S988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 25, 1999 United States places very few restric- Mr. President, U.S. shipping compa- called the record of the Phaon and tions on the use of our ports to facili- nies can compete and succeed in the Service Squadron Ten achievements of tate international trade. Some coun- world's international trade market- which all Americans can be justly tries, such as China, however, have im- place when competition is fair.· proud, but about which most of them posed unfair burdens on United States f have little or no knowledge. and other foreign vessels conducting Mr. President, I hope that these re- business there in an effort to protect U.S.S. ``PHAON'' marks increase our knowledge and re- their own businesses. The FMC, under · Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I spect for the critical role that damage Chairman Hal Creel's leadership, ap- ask the Senate to join me in commend- repair ships played in the Pacific cam- propriately moved to head off problems ing those brave Americans who served paigns. I know you will join me and in Japan's ports during the 105th Con- aboard the U.S.S. Phaon. every American in saluting the brave gress and is increasingly concerned During World War II, the Phaon com- crew of the U.S.S. Phaon.· about the situations in China and piled an outstanding record as a battle f Brazil. damage repair ship. She was part of While our Nation encourages open three major battles and helped the U.S. THE 1999 MISS USA PAGEANT competition in the commercial mari- fleet to remain in action throughout · Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, it is time sector, America only demands the Central Pacific campaign. an honor and privilege to rise today to that it be fair and meet minimum The Phaon was an important part of acknowledge and honor the nearly 400 standards for protecting our environ- mobile Service Squadron Ten, whose Missouri volunteers of my home state ment and our citizens. However, as a battle role was to remain within the who have donated countless hours and January 3, 1999, New York Times arti- battle area and conduct repairsÐkeep- resources to the 1999 Miss USA pageant cle reported, flag-of-convenience ship ing fighting vessels in action, prevent- being held in Branson, Missouri, in are using their foreign status and the ing the loss of damaged vessels by February. lax oversight of their flag states to es- making them seaworthy, and returning The volunteer corps is made up of cape punishment for their intentional repaired vessels to action as soon as many talented people who have worked dumping of oil in the ocean not far possible. To accomplish this, the Navy in food services, secretarial and admin- from our coast. America should not converted tank transports into battle istrative positions, provided transpor- allow the unscrupulous operation of damage repair ships. tation, medical and emergency serv- unsafe ships with ill-trained crews to The Phaon was one of the original ices, salon services, and entertainment. threaten the oceans, our coastlines, or mobile service squadron vessels that The ``behind the scenes'' efforts of our citizens. arrived in the Central Pacific in late these volunteers have done much to I challenge the Administration to ag- 1943 to test new concepts in naval lo- make this pageant a great success. gressively combat these actions to the gistics and mobile repair. Their work The people of Branson and the sur- fullest extent of U.S. law. Under the began under fire at Majuro with res- rounding area have come together with their many diverse talents and abilities leadership of Senators KAY BAILEY toration of all types of craft from the to assure the success of the 1999 Miss HUTCHISON and JOHN MCCAIN, the 105th invasion of Tarawa and repairs to the USA Pageant. Millions of people Congress provided the FMC with in- battleships Washington and Indiana. around the world will focus their eyes creased authority to address unfair for- By early 1944, the Phaon's crew was on Branson and Missouri on Friday, eign shipping practices. I invited the skilled, experienced, and ready to par- February 5, 1999 when the new Miss Administration to work with the 106th ticipate in the campaigns to advance USA is crowned. Congress to provide increased legisla- across the Pacific. In March, she was with the fleet at Kwajalein and Eniwe- The people of Branson have made a tive authority to counter attempts by significant contribution to the pag- foreign-flag ships to escape punishment tok. In June, she joined the invasion of Saipan. In July, she was at Tinian. She eant, and deserve recognition and grat- for such unconscionable behavior. itude for their efforts. These volunteers Second, we must level the playing was subject to more than sixty air embody the best of the American spir- field for U.S. companies competing in raids while working. it. Mr. President, I ask that members the commercial maritime arena. On Time and again, the Phaon heroically entered the fray to repair a damaged of the Senate join me in recognizing the financial side, U.S. shipping com- and honoring the great work of these panies provide equal or higher quality ship. At Saipan, the destroyer Phelps volunteers.· service than their foreign competitors was hit while engaged in ground sup- f at a similar cost, yet foreign shipping port shore bombardment. She called companies are growing and U.S. ship- the Phaon, and the two ships tied bow TRIBUTE TO LT. GEN. NORMAND ping companies are shrinking. This to stern. While the Phelps continued to G. LEZY, USAF happens because, unlike U.S. shipping bomb the shore, the Phaon repaired her damage and replenished her ammuni- · Mr. ALLARD. Mr. President, I rise companies, most foreign shipping com- today to recognize the contributions of panies pay little or no income taxes. In tion. At the same time, the Phaon dis- patched several off-ship repair crews to Lieutenant General Normand G. Lezy this capital intensive business, invest- of the United States Air Force, who other vessels and had alongside for re- ments are flowing to those companies will retire on March 1st after more pairs a tank landing craft, a mine- which provide a better return on in- than three decades of outstanding serv- sweeper, and the destroyer U.S.S. vestment, and the tax differential tilts ice to our nation. Norm Lezy is an ex- Shaw. One month later, at Tinian, the this flow toward foreign shipping com- traordinary officer whose leadership Phaon performed similar feats to repair panies. This is why foreign shipping skills, professionalism and service be- the destroyer Norman Scott and the bat- companies are buying their U.S. coun- fore self are a tribute to our country's terparts instead of the other way tleship Colorado. By the war's end, the Phaon had re- military. around. This Nation's tax policies General Lezy is a native of Rhode Is- paired at least 96 ships and more than should promote business growth, not land, and was commissioned into the 2,000 vessels and crafts of all types. She stifle it. We need to level the playing Air Force in November 1964 through played a major role in the success of field for U.S. shipping companies in the the Reserve Officer Training Corps pro- Service Squadron Ten, of which Rear international marketplace. I look for- gram. Throughout his career, General Admiral W.R. Carter said: ward to working with Senator JOHN Lezy has earned a well-deserved rep- Had it failed, the war would have lasted BREAUX to develop specific provisions. utation as a leader who truly cares much longer at much greater cost in blood My colleague and friend shares an in- and dollars. It was a never-ending job, about people. Whether he was com- terest in maritime policy, and together and the men and officers . were as much manding his student training squadron, we serve on both the Commerce Fi- a part of the fleet which defeated Japan as a Minuteman I combat missile launch nance Committees. This provides us were . any battleship, carrier, cruiser, or crew, an air base squadron, a combat with an ability to shape maritime pol- destroyer. support group or working in his many icy in the regulatory, tax, and trade Admiral Raymond A. Spruance, Com- key staff assignments, Norm Lezy environments. mander of the Central Pacific Force, made people his priority..
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