(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,802,596 B2 Rogers Et Al

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,802,596 B2 Rogers Et Al

USOO8802596B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,802,596 B2 Rogers et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 12, 2014 (54) MULTI-FUNCTIONAL IONIC LIQUID (58) Field of Classification Search COMPOSITIONS FOR OVERCOMING None POLYMORPHISMAND IMPARTING See application file for complete search history. IMPROVED PROPERTIES FORACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL, BIOLOGICAL, NUTRITIONAL AND ENERGETIC (56) References Cited INGREDIENTS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Inventors: (75) Robin D. Rogers, Tuscaloosa, AL (US); 1943,176 A 1/1934 Graenacher Daniel T. Daly, Tuscaloosa, AL (US); 3,223,704 A 12, 1965 Shibe Richard P. Swatloski, Tuscaloosa, AL 3,344,018 A 9, 1967 Shibe (US); Whitney L. Hough-Troutman, 3.414,569 A 12/1968 Wieden Tuscaloosa, AL (US); James Hilliard 3.47 1423 A 10, 1969 Elmer 4,097.666 A 6, 1978 Johnson et al. Davis, Jr., Mobile, AL (US); Marcin 4,104,368 A 8, 1978 Lala et al. Smiglak, Tuscaloosa, AL (US); Juliusz 4,188,263. A 2, 1980 Hulsmann et al. Pernak, Pozan (PL); Scott K. 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