COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2019 SESSION OF 2019 203RD OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 49 SENATE BILL SIGNED TUESDAY, November 19, 2019 The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor John K. Fetterman) in the presence of the Senate signed the following bill: The Senate met at 1 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. HB 1410. The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor John K. Fetterman) in the Chair. BILLS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEES PRAYER Senator SCAVELLO, from the Committee on Banking and Insurance, reported the following bills: The Chaplain, Reverend WALTER L. STARTZEL, of First Lutheran Church, Johnstown, offered the following prayer: SB 595 (Pr. No. 1396) (Amended) Let us pray. An Act amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), God of justice and mercy, You sit above us not only in the known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921, in casualty insurance, heavenly realm to rule over us and guide us in spiritual matters, further providing for coverage for mammographic examinations. it is also Your will to work for the welfare of all people through human agencies of government and civic authority. Send Your HB 427 (Pr. No. 2901) (Amended) continual blessing upon the people of this Commonwealth and upon this Senate of elected leaders. Guide the conversations of An Act providing for health insurance coverage requirements for this house and inform its collective conscience so that what is stage four, advanced metastatic cancer. decided and done in this Chamber might be to the upbuilding of our public good and the strengthening of all communities Senator PHILLIPS-HILL, from the Committee on Communi- throughout Pennsylvania. Be present here in today's Session, and cations and Technology, reported the following bill: keep our hearts and minds focused on the things You would have us accomplish to the benefit of every resident in this, the key- SB 810 (Pr. No. 1398) (Amended) stone of our United States. We pray in Your own most holy name. Amen. An Act amending Title 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in boards and offices, providing for information technology; establishing the Office of Information Technology and the The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Reverend Startzel, who Information Technology Fund; providing for administrative and pro- is the guest today of Senator Langerholc. curement procedures and for the Joint Cybersecurity Oversight Com- mittee; imposing duties on the Office of Information Technology; pro- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE viding for administration of Pennsylvania Statewide Radio Network and imposing penalties. (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) Senator YAW, from the Committee on Environmental Re- APPOINTMENT BY THE sources and Energy, reported the following bills: PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE SB 679 (Pr. No. 1395) (Amended) The PRESIDENT. The Chair wishes to announce the Presi- dent pro tempore has made the following appointment: An Act amending the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375, Mr. Douglas E. Hill as a member of the Intergovernmental No.325), known as the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, further Cooperation Authorities for Certain Cities of the Third Class. providing for definitions; and providing for programs for removing obstructions and flood-related hazards on streams. APPOINTMENT BY THE MINORITY LEADER SB 766 (Pr. No. 975) The PRESIDENT. The Chair wishes to announce the Minor- An Act amending the act of December 19, 1996 (P.L.1478, ity Leader has made the following appointment: No.190), entitled "An act relating to the recycling and reuse of waste Ms. Kimberly Kipin-McDonald as a member of the Climate tires; providing for the proper disposal of waste tires and the cleanup of Change Advisory Committee. stockpiled tires; authorizing investment tax credits for utilizing waste tires; providing remediation grants for the cleanup of tire piles and for 1062 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE NOVEMBER 19, pollution prevention programs for small business and households; estab- Brooks Iovino Sabatina Williams, Lindsey lishing the Small Business and Household Pollution Prevention Pro- Browne Kearney Santarsiero Yaw gram and management standards for small business hazardous waste; Collett Killion Scarnati Yudichak providing for a household hazardous waste program and for grant pro- Corman Langerholc Scavello grams; making appropriations; and making repeals," in Small Business Costa Laughlin Schwank and Household Pollution Prevention Program, further providing for Dinniman Leach Stefano grants for collection events. NAY-0 HB 476 (Pr. No. 1455) A majority of the Senators having voted "aye," the question An Act amending the act of July 7, 1980 (P.L.380, No.97), known was determined in the affirmative. as the Solid Waste Management Act, in general provisions, further providing for powers and duties of the department. The PRESIDENT. The Journal is approved. GUESTS OF THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Senator LAUGHLIN, from the Committee on Game and Fish- PRESENTED TO THE SENATE eries, reported the following bill: The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from HB 1772 (Pr. No. 2821) Jefferson, Senator Scarnati. An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylva- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Mr. President, I am very hon- nia Consolidated Statutes, in burglary and other criminal intrusion, ored to have two young ladies job shadowing me here today in further providing for the offense of criminal trespass. the Senate. One of the students, Katarina Swendrowski, is seated in the gallery. Katarina is the daughter of Karon and Eric Senator K. WARD, from the Committee on Transportation, Swendrowski. She is a senior at Wellsboro Area High School. reported the following bill: She participates in cheerleading, is FFA area president, a mem- ber of the National Honor Society, student council, Connect 4, SB 954 (Pr. No. 1371) and is also a junior member of the Wellsboro Borough Council. Katarina plans to attend college to major in government and An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consoli- dated Statutes, in registration of vehicles, further providing for display minor in psychology. That is a pretty good combination. She also of registration plate. hopes to attend law school to study constitutional law. My other guest in the gallery today is Bella Corman. Bella is LEGISLATIVE LEAVE the daughter of Jake and Kelli Corman, a.k.a. Senator Corman. She is a junior in the Bellefonte Area School District. She partic- The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from ipates in basketball, softball, golf, and student council. Bella's Allegheny, Senator Costa. future ambitions are to be involved in campaigns and run races. Senator COSTA. Mr. President, I request a temporary Capitol She is very passionate about being someone involved in politics leave for Senator Farnese. and doing good. The PRESIDENT. Senator Costa requests a temporary Capitol Mr. President, I ask that my colleagues offer Bella and leave for Senator Farnese. Without objection, the leave will be Katarina their usual warm welcome. granted. The PRESIDENT. Would the guests of Senator Scarnati JOURNAL APPROVED please rise to be welcomed by the Senate. (Applause.) The PRESIDENT. The Journal of the Session of September 24, 2019, is now in print. GUESTS OF SENATOR CAMERA BARTOLOTTA The Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the Session of PRESENTED TO THE SENATE September 24, 2019. Senator CORMAN. Mr. President, I move that further reading The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the gentlewoman of the Journal be dispensed with and that the Journal be ap- from Washington, Senator Bartolotta. proved. Senator BARTOLOTTA. Mr. President, today we have a very special guest joining us from the 46th Senatorial District, the On the question, 2019 Miss Rain Day, Katie Swauger, who is seated in the gal- Will the Senate agree to the motion? lery. Also seated with Katie are her parents, Kenneth and Judy Swauger; her sister, Kenna; along with the pageant representa- The yeas and nays were required by Senator CORMAN and tives, Emilia Bertugli and Jeanine Henry. On every Senate desk, were as follows, viz: there is a commemorative little umbrella with the name of 2019 Miss Rain Day. The annual Miss Rain Day scholarship pageant YEA-49 is a popular Greene County summer event. Its history can be traced back to the late 1800s, when a local farmer began keeping Argall DiSanto Martin Street a written record of the fact that it always rained on July 29. That Aument Farnese Mastriano Tartaglione is why the first annual Miss Rain Day pageant was held in 1979 Baker Fontana Mensch Tomlinson Bartolotta Gordner Muth Vogel to celebrate this occurrence. This event has the bragging distinc- Blake Haywood Phillips-Hill Ward, Judy tion of being the only pageant in the world that is considered a Boscola Hughes Pittman Ward, Kim success if it rains. Brewster Hutchinson Regan Williams, Anthony H. 2019 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 1063 Rain Day Scholarship Incorporated is an organization formed A native of Elysburg, Northumberland County, Reverend with the purpose of providing scholarship money to young local Startzel is an accomplished individual. He has a bachelor's de- women, while also providing an opportunity for them to show- gree in music education from Susquehanna University, and a case their various talents. This event has become a Greene master of divinity degree from the Lutheran Theological Semi- County tradition for over 30 years. Katie is the proud recipient nary in Gettysburg. He currently serves the Allegheny Lutheran of this year's scholarship. She is currently a junior at Carmichaels Synod as chair of the Synod Worship Committee, instructor in Area Senior High School, where she is a member of the National the Ignite Teaching Ministry, and a member of the Synod As- Honor Society, a varsity cheerleader, and has participated in two sembly Committee. school musicals. Aside from her academics, Katie is an assistant I am greatly honored to have him as my guest and to have him teacher at her dance studio, For the Love of Dance, where she as our Chaplain today in the Senate.
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