1934 .CO?f G~ESSIONA~ ~ECORD-HOUSE 8411 IDAHO MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Thomas B. Hargis, Ashton. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Horne, its enrolling clerk, announced that the Senate agrees to the amendments MAINE of the House to bills of the Senate of the following titles: Nelson A. Harnden, Belgrade Lakes. S. 2313. An act providing for the suspension of annual Louis N. Redonnett, Mount Vernon. assessment work on mining claims held by location in the Mary E. Donnelly, North Vas&alboro. United States and Alaska; r.n:cHIGAN S. 2566. An act authorizing the conveyance of certain Blanche L. Verplanck, Edmore. lands to the State of Nebraska; and David L. Treat, Flint. S. 2825. An act to provide for an appropriaticn of $50,000 with which to make a survey of the old Indian trail, known :MISSOURI as the "Natchez Trace", with a view to constructing a na­ Thomas A. Breen, Brookfield. tional road on this route to be known as the "Natchez Otis D. Kirkman, Cabool. Trace Parkway." Cecil G. McDaniel, Cainsville. The message also announced that the Senate had agreed William P. Clarkson, Callao. to the fallowing resolution: Max H. Dreyer, Festus. Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to return to the House Roy V. Coffman, Flat River. of Representatives, in compliance with its request, the engrossed John M. Moss, Nevada. bill of the Senate (S. 2671) repealing certain sections of the Andrew Earl Duley, Newtown. Revised Code of Laws of the United States relating to the Indians. Donald H. Sosey, Palmyra. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Flora E. Scott, Summersville. Sundry messages in writing from the President of the William P. Bradley, Windsor. United States were communicated to the House by Mr. NORTH DAKOTA Latta, one of his secretaries, who also informed the House Eugene H. Mattingly, Jamestown. that on the following dates the President approved and Louis J. Allmaras, New Rockford. signed bills and joint resolutions of the House of the follow­ ing titles: OREGON On May 4, 1934: Oscar L. Groves, Monmouth. H.R. 3843. An act to repeal an act of Congress entitled TENNESSEE "An act to modify and amend the mining laws in their Katherine P. Hale, Rogersville. application to the Tenitory of Alaska, and for other pur­ poses", approved August 1, 1912; TEXAS H.R. 7793. An act authorizing a preliminary examination Robert A. Lyons, Jr., Galveston. of the Ogeechee River in the State of Georgia with a view Gober Gibson, Kerrville. to controlling of floods; Emilie K. Dew, Y sleta. H.R. 2828. An act to authorize the city of Fernandin81, UTAH Fla., under certain conditions, to dispose of a portion of Ewell C. Bowen, Hiawatha. the Amelia Island Lighthouse Reservation; H.R. 5038. An act authorizing pursers or licensed deck offi­ WITHDRAWALS cers of vessels to perform the duties of the masters of such I vessels in relation to entrance and clearance of same; Executive nominations wi.thdrawn from the Senate May 9 H.R. 5397. An act to authorize the exchange of the use of (legislative day of Apr. 26), 1934 certain Government land within the Carlsbad Caverns Na­ UNITED STATES ATTORNEY tional Park for certain privately owned land therein; Rene A. Viosca, Esq., of Louisiana, to be United States H.R. 6676. An act to require postmasters to account for attorney for the eastern district of Louisiana. money collected on mail delivered at their respective offices; DIRECTOR, BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE H.R. 7200. An act to provide for the addition of certain Willard L. Thorp, of Massachusetts, to be Director, Burean lands to the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Mili­ of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. tary Park in the States of Tennessee and Georgia; H.R. 7551. An act authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to dispose of the Pass A'Loutre Lighthouse Reservation, La.; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and H.R. 7744. An act to authorize the Secretary of Commerce WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1934 to transfer to the city of Bridgeport, Conn., a certain unused The House met at 12 o'clock noon. light-station reservation. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D.D., offered On May 7, 1934: the following prayer: H.R. 408. An act for the relief of William J. Nowinski; Most gracious Lord, we rejoice that Thy glory fills the H.R. 2321. An act for the relief of Capt. J. 0. Faria; heavens and the earth; Thy righteousness standeth like the H.R. 2689. An act for the relief of Edward Shabel, son of strong mountains; Thy judgments are like the great deep. Joseph Shabel; We praise Thee for Him who is the light for the world's H.R. 3345. An act to authorize the Department of Agri­ dark, and where He abides gloom cannot tarry. Heavenly culture to issue a duplicate check in favor of the Missis­ Father, sometimes our zeal takes the place of our judgment; sippi State treasurer, the original check having been lost; sometimes our desire displaces our better understanding; H.R. 3542. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy sometimes our egotism causes us to be unmindful of our to dedicate to the city of Philadelphia, for street purposes, a need, and we wander aside. Blessed Lord God, may we see tract of land situated in the city of Philadelphia and State ourselves. Do Thou broaden our moral culture, and may we of Pennsylvania; be truth-loving and full of honor. Inspire us with the very H.R. 3845. An act to amend section 198 of the act entitled best intuitions, and may we be prompted by the noblest "An act to codify, revise, and amend the penal laws of the purposes to engage ourselves, with the utmost enthusiasm, in United States", approved March 4, 1909, as amended by the the wisest course for our people, whom we serve. We pray acts of May 18, 1916, and July 28, 1916; in the holy name of Jesus. Amen. H.R. 3851. An act for the relief of Henry A. Richmond; H.R. 4792. An act to authorize and direct the Comptroller The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read General to settle and allow the claim of Harden F. Taylor and approved.. for services rendered to the Bureau of Fisheries; 8412 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MAY -9. H.R. 4808. An act granting citizenship to the Metlakahtla for the consideration of the Private Calendar, instead of Indians of Alaska; coming here nights? It does not appear that we will have H.R. 5936. An act for the relief of Gale A. Lee; very much essential business for the early part of next week. H.R. 6690. An act for the relief of certain officers of the Mr. BYRNS. I am hoping that that can be done, but Dental Corps of the United States Navy; there are more than 400 bills on the Private Calendar that H.R. 8889. An act to provide for the custody and mainte­ have not been called, and I think if we could have a session nance of the United States Supreme Court Building and the tomorrow night for the consideration of .private bills perhaps equipment and grounds thereof; we could work in a day next week and consider most of those H.J.Res. 332. Joint resolution to provide appropriations to bills. I think Members are entitled to have them called. meet urgent needs in certain public services, and for other Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. I agree with the gentle­ purposes; man and I will not object to tomorrow night being set aside H.J.Res. 61. Joint resolution granting compensation to for that purpose, but, when business is slack, I think we George Charles Walther; might take up these bills in the daytime. Everyone is in­ H.R. 191. An act for the relief of William K. Lovett; terested in them and we should get them through. H.R. 264. An act for the relief of Marguerite Ciscoe; Mr. BYRNS. I hope that will be possible. H.R. 526. An act for the relief of Arthur K. Finney; Mr. GOSS. Would the gentleman be willing to make it H.R. 768. An act for the relief of William E. Bosworth; Friday night? H.R. 879. An act for the relief of John H. Mehrle; Mr. BYRNS. There are a great many Members who leave H.R. 880. An act for the relief of Daisy M. Avery; here on Friday and who are gone over Saturday. They H.R.1362. An act for the relief of Edna B. Wylie; may have bills pending upon the calendar and will want to H.R.1418. An act for the relief of W. C. Garber; be here. I think Thursday night would come nearer meet­ H.R. 2026. An act for the relief of George Jeffcoat; ing with the wishes of the House than any other night that H.R. 2541. An act for the relief of Robert B. James; could be selected. H.R. 2561. An act for the relief of G. Elias & Bro., Inc.; Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Personally, I think H.R. 3579. An act for the relief of O. S. Cordon; Thursday night would be more agreeable. H.R. 3580. An act for the relief of Paul Bulfinch; Mr. GOSS. Would the gentleman not be agreeable to H.R. 3611. An act for the relief of Frances E. Eller; letting it go over until next week? I have taken some H.R. 3952. An act for the relief of Grace P. Stark; interest in these calendars-not that I want to hold the H.R.
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