AKRON BEACON JOURNAL Index to Obituaries

AKRON BEACON JOURNAL Index to Obituaries

AKRON BEACON JOURNAL Index to Obituaries A8 1940 - 1945 A-Z with WII Dead From Akron District As Reported In Akron Beacon Journal December 1 1945 Compiled,by the staff of the Language, Literature and History Division, Akron-Summit County Public Library .. NAME DIITE Abbot. Edna M. 5- 17-4 I Abbctt. Arthur M. 12-25-44 Abbctt. Leonard A. 1 1-27-43 hbbott , Robert 1-20-4 1 Abbott, Robert H. 10-1 9-43 Abele, John 2-25-40 Abels, Herry R. 10-8-43 Abelaon, Cella 2-21-45 Abendshine, Jacob I 1-6-44 Abernsthy , John 8-21-45 Able, Ella R. 1-18-45 Able. Gecrpe 3-22-43 Abler. Alice 3-25-48 Ables, Robert 12-2-42 hbocd. Latafe 11-13-41 F.Sw i z io, hnt onio 1-1 2-43 Abrshsm, Mark0 8-23-41 Abraham, Nildred Frances E-3-44 Atr~n5.Edwin E. 7-17-43 kbsher. Nellie 3-4-44 hbshire. Chsrles K. 1-30-45 libchire. Gecrpe A. IO- 18-43 Abshire, William F. 3-15-45 hccurso , Jaaeuh 2-26-45 ficktn. elanche 1-29-45 Acktr , Charles I-i6-41 f?cker, Edith e-30-44 F,cl.er. Syrtle J. 5-50-40 hcker. Willi?am R. k12-23-44 Acktrxan, aelle D. 2-27-41 Ackernan. Edwin 0. 7-E-42 kcktrman. Harry E. 8-26-43 hckernan, Mary Elizabeth 4-27-42 Ackley, Ella E. 1-2-45 Ackwcrth. Hsrry I. 2-24-41 Ac.ora, Rebecca 1-31 -43 Acs, Joseph 9-10-43 Acssdy. Jchn 8-1 5-45 Acssdy , flarparet 3-5-42 Acuff, Minnie A. 12-24-45 Adair. John 9-1 1-44 Adan, Julss 10-4-40 Adan. SSnUel (7) 1-30-40 Adsnich, Joseph 4-26-44 Adsms. Anna U. 5-24-45 Adam.. Bridget H. 2-1 2-43 Adems. Catherine 2-9-40 Adams. Charles Lewis 9-5-45 . Adans. Denarfd 3. 3-1 8-41 Adans , Edith .. 12-28-44. Adsms. Edward C. 5-15-45 Adams, Ella 5-2-42 Adsms, Ella Jane 3-28-40 Adams. Francis C. 12-12-40 Page 1 NRME DRTE Adsms. Fred W. 3-29-45 Adsms, Georpe B. 6-13-44 Adams. 6eorpe E. 1-23-43 Adama, Grece 12-4-42 Adcms, James E. 1-28-41 Adams, Jenea L. 8-25-42 Adems, John 5. 18-26-44 kdsms, Kurney Ellen 1-30-45 Adsms, Wiriel 1-11-44 Adems, Perry 3-22-44 Adams, Robert 2-10-43 Adams. Rose E. 5-24-4 I AdaEs. Royal 5-21-42 Adcms. Scphie J. 18-3-44 Adems. Ualtcr 7-1 9-41 Adcmo, Willsdebn 9-15-46 Adens, willi6Pl w. 1-31-44 Adams, Zimri M. 6-22-44 Adanski, Lottie 2-4-44 Adamson, Nettie Kae 9-25-42 Adamson, Thcmas J. 7- 10-45 Adcock. Florida 4-27-40 Addarson, Cerrie 2. 6-1 9-44 Addlemsn, Jcasis 8-1 8-41 Addleman, Perry H. 8-20-41 Adella. Mike 3-54; Aden. Helen !I. 16-1-40 Ackins, Cornelia 1 1-27-43 Adkins, GeorCs 1 1-23-44, Adkins, John B. 2-22-41 Adler, Rcchel 7-12-44 kdler. Ruth 1-13-40 Adolph. Harparet 6-23-45 Aeillo. Csrolyn D. 10-1 7-41 Aelxander, Harry 3. 3-1 8-43 Aper. Willien H. 1-29-14 Apne , Nelson E. 7-18-41 Apnello, Uincenze 7- 12-45 Agustin, Jose C. 1-23-45 fihart. William H. 12-20-42 Ahearn. Henry A. 12-24-42 Ahern, Emma F. 8-17-45 Ahern. Hery A. 11-17-41 Ahl. Don B. 6-29-45 Ahl. Laura 5-30-44 Ahola, Willien 10-26-43 Ahrenr, Rosa 6 -2 7 - 4 2 Ahtepes, James D. 10-1-40 fihwapee, Fred6 4-1-41 Alello, Raffaela 10-6-42 Aiken. Letts H. 12-26-45 Alnsworth. Willard P. 4-6-45 Rirhsrt. Emma L. 9-4-42 Aitkenheed. John 10-7-40 NRtlE DRTE Aked. Betty Lou 7-26-43 fikers. Harry 3-2-42 Akers. tlinnie A. 5-1 -44 Akers, Ruth tl. 9-24-41 Akin. Nita H. 6-2-43 Atins, Csr1c.s 1 1-24-44 Albaugh, Jmes Earl '2-1 9-44 Albech, Anna 1-25-41 Albers. Me11 H. 5-25-43 Albert, Adolph C. 1-18-42 Albertson, Dale H. 3-26-45 filbertson, F.C. 3-3-42 Albertson. Lawrenis W. 7-14-41 Aitrecht, Matilds 12-31 -43 Albrieht .'Charles C.. 3- 14-45 Aibrisht, Frsnk 4-24-43 A1br:pht. Grace E. 7-16-40 Aibright, Henry U. 1-17-41 liltright. Ida A. 10-9-43 Altripht. James K. 5-1 1-13 Albripht. Rhoda E. 12-23-40 Albright, iiuszell 2-3-44 Albright, Sarah F. 3-4-44 Albright, Walter 2. 6- 17-44 Albright, Walter 5. 6-15-44 Alcox. Peter 6 - 2 4 - 4 3 Alden, D. Russell 18-25-44 Alden. Enma L. 5-12-41 Alc'erdice. Leona J. 3-23-42 Alderson. Nanie 3. 7-I-b3 Aldrich. Hazel 3-1 3-42 Aldrich, Rosajyne 4-24-41 Aldridge. Infant 4-7-46 Aldstadd. Frank V. 5-3-40 Alexander, hand6 2. 12-7-48 filexender, Anna E. 3-23-44 Alexander. Bessie J. 2-16-43 Alexander. Carl C. 11-10-42 Alexander, Catherine E. 12-15-41 Alexmder. Charles :W. 12-1 1-44 ~lcxender.Claude C. 5- 1 5-45 Alcxender. Dortha L. 8-1 3-45 klcxander. 6race Agnes 4-27-42 Alcxsnder. Jackson 3-24-40 Alexander, James W. 3-29-45 Alexander. Nancy E. 12-8-43 Alexandervich, Peter 10-20-44 Alcxandr, Eelle 6-25-45 Alexandrleff. Uanpcl 2-7-40 Alexandrou, 6eorpe P. 4-13-45 .. Alford. Maud 3-27-44 Alger. C. David 2-14-41 Alger. Richard E. 1-22-43 Alhand, Charles 11-5-41 ?ape 3 NRHE Allsg. Andrew 4-24-40 Allaman. Infant 5-26-45 Allman, Hey 3-23-40 Allen, Rose 12-3-44 Allerd, Abbic A. 5-16-43 Alle.rd, Leroy J. 12-21-46 hllder. Lsnn F. 9-7-42 Allemann. Elizabeih 6-2-43 Allen. Albert 6-1 8-55 Allen. Anne V. 9- 17-43 Allen, Annie L. 12-4-44 Al!en. i.rchie H. 8-13-45 Al!sn, Seriha Ann 7-5-43 Alien. Ccrl D. 11-5-41 Allen. Carrie L. 12-29-53 Alien, Claude H. 1 1-27-4 1 P.!ien. Eileen E. 6-13-41 Al!en, Emerscn C. 9-3-A2 Allm, Florence ir. ' 12-23-44 Allrn, Herriett 2-23-43 Al!an. Htmcr 1 -i6-45 ellen, Infint 12-13-43 Allen, Ishsn Frmk 9-1 4-42 Allen. Ivy Eel 4-1 9-45 Alien, Jc~seM. 11-1 4-44 P.l!.cn, Jcsaie B. 18-22-43 Allen. Lester J. 5-2 1-42 Allen, Lillitn H. 10-1 -4 I Allen. Lily 9. 11-15-32 Pallen. Mcria 4-2-40 Allen, Naoni I. 3-1 9-4 I Allen. Nellie B. 4-18-40 Allen. Phiiip 4-14-40 hl!en. Russell H. 5-31 -45 Allender, John Csrcl 4-28-44 Al!enspcuGh, John F. 5-8-44 Allensworfh, Willism 10-31-45 Aliensworih, willisn J. 11-1-45 Alley. Clare J. 6-9-43 Allison. Eeorpia 6-28-44 Allison. John 10-2 9-4 1 Allison. Laura L. 11-14-45 Allison. Mary M. 4-5-43 Allison. William n. 4-9-40 Allnsn. Alfred W. (Mrs. j 11-16-43 Allnan. Georpe 3. 4-14-41 Allnan. Lillian 1-25-43 Allneroth, Ellsworth 4-1 9-44 Allrutz, Conrad 8-31-4 I Allrutz, Hike .. 2-28-4.5 Allahouse. Earl 0. 10-I-4Z hllshouse, Willien H. 6-27-45 Allton, Robert A. 6-25-42 hllyn. Jesaie 1 1-38-41 Page 4 NRME - DRTE Alnerico, Sebastia7.a 2-21-40 Alruts, filbert 2-26-40 Alspauph. O.A. 12-25-44 Alt. Rildred 2-4-43 Alter. Josephine 7- 10-45 Alterholt. Willian F. I 1-4-40 filltrio. Domenic 1-6-44 Altfathtr. Infant 12-51 -43 Alifather, Viola 1-7-44 Altieri, Ooninic 1-2-45 Alvis, Susie 3-2-42 Alwsl. Angela M. 12-13-44 P,msn, Ksroline 12-24-42 Ambler, Annie 7-3-45 Ambler. Pearl 9-3-12 hbrore, hse 1-7-44 Ambrose. Serah E. 4-14-43 Ambrose. Cistar nary 5-28-4 I Ambrore, Thomas 5-8-42 Anbreae. William J. 9-2-45 fimedeo, Fano( 7 ) 1 1 -5-A5 P,me!io. Forest U. 1-3-45 Amend. Nina 1-4-45 her, Anelia H. 3-2-44 Amer, Louis H. 2-15-48 hcs, Alonzo 1-30-4 I Anheizer. Elizebcth 3-21 -45 hmick, Emmet 1-15-40 Amick, John 7-21-41 Amlung. Rcbert i. 5- 1-35 5- I 3-45 Amnenn, Susan 12-1 8-43 finornick, Frcnk 9-6-40 fmspoker. Francis E. 7-6-42 fixpoker. Frank E. 10-1 1-41 Amstutz, Kenneth W. 4-28-45 Anstutz, Noah 2-5-43 kBSt05. SWl 10- 18-43 Ancrun. Sessie 7-3-44. finderluh. Frances S. 6-50-44 Anderluh, S. John '. 5-20-44 Anderluh. William L. 6-20-44 Andcrs. Charlotte H. 12-20-43 hdtrson. fide M.S. 7-24-43 Anderson, Aldene 1-1-41 Anderson. Allen A. 3-1 1-46 Anderson, finnatta 9-2 1-43 Anderson, Axel 4-10-45 finderson, Christina 4-1 2-45 Anderson, David G.

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