I = 'I ~ ~- ~ , . ., \J ,.~ Vol. 23 No. 'F -d D b" 16 l'994"· Saipan, MP 96950.' .. 50'¢ ©1994 Marianas Variety '.' '. ,. ay· ecem er , .' .Serving CNMI for22 Years' . '. .' . , . workerfee surtax, halfofthe percentage rate dent worker. With about 25,000 He said he will' only rescind fee, stiff as ir may seem to the he wants. non-resident workersin the Com­ such a regulation ifthe approved business community, is a lot more Given that, the chiefexecutive monwealth, the fees collected at tax reform measure could raise at "conservative" compared to what said he would immediately pur­ such a rate could amount to over least$25 million in additional rev­ the governor earlier planned on sue a plan to raise the worker fees. $5 million. enues. doing. Currently, the fee charged for Tenorio in an earlier press con­ According to the governorthen, An earlier interview with Gov­ alien labor applications, new and ference said a new set of regula­ the additional amount to be raised ernor Tenorio had the chief ex­ renewals, is at $200 per non-resi- tions is justabout ready for imme­ with the worker fee hike would be ecutivedisclosing plans of raising diate promulgation if and when' used mainly to retire the deficit, the fee up to $1,000 per worker, the tax reform proposal thatcomes while operations will be funded not only as a means to raise rev­ out of the Legislature fails t6 gen­ by regular tax collections. enues but also to discourage hir- erate at least $25 million. The $500 non-resident worker Continued on pagei9 Froilan C. Tenorio GOVERNOR Froilan C.Tenorio GOVERNOR Froilan C. Tenorio yesterday said he would not ac­ yesterday disclosed he will push cept the latest tax reform bill cur­ for the immediate imposition ofa , rently under consideration at the $500 nonresident workers fee un­ House of Representatives if it less the Legislaturecomes up with would only impose something less an acceptable tax reform proposal than a 20% surtax. that could raise the needed rev­ At the same time, he indicated enues for government. plans of pushing through with ''They just got to act on this tax regulations to increase non-resi­ bill," the governor said, referring dent worker application fees up to a 20% interim surtax measure. to $500 per person to help gener­ Ifnot, I will instruct my people to ate the needed revenues if the finalize the $500 non-resident House does not act on a 20% worker fee as soon as possible. I surtax measure. am just fed up," he said in a news During a press conference yes­ conference yesterday. terday, the governorsounded irri­ Tenorio yesterday aired disap­ tated upon learning that the new pointment at the tax reform bill bill being studied by the House of being considered by the Legisla­ ture as it only imposes a '10% Employers here being Saipan InternationalSchool parent Yoshiko Hayashi, right, ties a headbandaroundthe needotheriieuqnter, Maria in yesterday's Christmas Open House at the San Jose sqj7ool. Eight-year-old Maria represented her abused, too --Senator country in yesterday's affair. Several other countries were featured during the event where guests and parents were briefed about each country, its historical landmarks, culture as well as food. By Rafael H. Arroyo CNMI. Variety News Staff Macapagalearlier wrote US SENATORPaul A. Manglona Presid~fif Clinton'expressing yesterday wrote Philippine concernabout the plightofFili­ Senator Gloria Macapagal pino workers in the CNMI, in No mass exodus of :1, i pointing out that Filipino em':' light ofreports on how they are '1 ployees are not the only ones \ . being abused in the islands. :1 i vulnerable to abuse in the But according to Manglona, :: \ CNMI. Filipinoworkers are not the teachers, says PSS In a letterdate December 14, only ones being abused in the By Rafael I. Santos but PSS has been-asking for exten­ Manglonapointedout there are .CNMI,as the situation can also VarietyNews Staff sion, Daniel Quitugua, Chairman also incidents where employ­ Continued on page .14 . EDUCATION officials have clari­ of the Board of Education said yes­ ers are also being abused but fied ·that there would be no mass terday. We.atlter that they are not as well-pro­ exodus of alien teachers from the . There are between '120 to 130 tected as the workers. CNMI next year, allaying fearsthat alien teachers that are under the . "Admittedly, our system the Public School System may be employ of PSS at present, BOE 'Outlook' needs improvement, but your paralyzed as a consequence. chairman said. Most of these edu­ citizens can find justice here. The clarification was made as cators come from the Philippines. the cutoff date for the hiringof non­ He stressed that not all of these Guest workers can easily file a U.S.or non-CNMI educators is fast teachers will automatically leave complaint and under Qur cur­ approaching. theCNMI come Septemberas many rent system, the law actually Under the law, the government have thought. Quitugua estimated favors the.employee over the should no longer hire norrenew the that only about 25% will exit be­ employer," said Manglona. employment contracts of public fore the end of 1995. Manglona wrote Macapagal school teachers who are not citi­ Quitugua explained that some zens of the UnitedStates or whoare .~ppaiently in response to the employment contracts of alien not from the Northern Marianas teachers will not expire in Septem­ Continued mostly latter's remarks critical of the­ after September 30, 1995. ber; While some will have to depart clo!oJdy with lsol~ted alien labor situation in the . Public Law 7-45 should have light 8howe"'~· been implemented six years ago, Continued on page 19 ' ".,.'.> :.,;, PAC NEVVSPAPER STACK\~ 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-DECEMBER 16, 1994 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1994-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEws-3 Vietnam lures tourists with casinos Motion to dismiss .Deferred pay hike to DO SON, Vietnam (AP) • Only Atadicetable,thecroupier waited to throw it away at gamingtables. also rejected before both sides silting has made it hard for ocean diehard gamblers would open a with an encouraging smile while "Theythinka: casinomeansyell­ agreed on Do Son, a barely active liners to use Haiphong's harbor. casinoat a nearly deserted seaside the Chinese women pulled green ing, fighting, killing. They wony beach resort about 12 miles (20 Its airport avorrages fewer than George~afaell. suit denied Invite US take' resort in a country that long con­ $1 chipsfromtheirpocketsoneata ahout crime and disaster to soci­ kilometers)southof thesleepyport two incoming flights a day, none By Santos Northern Marianas College Presi-. ()ver demned bourgeois diversions like time, studied them carefully and ety," TomDiep,a representative of city of Haiphong. of them international. The road Vanety NewsStaff dent Agnes McPheters and Civil THE CNMI government, Civil Service commissioners movedfor By Rafael H. Arroyo . ~~.ssiqlJ.~t saw the ;vage hike blackjackand baccarat. slid them onto the board. the casino's Hong Kong partner, .~RltPpgJO Only foreigners are allowed to from Do Son is two SeIViceCommissionmembersand the dismissal of her complaint for Variety NewsStaff suspensionbillpassed,saidhedoes Investorsin the Do Son Casino "Takeitslow,"oneofthewomen, the United International Business gamble. Domestic publicityis for­ narrow lanes wending through Personnel Director LuisCamacho various reasons. REPRESENTATIVE Heinz S. not see the need toestablisha wage bet they would come out ahead named Li, murmured to herselfas Group, said of the Vietnamese bidden. fishing villages. have failed to convince the U.S. According to them, thecourthas Hofschneiderhaslashedouthiscol­ review board since the CNMI is catering to foreign tourists and she watched her chip rakedaway. government's early reaction. HoangCong, whorepresentsthe "We already suggested that the District Courtto dismiss a lawsuit nojurisdictionoverthe CNMIorits leaguesin theHouseof Representa­ peopleinVietnamon business.Yet supposed to. have already passed That might be the Do Son "We explainedthat the casinois Vietnamese partner;the Haiphong local government upgrade the thatallegeddiscriminationandcon- officials in theirofficial capacities; tivesoverthepassageof thebillthat thatstage. two months after the opening, it Casino's motto - and the motto of just like Robin Hood - to capture CityUnionTouristandServiceCo., road," Diep said. They also real­ spiracy, George cannotprevail because she would suspend the next scheduled 'The intent to create a wage re­ still looks like a long shot. Vietnamese officials toward the the rich and help the poor," Diep acknowledged the number of for­ However, federal court judge does not have a' property right in ize they will have to streamline 3G-cent wage increase nextmonth. viewboardtogiverecommendation On a recent Saturday night, five whole business of legalizinggam­ said. "A casino is really a well­ eignersvisitingDo Son every year AlexR.Munsonorderedcomplain- continued employment; and visa procedures, he said. In an interview athisCapitolHill ispasseditsusefulness. We'repassed emigre Vietnamese in designer bling in a socialistpeople's repub- organized enterprise for earning hasaveragedinthehundreds.hardly The casino is intended as the antKathleen George, a former Per- McPhetres cannotbe suedbecause office,Hofschneider saidthe lower clothes and gold chains, a pair of lic. sonnel specialist/trainer, to clarify she committed no stateaction. that time -already," safd foreign currency." enough to support a casino. centerpiece of a resort that wnl chamber'sapprovalofHouseBill9­
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