85, Oplan Merdeka, 52 114–15 Ople, Blas, 54 Maritime Institute of Malaysia, 76 Overbeck, Gustavus Baron de, 12, maritime jurisdiction, 19–20 39–40, 42–43, 45, 61 Where_Philippines.indb 128 12/9/10 11:33:36 AM Index 129 P Pope Julius II, 5 Pacific War, 74 Potsdam Proclamation, 67, 79 Padilla, Ambrosio, 33 Pratt, Spencer, 7 padjak, 12 Panglima Hassan, 15 Q Pardo, Arvid, 105 Qian Qichen, 85 Peláez, Emmanuel, 45, 54 Qing Dynasty, 76 Perfecto, Gregorio, 22 Quintero, Eduardo, 27 Philip II, King, 6 Quirino, Elpidio, 42 Philippine Air Force, 86 Philippine-American War, 8, 10 R Philippine Commission, 14 Ramos, Fidel V., 59, 62 Philippine Constitutional Convention, Ramos, Narciso, 53 21 Ramos-Shahani, Leticia, 57 Philippine declaration, 34–35 “regime of islands”, 2, 114, 122 Philippine Maritime Institute, 67, Republic Act, 36 74 Romulo, Carlos P., 54, 70 Philippine National Oil Company, see Romulo, Roberto R., 58, 87 PNOC Roosevelt, Theodore, 15 Philippine revolution, 8 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 20 Philippines, the Roque, Harry, 37 Constitution of 1935, 2, 18, 20–22, Royal Colonial Institute, 42 26–29, 31–33 Constitution of 1973, 2, 20, 26–29, S 31–33, 35, 55 Sabah Constitution of 1987, 2, 28, 31–33, claim to, 1, 3, 27, 29–32, 37, 43, 37, 43, 55 49–63 baselines of, 29–31, 33–36, 52–53, see also Malaysia 114 Salonga, Jovito, 45, 57 boundaries, 20 San Francisco Peace Conference, 79 independence, 13, 17, 26 San Francisco Treaty, 28, 66 limits of territory, 9–10 San Juan, Frisco, 30 Muslim south, 11–12 Sarmiento, René, 32 response to creation of Malaysia, Scarborough Shoal, 2, 37, 72–74, 44–51 83–84, 95, 114, 122, 124 Spanish rule, 6–7 Schofield, Clive, 99–100 territorial waters of, 22–23 seabed jurisdiction, and Malta,105 U.S. military expedition in, 8 Second World War, see World War II Philippine-U.S. Mutual Defence Siazon, Domingo, 63 Treaty, 35, 109, 119 Sipadan and Ligitan islands, 60 PNOC (Philippine National Oil Society of the Children of the Nation Company), 1, 91 (Katipunan ng Mga Anak ng Pope Alexander VI, 5 Bayan), 6 Where_Philippines.indb 129 12/9/10 11:33:37 AM 130 Index Soeharto, 51 Treaty of Peace and Friendship, 67 Song Dynasty, 75 Treaty of Tordesillas, 5 South China Sea, 3 Treaty of Washington, 111, 118 Spain-U.S. Peace Treaty, 6–10, 30 Turtle and Mangsee Islands, 17 Spanish-American War, 6–7 Tydings-McDuffie Act, 20, 29 Spanish Tydings, Millard E., 20 explorers, 5 rule in the Philippines, 6–7 U sovereigns, 5 Ulama, Ulka, 42–43 Spratly, Henry, 86 UNCLOS (United Nations Spratly islands Convention on the Law of the claim to, 2, 28–29, 66, 69, 72, Sea), 1, 3, 19, 22–24, 30, 32–37, 74–80, 92, 95, 97, 99, 112 73–74, 76–78, 81, 88, 96–97, Storey, Ian, 99–100 100–101, 107–16, 121–22 Suhakam, 63 and claims in South China Sea, Sukarno, 46,
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