'Say that I was a Drum Majo r for Freedom ' ATLANTA, Ga. (ff) — The Rev. Dr. Martin from an old slave song: ''Free at last, free at last, tional conscience. ment, "We Shall Overcome." boring church, offered a prayer — for comfort, Luther King Jr.'s admirers by the legions paid thank God Almighty, I'm free at last." A pale green farm wagon drawn by two But for their solemn pace they were rem- he said, and for wisdom. "We raise the peren- their last respects to his memory yesterday at King had borrowed these same words to Georgia mules then carried the coffin four miles iniscent of the black masses who followed King nial question of Job: Why? ceremonies in his own simple church, filled with conclude his ringing speech on the steps of the to a second memorial service on a greensward through the streets of Birmingham, Selma, St. "Like a wild carnivorous beast," he said, white and black friends and dignitaries of high Lincoln Memorial during the 1963 march on at Morehouse College, King's alma mater. Augustine and other Southern cities during the "history has turned upon our own because it rank. Washington. Police estimated that the crowd there had early 1960s in nonviolent demonstrations de- could not bear the truth." He concluded by pray- .Outside the red brick church, an estimated Notables Attend swelled to perhaps 150,000. The memorial ser- manding an end to racial segregation. For his ing that "this country will not be rent asunder 80,000 persons milled about in a heavy crush. Among the notables who attended the rites vice included a eulogy by Dr. Benjamin Mays, work King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize by the black masses." Inside, 1 were Jacqueline Kennedy, ,300 mourners took part in quiet, solemn 1 wearing a black retired president of the college and a former in 1964. Black Power advocate Stokely Carmichael services. veil; Sens. Robert F. Kennedy of New York and teacher of King; tributes by representatives of The Rev. Mr. Ralph D. Abernathy presided. was in the congregation. A few shouts of "Stoke- At the front of the church sat Mrs. King Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts; Sen. various faiths and the hymn "Precious Lord He was King's closest friend, going to jail with ly, baby!" erupted from the crowd out front and her four children. Her face veiled, her head Eugene J. McCarthy of Minnesota; former Vice Take My Hand" sung by Mahalia Jackson, the him 17 times in their crusades of civil disobedi- when Carmichael entered. * erect, she maintained her composure even as President Richard M. Nixon, Gov. Nelson A. gospel singer. The hymn was one that King had ence. Abernathy took over as head of the'SCLC. The City of Atlanta was virtually closed Mayor Ivan Allen ordered she heard the voice of her slain husband saying: Rockefeller of New York, former Gov. Carl E. requested for a service to have been held the Fasted in Jail down for the day. "If I die, I want you to be able to say that I Sanders of Georgia and Gov. George Romney night he was slain. Miss Jackson wept as she schools closed, as well as city offices and liquor tried to love and serve humanity ... If you of Michigan. sang: "When my life is almost gone, hear my "I ate my last meal last Thursday, the day stores, and encouraged businesses to shut their want to say that I was a drum major , say that Even as the funeral services were in prog- cry, hear my call . ." King was slain," Abernathy said. "I am seeking doors. Most did. County offices closed also, ex- I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a ress, State Adjutant General George J. Hearn March On Washington to purify my soul .. I will continue my fast cept for vital services, and the courthouse was drum major for freedom." announced that National Guardsmen from until I am satisfied and thoroughly convinced draped in black. Death Inevitable throughout Georgia were being airlifted to the The wagon was used as a hearse to drama- that I am ready for the task which is at hand." Maddox Attends The words were taped from King's last Atlanta area. tize King's identification with the nation's poor. Abernathy said he and King always would Gov. Lester Maddox, who had announced sermon, in which he dwelt on the inevitability Atlanta had escaped the violence that beset He had planned to lead a poor people's fast in their cells for the first 24 hours "when- earlier he would not attend the funeral or send of his own death. Not long afterward, on April 4, major cities of the nation after King's murder. march on Washington this month but was cut ever we went to jail together for the freedom of a representative, arrived at the Capitol shortly he was shot to death in Memphis, Tenn. The Hearn.said he did not expect trouble but "we down by the sniper's bullet in Memphis, where our people." after 9 a.m. With him were several state troop- assassin still is at large. intend to be ready." he was leading a demonstration of striking They also would pray, he said, "so there ers. When the service was over, as the bronze Hymns, Tributes garbage workers. would be no malice in our hearts toward the Before he took office Maddox closed his casket was being removed, Vice President Outside the church, thousands pressed at Even before the funeral ceremony ended jailers." restaurant rather than racially integrate it. He Hubert H. Humphrey, representing President police lines listening to the ancient hymns that mourners numbering an estimated 50,000 began As the ceremony began, Abernathy urged has been a sharp critic of King and his tactics of Johnson at the funeral, leaned over to offer a welled from within. making their way slowly toward the Morehouse the congregation to sing along with the church civil disobedience. few words of condolence to Mrs. King. They stood on rooftops and clung to tree campus. choir. The congregation responded, with emo- Some estimates were that as many as Outside the church, a mule-drawn hearse limbs and strained at police lines to get a Mourners Sing tion. 100,000 persons came to Atlanta for the funeral. was waiting to take King's body along the first glimpse of the coffin bearing the Negro cru- Most, however, waited and followed the "Come home, come home, ye who are weary SCLC headquarters tried to arrange lodging, stage of a trip that was to end at a marble sader whose oratory and nonviolent ideals em- mule-drawn hearse. They marched curb to curb, come home . ." and the Department of Health, Education and crypt, bearing as its inscription these words boldened his people and challenged the na- singing the anthem of the civil rights move- The Rev. Ronald English, pastor of a neigh- Welfare sent cots and blankets. Student -Lion Offer New Party Stresses Elect ion Programs Student Activit y By DENNIS 5TIMEUNG sity Senate. By KITTY PHIIBIN bility of a multi-levei student-faculty lot and a centralized lot for women Collegian USG Reporter • an investigation of govern- Collegian USG Reporter ment contracts at the University. Campaigning for awareness of the students. A student bookstore, opposition Under the headings of cultural The New Party also recommends to any tuition increase, a student outside world and reform of the inside Penn State affiliation with Varsity In- and legal affairs, the party platform campus world, the New Party pre- Better Business Bureau and a mini- proposes the following programs: tercollegiate Sales Association, a state- mum student wage are some of the sented its platform last night for the wide discount program. main planks in the Student and Lion • an investigation of the Uni- Undergraduate Student Government's ' "Extensive expansion" of the Party platform released last night. versitys present judicial system spring executive elections. Hetzel Ur.ion Building is also proposed, "with the intent of revising it to The New Party slate is headed by Divided into academic, adminis- place it under student control. creating room for food service meet- trative, legal, cultural and student " Stephen Gerson for vice president and i ng rooms, ballroom, and student fac- ¦welfare areas,' the Student and Lion • an examination of the present Don Paule for treasurer. Chairman ulty discussion space. In connection platform is "built with the interests admissions system "with the intent Rick Mowry released the platform with the HUB expansion, the New and desires of the entire student of considering students from cultur- which stresses student involvement Party "wholeheartedly" proposes body in mind." ally deprived areas for admission to in both extra-University and Univer- establishment of a University owned the University." Jon Fox, party nominee for the sity affairs. and operated bookstore, working in On the topic of student welfare, The extra-University division pro- connection with the present Used Book Undergraduate Student Government the following proposals were ad- presidency, and Dick Weissman, poses student involvement in national Agency—Book Exchange, housed in an vanced by Fox and Weissman on be- issues such as the war in Vietnam, re- extension of the HUB. pnrty chairman, stressed the idea of half of their party: . a student bookstore on this cam- vision of the Selective Service policies "Our primary concern in this area pus." To this end, the platform pro- • working toward the elimina- on graduate student deferments and involves the vast service and academic poses an investigation of' downtown tion of charges for.football-tickets.- pressure on Harrisburg to move the opportunities it will produce," the plat- bookstores, a student and alumni • recommending that women University from the "non-preferred form read.
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