Tenth SerIes Vot. XXXVIII, No. 6 Tuesday, March 21, 1995 Phalguna, 30. 1916 (Saka: LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Thirteenth Session (Tenth Lok Sabha) (Vol. XXXVIII contains Nos. 1 to ';0) LOK SA8HA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price'*: Rs. 50.00' lORIGINAL ENGL.ISH PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGUSH VERSION AND OR,GINAl. HINDI PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VERSION WILL BE TREATED AS AUTHORITATIVE AND NOT THE TRANSLATION THEReOF.} Corrigenda to Lok Babbs DebAtes (English Version) • C!lI •• Tuesday, March 21, 199~/Pha1guna 30t 1916 (Saka) , ... Col./lj,ne ~ ~ 8/1~ (~rom be1ow) .cJMARI SEELJ"A KUMAP..I SBLJA 78/7 (rrom be1ow) PROF. SAVITBRI PROF. SAVITHRI I.A.»1ANAN LAKS lMANAN 99/7 SHRI NUHlRAM SAIKIA SHRI MUHIRAM SAIKIA 109/15 SHRI M.V.V .. S .. MuRTH! SHRI M.V .. V .. S .. MURTHY 112/9(from be~ow) MOHAYLVlAD ALI A..sHRA.F SHRI MOHAMMAD ALI ASHRAF 13,/19 FATMI FATMI 113/9(Crom below) SHRIMATI KR.ISHN&IDRA SHRIMATI KRI.sHN.£NBRA KAUR KAUR (DUPA) 1'16/15 SHRI LAL BABU RAl SBRI LALL BJ.BU RA.I 12;/16(rrom below) (ZRa! ARVIN NSTAM) (SHRI ABNIND NETAM) 126/10 DR. LAXMINARAYAN DR. LAXMINARAYAN PANDEYA PANDEY 134/2:1 SHRI SURrA NARAlN SHRI SURYA NARAYAN 187/15 YADAV YADAV 227/9 146/1, SHRIMATI BHAVNA SHRIMATI BHAVNA CHIKBALlA OHIKBLIA 1~7/17(rrom be~ov) SHRI SURAJBHANU S BRI SURAJB HANU SOLANKI SOLANI 161/21(fraa be~ow} SHRI PRAMOTB&S SHRI PRAMOT.EES MUKHlmJEE MIK18.RJ~ 175/13 S&9.I V ISHWANATH SHEI V ISHWANATH SHASTRI SHASTRI. 178/12 DR. AMI TLAL KALIDAS DR. AMRITLAL KALIDAS PATEL PATEL 183/3 SHRI DATTAS MJ;GHE SRRI DATTA MEGEE 200/19 S illU R. SUru;.ND.ER SHRI R. SlJRENDER RiIDDY Rel.l.y 209A (~HRI KAMLA NATH) (SHRl. KAMAL NATH) 2~5/10(rrom bel.ow) (ciRRI MUKUK WASNIK) (SHRI MUKilL WASNIK) 259/9 (rro. belOW) Belram Jakharji Balram Jakharji 267/23('rrora bel.ow) SHaI SRIKANT J~A SHRI SRIKANTA J:6NA 276/9 AND PUBLIC AND PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION ADMINISTRATION 302/4 he not he is not 311/2(fram be1ow) delete - Jaswant Singh, Shri (Cbittorgarh) 311+/3.J.t. insert - Shri P.K. Thungan ai"ter l.ine 3 331/'5 be served observed CONTENTS {Tenth Series, Vol. XXXVIII, Thirteenth Session, 199511916 (Saka) NO.6, Tuesday, March 21, 19951Phalguna 30, 1916 (Saka)j COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: ·Starred Question Nos. 101-104 1-20 Written Answers to Question: ·Starred Questions Nos. 105 to 120 20-87 Unstarred Question Nos. 1002 to 1232 87-255 Misuse of T ADA and demand for its repeal 257-275 Re: Strike of the Resident doctors in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences 285-286 Pape(s Laid on the Table 275-280 Messages from Rajya Sabha Industrial Development Bank of India (Amendment) Bill, As amended by Rajya Sabha And Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Amendment Bill, 280 As passed by Rajya Sabha-Lald Public Accounts Committee 281 Eighty-fourth Report-Presented Standing Committee on Communications 281 Eleventh, Twelfth, thirteenth and Fourteenth Reports and Minutes-Presented Standing Committee on External Affairs 281 Fourth Report and Minutes-Presented Standing Committee on Petroleum and Chemical 281 Tenth Report-Presented Motion Re: Contempt of the House by some persons from the Visitors' Gallery-Adopted 282-285 Matters Under Rule 377 286-286 (i) Need to stop dumping of environmentally hostile toxic wastes particularly plastiC and metal wastes in the country Shri Mullappally Ramchandran 286 (ii) Need to introduce a shuttle train between Bangalore and Tumkur Shri C,P, Mudala Giriyappa 287 (iii) Need to ensure early functioning of J.K, Petro Chemicals Project at Salempur in Aligarh district, Uttar Pradesh Dr Lal Bahadur Rawal 287 (IV) Need to protect the interest of opium growers particularly in Madhya Pradesh Dr. Laxminarayan Pandeya 288 (v) Need to convert Siliguri-Alipurduar-Jalpaiguri meter gauge railway line into broad gauge Shri Jitendra Nath Das 288 Re: Supplementary List of Business seeking postponement of discussion on patents (Amendment) Bill 288-308 Motion Re: Non-postponement of discussion on Statutory Resolution Re: Disapproval of the Patents (Amendment) Ordinance And Patents (Amendment) Bill The sign + marked above the name 01 a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (i) (ii) COLU~S Statutory Resolution Re: Disapproval of the Patents (Amendment) Ordinance-Negatived And Patents (Amendment) Bill 313-334 Motion to consider Shri M. Arunachalam 313 Shri Tarit Baran Topdar 317 Patents (Amendment) Bill Clauses 2 to 8 and 1 325 Motion to Pass Shri M. Arunachalam 325 Shri Syed Syed Shahabuddtn 325 Shri Sobhananadreeswara Rao Vadde 327 Shri Basudeb Acharia 328 Shrimati Malini Bhattacharya 329 Shrimati Geeta Mukherjee 330 Shri Rabi Ray 331 Shri Sudarsan Raychaudhuri 331 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA distributed through State Governments and all this is being done under the schemes of the Government. I would also Tuesday, March, 21, 1995/Phalguna 30, 1916 (Saka) like to say that undoubtedly this land is being made cultivable. The Lole Sabha met at THE MINISTEA OF AGAICULTUAE (SHAI BAlRAM Eleven of the Clock JAKHAR): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to say that only [MR. SPEAKER In the ChaiIJ availability of land is not enough for cultivation. One has to see and study about the type of soil and availability of all ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ) ether essential means for cultivation. You cannot cultivate ! Translation} fallow land or a land which contains only sand, which is Cultivable Land barren and has no facility of water. Our achievements during the last few years is recorded. Today 22 miUion '101. SHRI VILASRAO NAGNATHRAO GUNOEWAR: hectare to 64 million hectare of land is being Irrigated and Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: cultivated. We also try our best to reclaim the fallow land (a) whether a large area of cultivable land in the with all other means and thus the pace of progress should country is lying vacant and unutilized; be adjudged taking this factor into consideration. We cannot cultivate fallow land without any water-facility. But (b) if the total area of such land; and so, we should be provided with all the means essential for (c) the action being taken by the Government to use reclamation of the available land so that it could produce such land for agricultural purposes? crops. [English] SHRI RAJVEER SINGH: Mr. Speaker, Sir, reply to my THE MINISTEA OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF first question has not been given. AGAICULTURE (SHAI AAVINO NETAM): (a) and (b). As MR. SPEAKER: The reply has been given. He did not per 1991-92, land use statistics (latest available). the total want to go in detail, yet he explained it in detail. Now cultivable land in the country is estimated as 184.34 million please be seated. hectares. Out 01 this total cultivable area 9.85 million hectares are old fallow lands and 15.07 million hectares as SHRI VILASAAO NAGNATHRAO GUNOEWAR: Mr. culturable waste land. Speaker, Sir, the private owners who have 10-20 aaes ot ~ but cannot make it cultivable for scarcity of funds. I (c) In order to reduce area under old fallows and would like to know as to what sleps the Government is culturable waste land, the Government have been imple­ going to lake for providing assistance to them aJongwith menting various programmes including extension of irriga­ the amount of assistance. I would like to know whether this tion facilities and reclamation of waste land. assislance is given by Central Government or State Gov­ [Translation] ernments. SHAI VILASRAO NAGNATHRAO GUNOEWAA: Mr. SHAI BALAAM JAKHAR: We have different schemes Speaker, Sir as the hon. Minister has told that various in different States. There are schemes worth As. 90 crores programmes are being implemented for reclamation of 28 which will be implemented during the las! years of the million hectare land and no specific measures are being Eighth Rve Year Plan. This year Rs. 16 aores have been taken by the Government to make the remaining 160 allocated for it and three States i.e., Madhya Pradesh, million hectare of land cultivable. The lakhs of tonnes of Rajasthan and Maharashtra have been selected for it. Ali foodgrains which could have been produced on this land, if these steps are based on the facts that more irrigation it has been made arable. I therefore, would like to know facility has been provided so that large area 0' land could from the Government as to what steps are being taken in be cultivated. this regard? Whether the Government proposes to provide this land on lease for 10-15 years to unemployed persons OR. RAMKAISHNA KUSMARlA: Hon. Mr. Speaker, or poor farmers for agricultural purposes or afforestation? Sir, through you I would like to know;from the han. Minister as to what are the reasons for a large portion of fallow land SHAI ARVINO NETAM: Mr. Speaker, Sir, as I have lying vacant in the country which is not being made told just now, 28.5 million hectare culturabie wasteland is cultiVable. My second question is about ravine land iri available and It Is being made cultivable under the various Bhind, Morena and OhoIplM' in the border areas of thl88 schemes launched by the Government. I can read them States, which is dacolt infested. Whether any scheme has out if you wish so. been formulated for levelling of this land to make it MR. SPEAKEA: He has asked that whether this land cultivable. will be given to landless people for cultivation? SHAI BALAAM JAKHAR: Sir, I have all these points In SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Mr.
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