2015 SCHEDULE OF PRIZES & REGULATIONS ENTRY FORM ENCLOSED - Inside Back Page F R I DAY 16 th & SATURDAY 17th OCTOBER, 2015 GENERAL ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY 9th OCTOBER HORSE SCHEDULE SEPARATE ESSENTIALS OFFICE OPEN: Wednesdays 11.00am to 2.00pm CLOSING DATES FOR ENTRIES September, 10.00am to 5.00pm from Tues. 29th Sept. General Entries - Fri. 9th October (weekdays) or by appointment during the year. Horticulture, Farm & Produce - Wed. 14th October th Secretary: Ms. Wendy Beer Horses - Wed. 7 October (late entries on day) P.O. Box 168, BENALLA 3671 Please see individual sections for exhibit OFFICE: Ph 03 5762 2323 A/H 0401 815 050 staging requirements. EMAIL: [email protected] ENTRIES MAY BE LODGED BY MAIL WEBSITE: www.benallashow.com OR AT SECRETARY’S OFFICE 10.00am to 5.00pm from Tues. 29th Sept. (weekdays) PRE-PAID TICKETS Please check requirements for each section. ONLY AVAILABLE PRIOR TO SHOW Relevant entry fees must accompany all entries. No phone entries. FAMILY MEMBERSHIP $40 - 2 day entry for one Member plus Guest. Free entry for up to 4 children Double entry fee for late entries (where accepted). 16 yrs & under. Reduced entry fee in most sections. SINGLE MEMBERSHIP $25 - 2 day entry for one PRIZE MONEY PAID AT OFFICE Member for both days. Reduced entry fee in most sections. ONLY AFTER SPECIFIED TIMES All livestock prize monies will be posted Cover Images by Jenny Fawkes out after the Show. No pavilion section prize ADMISSION FEES 2015 monies will be paid out before 4.45pm th FRIDAY 9.00am - 5.00pm on Saturday 17 October. SATURDAY 9.00am - 4.30pm ADULTS: $15.00 DELIVERY OF EXHIBITS CHILDREN 5 - 16 Years: $5.00 CHILDREN Under 5 Years: FREE Please note individual section requirements for due dates. Exhibits can be delivered during ONE DAY FAMILY PASS: $35.00 (2 adults & 2 children) Show Office opening hours. CONCESSION (full pension only, not Seniors Card): $10.00 - Bridge St gate only. Pass Outs available at gate. All information correct at time of printing. In 2015 the Cecil St gate will be for pass-holders Timetable and schedule only. No public parking in Showgrounds. subject to change. ENTRY FORM ENCLOSED - Inside Back PLATINUM SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS Page Lynch Livestock Carriers Pty Ltd Department Store for tradition and service AKG Hair Design BENALLABENALLA AGRICULTURALAGRICULTURAL && PASTORALPASTORAL SOCIETYSOCIETYINC.INC. EstablishedEstablished 1878. 1878. ForFor the the Promotion Promotion of of the the Theory Theory and and Practice Practice of of Agriculture Agriculture WWee iinnvviittee yyoouu ttoo ppaarrttiicciippaattee iinn oouurr113333rrddSSpprriinngg SShhooww INDEXINDEX 202020151155COMMITTEECOMMITTEE CattleCattle 99 President:President:MrMr...W.W. Ferguson Ferguson ViceVice President Presidentss:s:::MsMs...NeaNea Burgun Burgun&& Mrs Mrs...C.C. Ogden Ogden EntryEntry Form Form(Pavilions)(Pavilions)(Pavilions) 444111 JuniorJunior Vice Vice President: President:MrMr..B..BB. ..Hearn HearnHearn GoatsGoats 1919 Secretary:Secretary:MsMs...WendyWendy Beer Beer SeparateSeparate Treasurer:Treasurer:Mrs.Mrs. Beth Beth Schultz Schultz HorsesHorses scheduleschedule Hon.Hon. Veterinary Veterinary Surgeon: Surgeon:Dr.Dr.StuartStuart Brown BrownB.V.Sc.B.V.Sc. LambLamb Carcass Carcass Competition Competition 222000 SafetySafety Officer: Officer:Mr.Mr. W. W. Ferguson Ferguson MemMembershipbership Form Form 4343 COMMITTEECOMMITTEE MEMBERS: MEMBERS: NorthNorth East East & & Royal Royal Melbourne Melbourne Show Show 11 RetiringRetiring 2016: 2016: DatDateses 201 20155 MrMr...W.W. Ferguson Ferguson OfficialsOfficials to to Contact Contact 22 DrDr...S.S. Brown Brown PavilionPavilion Competitions Competitions MrsMrs...G.G. Saunders Saunders (Arts(Arts(Arts&& Crafts Crafts/ / Cookery Cookery / /TextilesTextiles / / Farm Farm 2121 MrMr...B.B. Hearn Hearn && Home Home Produce Produce / /Horticulture Horticulture / /Wool) Wool) MrMr...M.M. Powel Powell ll PetPet Parade Parade 77 RetiringRetiring 2017: 2017: PoultryPoultry 1818 MrsMrs...C.C. Odgen Odgen RegulationsRegulations 333888 MrsMrs...L.L. Edgley Edgley RurRuralal Ambassador Ambassador & & Junior Junior Ambassador Ambassador 88 MsMs...N.N. Burgun Burgun MrsMrs...E.E. Schultz Schultz SheepSheep 1414 ShowgroundsShowgrounds Map Map 44 ExecutiveExecutive Committee: Committee:President,President, Vice Vice-Presidents,--Presidents, SponsorsSponsors 55 Secretary,Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer, Immediate Immediate Past Past President President CommitteeCommittee of of Management ManagementRepresentativesRepresentatives::: TinyTiny Tots Tots & &CostumeCostumeDressDress 77 Mrs.Mrs. C. C. Ogden Ogden & & Mr. Mr. W. W. Ferguso Ferguson.n. YardYard Dog DogTrialsTrials 222000 DelegatesDelegates to to V.A.S.L. V.A.S.L. & & North North East East Group: Group: MsMs...WendyWendy Beer Beer&& Mrs Mrs...L.L. Edgley Edgley SponsorshipSponsorship & & Marketing Marketing Committee: Committee:MsMs...W.W. Beer, Beer, MrsMrs...G.G. Saunders Saunders,,,MrMr...B.B. Hearn Hearn NORTHNORTH EAST EAST VICTORIAN VICTORIAN SHOW SHOW DATES DATES 201 20155 PresidentPresident and and Secretary Secretary are are ex ex officio officio members members to to all all Committees.Committees. OctoberOctober22ndndnd...........................................................................................................................YarrawongaYarrawonga Show Show––22 days days OctoberOctober33rdrdrd.............................................................................................................................................................................................SeymourSeymour Show Show OctoberOctober99ththth.................................................................................................................................WangarattaWangaratta Show Show––22 days days OctoberOctober99ththth.................................................................................................................................SheppartonShepparton Show Show––22 days days OctoberOctober 1 111ththth.........................................................................................................................................................CorowaCorowa Show Show OctoberOctober 1 166ththth...............................................................................................................BenallaBenalla Show Show––22 days days OctobOctoberer 1 188ththth..............................................................................................................................................................................RutherglenRutherglen Show Show OctoberOctober 2121ststst.................................................................................................................................................................................NumurkahNumurkah Show Show OctoberOctober 2 244ththth.............................................................................................................................................CobramCobram Show Show––22 days days OctoberOctober 2 244ththth.........................................................................................................................................................EuroaEuroa Show Show––22 days days CCaann yyoouu hheellpp?? OctoberOctober 2 244ththth....................................................................................................................................................................................MyrtlefordMyrtleford Show Show ststst AsAs a a small, small, community community volunteer volunteer OctoberOctober3131.................................................................................................................................................................................................Dookie..Dookie Show Show NovemberNovember 2121stst........................................................st................................................................................................................MansfieldMansfield Show Show organisation,organisation, Benalla Benalla A&P A&P Society Society is is always always gratefulgrateful for for the the assistance assistance of of our our sponsors, sponsors, ROYALROYAL MELBOURNE MELBOURNE SHOW: SHOW:.................................SeptemberSeptember 1919ththth––29th29th stewardsstewards and and committee committee members. members. FoFor rrfurther furtherfurther information: information:information: IfIf you you are are interested interested in in helping helping out out on onthethe www.vicagshows.com.auwww.vicagshows.com.au dayday or or in in planning planning and and organisation organisation then then we we wouldwould love love to to hear hear from from you. you. ContactContact the the Secretary Secretary on on 0401 0401 815 815 050 050 or or WhilstWhilsteveryevery endeavour endeavour has has been been undertaken undertaken to to ensure ensure the the accuracyaccuracy of of the the information information in in this this Schedule, Schedule, circumstances circumstances email:email: [email protected] [email protected] maymay arise arise that that necessitate necessitate a a change change in in timetable timetable/class//class/priz//prize.e. Page 1 PagePage11 BENALLA A & P SOCIETY INC. LIFE MEMBERS & ROLL OF HONOUR COUNCILLORS Mr. A. Aldous Mr. M. Marriott Mr. R. Bakewell C.M.G. Mrs. J. Leask Mr. I. Burkinshaw Mr. F. Sadler OAM Mr. T. Ballintine Mr. R. Lindholm Mr. P. Duffy Mr. A. Stafford Mr. K. Bissett Mr. D. McKenzie Mr. N. Fry Mr. R. Wallace Mr. F. Cook Mr. D. McMillan
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