LLoonneSS ttaarCC oonnssuullttiinngg,II nncc.DD eevviicceess::SSuubblliimmiinnaall,,MMiinndCC oonnttrrooll,,EElleeccttrroonniicAA ttttaacckk,,EEnnttrraaiinnmmeenntt,,BBeehhaavviioorMM oodd 1122..0055..22001144 Mind Control Attacks (MC), Neurological Weapons Attacks, Electronic Attacks, Electronic Harassment (EH), Electronic Implants (EI) and Brain State Control / Brain State Monitoring, Brain Entrainment, Brainwashing, Brainwave Signatures, Mind Reading, Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), Mind Probes, Behavioral Modification, Body Control, Brain Stimulation, Subliminal Mind Control Programming Search this Webpage (again) Technologies, Directed Energy Weapons Technologies, Microwave Attacks, Microwave Harassment, (most browsers; not case-sensitive; partial text Circular Polarized Light Attacks, Carrier Current Attacks, Ultrasonic Attacks, Infrasonic Attacks, OK) Fluorescent Lighting Attacks, Binaural Beats, Voice-to-Skull Technology (V2K, V2S), ELF Attacks, Remote Influencing, Implanted False Memories, Implanted Thoughts, Manchurian Candidates, Electronic Gang Stalking, Manifestations, Electronic Countermeasures Customized Device Types! LONE STAR CONSULTING, INC. of EL PASO, TEXAS =>Customized Devices Application Form (CDAF) All Customized Device (CD) Types (framed page) - All CD Types (unframed page) Contact Us Mind Control, Electronic Attack, Unusual, Strange CD Types (this webpage) These 2014 Catalog Webpages Now on CDROM or Disk (only $15) tekmaster Lone Star Consulting, Inc., 7250 N. Mesa, Suite C, PMB 70, El Paso, TX 79912 VOICE (9-5 MST): [915 - 474 - 0334] sitemap - policies Check, Money Order, Money Transfer Service (MTS), Trade or PayPal ([email protected]) USA Site - No cookies - No adware - No spyware - No trojans - No viruses - No worms - No spam - No popups We Respect Your Privacy - We do NOT Monitor nor Track Your Activities Online, nor Share Your Data BUYING FROM US IS SIMPLE: (1) Select the Unique Customized Device(s) You Want on This or Any Other Page, (2) Click on the green CDAF Link above, (3) Print and Complete the CDAF Form(one CDAF for each Device), (4) Mail or Email as a PDF File to Us Your CDAF(s). We Respond to You Within 3 Days About Your Proposed CD Project. High-Tech Mind Control Attacks, Electronic Attacks, Countermeasures Customized Device Types Mind Control (Mindcon, MC), Neurological Weapons, Subliminal Mind Control, Body Control (Bodycon), Behavior Modification, Brain Entrainment, Brainwashing, Brainwave Signatures, Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM), Mind Reading (Mindread), Mind Probing, Remote Influencing, Voice-to-Skull Technology (V2K, V2S), ELF Attacks, Electronic Attacks, Electronic Harassment (EH), Directed Energy Weapons Systems, Electronic Implants (EI) and Brain State Control / Brain State Monitoring, Microwave Attacks, Microwave Harassment, Circular Polarized Light Attacks, Binaural Beats, Carrier Current Attacks, Ultrasonic Attacks, Infrasonic Attacks, Fluorescent Lighting Attacks, Brain Stimulations, Implanted Thoughts, Implanted False Memories, Manchurian ... and tell your Candidates, Electronic Gang Stalking, Manifestations, Electronic friends! Countermeasures Products and Services. Unique, Original, Made-to-Order, Special Needs, Unusual, Strange, Weird Customized Device Types We Can Do For YOU! Backed by 25+ years of Professional Design Experience! AARON ALEXIS: Evidence of Mind Control, and Why Mind Control and Electronic Attack Countermeasures are Critical BASED ON THE OPINIONS OF LONE STAR CONSULTING, INC.: Aaron Alexis was the Sept. 16, 2013, attacker in the Washington Navy Yard mass shootings. Earlier, Aaron Alexis had reported that three men had followed him from the airport, who were projecting thoughts into his mind and keeping him sleep- deprived using a "microwave machine." Also, Aaron Alexis claimed that the Government was attacking him with ELF signals (Extremely Low Frequency signals). Sound familiar? News reports during the shooting spree claimed that there were three shooters, but later said that Aaron Alexis was the only shooter. Earlier, Aaron Alexis visited two VA medical centers for mental therapy. We believe that Aaron Alexis was a VA Manchurian Candidate - a disgruntled loner Veteran targeted, programmed and triggered using EMF mind control technology to do what he did. The three men who followed him were his handlers - programmers and "Queen of Diamonds" "trigger" men - John Doe #1, John Doe #2 and John Doe #3 (supervisor of Doe #1 and #2) - typical set-up. And that the three originally suspected shooters were Aaron Alexis, John Doe #1 and John Doe #2. Why the reported number of shooters changed to one shooter was because while John Doe #1 and #2 were acting suspiciously (staying close enough to Aaron Alexis to control and monitor him), they never fired shots or acted threatenly themselves, so were later discounted. For decades now we have asserted that Manchurian Candidates are being trained in the U.S., and that the VA is complicit going back to the days where the VA used electroconvulsive "therapy" and lobotamies on Veterans. This was not the first horribly violent act in which John Does were implicated - recall Sirhan Sirhan, Timothy McVeigh, other cases. The moral here is that if you are a Targeted Individual (TI) of mind control and electronic attacks - even if not a Veteran - you better take serious steps to ferret out the attacks and to countermeasure them - else you risk possibly becoming the next Aaron Alexis! Mind control and electronic attacks are usually extremely dangerous - even deadly. Our goal is to help TIs. Let us help you. The Government Never Stops Doing Mind Control and hhttttpp::////wwwwww..lloonneessttaarrccoonnssuullttiinnggiinncc..ccoomm//mmiinnddccoonnttrrooll--ddeevviicceess..hhttmm 1/ 2222 LLoonneSS ttaarCC oonnssuullttiinngg,II nncc.DD eevviicceess::SSuubblliimmiinnaall,,MMiinndCC oonnttrrooll,,EElleeccttrroonniicAA ttttaacckk,,EEnnttrraaiinnmmeenntt,,BBeehhaavviioorMM oodd 1122..0055..22001144 Electronic Attacks on TIs Many people wishfully believe that because our Government is stressed, or on sequester, or shut down with only essential personnel working, it cuts back on its mind control and electronic attack programs. Mind control and electronic attacks come from governments (ours and many others), corporations, criminal and terrorist organizations, and technically-adept individuals for many reasons. Our Government never shuts down, or even scales back, its mind control and electronic attack research and testing. Some say it even steps them up to better monitor and control people during bad times. Of course, when Government is viewed as weakened, all the other perps know they can more freely operate against Americans because law enforcement intended to detect non-Government perps is also weakened. Never forget that where government protection ends, YOU must do the rest to protect yourself. Our Mind Control and Electronic Attack Countermeasure Devices Now Come With Advanced Transient Suppression! Many people these days, especially Online, claim to sell mind control and electronic attack countermeasures and detection devices. Clearly none of whom can match the relevant highly- specialized knowledge, experience, equipment, parts, specialized materials, tools and facilities of Lone Star Consulting, Inc. to actually be able to help mind control and electronic attack victims, and most of whom are clearly outright frauds. Further, we are the only ones we know of who now provide Advanced Transient Suppression Technology (ATST) in our mind control and electronic attack countermeasure devices. All electronic devices can be damaged or destroyed by common high-voltage transients from lightning and defective high-voltage equipment and power lines, electrical arcs and coronas, inductive kicks from high-voltage power interruptions, and static electric discharges. Also, based on what we know, mind control and electronic attack predators are increasingly resorting to directional high-pulse burst transmitters (pulse-type directed energy transmitters), possibly even EMP, to wipeout costly countermeasure devices deployed by mind control and electronic attack victims to protect themselves. Our unique countermeasure devices now come with 1,500 watts of ATST protection (at no extra cost) to foil even the most highly dedicated wipeout attack tactics, as well as to help protect you from the common forms of high-voltage transients. We Are Becoming Super Busy - Please Send Us Your CDAF Today! Due to an apparent serious upsurge of mind control and electronic attacks and more people learning about us, we are becoming loaded up with new projects. Please do not delay with your project(s). Upon deciding what you want us to do for you, please click on green CDAF link at top of page and send us your CDAF(s). Note: Mostly due to ever-increasing parts costs and decreasing availabilities, we expect to raise our prices on some of our device-types in the coming weeks and months. Also, we may have to discontinue some device-types - later availabilities not guaranteed. Please send us your CD Project CDAF (green link at top of our webpages) today. We Are Now on Social Media - Please Join With Us! FACEBOOK and LINKEDIN JOIN US ON FACEBOOK AS OUR SOCIAL MEDIA FRIEND AND/OR ON LINKEDIN AS OUR SOCIAL MEDIA CONNECTION! As you likely know, we recently joined FACEBOOK and LINKEDIN social media. To join us, you must first email us directly to LONE STAR CONSULTING, INC., and explain to us why you want to be social media-connected to us. NOTE: We never accept
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