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Located In CATALOGUE SHOPPING CENTRES LUNENBURG and BRIDGEWATER UNENBUR RS -llJ/lllED- - CHEV. - OLDS. - CORVAIR - ENVOY - - CHEV. TRUCKS - "A Complete Service For Your Car" G. M. FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS G. M. MAINTENANCE PLAN ASK ABOUT OUR ALSO VISIT OUR Phone 634=8881 IRVING Service STATION and USED CAR LOT Bridgewater Road "Where Customers Stop and Service Be,gins!" Phone 634-8920 OPEN Daily From 8 A.M. -10 P.M. Dial 8920 AWe Complete Will Line Pick of NEW up andand USED Deliver CARS Your Car • � ��w,.;;,,v��.;,,r������ ' Plan Now To Attend The 1965 NOVA SCOTIA FISHERIES EXHIBITION& FISHERMEN'S REUNION September 14th - 18th Ind. -1965- Write your"The relatives Mardi-Gras and friends andOf give The them Sea" the dates of the ''BIG FISHERIES FAIR!' ..II•.. HATHAWAY MACHINERY CO., INC for aver 60 years has served the equipment needs of commercial boat owners the world over. Hathaway's quality winches, deck equip­ ment, stern bearings and stuffing boxes are time tested and accepted throughout the fishing industry as being the finest. HATHAWAY MACHINERY CO. IS THE AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTORK FOR ... MARINE DIESEL ENGINES ... rugged, compact, and simple in design, Waukesha's marine diesels are power pack­ ed to meet the requirements of continuous heavy duty, round the clock operation. More and more Canadian Fishermen are powering with Waukesha. They have found that Waukesha's power plus its maneuver­ ability, pickup, easy maintenance and eco­ nomy of operation make it a natural choice. Call or write Hathaway Machinery Co., Inc., for complete information. HATHAWAY MACHINERY CO., INC HATHAWAY BRALEY WHARF FAIRHAVEN, MASS. PROGRESS and EDUCATION go hand-in-hand. Afone, either is not as strong I and in our present society one cannot exist without the other. CONGRATULATIONS to the 1965 Graduating Class. YOUR YOUR YOUR education is just beginning so duty YOUR is to continue with it and take place in the progress of community. To the UNDE'RGRADUATES don't stop now, you too have an important pla,ce in the world of to­ morrow. LUNENBURG BOARD OF TRADE ACADIA CONSTRUCTION LIMITED BRIDGEWATER, Nova Scotia GENERAL CONTRACTORS Buildings Roads and Bridges 'Airports Wharves ·;-··,,,�.:.-v�·cvvv<>=�v�·-"""'vv-v¢�"""=="'""�""""',-c.<,s�-"( : --- � !:•_· . LaHave ( (·; _ Brand f :. � t ICE��BUTTER I� , the Cream � I�:.(i �-�-��-��----�0£' Quality f ASK FOR TlIEM AT YOUR FAVORITE STORE ·, THE LARAVE CREAMERY COMP ANY LIMITED Bridgewater - Nova Scotia NE "VAPOR-KOTE" 1 LB. ILPAKS "Vapor-Kote" offers an improved method of coating, better moisture harrier, pro­ viding the most economical and protective frozen fish carton. ASK FOR SAMPLES J.. C.. WILSON, LIMITED, 5435MONTREAL Ferrier 9, Street, P.Q. SALES REPRESENTATIVES E. J, Curry, G. P. Mitchell, A. L. Trafton, 615 Kings Road, 1030 BeUevue R.R. 2 Musquash, SYDNEY; N. S. Avenue, CHANCE HARBOUR HALiiFAX, N. S. N. B. F tJ•undation A Uni'Vel'sity .Education for your ,c·hild may be o·btained for as little .as $9. per month. Ask us, how to p;rovide foi· it the ·CST way, Write or phone our nearest office ;for complete· information. EASTERN & CHARTERED TRUST COMPANY Offices across Canada Atlantic Region Branches: Lunen·bmg e New Glasgow o Sydney • Ftedericton @ Moncton • Saint John @ Charlottetown • St. John's Head Office: Toronto • Atlantic Regional Head Office: Halifax ,, 1: r: CONGRATULATIONSLto· ,, 1'he Young· Men amf Womeri of The Lunenburg Academy Just a Word· of cauHon:-Most of you are, or wiff he, operat­ ini:;· motor V8hicfas on our highways anc.f, while it is not part of the currfcufom for most schoois, driving is one of the things we must learn thoroughly.oe Many enfoyahle hours will sprnt by you young· folks so we say, enjoy it to the fnliest hut cfo so wfth cautious and pru­ dent driving·, IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST valued possessions Today, many are leaving to join the ranks of business !ife. Many times in the yean, ahead, you will come to greatly value the education you have received. Many times you will call upori it to help guide you through some particular time of crisis. You will come to value, and depend upon, your daily l1ews paper too! For you, it will become a constant daily source of valuable inct'ormation, helping you to keep informed a:bout the complexities of our highly spedalized mode (lf daily living. Always value ,both your education and your daily news­ paper.THE They areCHRONICLE-HERALD most worthy possessions. and THE MAIL-STAR JUNIOR_:-SENIOR. HIGH SCHOOL STAFF MESSAGE FROM OUR OFFICERS The Sea Gull is more than just a school magazine with the usual record of student activities and aspirations. It delves into the past of oar fine Town, highlights its pre­ sent, and pays tribute to the men and women from our community who have made or are making an outstanding contribution to society. This is an ambitious project and requires the co-operation of Students, Teachers and the Citizens of the Town. Being editors-in-chief of this issue of the Sea Gull has been a rewarding ex­ perience, and we wish to thank all those who assisted us in our task. Margaret Campbell '65 Linda Langille '65 As President of the Students' Council, I would like to thank the Council and Students for their co­ operation, and to extend all the best to future Sea Gulls and to the graduates. Chris. Anderson '65 MESSAGE FROM JUNIOR RED CROSS It has been a privilege for me to serve as Presi­ dent of the Junior Red Cross this year. I would like to thank the students and our Teache1·s, Miss P. Westhaver and Mr. G. Mason, for their co-operation. Donna Forbes '65 It has been our privilege to act as Business Managers of the 1965 Sea Gull. We would like to thank all those who helped in any way, and wish this publication every success. f Reid MacDuf '.65 Ronald Whynacht '65 MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE EDITORS We are very honored to have had the opportunity of having been the ex­ ecutive editors this year. We wish to thank all those who have in any way contri1buted in making this edition a success. We foel that the experience gained has been invaluable. Linda Mason, Elisabeth Wood '65 ACADEMY STAFF - 1942 1st row�M. Adams, D. Anderson, F. Knickle, R. Hamm. 2nd-A. Corkum, V. Adams, M. Maguire, 0. Zinck. 3rd-.M. Johnson, P. Westhaver, R. Payzant, D. H. Collins, (Principal); J. MacLellan, R. H. Campbell. GOOD LUCK ClASS of 1965 To enable children of today to live successfully in this difficult and fredul age, wa need to foc,us our emphasis on these things; a broad background of meaningful and interrelated knowledge, a well­ established set of generalized habits and attitudes toward creativity, scientific method, and critical thinking, and wholesome personality growth and devotion to a set of moral and spiritual values. How else than by building a firm foundation of elementary and secondary education are children to be prepared for this advanced thinking? How else are they to obtain the high degree of emotional sturdiness and mental maturity that they will need to stand up to the remaining y cars of this century? We are· attempting to keep our educational standards high in Lu­ nf'nhurg Academy so that our students ,may be better prepared for the changed thinking in education. We, of the School Board, wish you continued success in your annual edition of the Sea Gull and in all future endeavours. BOARD OF SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS BOARD MEMBERS Rayfield G. A. Wood, M.D., Chairman D. C. Cantelope, M. D. Eugene E. Ritcey Arthur H. Hebb Herbert B. Zinck Supervising Principal - D. H. Collins Clerk - B. J. Walters TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Junior - Senior High School Staff ................................................................ 1 Messages From the Officers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ............... 2 Message From the Executive Editors - Linda Mason, Elisabeth Wood 3 Board of School Commissioners .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ 4 Table of Contents ............................................................................................ 5 Board of Editors .... .................................. .......................................................... 7 Editorial - Margaret Campbell, Linda Langille ............................. ........... 8 Dedication Page .................................................. ,............. ................................ 9 Section I Our Ancient Landmark - L. Mason, E. Wood ............................................ 10 TRLBUTES TO - A Miss Mary Johnson - Sandra Conrad ... .. .. ..... .. .. .. ... ...... .. ..... .... ... .. .. ... 12 Miss Mar,ion Adams
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