'This rooni wa5 unw a ingr rotted away long ;w The Ground Fluor Lwuion: Any cor~lrccf.iq Avcrapc Character HD: 5 'ht.l g.p. XI': 6.100 . ' , ,I! limuclf \I, that tic appeno n) be 1 Lrgc goldcu idol. tit ~ used ro 14any wounds they incur. Sa far rhc harcfuscd, 51 ..*.ihcnc Eor rhc advcnrurcr, IO Iw drawn .m byhls knuw ' ~ and ha bmrrvcrcly hearcn and abused by rhc wcrcsharks. wrdurk5. Sir wcrrsharks sciircr arros rhc vilhkr md bide . Fdllala the nCuc iJ in 3 vcry acakencd condition. bur if in buildkg uvcrlbokng the large buil'hg. Thc ocher Gvc frmd rhc usher healing spells on hcnclf. Shc is indebted cp~rg~irom rhr br~chuilding tu grcr rhc adwirurro. 10 rhc adwnrurco aid oifcn ro do anyding in her power 10 II ilic advenrurcrs cnccr chc villigc unnoticed ,ur go ' aid ilrcni. srniglit in. thry carch rbc ucresharkr by swprrac 4n rhLC . lht ucrwharks' twmrc is hidden hchind a secret pancl cwc. rbr wcrrshark\ clam rhar ihey weit OUL huntkiglatr in chc ban-mcnt of the brgc builduig. It consists of chc lau riffhi.and air rpcndq rhc day raring. If any of chr purionr: animal ionrrol. speed. and undrad ronuol; an d*cnrurcn ac wn,undd. rhcy nrnrtcr Ihc werrrhn&,lc;k- amulcr ufpnxection fnnn crystal balls arid ESP: a magical ing Ihcir lrpr dn.d siarmg.a rlir woundrd charscren scroll conraining fwr clerical spells: cure disease. prorcc- The wcrrsharks artcmpt 10 draw (hr advciiiurtii maihe tion from rvil Io'ndiu,, rommunc. and curcall, all at 14rh Ivbv bilding by idling rhcmofd gIf31 rreaprtrlrcy hw . lcvcl. In 3 silver box (V~lutd31 100 gp) arc IO x 100 gp diaovcrcd in io birrrnrni. 'lhry tdl rhr adprurcn ?fa , gemr. and 9 silver arid gold brucler (valued at 1.000 gp). solid, gold idol cnrructcd a;lth gem, li thr advcntu&cii ' 'Wcrcshuk wicca: AC 4: HD 6; hp 22; MV 180' (60'): show an inrcrrx In rhc idol. rhc ncrcch3rk~look yorricdd; ;-iAT 1 bire: Umg 2.11; Save Magic-usrr 6: ML 7; AL Cha- rliough ihry havc \aid r~,much. 'l'hey $$<bQt$j$r. .. .:ppc: XP77Y. aggrcc ru shw rhc adventurcrc rhc idol. , I . , Sfxllr: hlagir misilt. sleep. phmrwmal forcc. minor Thclargc building rhow\,ignroftr*vingbccn n;;ihtht . '. 'inrage. dirpcl m3gic. hate. Largc pile of mud arc piled uursidr of it, itid shovels made , : 12 Wrrcsliarks: AC 4; HD 4: lip 20: MV 180' (60'); arc alk,wcd to, as rhr weresharks xc <oriridriir dorhrk snd arrarlo' oi& Onccmnno( bcaoocareful tnthcsc ,..., ' a3 pmiching dt &?jighri A wight ap idk!rtfdiffepr G~urow,.I[ ii is1 nigb 1. 'lhc killer rhslc, do nor punuc any flrring advcnrurco; they wlih only to bc lek to finiqh rhcir meal in pcacc. Char- 3.rcrJ who posresr rhr -1olphm song abilir) may rommuni- rate with rlic orcx and arrrmyr io convincc Iht killer priscd of mcrrow .and orhcr srnallcr ~rcacurc~.To bilance the SKWA~IO m,ith 2 pany conihining hrgc irraturcs. 11.. emlgrc (set "Persondlrius ofrhs Sca") Harnirh'rwrionjr under arlack hg rhc devilfsti. rning a magical dcuicc ot his own invcnrmn, he acndr a dmprratcmmagc for help in thc hopes rhit somconc will IMCUC him. 'The advmiurcrj cornu whirxid. onlytu find thar Hamirh has been ahductcdabd -.- . foll~ngin a qcchanieal voii-c:, dx I! ~ somconc clsc. drcr 10 rninum rhry mtri the nanvh ::,, >. ' ~y Etcmal Vo)agcr (src "Pcrmnaliiics of rhr Xa"). Ercri ,.. , ' Voyager swms mnptically ioward the adwnru ' , i ,:' WaiClS z Eternal Vogagcr approithus Hcr \ong can br i .,,,.., :_. deQwdhy all prcrmi. Erernal Vovqcr iells rhc adccni around an open space in the center On the rare occasion when ascending or descending means that they accidentally br pdngwith the contmls of the station I e unstable Events are used tosimulate an Event whenever you feel one IS in o auon Bubbles obscure vision for hmctets take ld4 points of damage for e el before htting an obstacle. fer Swirl A swirl of water fonns in the by the jet takcs 2d6 PO ful Save vs. Dragon Bre left high and dry on whichever deck they arc on: tun ho can’t breathe axIS llkely to bc in trouble. On a th conrinualdarknmcwering rhc staurucll wnh fnc dcdfiih. ddr. rrxrnblinR rruldard mad scienrirt equiprncnt. Lights aombies baring bcforc 11. 7hc zombics move io nrtackar and flvhcr of rk'rricirv shoot UD. and down rhu insides~~~~~ of~ SIXXI iu rhc advmturcn cnrcr rhc room. The mbicsIuvc ghqs rubcr for no apparrnr rmon You can rrrilr rhc con- ' IQO ways: rhc C.UM, AII ' , ' bem rccenrly anhatqd by B dmilffih bishop hiding in'Jle, rmls in wharcver chmcrm do darkness. and rhq txar numerous fish gun darrs and til- Evsnr (rm aouvc). bur has IIU orhcr cKnr. or rhc chnracrcn dcnrmunds. can bt alloacd lnrclligcncc Checks to figurc our how rhc '. I AI &e same tim'rho devilfish bibcasts a hddmnon ' concruls urxrav. but rhcr chould also ecr rhrir far share of * out io attack. l'hc bishop mmains insidc of rhc darkness, ' The conrids arr ustd IO regularc rhc stmon'C clcmcn- casUng spells, bur once ir mnsour ofspcllr. or dir 15 mdan. t& rhc hearing can bc rurnrd up or down; rhc subrnnrinc : gcr of king attacked. ir rcrrcaw 10 rhc laboiarory (area 4). , dcik doors CM bt. opened or dosed, 1s can Ihc an lock doon .I ' 4DcviIf~hzombics: AC 8; HD 2; hD 3: MV <N'(30'1: ' on thc cnrrancrdvck: air can be furicdinrcl rhr mvcr rruffi- box are two pusof dark vision goggles (sre are y Hull Heating System. The fire el the hull and keeps it nice and cozy . ,.*., c . ,ripsc in total darkness. rhcy LUVCI in circler for P 2. Evrry now and agam. unlikely loohng creaturcn I par rhc Scavim. None attack, bur thr unnerving ufpa\y white fish with huge bulging pale cycn pi- - nto rhc lit Scavicwcan bc used to kccp the advcnrurcrs arc aJ@ desktiding int of lkm2wu rum from rhc facc of thc land and carried . ' into xhrrc it re51 thc depths. came ro on a shclt ovrrhang- ' , . idg &'Abyss. Ihe town sirs preririuurly balanced over rhc . Abya., Lr fgan.iu an angle of 60 dcgrccr and thrcarcnr to '. ,cdnrLxrc its didc inco oblivion ar any mumenr. .. dwiltirh hwc just awdkcwd rhc krakcn and 'urc buuly draw- LQR ir u, the tmplr whcrc 11 wdl be bound tu rhc wLIhes Of thc dcvilfiih. Oncc &cy havc Ihc krakcn undcr ihcu control. ' ' rhr devilfish plan to turn ir against Undersea. If thc advcn- ., iutm rcscuc Hamich befor ir roo laic. Ihc krakcn turm on hunten, rhcy haw dccn turned into ghouls by &devil- .Ru twwri Hut unlw ihry wish io risk disro\cN and posii- fish. ,I" z $4ariidciit, the Jdvcriturcr, nccd io lcdvc rty sub- 2-12 Ghoul fish: AC 5: HD 2: hp 9; MV 120' (40'): Wtirrt Do rhc .4dvcnrurcn tnrer? L'nlns rhc advcnrurcn c bccn parricularl! slow in carrying out rhrir ~CSCUC. a/r;ng rhc Crrcmmy: Thc bcrr way IO halt rhe ccre- on! IS III brrak rhr rnarriarch's conccntrdrion by a physical I. lh~ctwo rounds arc nor counted when dct rhc crrcmony IS cornpletcd. " : : ' , ' disturbed, the kraken directs more of its tentacles into the room. Every two rounds a new tentacle appears, until there are four. The tentacles grab the nearest creature. usually a devilfih unless you want to make rhe adventurers really sweat. 11 crushes its victim and then throws the lifeless body into the Abyss. The temple shakes as the kraken's other ten- tacles tear at the walls, and everyone feels a sudden jolt. as the temple is pulled closer to the Abyss. Hamish yells for someone to bring the model to him. Upon grasping it his energy levels are restored, bur he is still roo weak to cast spells. He smashes the model on the floor and demands to he released. He then swims across the room to get his clothes and sporran. No matter what happens, Hamish will not leave without his sporran. Once he has it, he takes out a pair of dark vision goggles and leaves the temple as quickly as he can, while yelling at the adventurers 10 follow him. The temple shudders again and stam to lean at a steeper angle, as a tentacle breaks through the dome. Dexterity Checks are required to avoid taking ld6 points of damage from falling ruhhk. Brave swimmers head out through the newly made hole, others retreat the way they came in. A fast retreat secures the adventurers' escape, but any who stay to loot or pick up other items must make a Dexterity Check or he hit by falling rubble: ld4 on the tint round; ld6 on the next; then ld8; ld10; 1dZO. Once a Id20 has been rolled. the temDle falls into the Ahvss. Anv characters The Sea People by Jim Bambra Table of Contents .................. ................. .......................... .............................. ............................. ............................. ......... ................................ ......................... .................................. ............................ ............................... “The Nixie Grotto” ................................... ............................. “The Sea Hag” . , . “Some Like It Hot” “Voyage to the Bottom .............. credits: %Sil TSR, Inc. AU Rights Rncrved. Printed in U.S.A. Deign: JimBambra DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. D&D. WORLD OF GREYHAWK. Able Assistance: Matt Con ADVANCXD DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, md AD&JJ act rrgkcted Editing: Gary L. Thomas m&mk owned by TSR, hc. Product Manager: BNC~Heard PRODUCTS OF YOUR LMAGINATION. BATTLESYSTEM. CREATURE Coordinators: BNC~Had, Karen Boomgardcn. and CRUUBLE, FORGOTIEN WALMS. md thc TSR logo an rndcmvk Timothy B. Brown owned by TSR. Inc. Covcr Anist: John and Lakey Distributed m the book dein chhc United Starer by bdom How, Laura Inc.
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