E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2017 No. 203 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was until March. People are already losing He submitted his DACA renewal well called to order by the Speaker pro tem- their DACA coverage on a daily basis. before the application deadline that pore (Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky). So when reporters and politicians say was arbitrarily set for last October. that Congress can stall until March to f But he made a mistake. His check was enact the Dream Act, they are flat for $465, not $495, so he will be deport- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO wrong. We cannot wait until March. able as of December 22. He has lived his TEMPORE The Dream Act and the protections of entire life in the United States, yet, if The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the DACA program are not light Republicans and the President have fore the House the following commu- switches we can turn on and off. Every their way, he will be sent back to Hon- nication from the Speaker: day we delay the passage of the Dream duras. His three businesses and those Act, another 122 DACA recipients lose who work there? Who knows what will WASHINGTON, DC, their status. They go from being docu- December 13, 2017. happen to them. I hereby appoint the Honorable HAROLD mented to being undocumented, and Another DACA recipient named Saul ROGERS to act as Speaker pro tempore on their worlds are turned upside down. is from California. Thanks to the secu- this day. It is not just their lives, but also the rity and stability provided by DACA, PAUL D. RYAN, lives of American citizens who love he has pursued a career in education. I Speaker of the House of Representatives. them, who employ them, and who rely was a teacher, and I know that the on them. f monetary rewards are few, but the re- Young DREAMers came forward and MORNING-HOUR DEBATE reported to the Department of Home- wards for your soul are many, and the rewards to our society of having dedi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- land Security and paid their own money for a criminal background cated teachers are just as priceless. ant to the order of the House of Janu- But without DACA and without the ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- check by the FBI. In fact, many of them have successfully completed their Dream Act, Saul has no future in nize Members from lists submitted by teaching, and we may squander the the majority and minority leaders for paperwork and biometrics three times. They paid all of this processing—the passion he would bring to a classroom. morning-hour debate. His DACA expires on December 29, and The Chair will alternate recognition paperwork, the background checks, and the fingerprints—with their own this is anything but a Merry Christmas between the parties. All time shall be for him as we drag our feet here in the equally allocated between the parties, money. By definition, they arrived in the Congress of the United States. and in no event shall debate continue United States as children, and, by defi- Finally, there is Brittany in New beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other nition, they all arrived at least 10 York. She is a childcare provider who than the majority and minority leaders years ago—a year and a half before works with infant twins—one of whom and the minority whip, shall be limited Obama even got sworn in as President. has a severe health condition. Her em- to 5 minutes. There are 800,000 of them—800,000 ployers are now scrambling because f young Americans who have been play- Brittany’s DACA expired last Thurs- day, and she has no clear legal path DACA ing by the rules, doing everything their government has asked them to do, and forward. The family said: We are dev- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The who have been living productive lives astated at the thought that she may Chair recognizes the gentleman from in communities in every State of the not be able to work in this country and Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. Union. As of today, more than 12,000 know we won’t find another caregiver Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, every have lost their DACA status and pro- who is as reliable, nurturing, and day, 122 people with DACA lose their tection. unshakeable as Brittany. protection from deportation. They lose Let me tell you about a few of them. Most Americans don’t understand their government-issued identification Mayron owns three businesses. He lives why taking away legal status from a that allowed them to stay in this coun- in Washington State and has lived in childcare provider who is employed, try and work legally. the U.S. since he was 11 years old. His cherished, and loved by her employers DACA is the Deferred Action for DACA expires on December 22, the day will somehow create law and order. Childhood Arrivals program that the after the CR is set to expire and the How does creating more undocumented President ended in September and day we are all supposed to go home and immigrants help? It doesn’t make which will completely expire in March. return to our families for the Christ- America great. It doesn’t even But let’s be clear: people don’t have mas holiday and New Year’s. strengthen security or our economy. I b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H9847 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:15 Dec 14, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A13DE7.000 H13DEPT1 H9848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 13, 2017 don’t think it even benefits the Repub- treating physician. Dr. Tully is widely school. At the same time, National lican Party politically to send this respected and has performed more than Guard members are available to pro- young American woman like her away. 3,000 prostatectomies. On Thursday, vide support and protection for their But it is up to Republicans and Martha and I drove to Birmingham to States or to be called for military oper- Democrats to stand up for Brittany, obtain Dr. Tully’s insight about treat- ations for the country. They serve Saul, and Mayron. Democrats must be ment options and risks. He advised a their community and their country. clear that we value the contributions radical prostatectomy. Each U.S. State, the District of Co- of these young people and will not At Dr. Tully’s direction, I undertook lumbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto allow their stories to be ignored. a heart stress test and a nuclear bone Rico, and the territories of Guam and Republicans—even the brave ones scan. Finally, I got some good news. the U.S. Virgin Islands maintain both who have said that they are for solving My CT scan and nuclear bone scan re- an Army National Guard and an Air the plight of the DACA kids—must do vealed no cancer beyond the prostate. National Guard. more than write a letter or whisper My heart stress test confirmed that I quietly in the Halls that they hope am strong enough to undergo the 2- to The Massachusetts General Court something happens. 3-hour surgery. issued an order on December 13, 1636, It is up to us right now. I am not Prostate cancer mortality data is requiring all able-bodied men between leaving, and I am not shutting up until compelling. Speed is critical in the the ages of 16 and 60 to create a stand- we do. fight against prostate cancer. In com- ing Army for protection. With that order, what we now know as America’s f pliance with the 2017 House calendar that set end-of-year votes on December National Guard was born. The idea was GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS 14, and at some risk to myself, Dr. simple: establish an Army of citizen WAYS Tully and I delayed my surgery until soldiers who could be called upon to The SPEAKER pro tempore. The December 15—this Friday—and set a fight when needed. Chair recognizes the gentleman from postsurgery medical procedure for De- In honor of the National Guard’s Alabama (Mr. BROOKS) for 5 minutes. cember 20. My plan was to recuperate birthday, here are some lesser known Mr. BROOKS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- at home during the holidays with my facts about the branch: each member of er, this is a very difficult speech for me family and return to Washington for a the National Guard is sworn to uphold to give. full workload when Congress recon- two constitutions, Federal and State. God works in mysterious ways. venes on January 3. The term ‘‘National Guard’’ didn’t be- When you are an elected official, Unfortunately, last week the House come an official term until 1916. 50,000 missed votes require an explanation. Speaker abruptly changed the House members of the National Guard were That is why I disclose this otherwise voting calendar that I relied on to set called to take on various missions dur- very personal, very private, and very my surgery.
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