VOL. LXXX, NO. 280 At UN in 3 Weeks State News Roundup Fishing Boat Rusk to Meet Pair Sentenced For Altering Own With Gromyko Primary Papers After Crash with Dr agger Washington, Aug. 29 the General Awembly eewlon get* Hartford, Aug. 29 {!P)— under way Sept. 19. • . r , A . c r .Circuit Court Judge Erving A U.S. spokesman said today ' KUSKRusk reports to President Ken- „ the western Big Four have nedy at the White House today foi-' Pru> n today imposed 60-day tentatively agreed to hold a lowing his New York meeting yes-: .suspended .sentences and ?o0 ; Police Ordered Party Craft terday with If.N. Secretary Gener- fines on two East Hartford riv . fT ' 1 western foreign ministers meeting on Berlin in advance Am?i^sa?orAraTE^“ stevrnC ''- : P’^^ded guilty to the ; 1 Q I y CI 1 OUffh of the U.N. General Assembly T h e pt^slbnuy oT an in fo rm a l, charge of unlawful alteration & Sinks After session starting Sept. 19. Rusk-Gromyko parley remains an : o f primary Jietitions. “ i f ’ depending, among other Robert U. Shea, 18’ 2 Gold St,, Over Holiday The foreign affairs chiefs things, on whether Gromyko shows and Joseph J. Palenza, 16 Arbulis of the United Stales. Britain. up for the U.N. fall meeting. A St., had been arrested on Aug. 7 Boston, Aug. 29 (/P)— New 10 Minutes France and W est Germany ---- ^---- , on charges of perjury stemming England jwlice and auto reg- presumably would meet in (Continued on Page Three) ! from alleged vioiation of the circu- ------- — - ------ I oath. istry forces prepared today Block Island, R. I., Aug. 29 either Washington or New I Chief Prosecutor Eugene T. Kel- for rigid enforcement of traf- (/P)— A 60-foot party fishing York although the exact de- l.v recommended that the original fic controls over the Labor boat out of Montauk Point, N. tails have not yet been set. he East Red Kills plea of not guilty to the perjury Day weekend in the wake of a Y., with 49 passengers and a said. charges be erased and that the crew of three, and a fishing two men be given an opportunity traffic fatality toll of 26 in dragger collided in thick fog Paris. Aug. 29 (/P)— France Refugee in Try to plead to the new charge. the region last weekend, stale troopers of the six state.s today four miles southwest of has agreed with other we.st- The pro.secutor noted that the statute under which they were ar-| patrol the main highways in Block Island. The party boat em powers on an informal To Swim West rested was "too gencrai" and the police, using eqiiip- sank. All aboard were saved. probe of Russia’s position for state would have to prove “ feloni-; and hehcop-• Six persons suffered minor signs of an acceptable basis Berlin. Aug. 29 (.iPi- Communist Shl P«'irz"Ma-a-sachuseUs C’ommi.ssioner ot: injuries. to negotiate a settlement of militiamen today shot and killed Shea and Palenza. 'Public Safety Frank S. Giles has. Capt. Raymond F. Browning a refugee trying to swim across the Berlin and German ques- Seilion 9-35.) iindti which the> jjj,(jgj.p^ every available state po- skipper of the dragger Anna Grace, the Teltow Canal to West Berlin, entered pleas of guilty specifically | onto the highways for; tions, French sources said to- said his radar was not working. western police reported. outlines their alleged violation. One of his crewmen, Robert E. The Communists captured an- duty. Troopers normally a.ssign day. In recommending the 60-day ed to plainclothes detective duty Champlin, 31, said the radar had The French feel it is still other refugee fleeing with him. not been working for two weeks. Firemen from both East and suspended sentences and the fines al.so will join the highway force. too soon to commit the West to the court, Kelly said “The slate All days off have been canceled. Capt. Joseph L. Behan, skipper West grappled for the body. to formal negotiations. This was the second Incident of feels this is a serious matter. How'- In Maine, the trooper force as of the Joshua B., declined to an- well as all uniformed state em- swer questions concerning his radar Its kind within a week, I.,ast ever. both men have suffered pun- ishment from the time this mat- ployes, inchiding game wardens, equipment. Both vessels had three Washington, Aug. 29 <^)— Thursday Red railway police fire ter was publicized." will be utilized. crewmen. killed a man trying to swim to Connecticut will have hundreds Secretary of State Dean Rusk safety across the Humboldt barge Defense Atty. Richard M. Rit- Browning said he was steering of auxiliary troopers assigned with his vessel and swung to look at his may meet with Soviet For- harbor in what was once the cen. tenband. Hartford, ligreed with the chief prosecutor. He com- its 47.5 regulars. Loran set—a device for fixing the eign Minister Andrei Gromy- ter of the city. mented the publicity ha.- been, New Hampshtre. where eight boat’s position. When he looked up, ko in about three weeks to The U.S. Berlin garrison’s latest died in last weekend's tra(fir, will he said, he saw the Joehua B.—too reinforcements, after days of lec. "unfortunate.” He noted that sound out the Russian posi- see state troopers working extend- late to avoid hitting her. tures and aight.seeing^ went children of one of the men had tion on Berlin negotiations, ed shifts. A passenger aboard the Joshua through their first field test of been subjected to ridicule by Brazil's three military chiefs who are attempting to block Vice President Joao Goutart from suc- . said she was struck amidships. More than 100 state policemen informed sources said today. combat readiness within Berlin. friends and the wife of one of the using radar will patrol Vermont ceeding to the pre.sidency. are shown in Brasilia, the nation's capital. From left are Gen. Odylic The Anna Grace stood by to aid The meeting reportedly would men had to leave the state due highways and in Rhode Island. 115 Deny.>!. war minister; Brigadier Grun Moss, air chief, and Adm. Silvio Heck, navy. (AP Photofax in rescue operations and was as- take place at United Nations as (Gontinned on Page Eight) to the publicity and pressure of state troopers will be out in full via radio from Rio de Janeiro, i sisted by a Coast Guard patrol the case. force. boat. The rescued were brought to Shea and Palenza had been cir- Massachusetts Commission- Block Island. culators of petitions for themselves er Giles said It is planned to have Dr. Mauricio Goldberg, Block GM Seen UAW Choice and other liemocratlc primary can- ham radio operators stationed at Confusion in Brazil G. M. Williams Island town physician, said six or didates. The alleged violations crucial points to .relay reports im- seven persons were taken to his stemmed from signatures w’hlch mediately if traffic bottlenecks de- office—apparently suffering from the two men had gathered as cir- velop. Hit in Face by immersion and exposure, abrasions culators. “Road Watch" operations, in or bruises. He said one might hava Auto Workers Pick Kubitschek Backs which drivers are halted for in- a leg fracture. spection, also w'ill be conducted in White African A little g;lrl, passenger on tha 164 to 169 various spots. Giles said. Joehua B. said she was one of a Hartford. Aug. 29 (jPi—The State Clement A. Riley, MaasachusetU Lusaka, Northern Rhodesia, Aug. party of four on their first fishing Motor Vehicle Department’s dally Strike Target Today Claims by Goulart 29 (A’ \ — G. Mennen "Williams was trip. She said she was out on deck 4K - r J record of antomobll* fatalities thus (Oontinoed on Page Three) when the other vessel came out of. far thi.s year and the total on the reported punched in the face at the fog. same date last year: Lusaka Airport la.st night by Another survivor—also uniden- Detroit, Aug. 29 t^’i—The United^Denise said yesterday his com- 1960 1961 Rio de Janeiro. Aug. 29 (./F-4 Goulart to dash for Brazil and white man who disapproved of 'U.S. Auto Worker* union today picks claim the presidency detgiite the tified — said eight persons wera pany was preparing no new offer Killed ............................. 164 169 Former President Juscelino Ku- policy in Africa. thrown into the water. which ot the Big Three automaken and did not plan submitting any Death G>unt 9 military oppoeition. bitschek today threw his weight A spectator said the hands of "When the rescued were brought it may atrlke at 12:01 a.m. Friday suidi in advance of today’s target- Donkey Returned Aide.s said he is considering .sev- the a.ssailant of the assistant seC' in support of new contract de- picking meeting of the UAW behind lefti.st Vice President Joao eral po.s.sibIe solutions to the crisis Nefr London. Aug. 29 (iPt —The As Jet Severs relary of state for African affairs (Oontinoed on Page E^ght) mands. board. Offers of the Big Three Goulart for the Brazilian presi- brought about by the resignation were left covered ivith blood. Speculation haa snowbaUed that closely parallel each other. TTieir customer casually gave his order of Janio Quadros as president last yesterday to Albert F. Shaaha, dency. I Williams did not mention any there will be a strike when current top bargainers confer with each Goulart reaffirmed his inten- Friday.
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