Price € 1,00. Back issues € 2,00 L’O S S E RVATOR E ROMANO WEEKLY EDITION IN ENGLISH Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt Fifty-third year, number 50 (2.676) Vatican City Friday, 11 December 2020 Pope pays homage to the Immaculate Conception and prays at Saint Mary Major A year dedicated to Saint Joseph Despite the heavy rain, Pope Fran- casion of the publication of his cis made a private Marian pilgrim- Apostolic Letter P a t r i s C o rd e , “With age into the heart of Rome early a father’s heart”. The text was writ- Tuesday morning, 8 December, the ten by the Pontiff to commemorate Solemnity of the Immaculate Con- the 150th anniversary of the Decree ception. He visited both Piazza di with which Pius IX declared Saint Spagna and the Basilica of Saint Joseph Patron of the Universal Mary Major to entrust to the Church. The text of the Apostolic Mother of God all those who, both Letter along with a Decree grant- in the city and in the world, are af- ing special indulgences by the flicted by illness and discourage- Apostolic Penitentiary were in fact ment. published on the same day as Fr a n c i s ’ Marian pilgrimage. In Piazza di Spagna First on the Pope’s itinerary was Indulgences to pause in prayer before the Mari- The Holy Father has instituted a an column in Piazza Mignanelli, special year — from 8 December next to Piazza di Spagna. At 7:10 2020 to 8 December 2021 — during am, the Holy Father placed a bas- which the Plenary Indulgence will ket of white roses as a gift, at the be granted to those who complete base of the column which holds five particular acts of piety or the statue of Our Lady, and works of charity connected to the thanked the firefighters who were model offered by the putative fath- there to generously lend their ser- er of Jesus. The Decree in particu- vices. lar notes the devotion to Saint Joseph which has grown extens- At Saint Mary Major ively throughout the history of the The second event was his visit to C h u rc h . the Liberian Basilica where Pope Francis prayed before the icon of the Salus Populi Romani and offered a second basket of white Apostolic Penitentiary Decree roses and, at 7:30, celebrated Mass in her honour in Basilica’s Crypt of Special Indulgence the Nativity. The Pope carried with him the memory of Saint Ignatius PAGE 4 of Loyola who celebrated the first Mass there on Christmas in 1538. At the conclusion Francis recited a prayer to Saint Joseph for the oc- Pope’s Apostolic Letter ‘Patris Corde’ PAGE 5-8 General Audience An g e l u s Immaculate Conception PAGE 12 Apostolic Journey from 5 to 8 March 2021 Pope Francis to visit the Republic of Iraq The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Mr Matteo Bruni, announced on Monday, 7 December, that the Holy Father will visit the Republic of Iraq. “Pope Francis, accepting the invitation of the Republic of Iraq and of the local Catholic Church, will make an Apostolic Journey to the aforementioned Country on 5-8 March 2021. He will visit Baghdad, the plain of Ur, linked to the memory of Abraham, the city of Erbil, as well as Mo- sul and Qaraqosh in the plain of Nineveh. The programme of the Journey will be made known in due course, and will take into consideration the evolution of PAGE 3 the worldwide health emergency”. page 2 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 11 December 2020, number 50 Pop e’s Chirograph Wo r l d w i d e Prayer Network VAT I C A N With a Chirograph dated 17 November 2020, the Holy Father June 2014, subsequent to his ap- established the Pope’s Worldwide BULLETIN pointment as titular Bishop of Leges Prayer Network Foundation and Auxiliary of La Paz. (formerly the Apostleship of Prayer), as a canonical and AUDIENCES Bishop-elect Camilleri, 51, was The Holy Father appointed Fr Mi- Vatican legal entity. The Holy born in Malta. He was ordained a chael Otieno Odiwa as Bishop of Father has appointed Fr Frédéric Saturday, 28 November priest on 12 May 2007. He holds: a Homa Bay, Kenya. Until now he has Fornos, SJ, as International licence in commerce; a Master’s de- Director of the Foundation. The Cardinal Marc Ouellet, PSS, Prefect served as fidei donum priest in the gree in Business Administration; a following is a translation of the of the Congregation for Bishops Archdiocese of Adelaide, Australia licence in canon law. (29 Nov.). C h i ro g ra p h . H.B. Cardinal Béchara Boutros Raï, OMM, Patriarch of Antioch for Ma- The Holy Father appointed Fr Bishop-elect Otieno Odiwa, 58, ronites, Lebanon Stephanus Han Jung Hyun as Aux- was born in Sori Karungu, Kenya. iliary Bishop of the Diocese of Dae- He was ordained a priest on 3 July Fr Frédéric Fornos, S J, International jeon, Korea, assigning him the titu- 1993. He holds a degree in philo- Director, Pope’s Worldwide Prayer lar episcopal See of Mozotcori. Un- sophy and theology. Network til now he has served as parish priest of the Sacra Famiglia Parish (28 The Holy Father accepted the resig- CHANGES IN EP I S C O PAT E N o v. ) . nation presented by Bishop Robert Bishop-elect Han Jung Hyun, 49, Ovide Bourgon from the pastoral The Holy Father accepted the resig- was born in Hong Sung, Korea. He care of the Diocese of Hearst-Moo- nation presented by Bishop Patrick was ordained a priest on 21 February sonee, Canada (29 Nov.). Kieran Lynch, SSCC, from the office 2000. He holds a degree in philo- of Auxiliary Bishop of the Metro- sophy and theology. The Pope’s Worldwide Prayer politan Archdiocese of Southwark, Network, formerly the Apostle- England (28 Nov.). The Holy Father appointed as Vicar APOSTOLIC AD M I N I S T R AT O R ship of Prayer, founded in The Holy Father appointed Fr Ivan Apostolic of El Beni, Bolivia, Bish- France by Fr François-Xavier Gautrelet, S J, is based on the Philip Camilleri as Auxiliary Bishop op Aurelio Pesoa Ribera, OFM, titu- The Holy Father appointed as spirituality of the Sacred Heart of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of lar Bishop of Leges and Auxiliary of Apostolic Administrator Sede plena La Paz, Bolivia (28 Nov.) of the Diocese of Broome, Australia, of Jesus and receives the Toronto, Canada, assigning him the monthly prayer intentions pro- titular episcopal See of Teglata in Bishop Pesoa Ribera, 58, was Mons. Paul Boyers. Until now he has served as Vicar General of the posed to the Church by the Numidia. Until now he has served born in Concepción, Bolivia. Mem- Holy Father. as vicar general and moderator of ber of the Order of Friars Minor, he said Diocese (28 Nov.). Several years ago I instituted the Curia for the said Archdiocese was ordained a priest on 16 April The Holy Father appointed Arch- the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer (28 Nov.). 1989. He was ordained a bishop on 5 bishop Terrence Thomas Prender- Network as a Pontifical Work to gast, S J, as Apostolic Administrator emphasize the universal nature of of Hearst-Moosonee (29 Nov.) this apostolate and the need we all have to pray more and more, and with heartfelt sincerity. Pop e’s prayer intention for December SISTINE CHAPEL CHOIR With the purpose to coordin- Prayer changes reality The Holy Father appointed Fr Mar- ate and inspire this spiritual cos Pavan as Maestro Director of the movement so dear to me, provid- Sistine Chapel Choir. Until now he ing it with a structure adequate to the times in which we live by has served as Maestro director ad in- “For a life of prayer” is the prayer intention for the month of December, virtue of the apostolic power of terim of the said Choir (22 Nov.). showcased in the video on the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. the Church, and of the sover- “The heart of the Church’s mission is prayer”, the Pontiff states, and eignty of Vatican City State, in it “is the key for us to be able to enter into dialogue with the Father”. ADVENT SERMON view of canons 331, 114 and 115 Images are seen of people engaged in prayer, joined hands, faces of wo- § 3, 116 § 1 and 1303 § 1, n. 1 of men and children raising their requests to God. Silent, heartfelt prayer, On Friday morning, 4 December, in the Code of Canon Law, and like that of the Pope before the miraculous Crucifix preserved in the the presence of the Holy Father, Article n. 1 of t he Fundamental Roman church of San Marcello al Corso, as well as on the parvis in Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, Law of Vatican City State of 26 November 2000, accepting the Saint Peter’s Square on Friday, 27 March, as he prayed for an end to OFM Cap., held the first Sermon of request presented by the Pope’s the pandemic. “Every time we read a short passage from the Gospel”, Advent on the theme: “Teach us to Worldwide Prayer Network, Francis continues, “we hear Jesus speaking to us. We have a conversa- count our days aright, that we may tion with Jesus. We listen to Jesus and we reply. And this”, he says, “is gain wisdom of heart” (Psalm 90:12) I HEREBY E S TA B L I S H prayer”, because “by praying, we change reality.
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