JNE 23, 1942 =--,:::::::: • Boston Sox. Continued Cool Sock Dewoit Tlr,...., IOWA: 'lilliI'd eool with sli(hdJ 'iOn I to Z rlslux temperatUJ'l'l III l'HE DAILY IOWAN t. Sf'll 8to" Oh Patti 4 lb Iowa City's Morning Newspaper I Play FIVE CENTS - IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24. 1942 1'11 £ A OCLU'I£ D PUI VOLUME XLD NUMBER 234 )gram ,e ----.. d al Malia a (AP)-Ten lestl'oYed O~r Sunday night qucs disclosed I 're damaged. ~... * * * * * * * * * * * *" * * :* * * * * * * * * * House· Okays 42;8201.003,606 W or Bill •• • ': ....:., larges-t "--U-.S--.;.;....."..M-ili-ta-ry- L-IBY-AN- ST-RO-NGHOlD, NOW IN AXIS HANDS ' , . v-" j (heckr ~-::~r- ~-TO-BR-UK-, u.s. Airmen Enter Desert Fight; In History 'Is Approved. 352·0 Reds Close Gaps at Sevastopol I the Home le II' in YOur Iservi ng you r Colollal Measure Would Pay, Outfit and Equip Russians Admit Withdrawals Near KharlCoy ke it last II An Army Expanding to 4,500,000 .Churchill War By July 1, 1943 re to give you As Germans Mass for Drive to Caucasus; econollliCliI WAFlTITNG'r N (AP }-History 's largest ll'jlisla tive ch c('k for Direction Hif 'rese nt raoge. war ex pe>ndi turl'S- lln apl)l'oprialion of $42,820,OO3,606- w!l s ('n· 7 British Warships Sunk .in Mediterranean O's" dOl'sed swiftly y('~t(>l'day hy 1\ hOllse ()eteJ'milled 1,0 givo' Uncle . am 's soldit'rR II m chani1.c c\ striking str l'n"'l h s\ll'pnHsin :? thRI of Allied Position in Middle East Brightens Somewhat Ihe axis. .By Parliament let with soh As Reinforcements Reach Exhausted ange is warm After fivp hours of discll ssion , th e hon. e pa!lsl'd I he colossal measure 352 to 0 and sent it to the senate. Milit81'~ r chil'f~ informed libyan Defeat Brings Defenders of Egypt co ngress it would PI\Y, outfilllnd eq uip an armed rorco expanding In aod radet ' 104,500.000 men by July 1, 1943. Prompt Condemnation By FRED VANDER CHMlDT apy water. The action came after both democratic and repnbliean spokeR. Of Leader's Strategy A ooiated Pre War Editor men declarpn thl' nnited nations were [l('t('rmined 10 defent, t hp Frr h lind continuing r infor cment. wert' J"l'8chinj.!' thl' British LONDON (AP)-Angry house .rush to cleao , axis-regardless of financial tost. eighth army on the fronti r of J<~{!'ypt ltd night anel fOllr motored ot commons insurgents moved clog, The words of Rep. Dirksen of Illinois, a midwestern repnb. "LiberatoN" of the I '.R Ilrmy lIir lorrr Rlrl'fl(ly had rn/rl't'lI tlJI' licon , l'eflecle(l th t> Rpil'it of the house Il S h(l stood in til(' well ll nc\, last night to challenfte Winston batt/£' or the dr.l'r1. IN'T's" referring 10 t he foil of Tohrllk Churchill's government with a 1'hu. the Illlitcrl nlltion wl'rr demon lrflting withont dl'lay t]wir Rlld the ntt llck on RC\'IlSlopot, nonconfidence motion I'ondemninl d termination to hold thr middle I'll. t, Ilnd thp po"ition (If tlti ' V""t iUed food to cried: the military direction ot th~ wal', Rnd vilal buttlefronl look d not (Illite. 0 c\6I'k It . it dill wlH'n 1'0- oruk fell 8nd ~llC Oermnn-Hnlinn Afril'lln (,OI'PS mill'll 1m WI'SI to lurn~rs, oveo "ThiH bill come. to liS in 1\ Na~y Aviation despite the announcement that Bubst8lltial land and air reinforce- dark honse. 'rhere will be other OCCIIPY all of ('onMIII lJibyn. ments now are reaching the bat- ]"rom HIt. · ia's He'·llstopol. too, eam(' m'ws tltut Ihe rf'(J IIfm." et dishu or dark days ahead. But out of this bill spri ngs talth and hope as to .' '.. .,. Itie-weakened defenders of Egypt. I!:!lrri. on hMI stiffenl'd lind 1'10. cd the I£a(l.' torn ill tltl' rorlifi('a­ d top. Selection Unit ~n important group of M. P.'s what the ultimate outcome of this This excellent alrvlew shows the Libyan coastal stron r hold ot T obruk. which h as 'allen to the axis heaoed by cOnservative Sir John tiOllf1 of the nllvltl b8<;(, by German troop ill U/ daYR or '"vage uminum Ot show is going to be." forces of German Marshall Erwin Rommel with i1. heavy 1011 or 5upplies. Fall of Tobruk brings Rom- Wardlaw-Milne drew up a motion u· 111111, I'Il/lcJ/lctNl I t tilt' ('o·t of Question Alaska Defense in soda .olu, mel's armored torces to the borders of Egypt. 100,()O() or mOl'I' 1I117.i ti('/\(I. There were questions form the ', for submission to the house de- . • ~ . - elaring they had "no confidence fioor as to what the United States Arrives Today 'rite Khllrkll\' frunt ofl he in the central direction and strat- 13 Ships Sunk , J'lln Todayl was doing 1p safeguard Alaska, ili ( f I k rllln(' 11 ppt'll rl'll . h()w('wr, to to protect the coast, how its guns Argentin'aIrked Over . on er 'egy of the war." Among th~ igners (h were understood to be Leslie HOre- lx' witn,' inlr t·ontilltlNI O('rmun and tanks were standing up against Will Be Here 3 Days Roosevelt and urc hI Belisha, David Lloyd George, EIlI'I !he enemy on the far-flung battle­ offensIve operations ot om mal­ DIS GAS Enlisting SUI Men Sinking of Freighter Winl rton and Artbu( Greenwood. Since ~une 3 nllude. r the s nd Iholgllt Iront of the world. 2-Day Debal~ For Flight Training ~- night, thl' S viet midnl,ht com­ 'RIC CO. While many of the questions, They will lead lhe opp<)Sition In went unanswered directly, mem­ Allied Shipping' 'Problems Plans Steps to Obtain On munique m ntloned G rm n .t­ a two-day debale which awails the bers of the appropriations sub­ A four-man traveling board New Sinkings Bring ' Answer From Nazis prime minister's return Crom the tacks on this front and lost nleht eommitlee on war expenditures, from the Naval AviatJOn ' Cadet United States. Churchill will be United Nations Total hinKton against the background 01 secret W ASRINGTON (AP) - The ~ould be discussed in detail nnd added tnst Ru sisn Iroop" hod selection board in St. Louis will After U-Boat Attack away "0() longel' than Is absol­ lestimony from military chiefs, as­ shipping problem, an essential in public, and Mr. Roosevelt's To 307 in Atlantic been pre ed back to new POlltiOIlS. be in [ow a City today, tomorrow point in any consideration of allied utely neces~ary," the hou e was lured the house or their faith in !Jsual Tue~day afternoon press con- told. It wa' proslble that the German and Friday to interview students BUENO,S AmES (AP)-Argen­ strategy, was attacked yesterday By TilE A 0 IATED PRE the army's command and on the interested ih naval aviation train­ by President Roruevelt, Prime terence was cancelled. A preliminary statement on the Thirt en united nalions mer­ armIes of the oulh were moving excellence of American - made tina is taking 6 "serious view" of ing. the sinking by a Germnn subma r­ Minjster Churchill and their rank­ In taking up the 3hipping prob- Libyan defeat by Clement R. At­ chllnt v els wer blasted by the Into position for a real sma h to­ equipment. The group, which will be sta­ ing advisers. The conference wos tern. Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Chur- tlee. Churchill's deputy, inflamed Rep. Rich (R-Pal. one of eon­ ine of the freighter Rio Tel'cern, torpedo tire of axis submarine' ward th Caucasus. tioned in room 102, University with the loss of five lives, and will officially described as one of the chill dealt with what numerous 0(- jrother thon pacified the critics ot In the Caribbean sea in the 12 PolItic I torm rress' moo out-spoken, pre­ hall, from 9 to 5 daily, is headed most important of the British of­ ficials considet as one of the more what Wardlaw-Milne called "one war non -Interventionists, drew announce, probably toelay, what days be/Cinnlna June 3, the navy The British lovernment'B on­ by Lieut. Frank "Butch" Locbs, steps will be taken to obtain sat­ ficials' current viSit. acute phases of the war situation. of the most serious disasters" or onnounc dye, terday, bringin" to nouncement that sub tanliol laod hisses and b008 from some of his former All-American at Purdue In addition, the White House dis­ Americah shipyards are working the war. relleacues When, In protestlnr isfaction from Germany, Under­ 307 the ship toll lor the AUantlc and oir reinforcements wer ar­ and head football coach at Wash­ Secretary for Foreign Affairs closed that the president and prime at top speed and turning out ves- Jt was evident the in,urgents In­ and adjaccnt waters. riving in Africa and Its pledge to .ralnst inclusion or $1%,700,000.- ington university for the past two Roberto Gache announced last minister conferred at length Mon­ sels in record time. Their produc- tended to launch a [u 1\ dress at­ Only one Ilf the 13 vessels pre­ 000 fer lend-lease aid In the bill, \\\ouUy oPP<)1> InVtL Ion of EC\ll years. Other members are Lieut. night. day with Dr. T. V.
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