COMING ATTRACTIONS. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. "Going Up." Week Nights, 8:30 to 12 "Going Up," the Cohan and Harris musical comedy production, is to be- Kin a return encasement at the New National Theater next week, opening AmiLrcment^ next Sunday evening, with virtually ARCADE the same cast seen before, although 14th and Park Road strengthened in a few places. New AVusic and Drama settings and new costumes will lend freshness to 3 show which for more Our Biggest and Best Show than two has the Katherlne and . After years made rounds Pel rachlo. of American PERFECT PLACE lonp neglect, David Garrick made a ver¬ theaters, returning in al¬ sion of the comedy under the titl" of most every instance. TO Vaudeville's Sensation! "Katharine and Petruchio." but did not First Appearance F.ast of appear in it himself. Henry Woodward Golden Girl." and Mrs. Pritchard acted the chief char¬ "My The Most Extraordinary Puzzling and Thrilling Act in Vaudeville acters in Garrick's production. Oth» r Monday. January 12, another noted Knjr'ith players who have been operetta by the prolific Victor Her¬ A Production Which Will Interest You seen as Kitherine and Petruchio are bert, "My Golden Girl," will have its DANCE LCVETT'S Mrs. Sidd. s and John Philip Kemble, local premiere at the Shubert-Belasc-o Strict Prleea Helena Kaucit and f'harles Ivemble, Kl- Theater. The book and lyrics are Onaor.Popular len Tree and Charles Kemble. Kllen by Frederic Arnold Kummer, who Terry and Henry Irving. Mrs. Bernard- wrote the story and words to the Beer^ and Forbes-Robertson. In Amer¬ "Magic Melody." or Shine "CONCENTRATION" Wfek Rain ica. T^ewis Hallam and Margaret Cheer In the cast are Robert Emmett Every Mght < the first time produced the omedy for (Continued on Seventh X'age.) Presenting the World Renowned MME. ZENDA .n Philadelphia. November 21. 176G. Macreadv Mr? Parlej. Fanny Kem¬ And the Marvelous Jazz Band.five kings of syncopation.which ble and Charles Kemble. Clara Morris will a.iy selection called for. A weird mixture of mirth, ai AMUSEMENTS. play and Ijonis Jam -s. Fanny Davenport d D-A-N-C-I-N-G melody and mystery, uneqnaled in the world. Edwin Booth and Ada Rehan and John ON MARBLE TO MUSIC DIVINE Drew and Otis Skinner have been seen S:30 to 12 in the pipy. K. H. Scthern and Julia Marlowe first Billy Bouncer's Circus SUBERS & KEEFE in Cleve¬ Evening 8:30 Auditorium GREATER PENN GARDENS Gales Comedians played the famous old comedy Peuna. Ave. 21at St. N.W. of laughter Fccentric land. Ohio. September 18. 1903. and :i OLGA at has been one of their most popular pro¬ Refined.Popular Prleea..\o Extras ductions. SAMAROFF HODGE & LOWELL : LOUISE CARTER & CO. Pianist Drass Dand.1Tvrlee Every Day "From Pumpkinville" "The Returned Soldier" William I«odaV» C areer..The stage EDWARD LANKOW career of William Hodge. who has Basso, Metropolitan Opera Company become renowned thro it*h "Th*1 M*mi Ticketa, $2.00. $1.50, $1.00. Office T. DEVOIE & MORALiS AL RAYMOND From Home." 'The Road to Happi¬ Arthur Smitli. 1306 G st. I ness." "Fixing Sister" and "A < ure A Revue of the Show Topics of the Day for Curahles." has covered a period Friday J.9A NATIONAL S-K-A-T-I-N-G of about a score of years. Afternoon. Theater In the Only Rink in City and GREAT ADDED FEATURE His early apprenticeship to dra¬ America's Finest matic art was spent in an obscure NEW YORK In His Latest little repertoire company. Many a Charlie 2«Reel Comedy Special Pennsylvania and New York village Philharmonic Orchestra THE COLISEUM Chaplin waited for r*»e coming: of younc JOSEF Conduotor Positively Shown at All Per¬ STEANSKY, Over Center Pleasure" Hod etc in thos» days. He became such Fourth Concert Ten-Star Series Penna. Ave. at t>th Mkt, formances "A Day's a favorite in those small places that Ticket*. $2.00, $1.60. $1.00, Office T. Dally: 2:30 to 5.K to 11.Sunday. he Anally organixed a repertoire com¬ Arthur Smith, 1306 G *t. 3 to 5.8 to 10:30. pany which he very pretentiously Matinee Feature PATHE NEWS called "The niitc." "IN During: those days Hodge was an WRONG" AND JEFF all-around actor. He would play leads, Beginning With Jack Pickford MUTT villains or comedians. He was even Tomorrow an rxnert doc. dancer, and he tells Night with amusement how. between acts, At 8:30 he often had to go in front of the rr? ' VWSWNCilONS PWMtOUSl BtAUTIfW drop curtain and dance, even in a Tlll Desperate Desmond make-up. as once katrllqi DeVoiL Helen jV^Claln" Lew Alma A Pleasure Place Out of the Commonplace otwcnow of messrs shubert_ happened when he was playing: Sir Doci^taoepls cShubert - 6arri£k»» n**.':«%aiis stage otiy Mv foremost foreign andMatte Artists and Attractions._ Francis Levison in "Kast Lynne." Cosmos (Safety Keithlx Irish dialect characters became his specialty, and it was as McFadden in Lincoln T. Carter's old-time melo- drama. "The Heart of Chicago," that Harry Watson, Marguerite Karrell, cast, scenic investiture, musical score on Stewart Baird, Ted Lorraine, Gladys wardrobe and mechanical and elei EF.KEITHS he first made his footlight bow 25c of not in¬ effects all are contribute Broadway. A little later he was play¬ Walton and a host others, trical DAILY SS SUNIJAY £S PRICtS}op ing: a fire-eating: Brazilian in Roger cluding a hundred or more who make factors. An amusing vehicle is offer «..£<&. brothers farce. "A Reign of Errors." up the "bevy of bewitching beauties." ed In the form of a comedy in twi BeKinoinK Tomorrow Matinff and Ending; Next Sunday Evening In this he did a Spanish dance. Then acts and nine scenes, entitled. "Thi The World'H (irfntmt Humorist Broadway's Latent "Find" came his discovery by the late James BELASCO."The Guest of Honor.'' Doll HHospital." The funmaking is a! A. Hearne, who put him forward as lotted to Harry D. Ward, "the quair ' Freeman Whitmarsh. the eccentric William Hodge, with a new play, comedian." a recent graduate from th- village painter and gossip. in "Sag: will appear at the Shubert-Belasco Keith and Orpheum vaudeville, cir Lew "Vie" be said It own cuits. Others Helen McClain, Quinn Harbor." In this Hodge may tomorrow night. is from his a# to have really found himself and his pen and is entitled "The Guest of Thelnia Seaville, Somers and Berry J ___ The Last Word in Jazz Art and Tremal* peculiar art. Honor." Bert Morrissey, David Gordon. Tillie Liockstader ^ "Wliitmarsh was followed by his In "The Guest of Honor" Mr. Hodge Storke and the Bernard trio. Among FRANK FARNUM. GEORGE KREER and Stephen Tully. in "Sky Farm"; by his Is revealedtas a struggling young au¬ the scenes are a l)f-ach in California Girint Ereryljody "AN EAR FULL" About th« MEMPHIS FIVE riummer. in From the me¬ a courtroom in a tea garden the Burin! of Jchn Barleycorn and Capt "Peggy thor seekife recognition in Samoa, Seven Indescribable Numbers. Paris"; by his Mr Stubbins. in "Mrs. tropolis. It is a departure from the in Peking, n bull ring in Madrid am Other Laugh Topics. "Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch"; by plays in which he lias been appearing a cafe In France. Specialties*, fen The Dainty Daughter of the"Daintiest Farisienne of Her Day liis Daniel Voorhees Pike, in "The in recent years. John Weatherbee. tures and novelties are plentiful. Man From Home." and by Jim Whit¬ the novelist, in "The Guest of Honor" i Anna Held, Jr., antf Emmet Gilfoyle man. in "The Road to Happiness." To is more emotional and sentimental In Bits of Musical Comedy. Song. Fatter and Pirtraettes these he added the role of John Otis, than in former roles, but its por¬ FOLLY.Burlesque. The Most Wonderful Motion Picture of the "War in Sister." and the young "Sliding" Billy Watson's show wil "Fixing trayal is typical, the same manner¬ week wutherr*- physician, in "A Cure for isms, the half-closed eyes, the nasal appear at the Folly Theater this of the German Submarine U-35 Curables." in a two-act burlesque of unusual en¬ ExploitsFILMS OF ACTUAL SINKINGS BY THE SUPER-SEA PIRATE intonations, the perfect enunciation, tertainment. "Sliding" Billy Watson the dry, unexaggerated humor of pre¬ be BALL Baird of Harvard..It is a legend vious years will be found just as mcuh will the principle comedian. Gladys "ONCE UPON A TIME" RAE ELEANOR that the Harvard "stamp" once placed in evidence. Bijou is the prima donna, and Sadie With JACK PRINCETON and a Splendid and "Brother" JOSEPH BALL. Prcaentinf tipon a man. is hard to eradicate. The cast includes Jane Houston, Banks Iiead6 the feminine contingent Cast Inc'.ud-ng LEON LEONARD .MOMENTS MUSICAL" classic trade mark is Others are Forest Nelson, Joe West & Billle. of the D«y.» Kijwjrami. Perhaps this Jennie Lamont, Ethel Winthrop, Mir¬ Andrews and A1 Swift k Kelly. Jackie Prosper &_Maret. "Topin one of the elements in the personality iam McCauley, Jnne Loring. Jean Gus Kohrer, Myrtle TODAY.3 A 8:15.BOTHflEl.l, nnOttXE, AXATOLE FR1KDLAND, Etc. of Stewart Baird of the "Shubert Howard, .Scott Cooper, Charles W.. Dupont. with a chorus of twenty-four Gaieties of 1913." Butler, Brigham Ro.vce and others. girls. Baird has had an interesting career. J devel¬ Central Iankow He is a Bostonian. who first NATIONAL."Th7 Royal Vaga¬ Coliseum. Edward oped taste and ability for the stage Roller skating is featured in the Masonic Audutoriujn SH LIBERT'S -while a student at Harvard, where bond." large arena at the Central Coliseum ATTRACTIONS TONIGHT was also a soloist of the Tie principal Direct from a full year's run at the nightly.
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