PUBLICATIONS OF THE LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARY ^ North Carolina Manual . 1939 COMPILED AND EDITED BY H. M. LONDON LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN RALEIGH 1939 PREFACE This volume is issued by the North Carolina Legislative Ref- erence Library in order to furnish in succinct form information about the State, its government and institutions, which other- wise would require much investigation in many different sources. Unless otherwise stated, the data in each case is the latest available. Similar manuals were issued by the Secretary of State in 1903, 1905, and 1907, and by the North Carolina Historical Commission in 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1919, 1921, 1923, 1925, 1927, 1929, and by the Legislative Reference Library in 1931, 1933, 1935, and 1937. The demand for these volumes has been so great that all previous editions have been exhausted. :,^^ C4 ^ CONTENTS Page Official Register for 1939-1940 7 The Legislative Department: Officers and Members of the Senate 15 Senators (Arranged Alphabetically) 15 Senators (Arranged by Districts) 16 Senatorial Districts 18 Rules of the Senate. 1939 19 Standing Committees of the Senate 31 Officers and Members of the House of Representatives... 36 Representatives (Arranged Alphabetically) 36 Representatives (Arranged by Counties) 39 Rules of the House of Representatives 42 Standing Committees of the House of Representatives.... 57 New State Boards and Commissions: Probation Commission 67 Bureau of Identification and Investigation 69 Alcoholic Control Board 70 Gas and Oil Inspection Board 71 Platforms and Political Parties, 1938: State Democratic Platform 73 State Republican Reform 81 Election Returns: Popular and Electoral Vote for President by Stales, 1936 89 Popular Vote for President by States, 1924. 1928,1932.... 90 Vote for President by Counties, 1920-1936 92 Vote for Governor by Counties, Democratic Primaries 1932 and 1936 95 Vote for United States Senator an.d Utilities Commis- sioner in Democratic Primaries June 4, 1938 98 Vote for State Officers in Democratic Primaries, 1928. 1930, 1932, 1934, 1936 and 1938 100 [5J 6 Contents Page Democratic Primary Vote, June 6. 1936. for United States Senator 102 Democratic Primary Vote, June 4 and July 2. 1932, for United States Senator 104 Vote for Associate Justice and Utilities Commissioner, November 8, 1938 106 Vote for Governor by Counties, 1920-1936 108 Vote for United States Senator. 1926-1938 HI Vote for Congressmen in Democratic Primary, June 4, 1938 by Districts H'l Vote for Congressmen in Second Democratic Primary, 117 July 1. 1938 Vote for Members of Congress, 1926-1938 118 Vote on Constitutional Amendments 130 Biographical Sketches: Executive Officials 135 Justices of the Supreme Court 142 United States Senators 148 Representatives in Congress 150 Members of the General Assembly 156 OFFICIAL REGISTER FOR 1939-1940 LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT W. P. HoRTON ....President of Senate Pittsboro D. L. Ward Speaker of House of Representatives New Bern EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT <'i vni: R. HoEY Governor Cleveland W. P. HoRToN...., Lieutenant-Governor- Chatham Thad Eire .Secretary of State Hertford C. M. Johnson Treasurer Pender Geori^e Ross Pou Auditor Wake Ci VDE A. Erwin .Superintendent Pul)lic Instruction... Rutherford Harry McMi'llan .\ttorney General Beaufort r. W. Briton Assistant Attorney General Montfioniery R. H. Wett.ach Assistant Attorney General Orange L. (). Gregory Assistant Attorney General Rowan .ILDICIAL DEPARTMENT SIFRE.ME COIRT JISTICES W. P. Stacy Chief Justice New Hano\er Heriot CiARKsoN Associatc Justice Mecklenbur;; Michael Schenck Associate Justice Henderson W. A. Devin Associate Justice Granville >1. V. Barnhill .Ass(K'iate Justice Nash J. Wallace Winborne .Associate Justice McDowell A. A. V. Seawell Associate Justice Lee SLTERIOR COIRT JLDflES C Everett Tho.nh'son First District Pas(iuotank-Eli/.abeth Citv W. J. Bone Second District Nash-Nasliville R. Hunt Parker Third Di.strict Halifax-Roanoke Rapids C. L. Wn.LiAMS - Fourth District Lee-San ford J. Pall Frizzelle ....Fifth District Greene-Snow Hill Henry L. Stevens, Jr Sixth District Duplin-Warsaw W. C. Harris Seventh District Wake-Ralei:,di J. J. Blrney Eiithtli District New Hanover-\\'ilriiinu^t(in Q. K. N I.MOCKS, Jr Ninth District Cunilierlaiid Fa\ettevilU LEO Carr Ten til District .Vlarnance liurlintrtnii J. H. Clement Elevcntli District Forsyth-W'irLston-Salcni H. HoYLE Sink .T^velfth Disti ict Davidsim I .cxiiiirtoii F. D. Phillips Thirteen tli District Ricliniond KockinKliani W.M. H. Bobbitt... Fourteenth District Mecklenl)ur!,' (liarlotte FR.iNK M. Ar.mstrong Fifteentli District Mont;,'oniery Troy Wilson Wari.ick Sixteenth District Catawl)a-Ni'wton J. A. RoissEAU Seven teen til District Wilkes-Wilkesboro J. W. Pless, Jr - EiKliteenth District McDowell Marion Zeb V. Nettles Nineteentli District Bunconilie .\slio\ ill.' Felix E. Alley Twentieth District Haywood Waynesville Ai LEN H. GwYN Twenty -first District Rockiiifrhain Kcidsville SrECTAL .iriM;ES G. V. Cowi'ER Lenoir Kiiiston W H S BcRGWYN Northariiptoii Woodland Mori^-anton S. J. Ervin, Jr !.....'.....'.'...- Burke Either Hamilton Carteret Morchead ( ity Frank S. Hill CherokeeMiuphv Hubert E. Olive Davidsoii-l,e\iii^'l<iii [7] K. Official Registers STATE BOARD OK HEALTH Dk. C. \'. Reynolds .Secretary Buncombe DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT R. Brite Etheridge Director Dare STATE board OF CHARITIES AND ITBIIC WELFARE Mrs. W. T. Bost Comniissioner Wake NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COM.MISSION C. C. Crittenden Secretary Wake LIBRARY C'O.M.MISSION Miss Marjorie Beai _ .Secretary Wake state library Miss Carrie L. Brolc;hton. Librarian Wake SIPRE.ME COIRT Dii.iARn S. Gardner Librarian Orange Ed-\vard Mcrkay.... .Clerk Wake legislative REFERENt E LIBRARY Henry yi. London Librarian Wake BIDGET BlREAl' Clyde R. Hoey Director Cleveland R. G. Deyton Assistant Director Yancey INDtSTRIAI. CO .M .MISSION T A Wilson Cliairinan Forsyth LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION W. E. Easterling Secretary Wake SIHOOI. CO.M.MISSION Lloyd E. (;riffin Executive Secretary Cliowaii BANKIN(i CO.M.MISSION Glrney r. Hood Commissioner Wayne DIVISION OF I'lIUIIASE AND CONTRACT J. Benton Stacy Director Rockin;rli iiii CO.M.MISSION FOR THE BLIND Dr. Ro.ma S. Cheek Executive Secretary Graliain STATE BOARD OF El.E(TIONS i;. C. Maxwei.i Executive Secretary Wake PAROLE commissioner Edwin NL Gii.i Coinmissiuiier Scotland rural ELF.tTRIFK VTION AITlloHITY DlDi.EY W. Bagi.ey Chairman Currituck 10 Official Registers statf; imanninc. board H. W. Odu.m Secretary Orange T. S. John-son Consultant Wake INKMl'l.OYMENT COMPENSATION COMMISSION Chas. G. Powell Cliaimian Granville BOARD OK AlCOHOLIC CONTROL CuTLAR MooRE Chairman Robeson I'ROBATIfiN COMMISSION J. H. Sample Director Buncinnlie HOARD OK INVESTIGATION AND IDENTIFICATION Fred C. Handy Director Wake STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Mayne Albru;ht Director Wake world war \-ETERANS' LOAN FUND Graham K. Hobbs Commissioner New Hanover Judicial Districts 11 Superior Court Calendar, 1939-40 District Spring, 1939 Fall, 1939 Spriiif?, 1910 Fall, 19KI 1 .ludsre Carr Judge Nimocks Judge Buriiey Judge Harris 2 Judge Tliompson Judge Carr Judge Nimocks Judge Huriie\- 3 Judge Bone Judge Tliompson Judge Carr Judge Nimocks Judge Parker Judge Bone Judge Thompson Judge Carr ;") Judge Williams Judge Parker Judge Bone Judge Tliompson 6 Judge Frizzelle Judge Williams .Judge Parker .ludge Bone 7 Judge Stevens Judge Frizzelle ..Judge Williams. Judge Parker K Judge Harris Judge Stevens Judge P>izzelle Judge Williams 9 Judge Burney Judge Harris Judge Stevens ...Judge Frizzelle 111 Judge Nimocks Judge Burney Judge Harris Judge Stevens 11 Judge Clement Judge Alley Judge Nettles Judge Pless 12 Judge Sink Judge Clement ...Judge Alley Judge Nettles 13 Judge Phillips ....Judge Sink Judge Clement Judge .Mley 14 Judge Gwyn Judge I'hillips Judge Sink Judge Clement 15 Judge Bobbitt Judge Gwyn Judge Phillips .ludge Sink 10 Judge Armstrong .Fudge Bobbitt Judge tiwyii .ludge Pliiilips 17 Judge Warlick Judge Armstrong Judge Bobl)itt .lucUe (i\v\ii 18 Judge Rousseau Judge Warlick Judge Armstrong .hidge Bolihitt 19 Judge Pless Judge Rousse lu. Judge Warlick Judge .\rmstrong 2(1 Judge Nettles Judge Pless. .ludge Rousseau.. Judge Warlick 21 Judge Alley Judge Nettles Judge Pless Judge Rousseau Judicial Districts eastern circuit First District—Camden, Gates, Currituck, Chowan, Pasquo- tank, Beaufort, Hyde, Dare, Perquimans, Tyrrell. Second District—Nash, Wilson, Edgecombe. Martin. Wash- ington. Third District—Bertie, Hertford, Northampton, Halifax, Warren, Vance. Fourth District—Lee, Chatham, Johnston, Wayne, Harnett. Fifth District—Pitt, Craven. Carteret, Pamlico, Jones, Greene. Sixth District—Onslow, Duplin, Sampson, Lenoir. Seventh District—Wake, Franklin. Eighth District—Brunswick, Columbus. New Hanover, Pen- der. Ninth District—Robeson, Bladen, Hoke, Cumberland. Tenth District—Granville, Person. Alamance. Durham, Orange. WESTERN CIRCUIT Eleventh District—Ashe, Forsyth, Alleghany. Twelfth District —Davidson, Guilford. 12 Official Registers Thirteenth District—Richmond. Stanly. Un'on. Moore. An- son, Scotland. Fourteenth District—Mecklenburg. Gaston. Fifteenth District—Alexander. Montgomery, Randolph, Ire- dell, Cabarrus, Rowan. Sixteenth District—Catawba, Lincoln. Cleveland. Burke, Caldwell. Watauga. Seventeenth District—Avery, Davie, Mitchell, Wilkes, Yad- kin. Eighteenth District—McDowell, Transylvania, Yancey, Ru- therford, Henderson, Polk. Nineteenth District—Buncombe, Madison. Twentieth District—Haywood, Swain. Cherokee. Macon. Graham,
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