. _____ .-.1~ ~·s-. ~.'t '''7-,•, ·.;~~ . - ll· \i ~r:r 1 lj . .. ...., - -r.·. ..;,:,tt5·.-.. THE TEEN & TWENTIES NEWSPAPEB ~ -, ·-·· ·,· ·~· .·,· . ._,.... ,-._... ..,,,,_... Volume 2 USSII STARS Number 22 UST BII GIIS OllltY YOUNG YES FOR LONDON "I'm an Australian" n. IN Gen' -1 stalatlltS attackillg the Austnlian pop - has lirMthf anpy Rplits and com- from many stan. I spoke to JOHNNY YOUNG ot Melbourne airport a s he left for nt,land, Europe and the United States. He was vi,ibly upset by the • • GM,' statements. Johnny mode it quite dear that he was going May 31 v• r 01 an AUSTRALIAN artist. " How could I go any other way?" he wid. " Australian font have made my 1ucce11, li ke that of the Bu Gees, ou ible in the first place!" Johnny intends to have a look at the En9li1h and American scenes nd will also have a holiday in Europe with relativH. If things look romising, he will then 1tart making deAntt. plans with David Joseph Normie Rowe' s overseas monaeer. 1967 Speaking of the ... 0..1, he sold: "Ovendl I think their ottitucle very 1elfl1h ond unethical." For more cOfflfflefltl on the IN 0..1' controveniol statements, "rntopctl"3. RODDIE BURBS LEE JA[HSODS' PID·UP LETTER PAGE 9 THE WHO ~~g~:. PAGE 2-Wl:DNES0AY, MA Y 31 , 1967 GO-SET WEDNESDAY MAY 31, 1967- PAGE 3 I n.,. r i-n 1• f'11 ku1atNI each w .... k h,,m tho ,,,.,.1 rH-.·r.1 dultl• 1,..,. 1hr toa ,,..·,n ~ 1,od1u .,. , ,.... =t.'W :•t: i:: . ::-::., ~r:: \I' .nn , II{ , ! I' ~.\I I . ..... \ • l'H "" ' , Ho, ~u, ;11: 3UZ TOP 15 6KY TOP ~5 ,;tan rofe•s n11· 1· \ " Ylll• ._ \I\ • •W•.· ,.,,,,,J n .. rk GO,SET NATIONAL \\ IIE' ! \\ I• , · ., , • !" l'I'! I•>\ \ •Tl!l'I, -... nd ... ,.!... ~ ..,,,ttllli' .. n 1'1 11 t"nmk ,,nd , • .. ,!-n .,~ 1 ~ tonic 1 ...,1 Mt'1 11 1' •l I H• J ,~, , , 11• • 11\I•\ I ,,.i, l:,11 .. ll·ll I < H'lHI,\ 1,UII •--• ;nt•~L,\, t,; 1-.; 11111 , 11n- 11 ...- ...,. • ... I~ ii loo la... Ill ll>T ""' 1111! • \ l!,\t• !:U ",l1~1<HHI t.:.-1111 and wloet,i,.-artff Ndiln1 r , rr,'1 ,,, . • ,l'I:,, ,. ~,rl~'.-'·. l!IT ",JI \ LITTI I" llli •1(• ' " ...... .nly t•• Wf,.._~ ll'kTillff - !'I ' " '° I \\I l• • , ...,,... ..,_lnl•,: 11n 1hr AlllllnllH TDP40 11 T.\10,. J\\!I 1,,,., \\, •• 111 11 ~" i t"•' , ·,,1· -.;c, rr.t> uurc:.• .,,. .......; rt Hoth '-00- and " KOI.IMOflON" l'I , ~\' 1.A S I Tiw lll,;, 111•, 11•,-. eruo,-ed 1tonny e•.l'Hf'I, both ~ ~~ ::,~~b ~~r,.1. ;; ~~gy::'.:_,•,~•l::l:,~.,,~'.Ol • ~~.~ ~ ~'T r: ...~·, ,i.us 1s I.O\ 'F: wo:-- , rJO .,.to rw:11 119 'f'ICOffleunder ab• BEEGHS n-a" ,if crlUdsm wllh any lrMI dflln!e l.( 1 ) Something Stupid Nancy and Frank Sinatra 1 r ,O l:0- G 110 \ IE s ..rn ur H,,,..,. 1 ,,r ,:,onAdenott f'l;rlhlllU•otau n~T;1r;•,,~1'i''i.~';~.; M ...,.... :: Bil• 1.0,\T Th• T" "'lllld.•r• . ! tlilll. rKOrd COfflp&,1- Ind 1n­ 2.( 4 ) When I Was Y04.lng ........ .... Eric Burdon :; ~~gff1~i~ :: \l f:i>T£R:>,: t" S IOS , , .,.,. Amr ror• t1• llnd .... P:,• (loof(I the w,..,_, IPdUSlrJ. let'a not 3.( 2) Thi s Is My Song . Petula Clark , An but ACT 1-1 RELEA'.'<E Ml. Ln~,l.,..t• 11 ,.,nprt<ll"'il l t urrROIT ( , n · T,'ffl J,inr,. kr.,,c:11. for• dlanp let'll PnlM. I TIIL I \D\ " Pop World I" C-A-. 1:-., > RO\'ALr H, ,t, ,:,~ 11 C" A\1£ t·HO \I BA LTUll'Ht •¥<e 5hoWli. and 11·1 ,,_, nsen11111 4 .( 5) A Little Bit Me A Lit1l e Bit You Monl<ees B,_ohl,, o.,,., 1h- H 111 ol U. pt bfhlPd thrm 100-o. 5 .( 3) Penny Lan , / Strawberry Fields I LL TRY ,...-YTiltS(; l>u.•I) ,..:1,rn11:r~•i,1 NOi only ID IIN>p lhem on our Fore-r _ .. .... .. ...... ........ Beatles 1, lr\"l$klrl !IC-. INI 10 ffllUnl & r. •u 1ant IIU~ wher,, all our IHn• 6 .( 11 ) Puppet On A String .. .. .. Sandie Shaw 4BC TOP 15 •tt acu. both old aoo new, can bf 7 .( 8) Ciao Baby . Lynne Randell 2UW TOP 15 ""'" lo lhl fullet Jldvantaie, and .-,«l&J ly In ths case of new IX'•· divided 8 .( 6) Release Me .. ...... Engelbert Hu;i,perdinck '""""" who nttd thl! opponur.illn. 9 .( 7) Dedicated To The One I Love Mam,n & Papas 11US. I;• 1,1\" 0:WJS (; l'rtu lK C:l.uk ,,, he lift'n M -u u heard. : [~t~:•~:,.:~;,n~~:•~~,:nd i-11 you .-ant In 111 "''""""-._, rh: ~ 'JU·~ I WM• Y(>l'SG Etor BurtJ.,n .,.- DEBATEAll uuund Australia, is worth considnini; whal prun·d b) lht· .. u~·t·l· ...... u: 1111· 10 .( 10) Going Home/ I Don't Care .... N.::,rmie Rowe • All 1t111 ACT ~ A K l :,;' 0 0 1 A llt'!'- 11 lfrrm:1m • 1 ...._, \".IU 'rT • Mnio,r mu. huh? Maybo> ~~,';!~-;;; voices arT bein_t raised In they did. S(,ekers 11 .( 9) There's A Kind Of Hush Herman's Hermiu >•~•·,.,. • ,:roup. •nd prrhaps )'OU , R F.LEAS E ML t:nf.<'lbrn 1: ..mprrdm,rk \ t::~ 111:-. r. i'ITCPID. l"r.mk ad :-., .. .-. .,, to 10 In Amt.>rlcti I • ·o..do>r ani~r onr thf' SN' Gtts' " I honestly belie,·e:· he "Tht• l:l• I lh.11 .-\:,:-1 ral!.,n 12.( 15) Who'li Be The One ....... ......... Ea .;ybeats • All 1>111 "''" li DEDICATED Tt) THE O :S- E I LO\ "F ~'-'1""'• of ,,,u appn,d• n, llw- (1 1m,,,.11ti6 Y,IU slam at AU5trall:t - and many ways tlrl l'-l j; h;l\', hc't·n -.·1 h .1 111,-: and Pa i.a,. I ;;,,1,:F..R RILL 8 .\T MAN . Who,thnt. -'-o said. "thal in 13.(30) The Girls In Paris . ... .. .. l !!e HaMlwood ! , , SSlli'. s..,. WA h.,1 ~ I n o.•f.ttome tn tlo lhl~ Do there are otht-r ,·oices which show SUtttS.S U\t"I'" ;,-. li.-.prn\o-­ 11 ~ •l~•~IT ME A I lTTl.f" fl! T Wit' , .. , ....uw II ~u,...,, ""' unly ''"" Australian business 14.( 14 ) What's Wrong With The Way , H,IPP\" TOGETHER. Tiit- T11rtle,. ,.,., to bf 1n enlenalner m A,,,.., i,-;a, are speaklnJ up In thtlr handed ou1 more knocks to lhal •ht· A\l'-lr»l1.m .... •·t" •• 7 W~ES I \I' ,\:-, \ 'Ol S Cl En<" B•mlu<1 . n,.I ' 11:,i'OEl." IDEO M~~:• t• Al,Ptfflllcn 1• ,...,u1te1 four. ra,·or. kids they de­ a'- bud n .. 1ht y I.um I Live . .. .. ... .... Twilights ll An 1>111 , . • · lli'A these than T"" An 1m.:r.l• • J.j ,,:;~:Z_l,t· 111T ME A l.llTLl'. RIT \ II{' . 1... .., 111lso• ,-,,., rl!quin-d ,.,, C--o-Set asked pop per• served. ltunnir u.1r 11 , ,·.u1w tu lS.( 27) The Happening .... .. ..... Supremes : ,·. ~""' · SA • Pl! Pf't:T O S A ST k l S(; ,;.,"'11'· ~,.,,. ttwir 1kf1·111 1• • f'Es:-. ,· usi:: Ti"• n,~,1.. K llt:l)IC"AT F'D TII TH E OS E J 1.(1\ ' E. !'>la!'"'° I' ,_,~1°:~TII"! I•~: ;•~~ lo=: sonalltles to g I v e thei.r "For years they strui;J!\ecl 16.( 13) Ge:>rgy Girl . Seekers. 1• ,·. s:-11i . Q . ACT IU WHO 'LL BE Tllf:-n:;E Th, l'.a•)"'"''" !ho• - ~ a ... 1-.:,rd ,....,.,i:n t , ep!nlons. and the results ere to mnkt• A n11mc for them " A l!•t 11! I"'''\' I II.~! jl ~1~ p-tt~ •L~ IS l'Ak!S. Lt ... Haulwood 17 .( 18) Ha Ha Said The Clown ........ Manfred Mann l , ,. s:-w . SA q II C'IAO DABY l.}nrl<' R.ind,•ll ~J,n. ttx-n t h- ,.,,.,,. :0,1 n..-u t~ startllni.i:. S'? h '<'S as com1>0~rs. imd rr:1 ]1 , ,• 111,11 •h,· B, l" ! i ClL'ORClE c.tRL. Tik- ~ k••• 11' RELEASE ME. Entrlbc-M )lum~ntll!C'k IJ II A II,\ SAID TII E ('LOWN. ~lanl~ M•nn A•· th:ol J n •11! hunk uf ltll~trwl,on;rl "A lot of people were rrom almosl t: \·ery corn.-r :,,t rui:;:.h-<l l"r1::l 18.\ 16) UnLec ided Masters Apprentices • ' '· s:- 11i·. Q. ACT 13 G()IS ' llOll E. S n rm ... R,,.,.... r , ...,,.• • land In ,..,.1, ,, thr .. R,..,k 111:1, 11 SOMETHtSr. ABOl"l' \ 'Ot.1 BAIi\' n,,, 1: H I 110 :-11. \'ER LISll'/Cl J~n BN:11 shocked," said O.J. Slan !hey we re Jnui; hed at , p ,1 1 Au,1n1l1a 19.(23) Western Union ........ ... Five Americans I All 11<,1 ,. A· ACT JJ r,:s:.-, l.ANt:. l'W Br.1116 r.obn l :n, ·· <nh llw- •pr,-• r,.,·111ti ,tJ Th·· wr, .t. \ '1br.in1• 1-1 r,Ao BARY . l.)·mw Rando-II •• "°""" lin"' >·nu nm..i h:n,• h.-.d Roft-. "at the Bee Gees slam­ led on !he head. and l •JICI Pw.... 20.( 30) Something About You . .. ...... Vibrar:ts • ' '· Q. SA. ACT lli WHAT'S WROSG WI TII THI! WAY I LI\T '1 tlll'up In 1t,,:, Affl<' f M~U1 1m••• ming Austrnlin. :ind I3nrry to ~o pla}' with lhl'lr t r:n n ~:· " I '-:I\ 1f llt'0\11,• lt,,11 I hi., 'ft-• T• ·1h,U-1 .. U AL IIEHl" R'l'Oln t>a ,·,n 21.(35) You Made Me What I Am ......
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