* Recommended It Pays Ocean Grove To Advertise Hotels-Pages 6 7 In The Times THB NEPTUNE TIMES Vol. XCI, No. 24 .OCEAN: GROVE TIMES, TOWNSH[Ft OP NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 17,•1.966,; SE V EN C E N T S President's Second Sunday Auditorium Site OfGraduations e Associate Dean. In Aisdiiorium For Township Students Since 1931 By Dr. Charles I. Carpenter President, Occan Grove OCEAN GROVE — A Meth­ Ocean Groye Summer I OCEAN; GROVE — It' was • OCEAN GROVE—Thr Xjpiune Camp Meeting Ass’ri, odist church executive and Va [ back ■ • in 1931 Avheri Neptune Intermediate School ' graeiuation Resident With Ariterican Presbyterian pastor will, be College Life Underwriters heard in t fie Ocean G rove A ud i- . Pligh School decided to Xise the was - ht-hi last n ig h t in the Ocean Here we. are at the. begin­ torium this Sunday; spadous. Great Aiiditoriurn,• Grove. Auditorium at 8 P.M. Ap­ ning of another season at ' BRYN'MAWR, PA.,' — Dr, W. \V. Dr. J. Ed ward Car others, as­ here, for its commencement proximately 450 students received. Ocean Grove. We begin amid Dotterweich; !“Jr.» a sum m er resi­ sociate general secretary of exercises.. Prior, to that time, diplomas from Mrs. Jenme Nicol, dent, of Ocean Grove, N. J.., for indications that'this will be a the National Division of the the high school (now the im president of the Neptune Township many years; has been named Asso­ Methodist Board of Missions, time of joyful inspiration and ciate Dean of the American College ter mediate school) auditorium Board of Education. • • will preach at the 1 0:3 0 /AIM. spiritual growth. of Life Underwriters in Bryn Mawr, service on the subject. *‘The' served the graduates and Thomas F. Terranova, principal A wonderful program ha3 been Pn. / Recovery of Sight.” 1 • * .- V their families. of the Neptune Intermediate School, ! Dr.^Dotterweich, a native of Irv­ ||| prepared for ua by our .committees. introduced Victor J. W. Christie, ington, ’N .J.,1 attended Nutley pub- Dr. -D. Reginald Thomas, . In 1931 there were 85 sen­ Preachers of world fame Avill be in Superintendent 1 of . Schools, who • Ucschools and was graduated from Welsh-horn pastor of the Brick iors who received their di­ the Auditorium puipit. Those who Upsala College. He has the M. A. Presbyterian C h u r c h.,.- New presented the- Class'of I960. bring the music to our , services and Ph.D,. degrees from the .Uni­ York, will preach at the 7:30 plomas. On Tuesday night of Membeis of the graduating class have planned diligently and worked versity of Pennsylvania where he P.M., service on the text John this week, a class of 376 was took part in the program. Bonnie faithfully to lift our, services to studied tfrider an S. S, Huebrier 2 :10. •• graduated before an audience Fox delivered the invocation and. new musical heights, The ushers Foundation ; • Fellowship, and has Miss Beverly Davis, the new of 4,873 parents; ; relatives, Dianna Harris, the benediction. stand ready to serve. earned the C.L.U. and C.P.C.U. pro­ Joseph Polhemus, president of the organist at the Auditorium,, friends and spectators.: ’ . The buildings, on the camp fessional designations. will play, at both services and Student Council, Jane Palaia and grounds have been made ready to The American College of Life:Un­ C harles. T. House, tenor^ of ' -“Strength arid Unity Through William Hefter spoke on topics Education” was the senior theme, accommodate the large crowds for derwriters is the national educa­ New York, will sing. ' : • [treating of the theme ‘ “Youth three months of almost daily Bible tional institution which grants: the expounded by three student speak­ Wants To Know”. Their individual programs, worship services, young Chartered,Life Underwriter (C.L.- ers. "Strength,,f by ] Geneva Anne topics were: “The Value of Our people’s events, concerts, hi-spire- U.) designation to qualified men Jones, class' treasurer; .... and Heritage” , Jahe Palaia; “ Does Edu­ and women in the life ’insurance Unity/' by James Joseph Hill, NaT cation Ever Cease?”, Joseph Pol­ tior.nl films, conferences. Whole- tional Honor Society .president, and businessV In his hew position with hemus, and "Its Obligations to So­ - some and varied entertainment is Jane Hart Weds - /■•v\:'l Through Education,’* by Lynn the college, Dr. Dotterweich will ciety”, William Hefter. The organ planned to-refresh so sls ond minds make -'arrangements for C.L.U. Siskind. • 'r and give meaning to “the vacation coupes-to be taught at .universities Arthur Dube Jr. Barry W. Johnson; student coun­ accompaniment was by Samuel with a purpose.” and. colleges throughout the coun­ cil president, gave the' invocation Huey. Everyone is invited to have p try; He also Will work closely with to begin exercises.. He was followed The Intermediate School Band, PRESENTATION of Richard Carter’s book '<fireakthi'ough—The NEPTUNE CITY — Elizabeth part in all of this. C.L.U. Chapters and local life un- Jane Hart, 31 Boston Road, Nep­ by the high school chorus, which under the direction of Forest B. derwrltfers; associations to - enroll Saga of Jonas Salk” made by Mrs. Edwin Proctor, Neptune Chair­ rendered the •‘Lord’s Prayer.*- * Corley, and the Intermediate School %. , At Ocean Grove, you will be sur­ man for The National Foundation—March of Dimes, to far. Kovats, tune City, daughter of Mrs. John V. rounded by an atmosphere of hos­ agents .iti those courses. Hart / and the late Mr. Hart, and The .high school band played Chorus,, under the direction- of Assistant Administrator of Fitkin Hospital, to be placed in the highlights from ‘'Camelot,* artd Frederic Truntz, rendered several pitality and friendliness. Afi a’ mat­ hospital library. Arthur Joseph Dube, Jr., 314 .8th ter of fact, it was “Friendship Ave., Asbury: Park son of Mrs. Viv­ “Climb Every Mountain,’- with musical selections. • : • . vocal soloist Douglas Adams. The Week," sponsored by our Hotel As­ ian Dube and Mr.* Arthur J. Dube, • — sociation, that opened this season Complete Special Aid Course Sr., were united in marriage last band and chorus finale was, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” o f 1966. Through its “ Operation Saturday at li A. M; jtt the Nep High School Principal F. Russell Natural Gas Co. Upgrade,” the Hotel Association NEPTUNE — Gerald BellUcei John E. Womer tune City Memorial Church by the R ev .John J. M erwin. Coleman introduced the superin­ lias icd in making many improve­ and Richard W. Taylor,.members tendent of schools, V> J. W* Chris­ ments for the comfort of our visi­ of the Hamilton First Aid . SqUad New Commander tie, who presented the class. Mrs. Forms Subsidiary tors. The cottagers and. the owners have received the graduate certifi­ Jennie Nicol, board o f: education - of ’private homes' have joined with cate of the Committee on Injuries president, handed out. diplomas. NEPTUNE^—Jolyi E. Womer. the Camp Meeting Association in of the American Academy of Ortho­ Class officers included; -William Plan Company To Fi­ wielding the paint brush, the ham­ paedic Surgeons for completing the has been elected‘commander o f Loehning, Jiv president; William mer, the saw, the rake and trowel, “Advanced Practical Course on In­ American Legion Post No. 346, Eckler, vice president; Gale Catiey,. nance Purchases Of ' to fix up, clean up, spruce up. itial Emergency Care of the Sick with William Kenneth Smith, secretary and Miss Jones, treasurer. Large Gas Equipment Ocean Grov is a iovoly place to and Injured,'/ sponsored by the senior vice commander; Ray­ Graduates are; see as a result of this cooperative Committee June 9, 10, and 11 at mond Gatfield, vice comman­ ASBURY PARK — The New David F. Abbott '■ jgffart. the Police Academy, New York der; EatLWorthlyl? junior vice Jersey Natural Gas. Company, Alison Jessica Abrams “ Let us nil continue this effort City, Award of the diploma was commander; Edward Morton, which is in the midst of its biggest Douglas Franklin Adams in this 97th year of Qces.r. Grove. made by Dr. Sam W. Banks. Com^ chaplain;?, Wniiajfi - Freirich, year, announced yesterday it is Robert H. Adams Let v,? plan tb worship ar.fi to rest mittee Chairman, at the conclusion Bergeant^at-armsj'vAlbert Grif­ forming , a subsidiary company as Jo Ann Alston of the three-day course of lectures fith, finance offic^j; Dominick part of its expansion program. in this Christian environment. Mildred C. Alston and demonstrations held in cooper­ Loperfido^-hiatoriaji; and Past W. Daniel William, President,. Then is room for ail who would Richard Earl Anderson ation with the New York City Commanders Frajik Trocchio made the announcement at a press v see God and learn more of His Ronald O. Ayers Police Department and attended by and Robert-Godbold, members conference. He said the new com­ plan fpr man. Colin James Bach . 250 registrants from.New York City o f the executive ibmmittee. pany.will be known as Gas Asso­ ’ 1 thank each individual— all the Steven Michael Bacon ond 123 other cities in 15 states and ciated Services, Inc., and will have residents and business people—for ■ Commapder-dwijWjpmcr, as Kathryn Jean Banks Canada.. „7. v ... ., ! V* V.:. \ its offices in the parent company’s the work .that has been done to cro- »:\fePptt€rweich Jr< , • •- senior vice cbnrmanfle^brought^ . Stephan- Errol Barksdale building at 601 Bangs Avenue. ate here the appearance nnd the the post “ over the top” in Karol E. Basewit The new Associate Dean of the "Two basic factors have led to. atmosphere that were the dream of Master’s From Trenton membership for (he sixth year Allen Edvyard Bel tie American College has a wide back­ the formation of this company,” pur founders, namely: A perma­ ground of teaching and business earning an American Legion Richard A\ Bengtson .
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