A PETITIOM TO THE IMTERMATIOmi FRATERWIT/ OF VELTA SIGMA PI BY PHI CHI PSI PROEESSIOUAL BUSINESS FRATERmTV CORPUS CHRISTI STATE UhilVERSITV CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS SPRWG 1980 Mcuich 17, 1980 Tkd Boaxd oi Vvidcjtou ojj tho, IntQAnationat EAatoAyilty o^ VdLtoL Stgma Pt 530 South Campiu Avtnat Oxioftd, Ohio 45056 GtYitlomzYi'' It u> with gKtat honon. that wt thz colony o{, Phi Chi P-il Pfio^^oJiittonaJi Ba4Xne64 VAotoAnity at CofipuM ChfiUtti. Statu UnL\}QAi>ity i>ixbmlt ion. youA approval tkU pe tition lofi a cikantzn. o{^ al^^lllatlon ifiom Thd Int2AnatlonaZ Enxntdnnity o^ Volta.. Sigma PI, We tho. momboxi, o^ Phi Cki P&l bellave. In thz goatb and ^tandofLds Jbot by VoXta Sigma PI, and mlL aJ^ay-i woAk hoAd to a!>6uA<L that Delta Sigma PI mJUi aJboay^ be pAoud to havz a choAtoA at CoApu6 ChAii>ti Statu UntvaA^ity, Aa a young and gAoMlng 2 ydoA appuA levdt unlveMlty, CoApuU) ChAlitl State, hoi ovQA 500 &tu.d2.nti> dnAoltzd In thz CoZZzgz o^ BMlne^i Admlnl^tAatlon, VeJtta Sigma PI wltt be. thz {jlut InteAnationat PAoioJi&lonat BuAlneJ>6 VAoteAnlty to e.veA. be. eJ>tabLuhe.d at CCSU, We., the. {jOundeMA o^ Phi Cki P&l oaz eMptoMdJiy pAoad 0)5 the. ^act that we aAz the. te.adeAi> o^ oaA campixA, We have. the. ^appont o^ the. PAe^ldtnt o{^ tke. UnlveJL&ltyf tke. Ve.an o^ Studznti>, the. Ve.an oj{ the. Colte.ge. o{^ BiistneA^ and the. buU)lneJ>6 {^acuity, The.y oJie. Looking {onifdojvd to OUA ^uace44 In obtaining the. chanteA {^Aom delta Sigma PI a6 much oi we aAe., OuA oAganlzation wa& {^oAmzd by ^tudcnt^ In the. CoZZzge. oi BoA/cneiA AdminiJ>tAatlon uoho dcAlAe. to enhance oua loAmaZ education thAough the. dtveZopme.nt oi pAof^e^^ionat and 6ociaZ pAogAomi, We cncouAage. &choZxUitic ackie.veme.nt oa M)e�� a6 i>ocljOit omoac- weA-4. Ltfee VeZta Sigma PI, we -iet oux ^tandaAdi> kigk and actively puA&ue. oua goalA with dedication. We the mejmbeA6 o{, Phi Cki Pi>l PAoied&lonat Bu^lne^6 VAoteAnlty a&k that you gAant 06 a CkaAteA o^ Tke InteAnationat VAoteAnlty o^ Delta Sigma PI on tke CoApui> Cknt&tl State UnlveA&lty campus. Thank you, Re^pectlutty submitted. Tke MejmbeAi, o^ Pkl Cki P6l PAo{,eMlonal Buslne^i EAateAnity College of Business Administration Corpus Christi State University 6300 Ocran DrivR -Post office Box eOlO -corpus christi, Texas 78411 - (512)991-6810 A cuiniJii!, (.)! llu! Univuisily SysliMii ol South Tkxus � Equal Opportunity Employer PHI CHI PSI PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS FRATERNITY TERESA ALEMAN, 6300 Ocean Drive #377 JDOLINA AMADOR, 1325 Rodd Field Rd. #2 T^CY BLENGIO 7 2248Xoritte Dri ve ANNETTE A. CANO, 3535 Cottonwood Apt. A-5 Fran DeNinno 5817 Limerick VICTOR M. CUSI, 63M Ocean Drive OLGA DAVILA, 4346 Barerra DIANA ELLIOTT, 917 Knot Circle BETH ENGLEMAN, 4841 Concord VELMA ESQUIVEL, 907 18th Street MARIA A. FONSECA, 7518 McArdle #249 LINDA ERASER, 6306 Vincent MARTIN D. GARCIA, 2913 Longview ELLEN T. GILL, 6300 Ocean Drive #353 TERRI HENDERSON, P.O. Box 179 NELDA HERNANDEZ, 1413 Date JANIE HINOJOSA, 2526 Noqales Ernesto Espino, 2945 Lawnview JENNY KOETZ, 4609 Kasper ANNA B. LEAL, 4122 Molina GILBERT T. L0N60RIA, 57222 Crestwood Elizabeth Phillips, 133 Chiltipin I RUDY MARTINEZ, P.O. Box 764 CECIL T. MOODY, 451 Bartlett MARY ELIZABETH MOSES, 3501 Monterrey Street FORREST WAYNE OAKES, 4726 Queen Drive PAM PAGE, 5402 Wool dri ge J. WILLIAM PENGELLY, 1010 Miramar BRENDA PUGH, 4443 Ocean Drive IRMA DELEON SANCHEZ, 6300 Ocean Drive, Drawer 437 BRIAN L. SUTTON, 5901 Weber #F11 DAVID SPENCER, 241 Norton SHEILA THOGERSON, 3802 Caravel le #311 KAREN VESTAL, 6300 Ocean Drive #451 AJb^rt Welch 610 Botsford #3 DEAN K. WELCH, 4330 Braggs Drive PRESCOTT J. WILLIE, 1617 Cimarron #5G MARY WRIGHT, 125 Driftwood DEAN L. WURDINGER, 4926 Williams JLAIR RHODES, 4401 Ramsey Dana S^ Taylor 1217 Maryland ^" Betty Sisk 4106 Killarmet^~ Joyce Barnes LETTERS OF RECOMMEWPATTOWS Dr. Alan B. Sugg, President Corpus Christi State University \f March 10, 1980 International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio 45056 Gentlemen: It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I recom mend the affiliation of the Professional Business Fraternity of Phi Chi Psi with the International Pro fessional Business Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi. Phi Chi Psi is a strong student organization which has done much to enhance the collegiate academic environment of the College of Business Administration and the Univer sity. I have enjoyed knowing and observing students of Phi Chi Psi. Their dedication and commitment in planning and organizing such activities as "Business Week" has been refreshing. They are a group of bright and enthusiastic people. I assure you that Delta Sigma Pi would be justifiably proud of its Corpus Christi State University Charter should such decision be made. Sincerely, B. Alan Sugg President BAS:ig Office of the President Corpus Christi State University 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 - (512) 991-6810 A campus of the University System of South Texas Equal Opportunity Employer Dr. John M. Richards, Dean College of Business Administration Brother of Delta Sigma Pi March 17, 1980 International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio 45056 Gentlemen: I am pleased to recommend to you that Phi Chi Psi Professional Business Fraternity at Corpus Christi State University be chartered as a chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. Being a Delta Sig and a faculty sponsor of this organization, I am familiar with the goals, ideals, and activities of that fraternity. I am convinced that those men and women who currently make up Phi Chi Psi share the same aspirations and dedication. These same aspirations and dedications have followed this local business organization throught the years of its existence. In short, I believe that this group can become a chapter of which the national fraternity can be proud and I also know that it will be an honor for this college and this university to be closely affiliated with Delta Sigma Pi. Thank you for your attention and consideration. Sincerely, John M, Richards, Dean College of Business Administration OMR/ids College of Business Administration Corpus Christi State University 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 - (512) 991-6810 A campus of the University System of South Texas Equal Opportunity Employer Dr. David Hinojosa Dean of Students Corpus Christi State University March 17, 1980 International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, OH 45056 Dear Gentlemen: It gives me pleasure to recommend affiliation of Phi Chi Psi of the International Order of Delta Sigma Pi with Corpus Christi State University. The Canpus of CCSU is growing as we are still a young upper-level University. It seems quite desirable that fraternities with credentials of high rank and goals such as Delta Sigma Pi be associated with CCSU. I have come to know a good many of the students who are actively pursuing the chartering of Delta Sigma Pi on this campus. I can assure you that these men and women have surprisingly high levels of dedication and interests. Certainly Delta Sigma Pi will be one of the prestigious and meaningful organizations available to our business majors. I am certain that students who follow will be as equally dedicated and active. We all look forward to the day when Delta Sigma Pi becomes a reality at Corpus Christi State University. If you require further information, please let me know. Sincerely, David Hinojosa y Dean of Students DH/gh Office of the Dean of Students Christi State 6300 Ocean � Corpus University Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 (B12) 991-6810 A campus of the University System oi South Texas Equal Opportunity Employer Dr. John Stevenson, CPA Professor of Accounting Brother of Delta Sigma Pi March 17, 1980 International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio 45056 Gentlemen and Ladies: I am pleased to recommend affiliation of Corpus Christi State University Phi Chi Psi Professional Business Fraternity with the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi. The College of Business of Corpus Christi State University strives to provide every opportunity for exposure of our students to the business world and to other business students. The presence of a fraternity of your reputation and goals can be of great value to the development and growth of our university. As a sponsoring faculty member, and a brother of Delta Sigma Pi, I have been pleased with the initiative, leadership skills, and organizational ability of the Phi Chi Psi members who have been working to bring Delta Sigma Pi to the CCSU College of Business. These students have shown themselves to be capable and interested in forming a respected fraternity which will encourage the development of student leadership, provide valuable services and infor mation to members, and develop into an organization which is a credit to both this university and the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi. The faculty of the College of Business welcomes the affiliation of Delta Sigma Pi with our campus. We look forward to becoming a chapter. Sincerely, ^r. John Stevenson ^ Professor of Accounting College of Business Administration Corpus Christi State University 6300 Ocean Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412 - (512) 991-6810 A campus of the University System of South Texas Equal Opportunity Employer Dro Milo Pierce Associate Professor of Management Brother of Delta Sigma Pi W"5j^ *^~ -^^ : �� vii'ji f Ol iiici ly I r\:i: A^il LJllivrrsi I y ;it Coi pus Chrisli 1^ \s: March 17, 1980 International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi 330 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio 45056 Gentlemen: Phi Chi Psi Professional Business Fraternity at Corpus Christi State University consists of an ambitious and highly motivated group of business students interested in promoting scholastic achievement and professional as well as social activities for CCSU and the community.
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