Bible Reading Plan for 2021

Bible Reading Plan for 2021

Bible Reading Plan for 2021 1-Jan Genesis 1-3 3-Mar Deuteronomy 11-13 3-May Isaiah 18-22 2-Jan Genesis 4-7 4-Mar Deuteronomy 14-16 4-May Isaiah 23-27 3-Jan Genesis 8-11 5-Mar Deuteronomy 17-20 5-May Isaiah 28-30 4-Jan Genesis 12-15 6-Mar Deuteronomy 21-23 6-May Isaiah 31-35 5-Jan Genesis 16-18 7-Mar Deuteronomy 24-27 7-May Isaiah 36-41 6-Jan Genesis 19-21 8-Mar Deuteronomy 28-29 8-May Isaiah 42-44 7-Jan Genesis 22-24 9-Mar Deuteronomy 30-31 9-May Isaiah 45-48 8-Jan Genesis 25-26 10-Mar Deuteronomy 32-34 10-May Isaiah 49-53 9-Jan Genesis 27-29 11-Mar Joshua 1-4 11-May Isaiah 54-58 10-Jan Genesis 30-31 12-Mar Joshua 5-8 12-May Isaiah 59-63 11-Jan Genesis 32-34 13-Mar Joshua 9-11 13-May Isaiah 64-66 12-Jan Genesis 35-37 14-Mar Joshua 12-15 14-May Jeremiah 1-3 13-Jan Genesis 38-40 15-Mar Joshua 16-18 15-May Jeremiah 4-6 14-Jan Genesis 41-42 16-Mar Joshua 19-21 16-May Jeremiah 7-9 15-Jan Genesis 43-45 17-Mar Joshua 22-24 17-May Jeremiah 10-13 16-Jan Genesis 46-47 18-Mar Judges 1-2 18-May Jeremiah 14-17 17-Jan Genesis 48-50 19-Mar Judges 3-5 19-May Jeremiah 18-22 18-Jan Exodus 1-3 20-Mar Judges 6-7 20-May Jeremiah 23-25 19-Jan Exodus 4-6 21-Mar Judges 8-9 21-May Jeremiah 26-29 20-Jan Exodus 7-9 22-Mar Judges 10-12 22-May Jeremiah 30-31 21-Jan Exodus 10-12 23-Mar Judges 13-15 23-May Jeremiah 32-34 22-Jan Exodus 13-15 24-Mar Judges 16-18 24-May Jeremiah 35-37 23-Jan Exodus 16-18 25-Mar Judges 19-21 25-May Jeremiah 38-41 24-Jan Exodus 19-21 26-Mar 1 Samuel 1-3 26-May Jeremiah 42-45 25-Jan Exodus 22-24 27-Mar 1 Samuel 4-8 27-May Jeremiah 46-48 26-Jan Exodus 25-27 28-Mar 1 Samuel 9-12 28-May Jeremiah 49-50 27-Jan Exodus 28-29 29-Mar 1 Samuel 13-14 29-May Jeremiah 51-52 28-Jan Exodus 30-32 30-Mar 1 Samuel 15-17 30-May Ezekiel 1-3 29-Jan Exodus 33-35 31-Mar 1 Samuel 18-20 31-May Ezekiel 4-7 30-Jan Exodus 36-38 1-Apr 1 Samuel 21-24 1-Jun Ezekiel 8-10 31-Jan Exodus 39-40 2-Apr 1 Samuel 25-27 2-Jun Ezekiel 11-12 1-Feb Leviticus 1-4 3-Apr 1 Samuel 28-31 3-Jun Ezekiel 13-15 2-Feb Leviticus 5-7 4-Apr 2 Samuel 1-3 4-Jun Ezekiel 16-17 3-Feb Leviticus 8-10 5-Apr 2 Samuel 4-6 5-Jun Ezekiel 18-20 4-Feb Leviticus 11-13 6-Apr 2 Samuel 7-10 6-Jun Ezekiel 21-23 5-Feb Leviticus 14-15 7-Apr 2 Samuel 11-13 7-Jun Ezekiel 24-27 6-Feb Leviticus 16-18 8-Apr 2 Samuel 14-15 8-Jun Ezekiel 28-31 7-Feb Leviticus 19-21 9-Apr 2 Samuel 16-18 9-Jun Ezekiel 32-34 8-Feb Leviticus 22-23 10-Apr 2 Samuel 19-21 10-Jun Ezekiel 35-38 9-Feb Leviticus 24-25 11-Apr 2 Samuel 22-24 11-Jun Ezekiel 39-41 10-Feb Leviticus 26-27 12-Apr 1 Kings 1-2 12-Jun Ezekiel 42-43 11-Feb Numbers 1-2 13-Apr 1 Kings 3-5 13-Jun Ezekiel 44-45 12-Feb Numbers 3-4 14-Apr 1 Kings 6-7 14-Jun Ezekiel 46-48 13-Feb Numbers 5-6 15-Apr 1 Kings 8-9 15-Jun Hosea 1-7 14-Feb Numbers 7 16-Apr 1 Kings 10-11 16-Jun Hosea 8-14 15-Feb Numbers 8-10 17-Apr 1 Kings 12-14 17-Jun Joel 1-3 16-Feb Numbers 11-13 18-Apr 1 Kings 15-17 18-Jun Amos 1-5 17-Feb Numbers 14-15 19-Apr 1 Kings 18-20 19-Jun Amos 6-9 18-Feb Numbers 16-17 20-Apr 1 Kings 21-22 20-Jun Obadiah 1, Jonah 1-4 19-Feb Numbers 18-20 21-Apr 2 Kings 1-4 21-Jun Micah 1-7 20-Feb Numbers 21-22 22-Apr 2 Kings 5-8 22-Jun Nahum 1-3, Habakkuk 1-3 21-Feb Numbers 23-25 23-Apr 2 Kings 9-11 23-Jun Zephaniah 1-3, Haggai 1-2 22-Feb Numbers 26-27 24-Apr 2 Kings 12-14 24-Jun Zechariah 1-7 23-Feb Numbers 28-30 25-Apr 2 Kings 15-17 25-Jun Zechariah 8-14 24-Feb Numbers 31-32 26-Apr 2 Kings 18-19 26-Jun Malachi 1-4 25-Feb Numbers 33-34 27-Apr 2 Kings 20-22 27-Jun Psalm 1-8 26-Feb Numbers 35-36 28-Apr 2 Kings 23-25 28-Jun Psalm 9-16 27-Feb Deuteronomy 1-2 29-Apr Isaiah 1-4 29-Jun Psalm 17-20 28-Feb Deuteronomy 3-4 30-Apr Isaiah 5-8 30-Jun Psalm 21-25 1-Mar Deuteronomy 5-7 1-May Isaiah 9-12 1-Jul Psalm 26-31 2-Mar Deuteronomy 8-10 2-May Isaiah 13-17 2-Jul Psalm 32-35 Bible Reading Plan for 2021 3-Jul Psalm 36-39 2-Sep Daniel 11-12 2-Nov Matthew 23-24 4-Jul Psalm 40-45 3-Sep Ezra 1-2 3-Nov Matthew 25-26 5-Jul Psalm 46-50 4-Sep Ezra 3-5 4-Nov Matthew 27-28 6-Jul Psalm 51-57 5-Sep Ezra 6-7 5-Nov Mark 1-3 7-Jul Psalm 58-65 6-Sep Ezra 8-10 6-Nov Mark 4-5 8-Jul Psalm 66-69 7-Sep Nehemiah 1-3 7-Nov Mark 6-7 9-Jul Psalm 70-73 8-Sep Nehemiah 4-6 8-Nov Mark 8-9 10-Jul Psalm 74-77 9-Sep Nehemiah 7-8 9-Nov Mark 10-11 11-Jul Psalm 78-79 10-Sep Nehemiah 9-11 10-Nov Mark 12-13 12-Jul Psalm 80-85 11-Sep Nehemiah 12-13 11-Nov Mark 14 13-Jul Psalm 86-89 12-Sep 1 Chronicles 1-2 12-Nov Mark 15-16 14-Jul Psalm 90-95 13-Sep 1 Chronicles 3-5 13-Nov Luke 1 15-Jul Psalm 96-102 14-Sep 1 Chronicles 6 14-Nov Luke 2-3 16-Jul Psalm 103-105 15-Sep 1 Chronicles 7-8 15-Nov Luke 4-5 17-Jul Psalm 106-107 16-Sep 1 Chronicles 9-10 16-Nov Luke 6-7 18-Jul Psalm 108-114 17-Sep 1 Chronicles 11-12 17-Nov Luke 8-9 19-Jul Psalm 115-118 18-Sep 1 Chronicles 13-15 18-Nov Luke 10-11 20-Jul Psalm 119:1-88 19-Sep 1 Chronicles 16-17 19-Nov Luke 12-13 21-Jul Psalm 119:89-176 20-Sep 1 Chronicles 18-20 20-Nov Luke 14-16 22-Jul Psalm 120-132 21-Sep 1 Chronicles 21-23 21-Nov Luke 17-18 23-Jul Psalm 133-139 22-Sep 1 Chronicles 24-25 22-Nov Luke 19-20 24-Jul Psalm 140-145 23-Sep 1 Chronicles 26-27 23-Nov Luke 21-22 25-Jul Psalm 146-150 24-Sep 1 Chronicles 28-29 24-Nov Luke 23-24 26-Jul Proverbs 1-3 25-Sep 2 Chronicles 1-4 25-Nov Ephesians 1-3 27-Jul Proverbs 4-6 26-Sep 2 Chronicles 5-7 26-Nov Ephesians 4-6 28-Jul Proverbs 7-9 27-Sep 2 Chronicles 8-10 27-Nov Colossians 1-4, Philemon 1 29-Jul Proverbs 10-12 28-Sep 2 Chronicles 11-14 28-Nov Philippians 1-4 30-Jul Proverbs 13-15 29-Sep 2 Chronicles 15-18 29-Nov Acts 1-3 31-Jul Proverbs 16-18 30-Sep 2 Chronicles 19-21 30-Nov Acts 4-6 1-Aug Proverbs 19-21 1-Oct 2 Chronicles 22-24 1-Dec Acts 7-8 2-Aug Proverbs 22-23 2-Oct 2 Chronicles 25-27 2-Dec Acts 9-10 3-Aug Proverbs 24-26 3-Oct 2 Chronicles 28-29 3-Dec Acts 11-13 4-Aug Proverbs 27-29 4-Oct 2 Chronicles 30-32 4-Dec Acts 14-16 5-Aug Proverbs 30-31 5-Oct 2 Chronicles 33-34 5-Dec Acts 17-19 6-Aug Job 1-5 6-Oct 2 Chronicles 35-36 6-Dec Acts 20-22 7-Aug Job 6-9 7-Oct James 1-5 7-Dec Acts 23-25 8-Aug Job 10-13 8-Oct Galatians 1-3 8-Dec Acts 26-28 9-Aug Job 14-16 9-Oct Galatians 4-6 9-Dec 1 Timothy 1-6 10-Aug Job 17-20 10-Oct 1 Thessalonians 1-5 10-Dec Titus 1-3 11-Aug Job 21-23 11-Oct 2 Thessalonians 1-3 11-Dec 1 Peter 1-5 12-Aug Job 24-28 12-Oct 1 Corinthians 1-4 12-Dec Hebrews 1-6 13-Aug Job 29-31 13-Oct 1 Corinthians 5-8 13-Dec Hebrews 7-10 14-Aug Job 32-34 14-Oct 1 Corinthians 9-11 14-Dec Hebrews 11-13 15-Aug Job 35-37 15-Oct 1 Corinthians 12-14 15-Dec 2 Timothy 1-4 16-Aug Job 38-39 16-Oct 1 Corinthians 15-16 16-Dec 2 Peter 1-3, Jude 1 17-Aug Job 40-42 17-Oct 2 Corinthians 1-4 17-Dec John 1-2 18-Aug Song of Solomon 1-8 18-Oct 2 Corinthians 5-9 18-Dec John 3-4 19-Aug Ruth 1-4 19-Oct 2 Corinthians 10-13 19-Dec John 5-6 20-Aug Lamentations 1-3:36 20-Oct Romans 1-3 20-Dec John 7-8 21-Aug Lamentations 3:37-5:22 21-Oct Romans 4-7 21-Dec John 9-10 22-Aug Ecclesiastes 1-4 22-Oct Romans 8-10 22-Dec John 11-12 23-Aug Ecclesiastes 5-8 23-Oct Romans 11-13 23-Dec John 13-15 24-Aug Ecclesiastes 9-12 24-Oct Romans 14-16 24-Dec John 16-18 25-Aug Esther 1-3 25-Oct Matthew 1-4 25-Dec John 19-21 26-Aug Esther 4-6 26-Oct Matthew 5-7 26-Dec 1 John 1-5 27-Aug Esther 7-10 27-Oct Matthew 8-9 27-Dec 2 John 1, 3 John 1 28-Aug Daniel 1-2 28-Oct Matthew 10-12 28-Dec Revelation 1-5 29-Aug Daniel 3-4 29-Oct Matthew 13-14 29-Dec Revelation 6-11 30-Aug Daniel 5-6 30-Oct Matthew 15-17 30-Dec Revelation 12-18 31-Aug Daniel 7-8 31-Oct Matthew 18-20 31-Dec Revelation 19-22 1-Sep Daniel 9-10 1-Nov Matthew 21-22.

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