Number: 737-53-1116 Revision Transmittal Sheet Date: July21, 1988 Revision 3: July 27, 1995 ATA System: 5331 SUBJECT: FUSELAGE - FORWARD GALLEY DOORWAY UPPER CORNERS - INSPECTION, REPAIR, AND PREVENTIVE MODIFICATION This revision includes all pages of the service bulletin. COMPLIANCE INFORMATION RELATED TO THIS REVISION No more work is necessary on: - Airplanes that had a repair installed as shown in Revision 2 of this service bulletin - Airplanes that had a repair installed as shown in the original issue or Revision 1 of this bulletin if the cracks were in the repairable crack area shown in Revision 2 - Airplanes that had a preventive modification installed as shown in the original issue, Revision 1 or Revision 2 of this service bulletin. No airplanes are added or removed by this revision. SUMMARY This revision is sent to: - Add the contents of the preventive modification and repair kits to Paragraph II.A., Parts Necessary for Each Airplane. This data was accidentally not printed in Revision 2 - Add structural repair manual subject numbers to stop drill 737-300 and 737-400 airplanes as shown in Figure 2 - Add structural repair manual subject numbers to coldwork 737-300 and 737-400 airplanes as shown in Figure 3 - Add reference to the Maintenance Planning Document item number that is related to the inspections in this service bulletin - Add reference to the structural repair manual subject numbers changed by the repairs and modifications shown in this service bulletin. Paragraph I.A., Effectivity, shows changes of airplane operators. Each operator should examine the Effectivity paragraph for changes. Vertical lines are put on the left edge of each page, except in Paragraph I.A., Effectivity, to show the location of important changes. Pages with a revision number and date, but no vertical lines, have no important changes. REVISION HISTORY Initial Release: July 21, 1988 Revision 1: September 7, 1989 Revision 2: September 30, 1993 Revision 3: July 27, 1995 Number: 737-53-1116 Summary Date: July 21, 1988 Revision 3: July 27, 1995 ATA System: 5331 SUBJECT: FUSELAGE - FORWARD GALLEY DOORWAY UPPER CORNERS - INSPECTION, REPAIR, AND PREVENTIVE MODIFICATION BACKGROUND Accomplishment Instructions at or before the accumulation of 75,000 flight cycles. Based on a structural review of the 737 airplane incorporation of the modification per this service Do the inspections prior to reaching 35,000 flight bulletin is recommended on aging airplanes. cycles. On airplanes with 35,000 or more flight cycles, do the inspections at the first available Six operators have found seventeen cracks in the opportunity, recommended at the next maintenance skin and doublers at the upper corners of the interval, not to exceed 4,500 flight cycles after forward galley doorway on eight airplanes. There receipt of this service bulletin. were eight cracks reported at the upper aft corner on three airplanes, and nine cracks in the skin at the If no cracks are found repeat the inspection at 4,500 forward corner on five airplanes. The airplanes had flight cycle intervals until the preventive modification accumulated from 29,000 to 47,300 flight hours, and is accomplished. from 40,500 to 60,800 flight cycles. Cause of the cracking is attributed to fatigue from EFFECTIVITY pressurization cycles, and if not corrected could result in cabin pressurization difficulties, and 737 airplanes, Line Number 1-1560, less unscheduled downtime for repairs. PJ201-PJ219 ACTION MANPOWER Accomplish high and low frequency eddy current Total Elapsed Time inspections for cracks in the skin, skin doubler, or Applicability Man-hours (Hours) bearstrap doubler in the upper corners of the forward galley doorway. Inspection 5 2.5 Preventive If no cracks are found, accomplish the preventive Modification 0.7 0.7 modification, or repeat the inspection until the Repair - per corner 14 14 preventive modification is accomplished. If cracks are found, install the repair doublers and MATERIAL INFORMATION triplers over the cracked areas per this bulletin. Boeing supplied kits COMPLIANCE See Paragraph I.G., Material - Price and Availability. As recommended by the 737 Aging Fleet Structures Task Group, accomplish the modification per the Summary Page 1 of 2 Jul 21/88 REV 3: Jul 27/95 Summary Page 2 of 2 Number: 737-53-1116 Date: July 21, 1988 Revision 3: July 27, 1995 ATA System: 5331 SUBJECT: FUSELAGE - FORWARD GALLEY DOORWAY UPPER CORNERS - INSPECTION, REPAIR, AND PREVENTIVE MODIFICATION I. PLANNING INFORMATION A. Effectivity 1. Airplanes Refer to Service Bulletin Index Document D6-19567, Part 3 for Airplane Variable Number, Line Number, and Serial Number data. IDENTIFICATION BY CUSTOMER, CUSTOMER CODE, GROUP AND VARIABLE NUMBER AER LINGUS (ARL) PK641-PK642 PY322 AERO CONTROLS, INC (AEO) PG629 AERO COSTA RICA (AOR) PK872-PK873 AEROLINEAS ARGENTINAS (ARG) PH705-PH708 PH741-PH743 PK102-PK103 PK464 PY007 AEROSVEET (UKA) PK354 AIR ALGERIE (ALG) PK361 PK631 PK633-PK634 PL717-PL725 PY051 PY053 AIR ATLANTA ICELANDIC (AID) PP839 PY346 AIR CHINA GROUP (BEJ) PM281-PM283 PP521-PP522 AIR EUROPA (ARE) PP501-PP502 PP835 PP840 PP846 AIR FOYLE LTD. (FOY) PJ108 PJ113 AIR FRANCE (AFA) PL502-PL503 PN101-PN117 PP902 PP910 Jul 21/88 737-53-1116 REV 3: Jul 27/95 Page 1 of 27 AIR GABON S.A. (GBN) PY191 AIR GUINEE (GNE) PY651 AIR HOLLAND CHARTER B.V. (HOL) PP504 PP838 AIR MADAGASCAR (MAD) PG375 PL793 AIR MALTA (MLT) PL624-PL625 PP904 PP907 AIR NAMIBIA (NAM) PN492 AIR NEW ZEALAND, LTD. (ANZ) PJ117-PJ119 PK047 PK214 PK216- PK220 PL621-PL623 PM181 PY741 AIR SOUTH, INC. (SOT) PG210 PG215 PK221 PK462 PK466 AIR TANZANIA (TNZ) PY611-PY612 AIR TOULOUSE INTERNATIONAL (TOL) PK215 PK282 PK612 PL716 AIR ZAIRE (ZAI) PY113 AIR ZIMBABWE (ZMB) PN431-PN433 AIRTRAN AIRWAYS, INC. (CQT) PG438 PK028 PK351 PK353 PK461 ALASKA AIRLINES (ASA) PY112 PY134-PY135 PY270 PY461- PY463 PY593 ALBATROS AIRLINES (ABS) PG251 PG253 ALIADRIATICA (ADH) PK432 ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO. LTD. (ANA) PG584-PG586 PK711-PK716 ALOHA (ALO) PG046 PK286-PK287 PK691-PK695 PL626 PM251 PM253 PP825-PP826 PY231 PY242 PY451 ALYEMDA DEM. YEMEN AIRLINES (ALY) PY409-PY410 Jul 21/88 737-53-1116 REV 3: Jul 27/95 2 AMC AVIATION (AMF) PK254 AMERICA WEST AIRLINES, INC. (AMW) PC004 PG036 PK283 PK696 PL081 PL172 PL551-PL562 PL801 PP181-PP187 PP189 PP831 PP833 PP891-PP899 PP901 PP903 PP931-PP934 AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK LTD. (AXP) PY592 AMERICANA DE AVIATION S. A. (AMY) PG276 PJ001 AMIRI FLIGHT (ABD) PK495 AMORA FLIGHT CHARTER SERVICES (FCA) PG047 AMWAY CORPORATION (AMA) PP991 ANGOLA AIR CHARTER (AOH) PG431 ANGOLA AIRLINES (ANG) PK661 PK664 PK666 PY162 ANSETT AUSTRALIA (ANS) PP908-PP909 PQ026-PQ037 ANSETT WORLDWIDE AVIATION SERVICES (AWW) PA001 PA003-PA004 ARAMCO ASSOCIATED CO. (ARM) PL151 PL456 PY241 PY243-PY244 ARCO (ATR) PN452-PN453 ARKIA ISRAELI AIRLINES, LTD (ARK) PG575 ASEAN AVIATION (L) INC. (ASJ) PG578-PG583 PK920 AVENSA (AVN) PK042-PK043 AVIATECA (AVT) PL736-PL737 PL740-PL741 PL747 AVIATION CONSULTANTS (ACT) PG037 PY001 AVIOGENEX AIR TRANSPORT (AVG) PL501 PL506 PN501-PN502 Jul 21/88 737-53-1116 REV 3: Jul 27/95 3 BOEING SERVICE BULLETIN 737-53-1116 BOURAQ INDONESIA AIRLINES (PTB) PK501 PK913 PK918 PK931 PL742-PL744 PL746 BRITISH AIRWAYS (BAB) PK731-PK732 PK734-PK742 PK744-PK752 PK754-PK765 PK771-PK772 PK774-PK777 PK779 CALDWELL AIRCRAFT TRADING CO. (CAS) PG402 CAMBODIAN INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES (CAK) PJ072 CAMEROON AIRLINES (CAM) PM171 PY046-PY047 CANADIAN AIRLINES INTERNATIONAL LTD. (CDI) PK358 PK671-PK675 PK677-PK681 PK822 PK881 PK884 PL401-PL417 PL764-PL770 PM141-PM142 PY151-PY154 PY303-PY304 PY421-PY422 PY441 CANAIR CARGO (CAZ) PK026-PK027 PK352 CARNIVAL AIR (CVL) PG305 PG312 PJ007-PJ008 PL712 CASINO EXPRESS (CIN) PG279 PG436 CAYMAN AIRWAYS (CAY) PJ009 PK753 CHINA AIR LINES, INC. (CHI) PN472 CHINA SOUTHWEST AIRLINES (XIN) PP631-PP634 CHINA YUNNAN AIRLINES (YUN) PP651-PP652 COMAIR (CML) PG353-PG354 PG356 PK355 CONSOLIDATED PRESS HOLDINGS (CPH) PJ109 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. (CAL) PA006-PA009 PA011-PA012 PA014 PA016-PA020 PG056 PG064 PG199 PG225 PG433 PG501-PG505 PG621-PG625 PG627-PG628 PG630 PG704 PL001 PP671-PP699 PP701-PP726 PP730 PP732-PP733 COPA COMPANIA PANAMENA DE AVIATION S.A. (COP) PJ107 PJ112 PK465 PK617 PL745 PY201 PY341 Jul 21/88 737-53-1116 REV 3: Jul 27/95 4 CROATIA AIRLINES (CRH) PK904 PK906-PK907 PK928 PK932 DAMANIA AIRWAYS LTD. (DAI) PL451-PL452 PN081-PN082 DELTA AIR LINES, INC. (DAL) PK611 PK613 PL221 PN131-PN163 PN401-PN404 PN407-PN420 PP231-PP243 E G AND G (EGN) PL763 EAS EUROPE AIRLINES (EUR) PK203 PK359 EAST WEST AIRLINES (INDIA) (BOM) PK615-PK616 PK819 PK824 PL171 EASTWIND AIRLINES (ESW) PG313-PG314 EDRESS, SHIEKH M. (SME) PL505 EGYPTAIR (EGP) PK255 PK257-PK258 EL AL ISRAEL AIRLINES, LTD. (ELA) PL631-PL632 EURALAIR (ERA) PG026 PG028-PG029 PK564 PY004 PY006 EUROBELGIAN AIRLINES (EBA) PP391 FAR EASTERN AIR TRANSPORT (FAT) PA002 PA005 PG055 PG226 PG228 PG230 PK562 PN481 FAUCETT (COMPANIA DE AVIATION S.A. (FCT) PC002 PG034 PG213 PK241 PL711 PL758 FLIGHTSTAR AVIATION CORPORATION (FST) PG274 FRENCH POSTAL OFFICE (FPO) PP947 PP951-PP952 PY101-PY103 PY302 PY344 FRONTIER AIRLINES (FRO) PG304 PG306 PG308 PG310-PG311 GARUDA INDONESIAN AIRWAYS (GIA) PK917 PK929-PK930 GATARI AIR SERVICE (GRI) PL441 Jul 21/88 737-53-1116 REV 3: Jul 27/95 5 GB AIRWAYS (GBA) PJ110-PJ111 GE CAPITAL AVIATION SERVICES, INC. (GEH) PG218-PG219 PG272 PG651-PG652 PP384 GERMANIA FLUGGESELLSCHAFT MBH (GER) PP503 PQ086-PQ087 PQ231-PQ233 GOVERNMENT OF BRAZIL (BRZ) PK068-PK069 GOVERNMENT OF MEXICO (MXG) PC005 PG223 GOVERNMENT OF SHARJAH (SHJ) PL581 GPA GROUP LTD. (GUI) PK252 PK623-PK624 PP847-PP848 GULF AIR (GUL) PK467-PK468 HAPAG LLOYD (HAP) PL504 INDIAN AIR FORCE (IDF) PH712-PH713 PM016-PM017 INDIAN AIRLINES (IND) PH021 PH024 PH711 PK231-PK233 PK235-PK240 PM001-PM006 PY631 INDONESIAN AIR FORCE (IDO) PL601-PL603 INTEGRATED RESOURCES (INH) PG271 PG273 PG403 PK697 INTERNATIONAL AIR LEASES (IAL) PG048 INTERNATIONAL AIRLINE SUPPORT GROUP (ASG) PG021 INTERNATIONAL LEASE FINANCE (ILF) PK222 INTERNATIONAL PACIFIC TRADING CO.
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