0 DOCUMENT RESUME ,ED 241 837 CG 017 314 AUTHOR ' Gallant Donakd S. TITLE Alcoho and. Drug Abuse Curriculum Guide for ', . 4. Psychicy Faculty. Medibine 2. Health Professions . 1 Education Curriculum Rebource Series. INSTITUTION .Nations learinghouse for Alcohol Information ,, (DH114), Rockville, Md.; National Inst. on Drug Abuse . (DHHS/PHS), 'Rockville, Md. SPONS AGENCY National'Inst. on Alcohol Abuse apgAlcoholism (DHHS), RoCkville, Md. 10 REPORTNO * DHHS-ADM-82-1159 PUS DATE 82 ) :- CONTRACT ADM - 281 -79 -0001 ' 'AOTE 81p.; For related docuMent, see CG 017 t13. Appendix . .---4 C, "A Technique for IntaFvention and Confrontation of Substance Abusers," by Michael Liepman, is . , ' copyrighted and therefore not available. PUB TYPE, Guides - Non-Classroom Use.(055) :. DRSPRICE MF01/PC04 PlusPosiage. DESCRIPTORS *Alcoholism; *Curriculim Development; Curriculum Guides;.*Drug Abuse; *Drug Educatioa;.Health Education; Healt# Pyrsonnel; Higher Education; *Medical Education; Medical Schools; Medical Students; Psychiatry . ABSTRACT This guide, one of a series of publications written, for medical school faculty to use in.designingsubstance abuse instruction, focuses on curriculum contant for drug and alcohol abuse instruction. Following a brief introduct ?on, discussions of positive attitude development to,rd substance abuse patients, and the psychological, cultural and biological aspects of substance abuse are presented. Diagnostic techniques, patient referral and early interventan therapeutip'treatment techniques, especially with adolescents, are also discussed. Treatment of acute and chronic phases of alcohol and drug abuse, and, therapy goals and tecbniques Aare explored. substance abuse among physicians is presents in terms of early symptoms, problems in delayed treatment, and successful treatment; and substance induced' organic mental disorders are . discussed. A,section on community prevention of substance abuse focuses-on primary (legal and educational approaches), secondary (medical and legal approaches), and tertiary prevention. The guide concludes with a list p references, appendices, and tables dealing with d ;agnostic instruments and drug signs and symptoms, and an 'annotated list of curriculum materials: (BL) ItA************o********V**************************************;******* * " Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ******************v***************************************************' t 4 qt. s . Alcohol and Drug Abuse CurriCulium Guide for PSydifiatry FaCii!ty mmtne240 Doriald S. pallanti.M.11 Health Professions Education Curriculum ResourceSeries 0 S DEPARTMENT OE EDUCATION NATIOVAI. INSTITUTE Of EDUCATION EDUCATIONlaq RESOURCES INFORATION CENTER Tr. df,ctenrrot beer rerecdece0 4 OttOPf(0,1 e06,01517 )(pf (prilfJ VIA*, r,NrS sire pr.t.rma0cIo wnpov pod.c.on 1.410 9o,+14 of y.rN ororx..ons .1.terf4. tins floc u rm..; 41,1not ncessv toloasoni of.colNIT pi)Stonf, C.4. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ANDHUNSSERVICES Public Health Service Alcohol.rug Abuse, and Mentalealth Administration National Institute on Alaihol Abuse and Alcoholism' '\ 5600 Fishers Lane Rockylle. Maryland 20457 . r , r A' A -44 4 ci t ,f; ' Health ProfessionsThe Educatioh Curriculum Resource Series is sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in cooperation with the National Institute oh thug Abuse. Through the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information, expert authors are re- quested to develop and are assisted in the preparation of these guides. The views and recom rneridations presented in these guides are those of the authors. The planning and development I of the Currieulutp Resource Series has lieen coordinated by Ms. Frances Cotter, NIAAA, and Ms. Claire Callahan, The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information is operated under contract number ADM 281-79-0001 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to Informatics Inc. 7 All material appearing in this booldcti,except appendix t and quoted-passages from copyrighted sources, is in the public domain anemay be reproduced or copied without permission from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. or the authors. Citation of the source is appreciated.\ DHHS Publication No. (ADM) a2-1159 Printed 1982 1 - 3 be , . 11 4 I 4 . t . 4 f Technical Revjewers . I . SidneyColien, M.D. JePtha Hostetlir, Ph.D. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Associate Professor of Anatomy University of California School of Medicine Ohio Stalk Uniyersity College of.Medicine. Los Angelee, California Columbus, Ohio \ C . About the Auihor.' Dr. Donald M. Gallant is 1. professor of psychiatry Drug Abuse (NIDA). Dr. Gallant is a fellow of the and an adjunct professor of pliarmacolog) at Tulane American Psychit.tric Association and of the American Uni%ersity Medical School He was awarded a Career College of Neuropsychopharmacology, He is also a Teacher in. Alcohol and Drug. Abuse grant ( 1979- member of the Psxchopharmacologic Drug Advisory 1982) by .the National Institute on Alcohol Abuserand Committee, Food and Drug Administration. Alcoholism (NIAM) and the National Institute on . A. ti . I. o i " 7 ''`.Ai . 1.'., . .... , a 13 t , . ... 1 a . 1 ; . °. ..: .t . a : i . ' . , " . ,.. O. 4 . .. , 1 . & ' ForewOrd. I, flt ,.4. ; : . ) o ; . : Mt . 4 I. , . .. , 1.. '41 t I V ' ...% :71 . I _.4. t T : .. ,. .. , r: ),.. P "rlie National Institute on Alcohol -Abuse and Alcoholism (VIAAA)santcl the, ga- 1tional Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) rebo'nize the vital role Of the physician 1, in .the diagnosis, treatment, and referral of, patients vitil substance alinse disorders. , Physician educationin alcohol and drug abase is of critical importancen our efforts 'to combat these major medical problems.: $ . - , . In order to ,support medical school' faculty in their 'efforts' to make fubstazise abuse education an integrated, effective part of the ctillriculum, the 'Health Probrions Education (I-IPE) Project was initiatedhy the Training Branch of NIAAA, m co- operation with MBA. In.response to the crit39,1 needfor useful information in aleOluil and diug abuse iviuction, the 1-114E Project cbnducts a two-pace effort to collect existing educational resources and make them available to health professions educators through the National Clearinghouse far Alcohol Information ( data base and , to develop curriculum' materials of specific use to medical edu etch% iniCALI) Anatructional planning. Ia This volume is one of a series of publieationslor use in designing substance abuse instruction and is offered Co the medical edUcation community in the hope that it will be a valuible resource in preparing physicians to treat alcohol and drug abuse disorders. it LORAN ARCHER,Acting Director, National Instigate on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 4 Art 4, Ili ti f. rf t . / , So I. .r : J. .4 .. .. .- .., . , Page 1 . .....4 t .. ,..e. Fo d : .., IntduCtion- 4 1 . ' . .. .Ch pter 1, *Developing Positive Attitudes Toward. Su4stance Abuse Plients . .3.. - . Cha ter 2. Psychol'ogie.'Cultdral. and Biologic Aspects of Substance A6tlise' .8 Psysliodynimie MechanIsms and PexsOnality "Problcips Contributing to the Developpient of Alcohol arid Drug Abuse" 5. ,I,3sfchologic Confeciuenies of Substance Abuse . 7 . .: Variationsand Effects of Cultural Altitudes 9 , . ,Genetie Aspects of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 10 . ; Chapt: 3. EarlyDiagnosisof Alcohol and Drug Abuse and . Indications 'for Patient Referral * .. 13 11% . D iagnosint the Early Phaies of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 13 \ The Intetviesv Process . .13' Early Symptoms and Signs of Alcohol and Drug Abuse . .. 14 1 ' .t . ) . ,.'Indications for Referral for Pyychiatilc Consultation or to Specialized Treatment Programs a i ' Chapter 4 Essential Elements of the Therapeutic Relationship and Techniques \ of Early intervention and Treatment: Special Techniques 1 With Adolescents 19 .*- ential Elements of the erapeutic Relationship 19 .. '-. r echniqucs of Early Into tion and Treatment 19 , . Stial Intervention Modi Lion With Adolescents 21 f ' t bhapter..5 Tr atment of Acute 4n Chrpriic Phases, of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 23 Ti tment of the AcutePh of Substance Abuse 23 cohol or Drug 23, diosyncratic Drug Reaetns 24 cohol and Mug Withdr wal i 25 : ... 6 . 4 - I . a ; ,. / .71 f - . 0 I Page; . Treatment of the Chronic Phase of Alcohol and Drug Abuse 27 . Use of Community Resources (AA, Al-Anon, NA) .. 27 Special Problems of Fetriale, Minority Groupf and Elderly Substance Abusers ,.-28 Use of Disulfiram . 29 The Goals of Controlled Dripking 29 Goals of Therapy . 30 4 Problems in Evaluating Success Rates of Substance Abuse Programs 30 Teaching Treatment Techniques: the of Recovered Patients 1 31 Recovery Panels 31 . Self -help Grolips 31 , Student ParticiRation in Treatment Settings. 31 Chapter ok Intervention'ang Treatment of the Physician Disabled by Substance Abu %e 33 Early Symp of Substance Abuse Among Physicians N. 33 - The Problem.pf Delayed Treatment of the Addicted Physician 34 A . Successful Treatinerlt of the Physicitr\14ith SubstanceAbuse 35 .. Chapter 7 Diagnosis and Treatment of Sulistance-Induced Organic Mental Disorders 67 Diagnosis of Substance-Induced Organic Disortrs 3? ' Dementia Associtted with Alcoholism and Other hugs 38 Irreatittent of the Organic Disorders 38 Chapter 8. Prevention of Substance Abuse Within a Community 41 . Primarysk3revention 41 , . Legal Approaches 1 . 41 4 4.. Educational Approaches, ' 0-. ' 42 1"--. Secondary Nevestiott 43 , c Medical Aspects ' . 43 . !Aral
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