-· \ atnngrtssinnal Jrcnrd. \ PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION. SENATE. REMISSION OF DUTY ON CHURCH BELLS .. 1\Ir. CURTIS. I report hack favorably from the Committee - ~fo"NDAY; F ebrua1-y 6, 19~~. on Finance, without amendment, the bill (S. 1610) to remit the duty on a carillon of bells to be imported for the Church of Our ( Legi.slati1:e day of Friday, Februat·y i$, 1922.) Lady of Good Voyage, Gloucester, Mass:, and I submit a report The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the (No. 481) thereon. recess. ~lr. LODGE. I ask unanimous consent for the present con­ l\Ir. JO~'E of Wa ·hington. I move that the Senate take a sideration of the bill just reported by the Senator from Kan­ recess until 1 o'clock. as. It is a very small matter. The VICE PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read the bill for motion. the information of the Senate. The motion was agreed to ; and the Senate took a recess until There being no objection, the bill was read and. considered 1 o'clock p. m., at which hour it reassembled. as in Committee of the Whole, as follows : Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is REPORT OF CHE. APEAKE & POTOMAC TELEPHO "E CO. hereby, authorized and directed to admit free of duty a certain carillon of 25 bells to be imported for the Church of Our Lady of Good Voyage, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Gloucester, Mass. tion from the president of the Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co., of ·washington, D. C., transmitting, pursuant to law, the The bill was reported to the Senate without amendment, report of that company for the year 1921, which was referred to ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, the Committee on the District of Columbia. and passed. RECLASSIFICATION OF CIVILIAN E::UPL01.'EES. CONFERE CE ON LIMITATION OF ARMAMENT. l\Ir. STERLING. Mr. President, from the Committee on Mr. HALE (for llr. FnELiNGHUYSEN) presented a concurrent Civil Service I report back favorably with amendments the bill I f . re ·olution of the Legislature of New Jersey, which was referred (H. R. 8928) to provide for the classification of civilian posi­ to the Committee on Foreign Relations, as follows: tions within the District of Columbia and in the field services .. HOUSE OF ASSIIlMBLY, I desire to say in this connection that on to-morrow, or at the Neto Jersey. latest the next day, I expect to present a written report to Concurrent resolution congratulating the President of the United States ripon his achievement in the promotion of world peace by the calling accompany the bill. of the Conference for the Limitation of Armaments. Further, I may say that when the reclassification bill (S. 13), Whereas the President of the United States has invited the chief na- ­ together with the Smoot reclassification bill, was referred to tlons of the earth to a Conference on the Limitation of Armaments; the Committee on Civil Service of the Senate it was with the an<l Whereas the said limitation of armaments is the most important problem understanding, and so stated in the motion, that when that bill now confronting the nations of the earth; and or any bill was reported back from the Committee on Civil Whereas the action of the President of the United· States in assem&ling Service it should go to the Committee on Appropriations for said conference entitles him to world-wide gratitude: Therefore be it the purpose of considering the salary-schedules provided for Re.soked by the house of assembly (the senate concurring), That we, the members of the One hundred and forty-sixth Le~slature of New in the bill. So this bill will, I presume, take that course and .Jersey, do extend to the Hon. Warren G. Harding, l:"resident of the be referred to the Committee on Appropriations for the con­ United States, our best wishes and cordial support in his noble and sideration of salary schedules only. pah'iotic effort to achieve peace on earth and good will among the nations thereof; and be it further I trust that the Committee on Appropriations will be able to Resol'l:ed, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the President of give early consideration to the bill. It is an important bill the United States, to the Secretary of State, and to our Representatives and there is urgent need for the legislation proposed. I hope and Members of Congress .. for an early report by the Appropriations Committee on the bill I I herE-by certify that this is a copy of a concurrent resolution adopted and that it may have the consideration of the Senate very soon I by the general n. · embly in session January 16, 1922. after having been reported back from the Committee on Appro­ T. HARRY ROWLAXD, priations. Speake1· of the General Assembly. \ Atte t: The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the bill will be UPTO:'l' s. JEFFERYS, referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Olerk of the General Assembly .. \, AMENDMENT OF PENAL LAWS .. I hereby certify that the concurrent resolution was concurred in by 1be senate in session January 23, 1922. l\lr. NELSON, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to which WILLIAM B. MACKAY, Jr., was referred the bill ·(s. 2703) amending an act to codify, re­ President of the Senate. Attest: vise, and amend the penal laws of the United States, reporteu it U. II. ALLRIOHT, with amendments and submitted a report (No. 483) thereon. Secretary of the Senate .. DILLS INTRODUCED. PETITIONS. Bills were introuuced, read t.pe first time, and, by unanimous Mr. ~ELSON presented petitions of sundry citizens of Will~ consent, the second time, and referred as follows: mar and Ben. on, l\Iinn., praying for the enactment of leglsla~ By :\lr. HA.LE (for Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN) : tion reviving the Government Grain Corporation 'so as to sta· A. bill ( S. 3116) for the relief of James Kelly ; to the Com­ bilize price. of certain farm products, which were referred to mittee on Claims. the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. By 1\Ir. ASHURST: l\Ir. LADD presented 21 petitions of sundry citizens of .North A bill ( S. 3117) to amend the act of April 16, 1906, and the Dakota, praying for the enactment of legislation reviving the net of February 24, 1911, relative to the lease of surplus electric Government Grain Corporation, so as to stabilize prices of cer· power on Federal irrigation project.s; to the Committee on tain farm products, which were referred to the Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation. Agriculture and Forestry. By Mr. Sl\100T: He also presented a petition of the Slope Valley Farmers' A bill (S. 3118) for the relief of Herbert E. l\Jeilstrup; to the Club. of New England, N. Dak., praying for the enactment of Committee on Claims. legislation appropriating $5,000,000 for the relief of farmers By ~r .. WADSWORTH: in drought-stricken regions, which wa referred to the Comfllit­ -~ bill (S. 3119) granting a pension to Mary Wotherspoon tee on Agriculture an<l Forestry. (with accompanying papers); to the Committee on Pensions. LXII-~136 2155 2156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUAR,Y 6, By .lr. McNARY: GRICULTURAL ABSOCUTIO~S. A bill (8. 3120) providing for the deportation of aliens con­ The Senate, as in Committee of the Wbole, resumed the con· victed of unlawful possession of or traffic in drugs or narcotics ; sid~r.ation of the bill (H. R. 2373) to authorize association of to the Committee on Immigration. producers of ttgricultural products. By :Mr. STANFIELD : The VIOE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Montana [Mr. A bill (S. 3121) authorizing the exchange of lands within or WALSH] is entitled to the floor. contiguous t<> the Malheur Natienal Forest, in the State {)f 1\lr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I suggest the abs nee of a quo­ Oregon, and for other purposes ; to the Committee .on Public rum. Lands and SurTeys. The VICE PRESIDENT. 'rhe Secretary will call the roll. By Mr: WARREN: A bill (S. 3122) granting an increase of pension to Lola 0. The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators Crawford (with accompanying papers) ; to the Committee on answered to their names : Ashurst France 1\fciD.nley Shields Pensions. Ball Gerry McNary Shortridge By Mr. KING: Borah Glass Moses Smoot A bill ( S. 3123) to amend section 1 of the act entitled "An Brandegee Hale Nelson Spencer Broussard Hru.Teld Newberry Stanfield act pronding for the :location and purchase of public lands for Bursum Harris No-rris Stanley reservoir sites," ap.Proved January 13, 1897, as amended; to Capper Harrison Oddie Sterling the Committee on Public Lands and Surveys. Caraway Heflin Overman Sutherland Colt Jones, N.Mex. Page Swanson WITHDRAWAL OF PAPERS-ARTHUR G. REED. Culberson Jones, Wash. Pepper Townsend Cummins Kellogg Phipps Wadsworth Qn motion of M1·. Ot:rr.Trs, it was Curtis Kendrick Pittman Walsh, Mont. Ordet-ed., Tha.t leav-e is hereby gunted to withdraw from th~ files of · Dial King Poin1iexter Warren the Senate the affidavits o! Barbara Reed .antl M. Newman and the .cer­ Dillingham Ladd Pomerene Watson. Ga. tificates _of Dr_ A. S. Gish and Dr . .'Jerome Kidder, IDed with .s. 2032, Ernst La Follette Ransdell Watson, ilnd. granting a pension to Arthur G. Reed, no adverse ·report havmg been Fernald Lenroot Robinson Weller made thereon. Fletcher Lodge Sheppard Willis THE 'MUSCLE SHOALS PLANT.
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