CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS. SHORTLY THE PLEASURE THAT FOLLOWS GOOK HARD HIT TAFT GREETED TO &E HELD careful attention has been The use of yoor teetb after my ap- Trenton^ Sept. iy:—Fivu service ex- plied, is one that you will often relate. amination will be held October 25 a1 -"Vexation» are So excuse to neglect your teeth. Vour suspicion BY DATA LOSS IN MONTANA Trenton, Newark, Jersey City and Cam- of others. of pain is only a product of the false opinions den, for the position of captain and to run the state launch foi One reason you will fin'l it profitable ti get acquainted— engineer in the state commission of the dis- my patroas have a feeling of honesty my operations. Had to Leave Butte Gives Him Great Wel- oyster Sorry Whitney trict of Atlantic The Make call and that tooth on its way to county. salary your immediately, is $G0 month. ruin will be restored. His Box at Etah--Says com9 at the Station-He per easily Another examination will be held Peary Was Cnurlish. Addresses Mormons. October 14 at the places named foi DR. SCHEUER BUILDING. the positions of supervisors tot the SALTER, state villago for epileptics, for exaui CONFIDENT IN OUTCOME HUMANE ACTION in ors of buildings and loan associations MORE and for janitors. further information regarding these New York, Sept. 27.-Dr. Frederick can be obtained from Gardner Colby, Unite, Mout., Sept. 27.—When Presi- chief State Trenton, A. Cook is bard hit by the tidings that examiner, House, Sale of Dining Room into Γ- N. _ m dent Taft's pulled J. —^ » * »- ««·>/« FOUND DYING the data, records and instruments special PRIEST WARNS Northern railroad's station here which he left with Harry Whitney, the Great miners and im- ■* young New Haven sportsman, have today great throngs of "THSSry ·ηί been buried in a cache at Etah and mense crowds trop; atherparte of the "I tell you that it is a mistaken fextonsion Toblos THE SPOONERS ON A YACHT cannot be recovered far tt'O >.'/ ntSSiiia. state were on hand, and when the na- Idea that animals bave instinct," re- jCettinjander Robert E. Peary re- tion's chief magistrate made his ap- marked the newfangled naturalist. fused to allow of the absolutely any pearance he was enthusiastically hail- "Will you inform me, then, what and Bras» Bods Will Actor Victim of Ptomaine records or instruments of Or. Cook to Father Xavier Says He ed by the natives of Montana, whose makes α ben set on a doorknob?" be taken aboard (he steamer Roosevelt Poison i,? Canned Food-- welcome to their state was as warm asked an auditor. Use a Cane on "Spoony" and was thus instrumental in causing as it was vociferous; Governor Norrls "My to τ es ligations have only gone lliese records to remain in a cache at At Beach. was the first to welcome him. far enough to show that R Is not In- Couples When Met. Rockaway Etah, Greenland, according to Whit- Solid Oak Extension Tables $9.95 replied the naturalist some- ney's dispatch received in Ihls city by T*ft Speak» In Mormon Tabornacl·, stinct," what stiffly.—Philadelphia Ledger. from the ) Dr. Cook. The which came Before he left Salt T.ake City, Utah, These tables have just arrived ALONG THE SHADY LANES HAD SERVED IN NAVY message. as a to one sont by Dr. Cook, the president was Introduced to η Furniture Conoern of response He an advertiser—ic. a wore. leading Michigan. They Is as follows: large audience In the famous Mormon have a 42-in. top and 10-in. podestal; hand- tabernacle Senator Reed Smoot. — Strathcona, via Indian Harbor and Cape by WHY WE Yonkers. X. Y„ Sept. -27.—Tbe Ιίβτ. New York, Sept. 27. William G. FIVE REASONS SHOULD carved claw feet and beads. N. F. In his address Mr. Taft said: somely dragon a of Ray. DO YOUR DENTAL WORK Henry F. Xavier of Yonkers an- Beckwitli, graduate Annapolis Dr. F. A. Cook. Waldorf. New York: Would be value· at "We Anglo-Baxons have accomplish- 1 Because we Highly polished. great nounced from the pulpit in St. Jo- and former ensign iu tlie United States Started for home Roosevelt. Nothing ed wonders in hammering out against Μ d ο everything ΑΓ Honmil Catholic church his in- navy, but who iu recent years lias been arrived for me. Peary would allow noth- ΜΛ $16.00; (Q seph's to on I had to Insurmountable the m Λ that is au ing belonging yon board. adds that seemed blgh- at . tention to chastise cou· actor and playwright, was fouud ft Special yUiVV publicly every leave everything In cache at Etah. I will of civil and class. We make ou board the motor San principles liberty popular In his that he finds spooning dying yacht Bee you soon and all. I n pin parish explain government aud making them practi- fHKHKflP Porcelain secluded streets and' lovers' lanes. Toy at Hamuli's station, Kockaway HARRY WHITNEY. In cal and showing to the world their nald: Beach, by Joseph \V. Cone, treasurer Thinks Peary Wai Churliah. «■V 2 Because we He benefits. But !u to and in the of the He doing what "I intend In future to use my cane Aiuphiou theater, Brooklyn. Dr. Cook said lie thought Peary's ΛβΓ guarantee Massive Brass Beds $15,75 course of our life we have Ignored we Sled before medical attention could be conduct was but declined to HffiH do to give upon all the couples whom I cateb slt- churliah, ^ some things that our fellows of south- absolute satis- value $25.00 in the air. The obtained, aud his death is declared to say anylhlug further on lhat score. Regular tiinc together open ern climes have studied and made faction. of have been caused by ptomaine poison "It would be very difficult for me to sauntering of young people opposite much of, and that Is the forms of flRHk S Because our We place on sale a number of these Massive and lug after eating canned food. say what effect the occurrence will aexox along shady lanes at night speech and the methods of everyday prices are rea- When Mr. Cone aud other friends en- have," added Dr. Cook. "The ab- Braes Beds at remarkably low prices. epoonliig In dark corners must cease. treatment between themselves and oth- sonable. tered the cabiu found Beckwitli "There are too they sence of the records nnd instruments 4 Because our offices are the best many lonf courtships ers At first that seems superficial to You will agree with us, that they are the who seriously 111. He had been using can will, however, not affect the ultimate equipped In the city. In the polish. Every young lady us, who prefer 'no' and 'yes' and abrupt Brass Bed ever offered in ned goods largely for his food on the result a But it would be very 5 Because we sterilize each and Biggest Bargains 1m keeping company should not hesi- particle. methods and communications in the boat, and doctors say that he had beeu desirable to have the Instruments here: every instrument before and after Newark. tate to àtk ber suitor what his inten- shortest and curt.est senlences, but we poisoned. that is certain. use. tions are if he calls frequently upon have much to learn from people of The construction, etc. is of the Keck with was thirty-eight years old "Mr. Whitney certainly knew that quality, her and yet shows no disposition to that kind of courtesy ami politeness. and a sou of John P. Beck with, a chief finest—absolutely euaranteed—2-in. continu- wife." the effects left with him were Impor- Dr. Bernard Feldman nslt her to be his Mere Needed. engineer in the navy. He was born He was to tell Mr. Philosophy MODERN DENTISTRY ous made of the most select- Father Xavier spoke strongly in fa- tant. compelled posts, carefully iu the New London navy yard and hod with "The truth Is that a man's life In of He said: Peary that lie my tilings The Red Star Building ed and rods. Tor early marriages. Ills with his wife, with his tubing, heavy filling after he graduated from Annapolis him. He is too honest to suppress such family, "An old uiuid Is as good around the Ms 338-340 State Street spent three years iu the service as eu- Information. children, with his mother, with as bachelor v Generous Credit Terms Extended to ALL, house a watchdog. An old is not made of slgu. The stage appealed to liliu, how· "I had not spoken to Mr. Whitney of neighbors, up grand Is an abomination, generally a crusty stand and ail that sort of ever, and he played leading roles with estrangement between Mr. Peary plays thing. η bo lives in a liall bedroom any Individual It Is made a series of little acts, Did You Ever Know many productions of William A. Brady and myself. He had believed that a up by men t und is 111 at ease with his neighbor md those little acts and thoso little the Pay af ONLY $1.00 and Charles E. Blauey. ship would come for him from the Upin and himself. If I had my way I would He re-eullsted during the Spanish- American side and the things would self restraints are what go to make up a School Principal W· deliver to your home a Sewing Machin· with which closet him in a cellar, the darker the Ihe mail's character.
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