I &juravr,po;pa~ &ov nap0kft Ins tauration. VOL. 22, NO. 9 AUGUST 1997 otherwise vague impression that we are ruled by a hostile elite. One "Ellen" is worth any number of militias in terms of In keeping with Instauration's policy of ano- 0 Al Jolson and minstrel songs have been awakening people. nymity, most communicants will be identified in the news lately. Irecently came across 111 by the lint three digits of their zip code. some "coon" music from the early In the light of all the talk these days 1900s. One that produced a guffaw was 0 A Chosenite named Binjamin Wilko- about apologies, I think an apology for Plant a Watermelon on My Grave and mirski, in the memoir of his childhood in the Emancipation Proclamation would be Let the juice Soak 7hmugh. WWII, notes: "If I'm going to write in order. 030 about it, I have to give up on the. ..logic 190 of grown-ups; it would only distort what 0 Jewish organizations lobbied heavily happened." That about sums up the sub- 0 A State Dept. poster of the "100 Out- and successfully to get the welfare re- stance of most Holocaust literature. standing American Women" had to be form bill modified to do as little financial 336 recalled sometime ago because someone damage as possible to their own lately had sneaked in Ethel Rosenberg. arrived "refugee" landsmen. The $26 0 My insurance man admitted that many 302 million cut out of welfare for "legal im- insurance companies have left New York migrantswhas been restored. About 40% because they couldn't afford to operate 0 Ijust bought a Polaroid instant came- of Russian Jews are still on welfare a year there anymore. Orthodox Jews in New ra. Iwon't be able to send in the guaran- after their arrival here. York commit insurance fraud round the tee. It is written inSpanish! 800 clock, yet the companies can't discrimi- 432 nate against them by writing more ex- 0 Of the more than $200 million raised pensive policies or by refusing to insure 0 The New Republic recently reported for the Democratic Party for last year's them. Today it is difficult to get reason- on contemporary slavery in Sudan and election, one-quarter came from Jews. ably priced insurance in Zoo City. Mauretania. Outraged readers don't deny One Jewish lobbyist conceded, "I'm not 310 it, but say it's highly politically incorrect here to pass judgment on whether the to mention it. system smells bad. But the fad is that we 0 Pundits note that the lesson of Water- 300 have access under this system far beyond gate was that scandals always unravel. our numbers." Clinton taught us the opposite. 0 Care not what happens to your coun- 911 115 try. Care not what happens to the econo- ,my. Care not about capitalism or com- 0 Some 10% to 15% of the students in 0 The President is a confessed adulterer. m;nism, free or closed markets. Care not the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College He tells teens on TV that he regrets about democracy or dictatorship. Care are gay or lesbian. smoking dope; equates NATO with the only what happens to your ace. 305 Warsaw Pact; apologizes for opposing 800 communism in Central America; con- 0 The chairman of the board of the sorts in the White House with Chinese 0 Ratnefs Restaurant on Delancey St., American Israel Public Affairs Commit- agents, to whom his government granted Zoo City, now has a Lansky Lounge, tee, Steven Grossman, has taken over as named after the notorious mobster. Rat- the national chairman of the Democratic CONTENTS nefs was a hangout for the Semitic Syn- National Committee. The two jobs are Whither the Modern Painter. .. 4 dicate in the prewar era. fairly identical. Acting Effectively. ........... 7 116 560 Sports Notes. ................ 8 0 The Simon Wiesenthal Center is building Bismarck and the Jews (Part 11). 9 Instauration a new whiz-bang bells 'n' whistles high- A Tripartite Nation?. ........ .13 is published 12 times a year by tech $50-million Museum of Tolerance in Biracial Baloney. ............ .14 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Jerusalem. The officials of Yad Vashem Hate Is Not a Family Value. .....14 Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 consider this an invasion of their "territo- Immigration and the Labor Market15 ry" and are not happy about the compe- Annual Subscription We Need a Force Not a Farce. .l5 $35 (third class) tition. Holocaust "expertw Raul Hilberg $45 (firn class) said that the new museum would be "a packtalk. .................. .16 $48 Canada Inklings. .18 $50 foreign (surface) little bit of Disneyland with voices and ................... $67 foreign (air) disappearing bodies." Cultural Catacombs. .......... 20 702 Single copy pice $3, postpaid Primate Watch. ............. .21 Magazine is mailed in plain white envelope \ Talking Numbers. ........... .22 0 The American public is easily fooled or Wilmot Robertson, editor cowed on issues like race, the Holocaust Waspishly Yours. ............ .23 Make check payable to Howard Allen. and immigration. Embracing homosexu- Satcom Sam. ................24 Florida residents, please add 6% sales tax. ality is entirely different. Most people of Notes from the Sceptred Isle. ....26 Third-class mail is not forwarded. all colon and creeds want nothing to do Report from the Darkening Tip. .27 with queers and resent being forced to Advise change of address well in advance. Elsewhere. ..................28 lSSN 0277-2302 commingle with them. This is not going to change and serves to reinforce the Stirrings. ...................31 PAGE 2-INSTAURATION-AUGUST 1997 claimed such exclusivity. Another puz- zlement to my young mind: How can Einstein be called a Jewish scientist, top-secret clearances; is the first gay- like a Valentine card with hearts and when everything he learned emanated friendly president; punishes no one for ri- flowers, Cupids and darts. The plane will from the universities he attended? fling 900 FBI files. But why continue? fly a flexible schedule to various roman- 112 Times are good, so who cares? tic destinations and honeymoon hidea- 712 ways. Also consider refitting the interior 0 Music reigns as my favorite art form. with fully reclining seats and Pullmancar No poem, book, painting or sculpture ri- 0 Why is ewryone so shocked by the Af- curtains. vals words splendidly sung. Young wom- ricanization of the Armed Forces? Hey, 330 en to me sing sweetest. There must be a they feed you, house you, supervise your genetic link between comeliness and the every move. Freedom and independent 0 Ann Landers recently wrote that if the gift of song. thinking are anathema. Aside from the earth's population was just one village of 420 absence of crops, they could be on a 100, half the village's wealth would be- plantation! long to six U.S. citizens. How about a 0 Nothing improves except Instauration. 244 different analysis? List everything essen- I can only say, keep it up, while every- tial to modem life. Then calculate what thing else goes down the tube. Our rulers seem intent on a complete percentage of the list was invented or de- 250 re-do. What society had tolerated in the veloped by whites. What would the per- past is now forbidden. What society had centage be-98%, 9g0/0? 0 During the 60s a book, Bla& Like Me, shunned is now mandatory. Must have 113 was published which described the ex- been tough living under communism, but periences of the author (a female, I even the Reds didn't try to play god with 0 What's the point of talking about race think), who darkened her skin and human nature. relations when the real cause of black passed for a black in the South. Do you 907 problemr--their inherent mental inferi- think we will ever see a similar book, ority-cannot even be hinted at? lewish Like Me? 0 Jesse Timmendequas "was twice be- 660 405 fore convicted of sex offenses" before being convicted of the "horrific murder" 0 When Gennifer Flowers blew the whis- 0 Tiger Woods's mother has stated that of Megan Kanka. Why is anyone guilty of tle on Bill, he apologized on N. He was her son's destiny will be far greater than more than one sex crime against children accompanied by Hillary, who apparently just golf. He will be president of the U.S. ever let out of prison? forgave him. He went on to be nominat- or emperor or even the first CEO of the 981 ed, elected and reelected. However, if New World Order! His recent losses you are up for something really impor- were no more than teasers described by 0"Mea culpa" seems exclusively a white tant--like officer in command of a sup- the media as minor detours. phrase. Asians and Africans spend little ply dump in Topeka--past misdemeanors 822 time berating themselves over their mis- put forth by anonymous, unverified hot- treatment of others. Are they entirely in- line calls will deny you that promotion 0 A government worker friend told me nocent? The world will know in the 2lst and force you into retirement. about a black woman unable to do her century, as the white race phases itself 554 job. Solution? Promote her to supervis- out. or! White men in his department are for- 020 0 Claiming the 9,000-yearold Caucasian bidden from organizing the same types skeleton found in Washington state, local of lobbying groups that blacks, Hispan- 0 To appoint foreign-born Americans to Yumatilla Indians protested that their tra- ics and gays have. Is this how Clinton the post of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Secretary ditions say that they were always in the builds reconciliation? of State and other high Cabinet posts is area and "didn't come cross no land 606 against my principles.
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