&,' !'tl - WEDNESDAY. JULY 22,' 1914 PAGE six l-HE LETHBR1PQE DAILY HERAt,ti BASEBALL TONIGHT _ ' ' Tile basebnM game at trie ball park between Diamond City and the local -aggregation.'will stall at 045 Admission 25 cents JULY 23,24,25 Blue Ribbon Event-Canada lost Kolapore Trophy by Toronto Canadian Team Not Conceded Much Chance Against Antipodian Stars-Something Anent Man Hitting Wrong Competition and Competitors for World's Gieat Tennis Trophy by a Man Who Knows NATIONAL Target New York l», C Incilinati 5. B\ IKUETTE RICKKR .\\nglit, the score being S—(*, 4—1>, Their appearance in Chicago this Boston 6, Pittsburg 0. week will mark theii Iirst ical efforts i Piesitlent V esteiu Li\\n Teu Hi—-1, 6—i, t>—1 1 Philadelphia 1, Chicago i. „• A n ) I I" ISOd. iu-tralasia again Oul tovaid accomplishing the icsult the\ Uislp\ Camp, Ung , July 22—How ha\e set out to re lib The othei Brooklj n 4, St Louis 5 With the arrival oE the- teams m lenged—-this time -without Brookes Lanada lost the Kolapore cup Chicago the i te .t'on of IIP tennis, and Duulop. Agnin they met Ameri- AMERICAN 1 ca, \\ildmp belting Little in suaidit world naturally M- ^ turned to the On St. Louis t, Bostoii-.l.'.(Ca|le<l: rtin) n-eatsiB club of Lake Forest, where sets and Holcombe Ward 1.1 i bitterlj Visitors Pjt Up Battle Worthy the Davis cup preliminary between fousht five set match. Cleveland 1, Philadelphia '2 Brookes Opposed U. S. Teani. •Cleveland 8, Philadelphia :J. (Sec Australasia and Canada will be nlayed leated Parke and \vho is but a shade 500 \ards range Canada °t the last of the Steel of Their Vic- on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of Once nicro in 1507 Australasia and range gained two points CM the Vus- bnd game.) America clashed in-the Davis cup, under the "Big.Foui Detroit 5, Nfew York 7. Uiis week. Four -en Canadian Team. trjhans and would, of course, ha\e torious Foe but Fate It will be tho first time that Nor- *his time \\ith Brooke*, again on the Chicago 0, Washington- *, team. On this occasion Brookes beat The Canadian team will, consist of been sure oi the cup, U onh Sergt man B. Brook'es- and Anthony Wild- B. F. -Schwengers, R. B. Powell, H. G. Bullock's hull had been legitimate was Against ing, generally regarded as tlie world's? Wught G—4, t»—t, b—2, WiUUifif b«dt INTERNATIONAL Karl Behr n ti\ e £>ets, out Ij't to Ma\es and T T Sheinell, the hrst In addition to the first three an greatest tennis players, have been Uo comprising the leal strength of Newark 4, Providence 4. •„' Them seen in action in the United States. Wright TvhHe Brooke- beat Behr m nouuced last night, it was announc- hollow fashion. the te°m For >eais Sclraengers and ed this morning that Sergl V Mar- .Uochester 6,. Buffalo 4, Consequently the C'ent '5 of great Powell have been regarded as . the moment -to. the tennis" fraternity Iirthe Eriglisli championship of that tin, Calgan, finished in fourth place Hochestei J, Buffalo 0. , (Second leading -players of Canada. They have in thi- Daih Graphic, and Sergt G game.) ^ alternateb «ou the Biitish Columbia Toionto 5 Monheal 7 * championship practical^ everj ^ear \\ Russell, Ottawa, was iixth, each THE.: SCORE winning sketches and 525 Lt ^lo-n- Jerse> Cits 4, Baltimoie 7 Nosh Lethbndge United .... 3 since. 1902. 1 Both are eiceptionallj good pla\ son, Toronto, (16th), won sketches Taber • • | iO UOllg Ulit inc uc,ci. iv""«-j «.~v , _ --tj . - - . - .. ers, though not the equals of Brookes AM. ASSOCIATION I GOAL SUMM'RY Brookes -and. Wilding can show, and ! tt^tQurnament Brookes beat H. and U5 Doherty by default and and Wilding _Schwenger=, onh im In thi> Duke ot Cambridge, fired The beat picture e\er taken of the :St. Paul 5, Columbus 6 ' NqVth Lethbndg= U, 17 minutes, that is all—from tie tennis ponant appearance in this countrv Milwaukee 6, Cleveland B: "tandnomt—that will be asked of it claime—- d tlie world's champion With \estcrda\, Pte \ Lown, 30th Fiench champion aeav%\\eight who Htlberton. McLoughlin Often Seen Here j Wilding he also took back was in 1911, when lie was defeated in Regt, Guclpli, Ontario, is tied for won from Gunboat Smith in Londou Milwaukee 7, Cleveland 2 (Second, ,korth Uetrbndge U, 3= minutes, The big tcur in the tennis woild' tralia the Divis cup the national championship at New- firoL pHrp uith three others, and on Jul> 16 It will be noticed that he game) i J JTennint to Australia port 'by Karl Behr. fights veryilo* in a crouching posi Jlinneapolls 7 Louisville T are .\ormann E Brookesro,, Vnthonj F I In 190S Amerca went In last jears Da\is cup matches will shoot oil first raonei feergt Me N&rtti Lethbndge U. 38 minutes, Jame> C Parke, and Maume m quest of the Dai is cup Seals Cot, 74th, Sergt Granam 13rd, and tion, an(l this 15 thought to be parti) Kansas City 3, Indianapolis 2< - -• — • . - .__ Bright and Fred B Alexander com Schwengers and Ponell as represent the reason.yvhy Smith did not know qurr. E AIcLoughlin The la&t named has atives.of Canada, succeeded in beat- Sergt Mart'n, 103rd, each won $5 ' Second Half been seen often on Chicago courts posing the team Probabn tile great that he'was down before hitting him FEDERAL Therefore the present match will gnu i est tennis ever seen In the world re ing both the South African and: Bel- in this competition This foul resulted In Smith's forfeit ' Tiber, 24 minutes, Nalren gium teams, but los* all of the thiee 3S'o,Federal games THE LINEUP Chicagoans an opportuaitj to com alted Brookes took fn e sets to beat SHOOTING ON THC U iNE ing the fight but neither pugilist is pare the game ot McLoughhn with ' Aleiander, T\ right beating Wilding in matches played to McLoughlm and Bislev Camp, bng , Jul\ 22 —Last satisfied "'and the bout >\ ill hkelv be NerUi Lethbridg' United—Dun Williams of the American team, Powr fought o\er again, for the world's NORTHWESTERN lop; Frier and Net»; Bryce, Whyte that of V.ildmg and Brookes four, and Brookes and WWrag beat ell nutting up a credittble flght n gilt's meeting to discuss the future The £reat Australasians came into! Wright and Alexander m the doubles ol the national rifle association forms white heavyweight championship. Vancouver 8, Spokane 3. and Holberton, Bevtridge, A Ten- international prominence for the first after five memorable =ets against MoLcughlin, however. Play Severe Game a fruitful topic of coB^ ersation Tacoma 2. Seattle I. nantrJ- Tennant, A Gurr and H time in 190->-In that v ear—the same | Then on the last da* came amongst the marksmen this morning \ictona 3, Ballaril 0 Lmnfhg Brookes" and Both of the Canadians play a severe b\ an interesting coincidence, that creat match between game and should be capable of mak- Lord Clieylesuiorc appears to think Taller—Marsh; McMahon and he ma\ influence the war oilice if he CANADIAN Biteman; Foster, J. Carr and P is able to present a written declara Brantiord 2, loronto 1 Carr, Brown, AppMton, Cartnell tion from tbp overseas f omniandants Ottawa 4, Petcrhoro 1. Nalren and Colquhon that the) will have none oi the new NATIONAL London 9. St. Thomas' G. - Referee Willetti. eup. In TVildihg% "game Chlcagbans will Wilding Make.: Start. Again in 1909 -Uaenca challenged conditions the army authorities Eric .9, -Hamilton 7. 1 The team that v ear consisted of A sending its two jonng schoolboj see what is-probably tlie best rounded iejk to impose at Bislei It must be 'lork 48 out tennis 'ever .produced by any Chicago •18 the Tauet <Jecisivelv W Dunlop, H A Parker, Brookes and McLoughlin and Jlehille H Long—to remembered though, that the N H WESTERN CANADA Wilding Wilding was a youth in col bring back the tiophy But thej were placer Unlike mo-t of the great St1. Louis 47 541 defeated the Overseas here recentlv pla; er- Wilding is itrong in both the A is up agamit a general loss of in g ", ° RfiD SOX-lI-lITTING BALL lege but Brookes had alreadj begun i not quite good enough in those davs terest in rifle shooting in the old,Boston 38 Ki'lj The visitors displaied a combination » * _ . j i t oil fSi-o r,T tho nmt/'ho- back court position and at the net, Cincinnati )9 41,1 ins, ,J[i!l' 21 — Tour Pitchers to round out his game | and lost all five ot Jhe matche- combining an almost perfect net at' countrv. Nohc'ly. would have been I could not stop the all-conquering Red ci football talent that angered well •Unenca also challenged for the,pla»eB "~" . surprised, for instance, if for the Philadelphia 37 Daus -cup in 1905, sending its team I In 1910 no Davis cup matches »«:<* tack with an eqtliflh strong baclt Brooklyn 35 14<>'&o\, uho made i iccord ol ten lunb r^_ ^j.-- jnfTII-H :,showmg against any court offense. '"He''seldom goes into first time on record the entries tor in the first innings. Casey Smith' ieam"that the\ were hooked on the for the first time to England There played, Ibut in that vesr Wilding went Pitts-burg 35 .443 the Americans—Beals C W right, | to England and captured the English the net "except for- the kill, theraW this vear's King's Prize had dropped started the fun b) knocking out, a schedule to meet in Lethbridge The> differing from his .partner Brooked ^iliiarn \ Lamed and Holcombe championship for th& first time de below four figures.
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