1 INDEX Volume numbers in this index are indicated in bold. An "n" following a page number indicates a subject is mentioned in a note. For example, the entry Abrahams, Albert, 8:140-41, 141n indicates that Albert Abrahams appears in volume 8 on pages 140-41 and in a note on page 141. Volumes with glossary entries for specific individuals or organizations are designated with an asterisk. For example, the entries 7:*, 8:*, 9:*, 10:*, and 12:* under John Alpine indicate that volumes 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 contain glossary entries for Alpine. References to substantive annotations in notes are underlined. So, for example, the entry Abbett, Leon, 2:137, 138n indicates there is a substantive annotation of Leon Abbett in volume 2 in a note found on page 138. Abbett, Leon, 2:137, 138n Abern, Martin, 12:275-77, 277-78n Abrahams, Albert, 8:140-41, 141n Abrahams, Henry, 2:*, 198-99, 198-99n, 407, 410, 12:91n Abrams, Jessie E., 10:99, 102n Abrams, L. N., 10:69n; letter from, 10:67-69 Acme Press Brick Co., 5:504, 505n Acornley, A. H., 5:240, 243-44n Acquisitive Society, The (Tawney), 12:191, 192n 2 Acton, Harry H., 4:236-37, 238n, 239 Actors' National Protective Union, 6:*, 517, 518n, 7:*, 41n -- local: local 14 (New York City), 6:517-18n -- strike/lockout: 1906 (New York City), 6:516-17, 517-18n Adair, John A. M., 7:99n, 8:342; letter from, 7:99 Adames, William J., 8:258, 259n Adams, Alva, 2:82, 88n, 4:266 Adams, Charles, 4:249n Adams, Charles Francis, 5:464n, 496n, 497n; letter from, 5:494-96 Adams, Elijah J., 3:139, 140n Adams, Emmet L., 11:456, 459n, 525-26 Adams, Frederick U., 3:85, 86n Adams, John Quincy, 7:88 Adams, Norman, 11:122 Adams, Oswin T., 11:190, 191n Adamski, Albert, 9:406, 406n, 12:550 Adamson, William C., 9:450n, 10:15, 16-17n Addams, Jane, 4:45n, 9:231-32n, 274n, 12:427n; letter to, 9:231 Address, An. To the Western Federation of Miners, in Convention Assembled, Salt Lake City, Utah (AFL), 5:150, 151n Adkins et al. v. Children's Hospital of D.C., 12:227, 228n, 230, 244, 246, 248-50, 370 Adler, C. N., 3:378, 381, 382n Adler, Felix, 2:*, 94, 94n, 5:352 Adler and Landauer, 1:112, 115n Advance, 2:97 3 Afel (cargo ship), 11:97, 97n AFL. See American Federation of Labor "A.F. of L. Campaign Programme," 7:20, 21n, 60-64, 64n, 65-67, 95 Agard, Edgar A., 5:441-42, 444n, 6:55, 57n, 59-61, 67-68, 205, 206n Agricultural Labourers' Union, National, 1:*, 340, 353n, 3:145-46, 146n Agricultural Wheel, 3:24n Aguilar Vargas, Cándido, 9:306, 307n Aguinaldo, Emilio, 5:64n Ahearn (meatpacker), 10:285n Ailes, Milton E., 5:411, 411n airplane, transatlantic crossings by, 11:90, 92n Aishton, Richard, 9:312n Alabama, disfranchisement of blacks in, 6:106, 107n Alabama Drydock and Shipbuilding Co., strike/lockout, 1920-21, 11:484-85, 486n Alabama State Federation of Labor, 6:106, 107n, 108 -- convention: 1903 (Bessemer), 6:109, 110n Alameda County (Calif.), Federated Trades of, 8:414, 414n Albany (N.Y.) Central Federation of Labor, 5:361n Albert I, 10:563, 567n, 11:56 Albright, Albion D., 12:276, 278n Albright, Jacob, 2:319n alcohol, consumption of. See drinking; Prohibition; temperance movement Alcorn, Robert H., 12:345, 348n Aldrich, William F., 7:80, 90n Aldridge, G. W., 4:333n 4 Aldridge, William, 7:130, 142n Ale and Porter Brewery Union 1 (Albany, N.Y.), 4:222, 223n Alexander, D. L., 3:*, 24n; letter from, 3:23-24 Alexander, DeAlva, 9:200n Alexander, George, 8:248, 249n, 291 Alexander, H. M., 6:39, 40n Alexander, John, 5:*, 413n; letter from, 5:412-13 Alexander, Joshua, 10:213n Alexander, Magnus W., 11:287-88, 289n Alexander II, assassination of, 6:321, 326n Alger, George W., 8:489, 493n, 12:74n Alger, Russell A., 5:151n, 6:243, 244n Alifas, Nels P., 10:19, 21n, 12:345-47 All-American Conference, 1924 (Washington, D.C.), 12:452, 452n Alleged Shortage of Labor, The (AFL), 10:240n Allegheny Coal and Coke Co.: organization of, attempted, 11:121, 123n; strike/lockout, 1919, 11:121-22, 123n Allegheny County, Pa., breweries, boycott, 1896, 4:145n Allen, Amos L., 7:80, 89n, 90n Allen, Andrew J., 12:364, 364n Allen, Clay, 10:398-99, 400n Allen, Colonel. See Mulhall, Martin M. Allen, Florence, 12:427n Allen, Ford A., 5:125, 127n Allen, Henry J., 11:289-90, 290n, 12:169; SG debate with, 11:289-90, 290n, 298-99, 304-8, 320n 5 Allen, Henry T., 12:435n; letter to, 12:435 Allen, Jacob S., 8:184, 185n, 493n, 498, 10:103n; letter to, 8:496-97 Allen, John W., and Sons, 7:461n Allen, Joseph B., 3:661, 664n, 6:174, 175n Allen, L. B., letter from, 6:115-16 Allen, Louis L., 7:301, 302n Allen, Mary E., 8:497, 497n Allen, Noah, 11:326n Allen, Norman M., 1:261, 263n Allen, Thomas, 3:77, 78n Allen, William O., 1:283, 285n Allen, William V., 4:324n Aller, Juan, 5:185, 188n, 232 Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein, 1:23, 32, 43n, 2:159n Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, 12:368; and women workers, 12:361n Allied Freight Transportation Council, 5:497n Allied Trades and Labor Association (Ottawa, Ont.), 6:156, 158n allied union label councils, 5:519 Allimon, Walter D., 6:293, 294n Allis-Chalmers Co., 5:334n All-Russian Congress of the Russian Communist Youth League, Fifth, 1922 (Moscow), 12:293, 294n All-Russian Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies, 10:90n Alma, Juan, 5:180 Alonso, José G., 9:429n, 467, 468n 6 Alonso, Manuel, 5:180, 188n Alonso, Rafael, 6:253, 258n, 7:53n, 9:533 Alpert, Nathan, 9:405n; letter to, 9:403-5 Alpine, John R., 7:*, 442n, 453n, 8:*, 125n, 159, 402, 500-501, 9:*, 14n, 74n, 274n, 10:*, 104, 105n, 421, 519n, 546n, 11:40n, 12:*, 550, 553n; at AFL Executive Council meetings, 8:503-4, 9:270-71, 436; and Cantonment Adjustment Commission, 10:114, 204; elected AFL vice-president, 7:427n, 8:18n, 295, 9:38n, 226n, 348n, 10:475; letters from, 10:544-48; letter to, 10:520-23; and Liberty Loan drive, 10:543; and Norfolk Navy Yard strike, 1917, 10:223n Alsbury, John, 3:364 Alschuler, Samuel, 10:280n, 304n, 11:453n, 12:154 Alt, Charles, 1:413, 414n Altgeld, John P., 2:*, 53, 301, 304n, 3:*, 350n, 358, 359n, 523, 559, 4:377, 379n, 5:414-15, 415n; letters to, 3:350, 5:87-88 Alton (Ill.) Trades and Labor Assembly, 6:186-89, 189n Altschuler, Modest, 10:130, 134n Altvater (carpenter?), 2:129 Aluminum Castings Co., 10:365 Aluminum Ore Co., 10:152-53n Alvord, Thomas G., 1:208, 210n Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America, Local Union No. 497 v. Joplin and Pittsburg Railway Co., 11:408, 409n Amalgamated Copper Co., 6:284, 285n, 9:270-71, 275n Amalgamated Labor Union, 1:160 7 Amalgamated Trades and Labor Union of New York and Vicinity, 1:96, 98, 101n, 151-52, 238; founding, 1:84; journal, official, 1:268n; and political action, 1:248, 379n American Academy of Political and Social Science: -- conventions: 1902 (Philadelphia), 5:505-10, 510n; 1911 (Philadelphia), 8:203n; 1912, 8:203n American Agents Association, 4:*, 502, 502n American Alliance for Labor and Democracy, 9:383n, 10:160n, 227, 228n, 236-38, 357; and AFL, 10:258-62, 262n, 264; and American Labor's Position in Peace or in War, 10:212, 263n; and Bastille Day, 10:495, 496n; and Committee on Public Information, 10:160-61n, 161-62, 313n, 382-83, 495-96, 496-97n, 499n; declarations, 10:192, 210-13, 261, 263n; founding, 10:159-60, 160n, 206, 226; and Labor Loyalty Week, 10:311, 312-13n, 324, 330n; mission to Russia, 10:237, 238n; office, publications, and staff, 10:161-62, 162-63n; revenue, 10:240-41, 241n; and sedition, 10:211-12, 259; and Washington's Birthday, 10:313n, 363n -- convention: 1917 (Minneapolis), 10:192, 194n, 206, 236-37, 240-41n, 260 American Ambulance in Russia, 10:129, 134n American and English Encyclopaedia of Law, 7:468n American Anti-Boycott Association, 7:245, 246n, 8:198, 204n, 319, 9:285n, 11:408n American Anti-Saloon League, 12:429, 430n American Association for Labor Legislation, 9:276-77, 277n; and AFL Permanent Conference for Abolition of Child Labor, 12:82n American Association of University Professors, 9:429, 430n American Association of University Women, and AFL Permanent Conference 8 for Abolition of Child Labor, 12:82n American Bicycle Co., 5:157, 158n American Boom and Timber Co., strike/lockout, 1908, 7:378-80 American Bridge Co., 6:515n, 8:227n, 272, 434; strike/lockout, 1905- , 6:514-15, 515-16n, 7:12-13 American Can Co., antitrust case against, 10:322, 323n American Cigar and Tobacco Workers' Association, 1:274n American Cigar Co., 6:31n American Civil Liberties Union, 10:485n, 12:263-64, 265n, 309, 311n American Committee for Relief of German Children, 12:435, 435n American Committee for the Encouragement of Democratic Government in Russia, 10:89-90n American Conference on International Arbitration, 6:378n, 381, 381n American District Telegraph Co., 1:306 American Express Co., 6:287 American Federationist, 3:474-75, 483, 549n, 6:161, 12:277; advertising in, 4:394-95, 395n, 412; and AFL Political Program, 3:419-21, 502-3; circulation, 4:xiv, 5:xiv; criticism of, 3:478-81, 7:425, 427n; and Buck's Stove injunction, 7:249n, 263; printer of, 1:167n, -- extra numbers: 1902, 6:307-8n; 1904, 6:300-307, 6:307-8n American Federation of Labor (AFL): accounts, audit of, 9:478-79, 479n; affiliates, autonomy of, 2:76-77, 119, 122, 131, 139, 215, 262, 362, 3:100, 135, 166, 280, 406, 467, 518-19, 572-73, 655, 4:120, 212-14, 245, 12:87n, 88, 89n; charters, 2:95, 6:318, 321-22, 326n, 493-96, 501, 502-3n; constitution, 1:224, 240, 348, 2:78, 7:319, 320n; described, 1:387, 4:119-20, 7:476; dual organizations in, 4:83, 84n, 12:400-401, 9 401n; funds, 2:134, 5:xiii, xxn, 432, 432n, 6:409, 12:242-43; industrial divisions in, 2:95, 175, 175n, 7:367
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