Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 The iH lltop Digital Archive 11-17-2000 The iH lltop 11-17-2000 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 11-17-2000" (2000). The Hilltop: 2000 - 2010. 13. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 2000 - 2010 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ILLTOP The Nation's Largest Black Student Newspaper · Volume 84, No.14 Friday, November 17, 2000 htttp:// "vVe ahvays strive to do everything possible to reduce crime. The University has to do more and the students have to take extra precaution," Student Leaders -REGINALD SMITH, Ch ief of Campus Police Propose Tuition Campus Crime Increases Slightly Freeze for 2001 As Police Devise New Security Tactics By Tm:1 ISIIA A. Woons Elzey said. "The commillee has just Hilltop Stafi Writer started working on gathering informa­ tion, reviewing basic issues with what By CIIRISTOl'IU:R WINDHAM station. The move could In a preemptive move to slop a pos• is happening will, economic trends in Campus Edi1or bring an increased sible tuition increase forthe 2001-2002 1he country, and mitions at other amount of patrol offi• school year. student leaders have sent HBCU \ and other colleges and uni­ TI,e number of reported criminal offens• cers from the District's a proposal 10 University officials ask­ versities in general and our overall es sligh1ly increased on Howard's campus 4th precinct. ing for a freeze of all ,1udcn1 fees, operating co,is." during 1999, according to a governmen1 "It means we are HUSA officials said. Many stuJents believe ll1a1 although web si1e which de1ails s1a1is1ics on colleges going to increase uni­ 1l1e report, which was presented to the commi11ee has 10 mee1 two more and Universities. form presence," he said. the Tuition and Rates Review commit­ tune,. a tuition increase is inevitable. According to crime data released to the "We arc going 10 use tee Tuesday railed Howard's ever­ Nikkole Salter. the Howard Univer• website ( by 1he 1hose resources to increasing tuition anJ fee schedule and sity Student Assoeia1ion vice presi• University, reported ca,es of burglary and address some of the suggested that the University ·•explore dent, saiJ a decision to incre,he tuition auto the fl elevated from I 998. problems in 1ha1 :irea:· alternative avenues of funding with "ill have 10 go through the commince Burglaries jumped from 47 incidents in Hobart Street has serious aggression." then 10 Elzey and 1hen Howard Presi• I 998 to 64 cases Inst year. Car theft, been plagued by drugs The commillee of students and Uni­ dent H. Patrick Swygert before the increased from 17 reported cases in 1998 and violence for years, versity administrators decide on Board ofTru,tees makes 1he final vote. 1031 in 1999. Smith said. whether to recommend an increase But she said she thought an increase The number of robbery and assault cases "The Howard Uni ­ after its Nov. 28 meeting. If a fee was likely. remained 1he same. Eighteen robbery cases versity Campus Police increa,e gains support in the commit• ·•With the commenrnry that was were reported in I 998 and I 999, and I 9 and the DC Police are tee and Board of Trustees, it would be made by some members of the com• assault incidents were reported during that reaching out to partner­ the sixth consecutive year that fees minee I JUSI foresee 1hem increasing same period. ship and come up with were increased. our 1ui1ion costs." said Salter. who is a ··we always strive to do everything pos­ a comprehensive Thomas J. Elzey, executive vice student ,epre.senrntive on 1he 15-mem• sible 10 reduce crime," Chief of Campus approach to addressing president and chief operating officer ber comminee Saller charged 1ha1 the Police, Reginald Smith said. ''The Uni­ drugs and violence on for the Uni,ersi1y s.1id the comminee comminee wants to facilitate new pro­ versi1y has 10 do more and the students that corner." has two meetings in the next two­ gram, with additional tui1ion money. have 10 rnke extra precaution:· Despite the increase "'eeks to decide if they will push for a HUSA submiued argumems 10 the The University ranks higher than all in burglaries and car tuition raise. Elzey said a tuition commiuee No,i 13. giving reasons why District colleges and universities in most thefts. the I 999 crimi­ increase is not definite. the Uni\'ersi1y ,hould not raise tuition. of the site"s crime ca1egone,. nal cases are still lower "We ha,·e two more meetings on The report charge, 1he Board of Smith said Howard"s urban environ­ that the numbers of Nov. 21 and No\'. 28, so it is premature Trustee, with "sy,1ema1ically" incrcas• men1 might play a role in 1hc rising num• 1997. right now to establish what the increase ing tui1ion over the l:bt five bers. Eighty burglaries and will be if there is any increase at all," See TU ITION. A5 ··11 (crime) happens in this area because 34 robberies were you have an awful lot of isolated areas." he reported 10 campus File PhlJIO said. Smith said isolated areas make it eas­ police in I 998. Both of CbitC or Campus Police, Re1itin:dd Smith abo\e, ier for criminals to conceal ll1emselves. the figures were higher Election Anxiety Fizzles, He said that students who walk in poor­ that J999 's statistics. Smith said the instal· ly-lit areas and 1rnvel alone late at night, are la1ion of a shunle service ha~ help lower Crimlllll OtrfDNt the most vulnerable. the numbers. "We try to encourage those students to Priva1izaiion of city owned streets on On C1mpw As Close Race Nears End 19"1 1991 1999 take extrn precautionary measures and campus, could help reduce crime, Smith By BR11,;1,.To~ Bom,rn who voled fo, Gvre, ,:ud ;11 first she avoid the dark nreas." he said. "We are added. Mumr/Non•o-,lla,nt marut1ua1t1no 0 1 t'ortlblt ,n offlmn 2 1 Hilltop St,tff \\ iter w::s proud to be fmm the ,tate that makinF strides ,ti incrcasinl! the level of "Universities across the Uni1cJ States 2 who enjoy the grcJtc~t su«.:..:~:-;.., in pr..:," l<l• Nm1tortfblt 1#1 4 z 0 "'"u\ al.le m :I,, , \ , Ul security, but it requue~ a conscious cltOrt 1 mg for salt" and secure ,•nvimnment are ,:Cbbtr)'led AMeult 34 11 II For m. .n} Howard !-ltutl.:-r1, ,• cclh"li unprCl :d..,:•)tCJ ·l i t11m 8Ht "'~e- '; r on pan of the s1udtn1 population " 21 Jjl J!I anxii:1y h,ts turne<l to ,(te<:tion faugue th.,n n "-«k ol le~al wrunglin~ over •he Plans are in the works to get the crime those communities have a clear line of D~ demarcation:· he said. "When you can U, .,...r, IIO 41 64 a, the continuing FJorid;.1 \·ot~ recount elecuon ,he's reJdy for America's figures down. Smith said. establish check point, 10 see who's com- Motor ~•llltft Thtll :l5 11 3J dmma grew mired in l111gation and political uncertainty to bl! ;:tn,wcrec.J. The University, Smith snid, is in talks ing on campu,. that's when you provide the Anon 0 0 0 partisan politic, 1his \\eek. Ten days ha,e 1>.1s,ed ,ince elect,on with District police officials to transform greatest opportunity for a safe and secure Nfl)l)ltlll MtMltullbltr 0 0 0 day and the chief cxecutiw po,iuon recently purchased property near Georgia environment." ~til1 remains ,-.,cant bec:aust! of litiga• Ave. and Hobart Street into a police sub- See CRIME. BIO Sourm US. Dt/HlrlffllHI t,f &Juro1Jun-O/fllf 0//111 1 $11 tmdnry &1u,m/11n DECI~Bfio tion surroullllmg the ballot, in all­ imponant Florida. From the Howard Plaza 1hwcrs 10 ln failed a11emp1, to end the ever• the Tubman QuaJrangle, students ch,mging ,ng.1 of1he preS1den11al elec­ ,lowly tun.:d out 1he hair-breadth elec• tion earlier tlm week. the two candi­ Local Students Sick of Cafeteria-Prison Ties cion, ewn as :a winntr was due to be dates c,changed propo,~ls Mtailing announced as early as tomorrow conflicting cnnclu,ion, to the Florida ··1 really don't care anymore." said recount and pending liligauon. Campus Organizations Push to End Contract With Marriott Ongisa lchile. a freshman legal com­ Vice Presidenl Al Gore\ proposal to munications major from 1\impa. lchile Sec ELEC.'TION. BIO By Christopher Winfield Hilltop S1aff Writer THE CAFE'S Cll6ltmlll CONNECTIONS College s1udc01s alway, seem to have beef Youth Vote Increases By about the cafeteria. Bui besides the food, some• ••• thing else is eating students nt 'Irini1y College. Six Percent in 2000 Contest Howard University, and American University. Sodexho Some complain 1ha1, b) hiring Sodexho Mar• By s1,m~• Wncusu H.11"1 riott Services 10 run their lunchrooms. their Hilltop Staff Writer schools are feeding the growing private prison owns industry. More young Americans Represenlati,·es from Amnesty lntermuional, punched their ballots in la,1 the Howard University Srudent Associa1ion, week's prcsiden1ial election than and other student groups met yeMerday 10 con­ 1t.9% 48% in I 996.
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