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JANUARY/FEBRUARY 1994 ISSN 0013-3916 THE ENTOMOLOGIST'S RECORD AND JOURNAL OF VARIATION Editor P. A. SOKOLOFF, M.Sc, C.Biol., M.I.Biol., F.R.E.S. 4 Steep Close, Green Street Green, Orpington, Kent BR6 6DS. Assistant Editors J. A. OWEN, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.E.S. & A. SPALDING, M.A., F.R.E.S. Editorial Panel A. A. Allen B.Sc, a.r.c.s. P.J. Chandler B.Sc, f.r.e.s. N. Birkett m.a., m.b. C.A. CoUingwood b.sc, f.r.e.s. E.S. Bradford A.M. Emmet m.b.e., t.d., f.r.e.s. J.D. Bradley Ph.D., f.r.e.s. C.J. Luckens m.b, Ch.B, d.r.c.o.g. J.M. Chalmers-Hunt f.r.e.s. B. Skinner Registrar C.C. Penney f.r.e.s. 109 Waveney Drive, Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex CMl 5QA Hon. Treasurer P.J. Johnson B.A., A.C.A. 31 Oakdene Road, Brockham, Betchworth, Surrey RH3 7JV WHERE TO WRITE EDITOR: All material for publication and books for review. REGISTRAR: Subscription changes of address and non-arrival of the Journal. HON. TREASURER: Advertisements and subscribers' notices. Notes for Contributors It would greatly help the Editor if material .submitted for publication were typed md double spaced. Two copies are preferred. Please DO NOT use block capitals and DO NO f underline anything except scientific names. Word-processed te.xt should not use italic, bold or compressed typeface. References quoted within the text can be abbreviated (eg Ent. Rec), but those collected at the end of a paper should follow the standard World List abbreviations (eg. Entomologist's Rec. J. Var.). When in doubt try to follow the style and format of material in a current issue of the Record. Illustrations must be the original (not a photocopy) without legend which should be typed on a separate copy. Photographs should be glossy, positive prints. Authors of long papers, or submit- ting valuable originals are advised to contact the Editor first. Contributors are requested not to send us notes or articles which they are sending to other magazines. Whilst all reasonable care is taken of manuscripts, illustrations etc, the Editor and his staff cannot hold themselves reponsible for any loss or damage. Readers are respectfully advised that the publication of material in this Journal does not imply that the views and opinions expressed therein are shared by the Editor, the Editorial Board or the publisher. Entomologist's Record Journal of Variation Edited by P.A. SOKOLOFF, f res. Assistant Editors J.A. OWEN, F.R.E.S. & A. SPALDING, F.R.E.S. Vol. 106 1994 CONTENTS A.J. Wightman, a note., R. Dyson, 239 Beetles caught by a pitcher plant naturalised in Highland Scotland. J. A. Owen & S. Abantis bismarki group of skipper butterflies, Taylor. 103 with a description of Abantis bamptoni Sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), S.C. Beetles from pitfall-trapping at high altitudes Collins & T.B. Larsen. 1 in the Cairngorms. J. A. Owen & R.W. Thaxton, 51 Abundance of the spring brood of Pararge aegeria L. (Lep.: Satyridae) in S.E. Bibio johannis L. (Dipt.: Bibionidae) in London, 1994. with a few local urban London. P. Roper, 140 observations. A.A. Allen, 150 Blastobasis decolorella Woll. (Lep.: Acritus homoepathicus Woll. (Col.: Blastobasidae) new to West Suffolk. A. Histeridae) at Box Hill, Surrey. J. A. Aston, 150 Owen, 194 Book Reviews, 35, 117-118, 154-156, 256- Acronicta tridens Schiff. (Lep.: Noctuidae) 260 in South Cumbria. N.L. Birkett. 256 Breeding Maniola jurtina L. ab. addenda Additional hostplants for British Mosley (Lep.: Satyridae). R. Barrington. Ceutorhynchus spp. (Col.: Curculionidae). 13 A.A. Allen, 74 Butterflies in Crete, April, 1994. P.B. Hardy, Agathomyia falleni Zett. (Dipt.: 203 in East Kent. L. Platypezidae) demons. Butterflies in the Hoggar Mountains, 117 Southern Algeria in April 1993. /. Agathomyia falleni Zett. (Dipt.: Tennent, 21 Platypezidae): a further West Kent record. Caloptilia robustella Jackh. (Lep.: A.A. Allen. 188 Gracillariidae) on Spanish Chestnut. J.M. Agdistis bennettii Curtis (Lep.: Chalmers-Hunt, 160 inland. A.M. Pterophoridae) recorded Carpelimus similis Smet. (Col.: Emmet, 250 Staphylinidae) in S.E. London. A.A. Allen, Agelastica alni L. (Col.: Chrysomelidae) in 115 the New Forest, 1941. A.A. Allen. 188 Catocala fraxini L. (Lep.: Noctuidae) in Aglais urticae L. (Lep.: Nymphalidae): Cornwall? A. Spalding, 46 hibernation in first brood. B.K. West. 78 Check list of the microlepidoptera of Amphipyra pyramidea L. Copper Underwing Carmarthenshire (VC44). S.R. Lucas, 161 (Lep.: Noctuidae) larvae on grape-vine. Chloroclystis chloerata Mabille, the Sloe {Vitis vinifer). M.C. Townsend, 140 Pug (Lep.: Geometridae) in Wales. A.M. Anthophora (Hym.) and Boraginaceae. C.A. Riley, 35 Stace. 212 Chloroclystis rectangulata L. The return of Anthribus fasciatus Forster (Col.: the green form to north-west Kent, and a Anthribidae) in Somerset. R.A. Jones, 254 comment on larval foodplants. B.K. West, Aspilates gilvaria (D.&S.)(Lep.: 255 Geometridae) and variation in the imago's Choliva glaiica Britten (Col.: Catoptidae) in flight period, G. Clumo, 183 Kent. A.A. Allen, 71 Athrips rancidella (H.-S.) (Lep.: Clambus gibbuhis Le Conte (Col.: Gelechiidae) in south-west London. M. Clambidae): two more West Kent records, Parsons, 232 A.A. Allen, 190 Athroloopha pennigeraria Hbn. (Lep.: Continued decline in melanism in Biston Geometridae) in Spain. G. Clumo. 149 betularia L. (Lep.: Geometridae) in N.W. Bees at breakfast. J. A. Owen, 20 Kent. B.K. West, IV) Curious behaviour by Poecilocampa populi Eucosma pupillana Clerck. (Lep.: L. (Lep.: Lasiocampidae). B.K. West. 11 Tortricidae) taken in Buckinghamshire. Current status of the stem borer, Chilo G.E. Higgs. 151 paitelliis Swinhoe. (Lep.: Pyralidae). Eudonia alpina Curtis. (Lep.: Pyralidae) at L.M. Mathw. 109 low altitude. D.H. Howton. 101 Dicycla oo L. the Heart Moth (Lep.: Eudonia alpina (Lep.: Pyralidae) at low Noctuidae) at Windsor in the 1940s. A.A. altitudes in Scotland. S. Clancy, 6 Alien, 71 Euphranta toxoneura Lowe. (Dipt.: Distribution of Chazara prieuri Pierret in Tephritidae) in East Kent. L. demons. 84 Spain (Lep.: Satyridae). W.J. Tennent, Eupithecia icterata Vill. (Lep.: 251 Geometridae): larval foodplants. B.K. Distribution of Proturans (Hexapoda) in a West, 71 deciduous woodland in South Wales. Euplagia qiiadripunctaria Poda and P.E. King & K.V. Aazeni. 173 Lymantria dispar L. in the Isle of Wight. Dung-beetles in S.E. London. A. A. Allen. 17 S.A. Knil I -Jones. 28 Dwarfism in moths: further evidence from Euplectus brunneus Grimm. (Col.: Cardiganshire, mid-Wales. P.M. Miles. Pselaphidae) and its status in Britain. A.A. 79 Allen. 171 Dyschirius angustatiis Ahr. (Col.: Eurydema oleraceum L. (Hem.: Carabidae): earlier Scottish finds. A.A. Pentatomidae) in 1992-93. A.A. Allen. 30 Allen. 249 Experiences with Agrius convolvuli L. Eagira conspicillaris L. (Lep.: Noctuidae) (Lep.: Sphingidae). R. Pilcher & G.M. - observations of the behaviour of newly Haggett, 34 hatched larvae and records of alternative Extension of range of Chloroclysta siterata foodplants. J. Clarke. 123 Hufn. (Lep.: Geometridae) in S.E. Early butterfly dates in the Canary Isles. England. B.K. West. 189 C.A. Stace, 252 Fannia collini Fons. (Dipt.: Fanniidae) in Early emergence of Spring moths. A. Aston. West Kent. L. demons. 117 116 Foodplants of the Privet Hawkmoth, Sphin.x Editorial, 260 ligustri L. (Lep.: Sphingidae): an Empis (Coptophlehia) melaena Bezzi. experimental study. G.W. Danahar & (Dipt.: Empididae) in East Kent. L. R.G.W. Northfield, 47 demons. 146 Fruit-feeding butterflies in large numbers on Encrusted but not encumbered - caked mud flowers. T.B. Larsen. 157 does not necessarily impede a beetle's Function of tails in flight by some African ability to fly. R.A.
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