03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… SI in CAPFs, ASI in CISF and SI in Delhi Police Examination-2019 (Paper- I) Roll Number Candidate Name Exam Venue Exam Date 12/12/2019 Exam Time 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Subject SI CPO Examination 2019 Section : General Intelligence and Reasoning CAREERS360Q.1 Ans 1. 2. 3. 4. Question ID : 864407913 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 3 Q.2 Select the option that will fill in the blank and complete the given series. CDZ, DGE, EJJ, FMO, GPT, _____ Ans 1. HSY 2. HRZ 3. GRY 4. IQX Question ID : 864407876 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 1 Q.3 Ans 1. 2. https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_2… 1/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… 3. 4. Question ID : 864407924 Status : Not Answered Chosen Option : -- Q.4 Select the option that will fill in the blank and complete the given series. 7, 16, 40, 84, _____, 252 Ans 1. 153 2. 149 3. 150 CAREERS3604. 151 Question ID : 864407897 Status : Not Answered Chosen Option : -- Q.5 Which two signs need to be interchanged to make the following equation correct? 45 – 9 ÷ 3 + 5 × 6 = 32 Ans 1. × and + 2. ÷ and + 3. × and ÷ 4. ÷ and – Question ID : 864407909 Status : Not Answered Chosen Option : -- Q.6 Ans 1. 2. https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_2… 2/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… 3. 4. CAREERS360Question ID : 864407911 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 1 Q.7 Ans 1. 2. 3. 4. Question ID : 864407916 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 4 Q.8 Seven professionals are standing in a row. A journalist is to the immediate right of a pharmacist and to the immediate left of a teacher. An advocate is on the immediate right of an accountant. The advocate and pharmacist have one person between them. The teacher and a doctor have two persons between them. An architect and the pharmacist have two persons between them. Who is in the middle? https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_2… 3/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… Ans 1. Teacher 2. Journalist 3. Pharmacist 4. Doctor Question ID : 864407921 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 3 Q.9 In a certain code language, ‘MACHINE’ is written as ‘N5XS3M4’. How will ‘PREDICT’ be written as in that language? Ans 1. JI4V3YG CAREERS3602. KI2W3YF 3. KI4W3XG 4. K34W3XH Question ID : 864407890 Status : Not Answered Chosen Option : -- Q.10 Ans 1. 2. 3. 4. Question ID : 864407919 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 4 Q.11 Select the option in which the words share the same relationship as that shared by the given pair of words. Fatigue : Rest Ans 1. Disease : Medicine 2. Darkness : Night 3. Food : Hunger https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_2… 4/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… 4. Water : Thirst Question ID : 864407885 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 2 Q.12 If ‘+’ means ‘–’, ‘–’ means ‘×’, ‘×’ means ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ means ‘+’, then what will be the value of the following expression? 27 – 2 + 24 × 8 ÷ 4 Ans 1. 55 2. 45 3. 51 CAREERS3604. 50 Question ID : 864407908 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 1 Q.13 Ans 1. 2. 3. 4. Question ID : 864407917 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 2 Q.14 Ans 1. 2. https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_2… 5/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… 3. 4. Question ID : 864407912 CAREERS360Status : Answered Chosen Option : 2 Q.15 ‘Link’ is related to ‘Chain’ in the same way as ‘Bead’ is related to ‘______’. Ans 1. Sea 2. Pearl 3. Jewellery 4. Necklace Question ID : 864407883 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 4 Q.16 Four numbers have been given out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Choose the odd one. Ans 1. 171 2. 169 3. 195 4. 91 Question ID : 864407901 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 2 Q.17 Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements. Statements: I. Some appliances are electronic. II. Some electronics are tube lights. Conclusions: I. Some appliances are tube lights. II. No tube light is an appliance. Ans 1. Only conclusion I follows. 2. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. 3. Only conclusion II follows. 4. Either conclusion I or II follows. Question ID : 864407894 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 4 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_2… 6/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… Q.18 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term. WARDROBE : AWDROREB :: AQUARIUM : ? Ans 1. UQAAIRMU 2. MUIRRAUQA 3. QAAUIRMU 4. QAAIURMU Question ID : 864407888 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 3 Q.19 चार श दए गए ह, जनम स े तीन कसी तरह स े समान ह, जबक एक असंगत ह । असंगत का चयन कर।@ CAREERS360Ans ùुट 1. 2. मरत 3. दोष 4. गलती Question ID : 864407881 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 2 Q.20 Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term. HOSPITAL : JLWKOMIC :: MEDICINE : ? Ans 1. OBHDIBVW 2. PBIHIBWV 3. PCHDIBWV 4. OBHDIBVV Question ID : 864407887 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 4 Q.21 Ans 1. 2. https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_2… 7/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… 3. 4. Question ID : 864407915 Status : Answered CAREERS360Chosen Option : 3 Q.22 उस वक का चयन कर @ जसम न[ ल खत श उसी तरह स े संबंधत ह जो संबंध दए गए शI के यु का ह । पया ँ : सरसराहट Ans 1. बारश : टप - टप 2. घंटी : मंदर 3. सयार : गजन 4. नगाड़ा : झनक Question ID : 864407886 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 1 Q.23 Four pairs of numbers have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Choose out the odd one. Ans 1. 73 - 79 2. 31 - 41 3. 61 - 71 4. 83 - 97 Question ID : 864407902 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 4 Q.24 Ans 1. 2. https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_2… 8/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… 3. 4. CAREERS360Question ID : 864407922 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 3 Q.25 Ans 1. 2. 3. 4. Question ID : 864407914 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 4 Q.26 Four pairs of numbers have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Choose out the odd one. Ans 1. 34 - 289 2. 16 - 64 3. 26 - 168 4. 18 - 81 Question ID : 864407904 Status : Not Answered Chosen Option : -- Q.27 Which of the given options would be a logical sequence of the following words? 1. Primary 2. Kinder Garten 3. University 4. Secondary 5. Higher Secondary https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_2… 9/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… Ans 1. 2, 1, 5, 3, 4 2. 3, 1, 5, 2, 4 3. 5, 3, 1, 4, 2 4. 2, 1, 4, 5, 3 Question ID : 864407878 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 4 Q.28 The statements are given followed by two conclusions I and II. Consider the given statements as true and decide which of the given conclusions logically follow/s from the given statements. Statements: United Nation has adopted 21st June as world Yoga day. This has promoted India’s CAREERS360glorious tradition all over the world. Conclusions: I. Yoga is practiced only on 21st June. II. More people are coming to India now to practice Yoga. Ans 1. Neither conclusion I nor II follows. 2. Only conclusion II follows. 3. Only conclusion I follows. 4. Both conclusions I and II follow. Question ID : 864407893 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 2 Q.29 Select the option in which the numbers do NOT share the same relationship as that shared by the given pair of numbers. (98, 107, 125) Ans 1. (122, 131, 149) 2. (319, 328, 346) 3. (73, 82, 99) 4. (29, 38, 56) Question ID : 864407905 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 4 Q.30 Four pairs of numbers have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner, while one is different. Choose out the odd one. Ans 1. 18 : 306 2. 13 : 182 3. 23 : 552 4. 25 : 650 Question ID : 864407903 Status : Answered Chosen Option : 1 Q.31 Select the option that is related to the third number in the same way as the second number is related to the first number. 104 : 117 :: 216 : ? Ans 1. 243 2. 245 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/2201116443_… 10/52 03/01/2020 https://ssc.digialm.com//per/g27/pub/2207/touchstone/AssessmentQPHTMLMode1//2207O19322/2207O19322S7D13633/15763301038537709/… 3.
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