Lists of Former Principal Members 1995 Contents FORMER OFFICE-BEARERS Chancellors 1853- 1 Deputy Chancellors 1934- 2 Vice-Chancellors 1853-1934- 2-3 Salaried Vice-Chancellors 1935- 3 Deputy Vice-Chancellors 1962 3 Senate/Graduates/Convocation- Wardens of the Senate 1867-1923 3-4 Wardens of Convocation 1924-1975 4 Presidents of the Graduates 1975-1986 4 Presidents of Convocation 1986 4 Professorial Board/Academic Board- Presidents of the Professorial Board 1856-1934 4-5 Chairmen of the Professorial Board 1935-1978 5-6 Chairmen of the Academic Board 1978-1988 6 Presidents of the Academic Board 1989 6 Registrars 1853- 6 Vice-Principal 1966-1988 6 Librarians 1892 6 FORMER HEADS OF AFFILIATED COLLEGES Trinity College 1872- 7 Janet Clarke Hall (orig. Trinity College Hostel) 1886- 7 Ormond College 1881- 7 Queen's College 1881- 8 Newman College 1918- 8 St Mary's College (orig. St Mary's Hall) 1918- 8 University College (orig. University Women's College) 1937- 8 St Hilda's College 1964- 8 Whitley College 1965- 9 Ridley College 1966- 9 Graduate House 1972- 9 FORMER HEADS OF HALLS OF RESIDENCE International House 1957- 10 Medley Hall (orig. Drummond Street Hostel) 1953- 10 FORMER PROFESSORS 1854- 11-25 8/8/95 FORMER OFFICE BEARERS DEPUTY CHANCELLORS 1934- §See also 'chancellors' list. §Sir James William Barrett, KBE CB CMG, LLD Manit. MD MS Hon LLD FRCS FRACS. From 17th December, 1934, to 30th August, 1935. Died 1945. §The Rt. Hon. Sir John Greig Latham, PC GCMG KC, MA LLM Hon. LLD From 30th August, 1935, to 6th March, 1939. Died 1964. Sir William Lennon Raws, KtB CBE. From 6th March, 1939, to 3rd March, 1941. Sir Wilfred Russell Grimwade, BSc. From 3rd March, 1941, to 1st March, 1943. Dr Bernard Traugott Zwar, MD MS FRACS. From 1st March, 1943, to 5th March, 1945. The Hon. Sir Walter Massey-Greene. From 5th March, 1945, to 3rd March, 1947. Dr Leslie Scott Latham, MA MD BS FRACP. From 3rd March, 1947, to 7th March, 1949. The Hon. Trevor Donald Oldham, LLB. From 7th March, 1949, to 5th March, 1951. Sir John Newman-Morris, CMG, MB BS. From 5th March, 1951, to 2nd March, 1953. §The Hon. Sir Arthur Dean, Kt QC, LLM Hon. LLD. From 2nd March, 1953, to 15th March, 1954. Died 1970. Colin Macdonald Gilray, OBE MC, BA Otago MA Oxf & Melb. Hon. LLD FACE. From 15th March, 1954, to 11th March, 1958 and from 2nd March, 1959, to 4th March, 1962. Sir Ian Clunies-Ross, CMG, DVSc Syd. Hon. LLD FAA. From 1 1 th March, 1958, to 2nd March, 1959. Died 1959. §Sir William George Dismore Upjohn, Kt OBE, MD MS Hon LLD FRCS FRACS. From 5th March, 1962, to 7th March, 1966, and from 13th April, 1970, to 2nd April, 1973. Died 1979. §Leonard William Weickhardt, CBE, Hon. DASc V.LC. MSc Hon. LLD FIChernE FRACI. From 4th April, 1966, to 6th March, 1972. Maurice Brown, LLB. From 2nd April, 1973, to 6th March, 1978. Died 1980. §Professor Emeritus Sir Roy Douglas Wright, AK, DSc A.N.U. & Melb. Hon. LLD A.N.U. & Melb. MB MS FRACP. From 10th April, 1972 to 3rd March, 1980. Died 1990. The Rev. John Davis McCaughey, AC, MA Camb. & Melb. Hon. DD Edin. Hon. LLD FACE. From 3rd April, 1978 to 31st December, 1979. [Re-elected Deputy Chancellor 17th March, 1982, to 31st December, 1985.] [H.E. the Governor of Victoria from 1986 to 1992.] The Rt. Hon. Sir Ninian Stephen, AK GCMG GCVO KBE, Hon LLD Syd. LLB From 31st March, 1980 to 5th April, 1982. [H.E. the Governor-General of Australia from 1982 to 1989.] Dame Margaret Blackwood, DBE, PhD Camb. MSc Hon. LLD. From 31st March, 1980 to 31st December, 1983. Died 1986. Dr Ronald Geoffrey Downes, CB, DAgrSc FAIAS FSCSA FTS FAIM. Elected 2nd April, 1984. Died 1985. The Hon. Mr Justice Raymond Moyle Northrop, QC, LLM. From 1st July, 1985 to 31st December, 1993. VICE-CHANCELLORS 1853-1934 §See also 'Chancellors' list. The Rt. Hon. Hugh Cullin Eardley Childers, MA Camb. FRS. From 17th May, 1853, to 12th March, 1857. The Hon. William Clark Haines. From 15th May, 1857, to 31st May, 1858. §Sir Anthony Colling Brownless, CMG, MD St. And. & Melb. LLD FRCS. From 31st May, 1858, to 4th April, 1887. Martin Howy Irving, MA Oxf & Melb. From 2nd May, 1887, to 27th May, 1889. §The Hon. Sir John Madden, GCMG, BA LLB LLD. From 3rd June, 1889, to 20th December, 1897. Died 1918. The Hon. Sir Henry John Wrixon, KCMG QC, BA Dub. From 20th December, 1897, to 7th March, 1910. §Sir John Henry MacFarland, Kt, MA Bell. & Comb. LLD. From 7th March, 1910, to 8th April, 1918. Died 1935. 2 8/8/95 FORMER OFFICE BEARERS Sir John Grice, BA LLB. From 6th May, 1918, to 18th June, 1923. Sir John Monash, GCMG KCB VD, Hon. DCL Off. Hon. LLD Camb. & Melb. BA LLB MCE DEng. From 2nd July, 1923, to 8th October, 1931. §Sir James William Barrett, KBE CB CMG, LCD Montt. MD MS Hon. LLD FRCS FRACS. From 7th December, 1931, to 17th December, 1934. Died 1945. SALARIED VICE-CHANCELLORS 1935- Sir Raymond Edward Priestley, Kt MC, MA Camb. DLitt Malaya LLD St. And. Natal Dal. & Birm. DSc N.Z. W.I. & Melb. From 1st January, 1935, to 30th June, 1938. Died 1974. Sir John Dudley Gibbs Medley, DCL Off. MA Oaf. & Melb. Hon. LLD From 1st July, 1938, to 1st July, 1951. Died 1962. Sir George Whitecross Paton, Kt, BA BCL Oxf. Hon. LLD Glas. Syd. Q'ld Tas. Lond. Monash & Melb. DCL W. Ont. MA Of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. From 1st July, 1951, to 29th February, 1968. Died 1985. Sir David Plumley Derham, KBE CMG MBE, Hon. LLD Monash & Melb. BA LLM FASSA, Banister-at-Law. From 1st March, 1968, to 31st May, 1982. Died 1985. David Edmund Caro, AO OBE, PhD Birm. Hon. LLD Tas. & Melb. Hon. DSc MSc FInstP FAIP FACE. From 1st June, 1982, to 31st December, 1987. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLORS 1962 Edwin Sherbon Hills, CBE, PhD DIC Lond. Hon. DSc Durh. DSc FAA FIC FRS. From 2nd April, 1962, to 28th February, 1971. Died 1986. David Edmund Caro, AO OBE, PhD Birm. Hon. LLD Tas. & Melb. Hon. DSc MSc FInstP FAIP FACE. From 1st March, 1972, to 31st December, 1977. Vice-Chancellor from 1st June, 1982, to 31st December, 1987. Peter William Whitton, BSc(Eng) DIC PhD Lond. ME FIEAust. From 1st February, 1979, to 31st December, 1984. John Francis Lovering, Chevalier des Palmes Acaddmiques, MSc Syd. & Melb. PhD Cal. Tech. FAIG FAA MAusIMM. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) from 1st January, 1985, to 5th June, 1987. Professor Gordon Veitch Stanley, BA PhD W.Aust. FBPsS FAPsS. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Staff) from 1st January, 1985, to 31st December, 1989. Professor John Paul Coghlan, PhD DSc. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) from 1st October, 1987, to 31st December, 1989. Professor John Riddoch Poynter, AO Chevalier des Palmes Academiques, MA Oxf. BA PhD FASSA FAHA. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) from 8th April, 1975 to 4th April, 1982. Deputy Vice-Chancellor from 5th April, 1982, to 31st December, 1988. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) from 1st January, 1989, to 31st December, 1990. [Appointed Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Cultural Affairs) and Dean of the Faculty of Music from 1st January, 1991.] Senate/Graduates/Convocation WARDENS OF THE SENATE 1867-1923 The Rev. Dr John Edward Bromby, MA BD DD Camb. From 16th July, 1867, to 8th August, 1868. The Hon. Dr William Edward Heam, QC, AM LLD Dub. From 8th August, 1868, to 24th August, 1875. 8/8/95 3 FORMER OFFICE BEARERS The Hon. Sir John Madden, GCMG, BA LLB LLD. From 24th August, 1875, to 14th September, 1882. Andrew Harper, MA. From 14th September, 1882, to 13th May, 1886. Charles Alfred Topp, MA LLB FLS. From 13th May, 1886, to 12th September, 1890. Dr Thomas Patrick McInemey, MA LLD. From 12th September, 1890, to 17th December, 1923. WARDENS OF CONVOCATION 1924-1975 Morris Mondle Phillips, MA LLM From 24th March, 1924, to 13th November, 1934. Dr Leslie Scott Latham, MA MD BS FRACP. From 11th January, 1935, to 14th February, 1944. The Hon. Sir Arthur Dean, Kt QC, LLM Hon. LLD. From 10th May, 1944, to 15th March, 1950. Died 1970. Elias Godfrey Coppel, CMG QC, LLM LLD. From 1st April, 1950, to 15th April, 1959. Died 1978. Robert Fowler, OBE VD, MD BS FRCS. From 4th May, 1959, to 4th November, 1962. Died 1965. His Honour Judge John Gerald Norris, ED, LLM. From 5th November, 1962, to 18th August, 1965. The Hon. Mr Justice Clifford Inch Menhennitt, QC, LLM. From 19th August, 1965, to 17th April, 1968. Died 1979. The Hon. Mr Justice William Oliver Harris, QC, LLM. From 1st May, 1968, to 19th August, 1970. Died 1978. Samuel Austin Frank Pond, OBE ED, MA LLB DipCom. From 23rd September, 1970, to 30th September, 1972. The Hon. Mr Justice Raymond Moyle Northrop, QC, LLM. From 17th November, 1972, to 14th January, 1975. PRESIDENTS OF THE GRADUATES 1975-1986 The Hon. Mr. Justice Raymond Moyle Northrop, QC, LLM. From 15th January, 1975, to 16th December, 1975. Ronald Geoffrey Downes, DAgrSc FAIAS FSCSA FAATS. From 17th December, 1975, to 20th June, 1976. Thomas Peter Bruce, LLB. From 21st June, 1976, to 30th April, 1980. Robin Lorimer Sharwood, LLM Calif. SJD Harv. BA LLB. From 1st May, 1980, to 28th February, 1982. Raymond Milton Johnson, SM Harv. BCE. From 1st March, 1982, to 19th April, 1983. Nina Livingstone Carr, BA DipEd. From 20th July, 1983, to 6th January, 1986.
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