171 The th» Ctatrtl ftu Ofu Published ftr by míArw £mt AJria •» « Uganda Gazette A u therity Vol. LXXXI No. 43 8th October, 1993 Price: Shs. 500 ■ General Not ce No. 218 of 1993. CONTENTS Pace THE JUBILEE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. The Local Governments (Rating) Decree- (Incorporated in Kenya 1937). Not’ce ... ... ••• 171 LOSS OF POLICY No. 23320. The Jubilee Insurance Company Ltd.—Notice 171 NOTICE. The Advocates Act—Not.ces ... ••• 171-172 I. N. O. MR. SADRUDIN JAMAL MANJI -• The Trade Marks Act Registration Appl cation has been made to this Company for the of applications ... ... ... 172-173 issue of duplicate of the above numbered Policy, the originals having been reported as lost or misplaced. Advertisements ... ... ... 174 | Notice is hereby g ven that unless objection is lodged I to the contrary at the Office of the Company within SUPPLEMENT ( thirty days from the date of this notice, duplicate Policy ! w 11 be issued, which will be the sole evidence of the Statutory Instruments j contract. Dated at Nairobi this 24th day of September, 1993. S.I. No. 70—The Patents Statute (Commencement) Ins­ trument, 1993. (Under the Patents Statute, 1991). M. W. MUNUVE, Manager, Life Department. S.I. No. 71—The Traffic and Road Safety (Speed of Motor Vehicles) (Exemption) Order, 1993. General Notice No. 219 of 1993. S.I. No. 72—The Pubi c Enterprises Reform and Dive­ stiture Statute (Commencement) Instrument, 1993. THE ADVOCATES ACT. NOTICE. S.I. No. 73 The Nation al Youth Councils and Com­ mittee ''Elections) Regulation'. 109'1. APPLICATION FOR ENROLMENT OF ADVOCATES. S.I. No. 74 The National Women’s Councils and Com­ mittees (Elections) Regulations, 1993. It is hereby notified • that a Petition has been pre­ sented to the Hon. the Chief Justice by Abubakar Maya- rnba’a Kaweesa who :s stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree of Makerere University, Kampala, and Genera! Notice No. 217 of 1993. a Diploma in Legal Practice awarded to him by the Law Development Centre, Kampala for entry of his name THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT (RATING) DECREE on the Ro'l of Advocates for Uganda. No. 3 OF 1979. RICHARD BUTEERA, v (Under Section 19 of the Decree). Chief Registrar. KAMPALA VALUATION COURT. Kampala, 5 th October, 1993. DRAFT MAIN VALUATION LIST FOR MUYENGA ZONE 8. General Notice No. 220 of 1993. Notice is hereby given that the above Court had considered objections to the Draft ma n Valuation list THE ADVOCATES ACT. for 1992/93 duly subm tted and had made such altera­ NOTICE. tions <md amendments to the said 1st as the Court deemed necessary. The said Draft main List was on the APPLICATION FOR ENROLMENT 30th day of September, 1993, signed and certified by OF ADVOCATES. (he Cha rm an of the Court as prescribed by the above It is hereby notified that a Petition has been pre- ’ mentioned Decree and in consequence this list became seated to the Hon. the Chief Justice by John Mike part of the Valuat'on List for the City Council of Kam­ Musisi who is stated to be a holder of a Bachelor pala fixed and binding upon all partes concerned who of Laws Degree of Makerere University, Kampala, and do not before 30th October, 1993 appeal against the a Diploma in Legal Practice awarded to him by the Law dec’sions in the manner provided in section 20 of the Development Centre, Kampala for entry of his name above named Decree and comes into effect on the 1st day on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. of October, 1992. C. K. SEMPEWO, RICHARD BUTEERA, Clerk to the Valuation Court. Chief Registrar. Kampala, Kampala, 1st October, 1993. 16th September, 1993. 172 ?v‘- ; THE UGANDA GAZETTE [8th October General Notice No. 221 of 1993. (58) THE ADVOCATES ACT. (59) NOTICE. ! (64). APPLICATION FOR ENROLMENT I (57) Nature of goods—Tobacco and c garettes; smokers’ OF ADVOCATES. articles; matches. It is hereby notified that a Petition has been pre­ sented to the Hon. the Chief Just’ce by Adolf Mwesige I (73) Name of applicant— Tabacalera, S.A. who is stated to be a holder of a Bachelor * (77) Address—Barquillo, 5, 28004 Madrid, Spain. Laws Degree of Makerere University, Kampala., and a Diploma in Legal Practice awarded to him by the Law Í (74) C/o M/s. Sengendo & Co., Advocates, P.O. Development Centre, Kampala for entry of his name Box 6914, Kampala. on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. I (22) Date of filing application—10th December, 1992. RICHARD BUTEERA, Chief Registrar. (21) Application No. 17943 in Part “A”. Kampala, 6th October, 1993. (52) Class 30 (Schedule III). (54) General Notice No. 222 of 1993. THE TRADE MARKS ACT. ' (Cap. 83). 1 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that any person who has grounds to oppose the registration of any of the marks advertised herein may within sixty days f-rom the date of this Gazette, lodge a Notice of opposition on Trade Mark Form No. 6 together with a fee of Shs. 4,000 in case of National applicants or US$ 250 in case of foreign applicants. The period of lodging Notice of opposition may be extended in suitable cases by the Registrar as he thinks fit upon such terms as he may direct. Formal opposition should not be lodged until ! (58) after reasonable notice has been given by letter to the applicant so that he may have an opportunity to with­ i (59) ; •• draw his application before the expense of opposition | (64) . ~ - proceedings is incurred. Failure to give such notice will I (57) Nature oí goods—Bread, b'scuits, cakes, pastry and be taken into account in considering any application I confectionery, ices, honey yeast, baking powder, by the opponent for an order for costs if the opposition ! salt, pepper sauces, spices, coffee, tea, cocoa and is uhcontested by the applicant Representations of the marks herein advertised can be. inspected at the Office chocolates. of the Registrar of Trade Marks, Parliamentary Build­ (73) Name of applicant—Britania Products (U) ings, P.O. Box 7151, Kampala. Limited. (77) Address—Plot No. 20 Kampala Road, P.O. Box 3378. Kampala. (21) Application No. 17782 in Part “A”. 1 I (74) C/o M/s. Kayondo & Co., Advocates, P.O. (52) Class 34 (Schedule III). • Box 14210, Kampala. (54) [ (22) Date of filing application—9th September, 1993. ' (21) Application No. 17739 in Part “A”. (52) Class 5' (Schedule III). (54) RESCRIPTOR (58) I (59) I (64) (57) Nature of goods—Pharmaceutical preparations. ( (73) Name of applicant—The Upjohn Company. (77) Address—Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001, United 1 States of America. (74) C/o M/s. Hunter & Greig, Advocates, P.O. Box LQSCR 7026, Kampala. | (22) Date of filing application—28th October, 1992. [8th October THE UGANDA GAZETTE Ijfcl73 , * t (21) Application No. 17718 in Part “A”. (21) Application No. 17770 in Part “A”. (52) Class 14 (Schedule III). (52) ' Class 4 (Schedule III). (5+) (54) SERENA (58) (59) (58) (64) (59) (57) Nature of goods—Industrial oils and greases; lub­ '64) ricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and (57) Nature of goods—Precious metals and the r alloys illuminants; candles, wicks. and goods in precious metals or coated there­ with, not included in other classes; jewellery, (73) Name of applicant— Engen Limited. precious ctones; horolog’cal and chronometric instruments. (77) Address— Engen Court, Thibault Square, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa. (73) .Vamr of applicant- Serena Tourism Promotion Services SA. (74) C o M/s. Scngendo & Co., -Advocates, P.O. Box 6914, Kampala. (77) Address—Chemin des Crets-de-Pregny 32, 1292 Pregny-Chambesy, Switzerland. (22) Date of filing application—25th November, 1992. (74) C/o M/s. Hunter & Greig, Advocates, P.O. : Box 7026, Kampala. (21) Application No. 17753 in Part “A”. (22) Date of filing application—8th October, 1992. (52) Class 5 (Schedule 111). (21) Application No. 17730 in Part “A”. (54) (52)... Class 8 (Schedule 111). (54) (58) Disclaimer—Registration of this Trade Mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the picture of a man apart from the mark. SERENA (59) (64) (58) (>7) Nature of goods -Prarmaceutical preparations and (59) substances. (64) (73) Name of applicant—The Boots Company Pic. (57) Nature of goods—Hand tools and implements (hand (77) Address—Nottingham, NG2 3AA. operated); cutlery, forks and spoons; side arms; razors. (74) C/o M/s. Hunter & Greig, Advocates, P.O. Box 7026, Kampala. (73) .,, Najne of applicant—Serena Tourism Promotion Sendees SA. (22) Date of filing application—13th November, 1992. (77) Address—Chemin des Crets-de-Pregny 32, 1292 Pregny-Chambesy, Switzerland. K. TUKURATIIRE (MRS.), (74) C/o M/s. Hunter & Greig, Advocates, P.O. Assistant Registrar of Trade Marks, Box 7026, Kampala. Kampala, (22) Date of filing application—fail October; 199?s Yfth September, 1993. 174. THE UGANDA GAZETTE [8th October THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES. AC!', 1964. ADVERTISEMENTS (Cap. 205). NOTICE. ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICAIE OF TITLE. THE REGISTRATION OF TITLES ACT, 1964. Leasehold Register—Volume 611, Folio 13, Plots No. 62 Kampala Road, 13 and 15 Wilson Road. (Cap. 205). Notice is hereby given that after the expiration of ' NOTICE. one month from the publication hereof, I intend to issue in the names of Abdul Sultan Fazal Abdulla, ISSUE OF SPECIAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. Hassanali Fazal Abdulla, Jafferali Fazal Abdulla, Sherali Fazal Abdulla and Kulsum jVbdulmahmed Abdulla all Kibuga Block 29 Plot 736, 0.25 Hectare at Mulago of P.O. Box 917, Kampala, a special Certificate of Tide Estate. under the above Volume and Fol’o, the Certificate of Title which was originally issued having been lost.
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