JI PNWD-2129 HEDR uc-000 I Relative to Hanford Production Facilities Operations Originated on the Hanford I. .- Siie Between 1961 and 1972 REPOSITORY vu .L April 1993 I MIA .u\ Prepared for the Texhnical Steering Panel and the Centers for Disease Control under Contract 200-92-0503(CDC)/18620(BNW) 0 Baftelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories I123411 This rrport was pmpared by Battelle as an account of sponsored -arch .- activities. Ncitber Sponsor nor Banelle nor any person aaing on behalf of eitha: .I ............. _-.. _.-.-.-I --. ...... MAKES ANY WARRANTY OR RWIESPCTATION; EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, with rspeato thc accuncy, completeness, or useiulness ofthe information , .. -_. ...... *%... - ......... contained in this repoh or that the use of any information, apparatus, proces, or composition disclosed in this repon may not infringe privately . - -_ ".*I - .,, ~. .- . I., -.. , , - own&d~nghO:or .- _-.- ........ ...--.-.e -any liabilities 4th rr~pcctto the use'of, or damages multing fr~n the use ob, any infomution, m,pmcess, or composition diddin this rrpoh Rhceherein to any specific commercial produu process. or miceby trade name. tmianak manufacrum, or othcrwiset:does not necessarily connitua or imply endorsemcm. mommendation, or favoring by Sponsor or Bandlc List of Currently Classified Documents Relative to Hanford Production Facilities Operatiom Originated on the Hantord Site Beween 1961-1 972 PREFACE The United States Department of Energy (DOE) hat declared that all Hanfordplutonium production- urd opefatione related infomation genere~tedbetween 1944 and 1972 is declassified. Any documents found and deemed useful lor meeting Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction (HEDR) objectives may be declatsifiec with or withoul deletions in accordance with DOE guidance by Authorized Derivative Declusifiem. The September 1932. letter report, DeclassificationsReauested by the Technical Steerins Panel of Hanford Documents Produced 1944-1960, (PNWD-2024 HEDR UC-707). provides an impomnt milestone toward achieving a complete listing of documents that may be useful to the HEDR Project. The 1429 ernes listed in the report identity the documents as prioritiz2 for eventual declassification (completed in M 1992) by the Technical StHring Panel VSP) and the public. The attached listing of approximately 7.000 currently classified Hanford-originated documents relative to Hanford Production Facilities Operations between 1961 and 1972 fulfills TSP Directive 893. It should be noted that this list does not include such Wes as the Irradiation Procesaing Department, Chemical Processing Department. and Hanford Laboratory Operations monthly reports genere~tedafter 1960 which have boon previously declassified with minor deldons and made publicly available. Also note that Kaiser Engineers Hanford (KEH) Document Control determined that no KEH documents generated between January 1. 1961 and Decamber 31, 1972 are currently classified. Additionally, titles which address work for others have not been included because Hanford Site contractors currentty having custodial responsibility for these documents do not have the authonty to determine whether other than their own staff have on file an appropriate need-to-know. Furthermore. these documents do not normally contain information reiative to Hanford Site operations. Elemental Symbols When Douglas-United Nuclear (DUN) staff entered titles into b data base. those elemental symbols which consisted of ' 3 upper- and lower-case letters (e.g., Plmonium = Pu. Promethium = Pm, Polonium = Po, Neptunium - Np, Nickel = Ni, Niobium = Nb, etc.) did not retain the lower-case letter and upon printing recorded only a space. For example. it is not immediately clear what 'P-' refen to in the document listing DUN-2336 'P Formation. Uranium Credits Burnout and Burnout Costs.' k potentially could rder to Pu, Pm, Po, etc. However, DUN-1852 'P -238 Production Demonstration'. most likely would denote 'Pu' since only Pu has an isotopic of 238. It was determined that an effor; to ioentty the tttles in ouestion. pull and review the documents, and correct the symbol for eacn entry was not COS: effective ana oulsiue the scope of this directwe. It should also be noted that OFT' does not normally refer to Platinum. References to 'PT in document Wes and text more often refers to 'Production Test'. Numberina Svstem This title listing was designed to consider only classified documents beginning January 1, 1961. There are some exceptions, however. Some tjtles may be datea in 1960 or earlier. The collection of V-W documents for which Pacific Northwss: Laboratory has custodial responsibility was not available in machine readable form when the initial listing of documents covering the years 1944-1 960 was prepared. At that time, HW-68000 was chosen as the cut4 oocument Most 'W numbers greater than 60000 are dated in 1961 and later. Howwer some exceptions were observed when preparing this listing $.e.. HW-69074RD 'Control of Radio-Iodine Emissions from the SeDarations Plants' is dated December 19, 1960.) Note that this document was once classified, but has been publicly available for a number of years. HANFOFD SITE ORlGlNATED DOCUMENT NUMBER PREFIXES This list indudor some of the mom fWV~ontlyUwd document pdixu during tho lml thmugh 1972 poriod. Th. prdxei followed by thetr gemd domptions. dams of origination and uuge. 1. ARH 2 BN 3. BNWL 4. DUN Douglu-Unitod Nucku - Rime Oontraaor for opention of 100 k.. producaiOn ructon. This pnfu war changod to UNI (Unitod Nud.u [hc. of Indu.tri..]) whm McDonrwlMbugkr nlinquirhd It8 pOrtlOn of Uta contmct in 1973. Unitod Nudeafs conmct war t.mrin.# Jum 28,1987. 5. ITS 6. HAN This -&on numkr sohe was usod by tho Atomic bwrgy Cornminion, Richknd Cffia (dmknow u HOO, Hanford Operations 0th~)on 8lI doarmonts which wminooming to thom and thcmo which they originated. 7. Hw This serir begm with Hw-'ToQo in July, 1947 urd dnwdthrwgh tho GUWd .kc(ric qim. t 0.- i in 1964 with HWs in !he 8QOOb. All oon#pondenor, mrmor and formal np0rbitrU.d bytin Goneral D.ctric Company whik at Mordmn .trignod an HW doarmmt numbor merct.rrifi.d or unclassified. Somo of the vary early numbers had thr HEW pdix (H.nford Energy worfit). 8. IS0 morn - Thissmnos began in kt6 1965andwuamlrut.d in 1967. h0ctwm was. muri.g. between U.S. Rubber and Mubn Marietta and wu the pnnn oonb.otor tor fwl mproaolng and waste mmagemwrt mywere wmwdod by Atlurbc Richfield Hanford Company. b0Ch.m wu me fim opmtor of the 2fX keas attor ttM General Ektnc depublre. 9. Rc This dpha prefix followed by th. initidr of an opomtions component 0.0. SAS (s.f.guudr and Writy) ?r been used by DOE-RL since 1968 or 19W. I! tollom tm HAN soma 8nd is an accession number UILbd tor both incoming and RL Originaid documents, pnmarlly durifi.d. 10. RLGEN lha GEM were 'gemnl' to ria, operations and wore d in 1964 to 1985. 11. RL-NRD Tho NRD8 wen uud for documents that related to th. N Ruaw from 1964 until Gonad Eiecmc turned (h. nufor 0v.r to Dougla8-Unib.d Nudou in 1987. 12. RL-REA The RELh were usod for documents mating to the reactors other than N Reactor mar wmonginatod in 1964 to lS5. Tho REA9 were followsd by DUNS. 13. RL-SEP The SEPs were u$ed for documents relating to the separations activities which were origin8ted in 1964 to 1965. The SEW were followed by ISOs. Page No. 1 04/28/93 LIST OF HAYFORD-GENERATED C~SSlFIED DOQMENTS DATED BETUEEN l/t/61 AND 12/31/72 DOC. NO. TITLE. mm LEVEL PGS DATE ARH-00001APR WREX SOURCE DATA - FY 1968 - APR ARHtO SECR 01/08/70 ARH-00001FES -EX SUJRCE DATA - PI 19a - FEB MHCO SECR Ol/Ci6rn ARH-00001 JAN PURM UURCE DATA - FY 1968 - JAN ARHm SECR 01/08/m ARH-oooO1 JuIl wRu( EQlRCE DATA - FY 1966 - JUN ARHCO SECR Ol/OB/fo ARH-OOWlUAR PUR= SOURCE DATA - FY 1968 - MAR mm SECR Ol/Oa/m ARH-OOOO1MAY PUREX SOURCE DATA - FY 1968 - MY ARHCO SECR 01/Ci6/70 ARH-m PLUTWIIM PROCESSING SS eUTERIALS JG WRPHY SECR 09/oC/67 GENERAL LEDGER-FI 1- ARH-OOOO%PR PLUTWIUI PROCESSING - UURCE DATA - JG WRPW SECR 04/01/68 FY-1968, APRIL 1968 PLUTONIUI PROCESSING - SOURCE DATA * FY JG WRPHY SRD 1UOV67 1968 DECEHBER, 19678 ARH-OOOCUFEB PLUTCUIW PROCESSING - SOURCE DATA - FY JG WPHY SRD 02/01 /68 1968 FEBRUARY, 1968 ARH--JAN PLUTo(JIu( PRdCESSING - SOURCE DATA - FY JG WRPHY SRD 01/01/68 1968 JANUARY, 1968 PlUToWllM PROCESSING - SWRQ DATA - FY JG WRPHY SRD WO1/68 1966 JUNE, 1968 PLUTOLllW PROCESSING - SOURCE DATA - FY JC lURPHY SRD 03/01/60 1%8 MARCH, 1968 PLUTONIW PROCESSING - SWRCE DATA - FY JG RRPHY SECR 05/01/68 1968 MY, 19688 PLUIONIUI PROCESSING - SQIRCE DATA - n JG MJRPHY SRD 11/01/67 1968 NOVEMBER, 1967 PLUTONIUW PROCESSING - #uRCE DATA - FY JG WRPHY SECR 10/01/67 1968 - OCTOBER 1%8 PWTWIUI PROCESSING - SQlRCE DATA - FY JC WRPHY SECR 09/04/67 ?%8, SEPTEMBER 1967 ARH-00004APR PLUToWlW RECUMATION - SWRCE DATA - FY JG WRPHY SECR 04/01 /a 1968 APRIL, 19688 ARH-00004DEC PLUloWIul RECLAWATION - SWRCE DATA - FY JG WRPHY SRD 12/01 /67 1968 DECEMBER, 1967 ARH-00004FEB PLUTWIIM RECLAMAfIOLl - SCURCE DATA - FY JG WRPHY SRD 02/01 /67 1968 FEBRUARY, 1968 PWTWIUI RECLANATION - SQlRCE DATA - FY JG WURPHY SRD 01/01/68 1968 JANUARY, 1968 ARH-00004JUN PLUTWIIM RECUCUTION - SQIRCE DATA - JG MPHY SRD 06/01 /a FY-1- JUNE, 1968 ARH-000WR PLuTOLlXul RECWTI(IW - #uRCE DATA - FY JG UJRPHY SRD 03/01 /68 1%8 IURCH, 196B ARH-OOOo4wAY PUITOUIW RECLANATIW - SOURCE DATA - FY Jt WRPHY SECR 05/01/68 1968uAY, 19688 PLUTONIU RECLAWATION - SQIRCE DATA - FY JG WRPHY SRD 11/01/67 1968 NOVEWBER, 1367 PLUTOWIUI RECLAWTION - WEEDATA - FY JC WRPHY SECR 10/01/67 1968 - 10/01/67 ARH-00004SEP PLUTWIW RECLAMATIOLI - SURE DATA - FY JG MURPHY SECR 09/04/67 1968 SEPTEIIBER, 19678 H-00007 AEE-101 SHIPPING AND RECEIVING LOG= JG WRPHY SRD 09/04/67 H-00011RD Z PLANT REPORT TA#: 1-11, RECOVERY LW KNIGHTS SRD 09/05/67 OPERATIOWS SEPTEMBER 5, 1967 THRU DECEMBER 31, 1967 I I2 UNCLASSIFIED LIST OF HAWFORD-GENERATED CLASSIFIED DOUUENTS DATED BEMEN 1/1/61 AND 12/31/72 DOC.
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