WE PUBLISH LOCAL LEADING JAPANESE AND WORLD’S DAILY ON LATEST HAPPENINGS ISLAND OF HAWAII VOL. XXXIII HILO, HAWAII, T. H., SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1941 N O . 8 9 6 7 British Airmen GALA PROGRAM Raid French Coast LONDON, June 7—British RAF PLANNED FOR bombers conducted a large-scale air raid of the French coast in the B : S o S l A FRONT neighborhood of Calais early this morning, while the Nazi luftwaffes KAM DAY FETE were busy raining bombs over the ;!!8 1 GERM! S 3 1 SYRIA southeast coast. COLORFUL PAGEANT WELL i The German raiders were chased BE CENTER OF ATTRACTION off by heavy British anti-aircraft Large - Scale Battle In Middle East Now ______ jfire, it was announced. Looming Up With Both British And The Kamehameha Lodge will ' stage one of the most colorful pro- j Germans Taking Positions grams this year to celebrate Ka- j i mehameha Day. WD1KIE GIVES On Monday night, June 9, torch­ ISTANBUL, June 7 Dispatches reaching" here from light parade will be held with the procession starting from Lincoln I Beirut in Syria reported unusual activity among British for­ Park at 7:00 p. m. The parade will ces in Transjordania, especially along the Syrian frontier, be led by Hawaii County band in where some 10,000 British troops were reported to be gar­ the lead and proceeding to Waia- j ON U.S. UNITY risoned. nuenue then down to Kamehame­ ha and on to Mooheau Park. REFUTES COL. LINDBERGH IN GERMANS IN SYRIA In the line of march will be STIRRING ADDRESS IN On the other hand, radio announcements from Ankara members of all the Hawaiian org- , CHICAGO were heard in which it was reported that the Nazis were con­ anizations with boys and girls tinuing to filter through into Syria where engineers and from the clubs in Hilo. Men from CHICAGO, June 7—Wendell L. the two army troops now station­ Willkie appeared before a gigantic technicians are reported to be busily engaged in making pre­ ed here will also take part and crowd here last night and urged parations for some 200-300 Nazi planes now being readied for also the boys from Panaewa CCC unanimous national support for PATTERN IN DAM— This is the way a dam grows. Scene is at Shasta Dam, on Sacramento river in active action in Syria. cam p. President Roosevelt’s foreign poli­ California. Huge blocks 50 feet square are raised alternately, five feet at a time in staggered Programs of singing and music cy. rows. Circles indicate workmen. Dam is only sixth completed, but 1.000.000 cubic yards of con­ Meanwhile, in Istanbul, informed Turkish sources said will be held at the Mooheau pavil­ Willkie’s address was given at a crete have been ooured. that with the next fortnight the Nazis will most likely have ion after the parade. Speakers for unity day program from the same enough men and arms to make a thrust into Palestine. These the evening will be William H. platform from which he had de­ same sources reported that even now Germans are in actual nounced the Roosevelt administra­ US-British In Beers, representing the Kameha­ control of Syria, with a large number still entering Syria meha Lodge who will speak on tion some seven or eight months Shipping Accord JAPAN PAPERS BRITISH RAID very quietly under various pretexts. “Why We Celebrate Kamehame­ ago, when he was conducting a ha Day” while William H. Chun campaign against the president as TOKYO, June 7—^Moving to pre­ The French high command in Syria, headed by Gen. Hen­ on behalf of the other organiza­ the GOP nominee. URGE POSITIVE vent further rise in shipping costs ri Dentz, meanwhile, denied reports current abroad to the ef­ tions will speak on “Our Herit­ The one-time presidential can­ because of the effectiveness of age.” These programs will be didate of the republican party bit­ German raids on allied shipping, fect that Germans are already in Syria and claimed that so broadcast over KHBC for those terly attacked Charles A. Lind­ GOVT. STAND United States and Great Britain car the “horizon is clear” of any Germans. who are unable to attend the cele­ bergh, denying the allegations AXIS POWERS concluded an agreement to control _________________ oOo ________________ b ratio n . made by the latter that the last KOKUMIN ADVISES STRONG rates, the Nichi-nichi reported SMALL LOSS REPORTED IN national election had not given the On Wednesday night at 7:30 p. STAND AGAINST from London. ALEXANDRIA NAZI voters an opportunity for express­ m, there will be a Hawaiian page­ US-BRITISH RAID ant at Mooheau pavilion. This pa­ ion of opinion on U. S. foreign po­ NmHfflMPLmraDffi geant will depict how Kamehame­ licy. TOKYO, June 7—Calling atten­ CAIRO, June 6— British RAF ha and his chiefs were able to pro­ tion to the “increasing cooperation planes bombed Italian aircrafts at vide sufficient food and fish for SYRIA BATHE between Anglo-American and Ch­ the Aleppo airdrome and scored a all the people. The closing scene ungking airforces” the Kokumin direct hit on at least one plane, will be a “hookupu” or offering of EUGENIC LAWS in an editorial urges the govern­ destroying it, it was announced by gifts in which beautiful girls re­ EXPECTED BY ment to take “more positive” steps Royal Air Force headquarters in presenting the eight islands, will to cope with Anglo-American the Middle East. bring their gifts and present them IN NIPPON TO moves for early disposal of Sino Reports reaching here indicated to the king. This pageant is under hostilities. VICHY GOV’T. that British planes were also ac­ RAILWAY TICKETS ON PEKING RAILWAY SOLD the direction of Mrs. Huberta Bell, The United States a year ago tive in the neighborhood of Katta- ONLY TO PEOPLE POSSESSING supported by the members of Na­ BE EN FO RCED was content with arming Hawaii, SPOKESMAN SAYS FRENCH via and the Italian Dodecanese Is­ GOVERNMENT PERMITS READY FOR DEFENSE tive Sons and Daughters Council Guam, Wake and Midway islands lands of Rhodes last Wednesday No. 6. GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE against Japan, but is now posting STRUGGLE night, while on the Libyan front, There will be also, swimming COST OF LAW pilots and aircraft engineers in RAF planes bombed military ob­ PEKING, June 6_Effective July 1st, permits issued by VICHY, June 6—Active fight­ races at Kuhio wharf on Sunday OPERATION Singapore and Burma while con­ jectives near Derna, an official Japanese military authorities will be required for foreigners ing is expected to break out at from 1:00 p. m. to celebrate this solidating cooperation with Chung­ communique announced. traveling in North China, it was officially announced. any moment in Syria in view of occasion. TOKYO, June 7 — Japan’s .na­ king, Australia and New Zealand, The communique further said tional eugenic program which has the Kokumin said. British decision to invade that that only one RAF plane was miss­ The step is being taken for military reasons and to faci­ bountry, according to a French been under formulation for the ing aft^r all these raids, while no litate the task necessary for each trip. Those making con­ military analyist. E.S. Capellas Honored past six months will become effec­ damage to British airdromes and stant trips for business or other valid reasons to Peking, It was also said that the Fren­ tive July 1st, and announcement to Students to be Given no casualty were reported from at Hakalau Exercises ch in Syria under High Commiss­ Tsingtao, Tientsin and surrounding areas will be granted per­ that effect has been gazetted to- German raids on Alexandria Wed­ ioner Henri Dentz was prepared mits good for six months. Jay. Jobs During Vacation nesday night, despite the fq,ct that With “Forty-years at Hakalau to defend to the last any hostile Details concerning application approximately 100 civilians were School” as its theme, the Hakalau invasion by outsiders. Although Railway tickets will be unpurchasable without permits. )f the program will be announced According to an announcement reported to have been killed and Intermediate School held a very the French government indicated Those traveling from North China to south or central China oy the Welfare Ministry on June made by Mr. John M. Ross, mana­ injured in the same raids. impressive graduation exercises at ger of the Hakalau Plantation Co., that it expected action in Syria in must first secure traveling permits from Shanghai or Nan­ E. S. Capellas Hall on Wednesday L3th. It is understood that authorities the plantation will again give stu­ view of developments during the king. After reaching those points, travelers wishing to go evening, June 4th. vill temporarily forego enforce- dents an opportunity to earn some last fewr days, the Vichy govern­ The exercises this year was es­ elsewhere must get new permits from their own diplomatic nent of compulsory application of money during the summer mon­ ment appeared to be maintaining pecially dedicated to Principal TURKEY SPUR representatives or Japanese consular officials. sterilization, being content for the ths. Students may work at either an attitude of calmness so far. Eugene S. Capellas who complet­ ,ime being with voluntary applica- j the Hakalau or Honohina sections. ed 40 years of faithful service at Foreigners using the Peking-Shanhaikwan or Peking- ions for medical treatment. Any boy or girl willing to work Hakalau school at the close of the Lawrence McLane to VAST PROGRAM Kupeikow railways will be required to obtain permits at Pek­ It is estimated that there are will be given a chance.
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