SINGLE COPY $1.25 tax included he iller ress USPS 349-720T Vol. 138 No. 28 www.themillerpress.comM [email protected] Miller, Hand County,P SD 57362 Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Miller School Superintentent leaving at end of school year Vicki L Prentice been named the pus averages about 24 students, with anoth- The Miller School board was recently in- next superinten- er 230-plus students statewide served by the formed that Dan Trefz has accepted another dent of the South school’s outreach programs. opportunity, and will be leaving his position Dakota School for “Supt. Trefz brings broad experience lead- as school district superintendent at the end the Blind and Vi- ing school operations in a K-12 setting,” of the 2019-2020 school year. sually Impaired in said Regent Jim Thares, who co-chaired the “We appreciate his six years with the Mill- Aberdeen. search process. His search co-chair, Regent er School District, and during his time here, Dan Trefz is Jim Morgan, added, “Dan’s leadership port- we were successful in making a great deal of currently super- folio includes skills in budgeting, school law, strides together with him. The district is fi - intendent, special buildings and grounds management, as well nancially and academically sound and we’ll education director, as project and personnel management. We soon be advertising to look for our next Su- and food service are pleased to have him on board.” Morgan perintendent of the Miller School District. director for the noted that in Trefz’s work as superintendent, We wish Mr. Trefz, Nicole and his family Dan Trefz Miller School Dis- he has become well versed in working with the best and he will be missed,” said Nat- trict in east central special student populations. alie Bertsch, president of the Miller School South Dakota. He has been Miller’s super- Trefz received his undergraduate degree Board. intendent since 2014, where he previously from South Dakota State University, then Superintendent Trefz issued the following worked as a teacher and coach from 1999 to earned his teaching certifi cate and a master’s GeoBee, 13 statement to The Miller Press: 2011. He also has experience as a former su- degree in secondary school administration “It has been an honor and a privilege to perintendent of the Bowdle School District from Northern State University. He holds a serve as the Superintendent of the Miller and as a teacher and coach in Eureka. specialist degree from the University of Sioux School District for the last six years. The dis- “I am excited to join the staff at the South Falls. trict and the community has been very good Dakota School for the Blind and Visual- Trefz is expected to begin his duties at the to my family and I, which has made this de- ly Impaired and the Aberdeen community. School for the Blind and Visually Impaired cision very hard to make. The Miller School The Board of Regents is committed to pro- after the current school term is completed. District is stable fi scally and academical- viding exceptional educational opportuni- He replaces Marje Kaiser, who announced ly. That isn’t a pat on the back for me, it is ties for students, and I hold the same con- plans to retire in May after a 45-year career the end result of everyone’s’ dedication and viction,” Trefz said. “The school’s campus is in special education, 10 of those years serv- effort to make the school district succeed. amazing and will provide a platform for the ing as superintendent for both SDSBVI and It takes many individual efforts to make a staff and students to excel. I am also excit- the South Dakota School for the Deaf in school great and the community has always ed to explore educational relationships with Sioux Falls. A search for the new superinten- been there for us if we have asked. Northern State University staff and students. dent at School for the Deaf is also underway. I would like to thank the teachers, staff, The location and interconnectivity with NSU Interviews for that position are expected to parents, and the school board of the District gives the School for the Blind programming be completed later this month. for their willingness to make a difference in opportunities like no other in the nation.” Trefz’s spouse, Nicole, and his daugh- students’ lives. Be proud of what you have, The School for the Blind and Visually Im- ter and son, Evelyn and Cade, will make the because Miller is a great place to be.” paired, part of the South Dakota Board of transition to the Aberdeen community as Read the full news release issued by the Regents’ system, offers a full academic pro- well. The family enjoys the outdoors and a South Dakota Board of Regents below: gram for kindergarten through high school variety of sporting activities. A long-time South Dakota educator has students. Enrollment on the Aberdeen cam- Sports, 14 Drainage, water issues make impact on county residents Jan Kittelson located on a vacated road in The Hand County Commis- his township. The bridge is off sioners met March 3 at 1 p.m. the bridge registry but is still A full agenda kept the members property of the county. The com- there until after 5:30 p.m. missioners suggested Keeter Highway Superintendent Jeff purchase the bridge for a dol- Hargens informed the commis- lar. Keeter agreed. Keeter plans sioners of load limits being to remove the bridge, slope the placed on both Highway 45 and ground around it to prevent de- 26. Hargens has fi elded many bris from blocking the fl ow of Correction calls from farmers, ranchers and the creek. In the article entitled “No semi drivers. They are all very Hargens also discussed con- April 14 election” published concerned with the restrictions tracting with a new bridge in- March 4, 2020, there was an er- limiting their ability to move spection company. The company ror in the second paragraph. It feed, cattle and machinery. Har- they have used for several years should read as follows: Accord- gens stated frost heaves are al- is not available this year. The Mike Caviness | The Miller Press | March 11, 2020 ing to Gates, Robert Mullaney ready showing on the roads. commissioners agreed to hire the TWO MILLER FIRE TRUCKS and nine fi remen responded to a call to investigate a small and Tara Yost will retain their Commissioner Luke Werns- company he suggested. kitchen fi re at Turtle Creek Steakhouse and Saloon, March 3. The fi re had already been positions, while Vance Caffee mann stated the distillers grain Hargens and the commission extinguished by the time they got there. No one was hurt and after minor repairs and will occupy the seat vacated by driver who delivers feed to him, discussed the rubble site at great clean up, the restaurant was re-opened Thursday. Bryan Breitling. The Miller Press had informed him of the issue. length. In fi scal year 2019, ap- regrets any confusion our error Wernsmann states it is going to proximately $7,000 income was has caused our readers. be very expensive and diffi cult to received at the rubble site but get his feed to his cattle but un- expenses were approximately Turtle Creek experiences derstands the need to protect the $35,000. Hargens also informed roads. the commissioners that the rub- A plot for Joe Lutter, Zell, was ble site had failed an inspection small kitchen fi re approved. Lutter is selling St. due to lids on paint cans, plas- Vicki L Prentice er to dispatch the Miller Fire De- Mary convent school. tic and cardboard being placed in A small fi re at Turtle Creek partment. The fi rst truck was on Highway Superintendent Jeff the area. Steakhouse and Saloon was ex- scene by 3:29,” reported Ham- Hargens discussed two projects Hargens stated, “It is not be- tinguished right away, howev- mill. that need to be removed–one ing run effi ciently or effective- er, minimal damage did lead to According to Hammill, four bridge in Rose Hill Township and ly. It should be open more hours the closing of the restaurant for fi remen in two engines respond- one bridge in York Township. and have a staff to monitor what part of March 3 and all of March ed; another fi ve were also on the The commissioners approved the is being placed in the area.” 4. Fortunately no one was hurt, scene. Firefi ghters used a posi- removal of the two bridges. County, 3 and after completing some minor tive pressure fan to help ventilate Inside: Jim Keeter discussed a bridge repairs and cleaning, they were the building, and get rid of the 2 back in business Thursday night. smoke. They Top Stories City Council spends considerable First Chief Brandon Hammill used their thermal camera to Public Notices 9 of the Miller Fire Department, check for hot spots in the ceiling said he received a call from the and the upper room fl oor. Classifi eds 10-11 time on approving summer help Emergency Manager Arlen Gort- “Where the burn mark hap- Jan Kittelson maker stating there had been a pened to be was an open spot The Miller City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. fi re at Turtle Creek, at around with insulation. We pulled the Inserts: Monday March 2, 2020, by Mayor Ron Blachford. 3:24 p.m., last week on Tuesday. insulation and saw some was Hiring summer help was a high priority to the council and Though the fi re had already been burned and then overhauled the Kessler’s Hometown Grocer department heads at the meeting.
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