• ?*-*•, Aw, & f *«t • Christmas Gift Guide SEE SECOND SI Continued Cold THEDAEY HOME Continued cloudy and very cold today. Windy, cold to- Red Bonk, Freehold night. Sunny and cold tomor- Long Branch FINAL row. I 7 (S«» Detail* Fait 2) Monmouth County9* Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 121 RED DANK, N. J., MONDAY;, DECEMBER 16, 1968 34 PAGES TEN CENTS' Expect Names Today In Crime Link Hassle TRENTON (AP)—The state to disclose the names to legis- the charges against the three Union County said he would Brennan said he knew of attorney general's office, un- lative leaders. legislators last week but re- release the names of the law- "three instances — and has der orders from Gov. Richard In a telegram to Sills, fused to give their identities. makers to the public after heard of others — in which J. Hughes, was expected to Hughes said "the reputation His remarks were made be- the attorney general's office members of the legislature tells him. reveal today the names of of the legislature requires full fore Sigma Delta Chi, a jour- have entered into associations disclosure under appropriate nalistic ^society. McDermott is a Republican. three legislators charged with with known Mafia members being "entirely too comfort- legal circumstances of what- The speech provoked a Hughes is a Democrat. able with organized crime." ever factual information is storm of legislative protest Brennan, in a statement which I would personally find A spokesman for Hughes available." Hughes said Sills and demands that,the names subsequent to his remarks be- uncomfortable to be in." said yesterday that the gov- and' Brennan should reveal of the legislators be disclosed fore the journalism society, He said he meant "close ernor called a meeting for "the factual basis support- to remove a cloud of sus- said he did not mean to imply social, business or profession- 3:30 p.m. today in his office ing" the allegations. picion over the entire 120- by the word "comfortable" al relationships" and added and ordered Attorney General Brennan, who heads a spe- member legislature. that the three legislators in that he did not want to dis- Arthur J. Sills and his, assis- cial grand jury investigation Senate Majority Leader question had committed any close the names because to tant, William j. Brennan 3rd, into organized crime, made Frank X. McDermott of crime. (See CRIME, Pg. 3, Col. 6) • \<- WINTER PREVIEW — According to the calendar it's still autumn, but in yester. day's preview of winter, youngsters got a chance to use the sleds Santa brought last Christmas. Daily Register staff photographer Larry Perns caught the scene as Storm Closes 20 Schools youngsters trudged up Tower Hill t\ Presbyterian Church, Red Bank, for the down* hill glide. ' ' ; ' ".'•.' '.'." ,-. Youngsters today got a Monmouth Beach to Matawan peratures today would reach road crews plowed and salted snowing in most parts of the snow-bonus when more than that were still treacherously a high in the low 20s, with the .two superhighways. state. 20 schools were shut because icy. A temperature zip to 5 winds at 20 to 30 m.p.h. ac- Other major traffic, arteries Temperatures plunged to of hazardous road conditions to 15 above zero was forecast companied by higher gusts. in New Jersey were de- freezing as far south as Flori- In central and western Mon- for tonight. Using the standard "chill fac- scribed by state police as da today as Arctic air poured mouth County. Among schools that were tor," when^'the temperature "generally clear b'ut hazard- in behind the storm center, However, as county resi- closed today were Freehold is 20 degrees and the wind ous." which dumped up to a foot Matawan Teachers dents dug out from a 6.8-inch Borough schools, Freehold at 20 m.p.h., the effect on The storm began Saturday of snow in some areas of the weekend snowfall, a number Regional and Freehold Town- exposed skin is the same as night and by sunrise the fol- Northeast. of schools and offices, in- ship, Christian Brothers Aca- that of temperatures of nine lowing day the state was Atlanta reported an over- cluding Fort Monmouth, were demy, Hilltop Academy, Nep- degrees below zero with no blanketed with the white stuff. night reading of 21 degrees open for business as usual. tune, Ocean Township, the winds. Icy, gale force winds blast- and Miami reported a 38-de- Ask for Mediator • The mercury this morning Ranney School, Union Beach, Speed limits on the New ed out of the northwest into gree reading. hovered in the low teens here and Colts Neck schools. Jersey Turnpike and Garden the shore area, piling the Heavy snow warnings and MATAWAN ;Tdp gaining session over the week- make any substantial move- and workers were out sand- The U.S. Weather, Bureau State Parkway were reduced snow in drifts. By yesterday hazardous driving conditions The Matawan Regional end. ; • ment on the total package ing main thoroughfares from at Newark Airport said tem- to 35 m.p.h. yesterday while afternoon, it had stopped remained in Vermont, New Teachers Association will ap- "In accordance with chap- and the. association's nego- Hampshire and Maine as the peal to the etate for a media- ter 303 of the public laws of tiating committee is greatly storm, center edged north- tor in its - contract nejjtftiii 1968 the Matawan Regional disturbed at the intransigence ward along the Maine coast. tions with the Board of Edu- Teachers Association has re- of the board," she continued. The storm blanketed New cation, Miss Marie Panos, as- quested the assistance of the Meet Today York City with 3 inches of sociation president, announced Public Employment relations The association's executive Heads snow,— the city's first mea- yesterday. Commission in resolving the surable snow fall of the sea- committee will meet today Miss Panos said % nego- impasse," Miss Panos said in NEW YQRR (AP) - Pr&i- eral Bureau of Investigation. the conferees ~ Ray Bliss, . Ing services at the Marble son — and closed Kennedy prior U» a general member- tiations reached an impasse her statement. dait-elect Nixon's first after- By federal law, Hoover would chairman of the GOP Nation- Collegiate Church and (ward Airport for nearly seven ship meeting tomorrow to de- yesterday afternoon after an "The Matawan Board of to victory meeting with Repub- have been forced to retire in al Committee. 1 prayer by the minister, the hours. cide, whether recommend almost: continuous 52-hour bar- Education has refused to lican congressional leaders to- 1964 at age 70 except for an Once in office, presidents Rev. Dr. Norman Vincent A blanket of snow spread job action; against the board. day apparently will focus exemption granted him by normally do not invite their Peal, for Johnson and the across Long Island and a 6- The only comment from the more on problems of his out- President Johnson. Nixon will party chairmen to such ses- Presidentelect. year-old boy and his sister, board members on the de- numbered party in the Sen- continue to honor the exemp- sions. Julie will be married in Dr. 4, fell through the snow-cov- velopments was "The board ate and House than on na- tion. , ; Party Strategy Peal's church next Sunday to ered ice of a. neighbor's collectively • or individually tional policy. It was not certain, however, But at this preinaugural David Eisenhower, grandson swimming pool and drowned' have no comment." Nixon is flying to Washing- that Hoover would remain at meeting it was apparent that of the former" president. In in four feet of water at Syos- . Miss Panos said the asso- ton to meet with 12 top-rank- the helm of the FBI through- Nixon and those meeting with the afternoon, Nixon walked set, N.Y. ciatlon's negotiating team has ing GOP members of Con- out the new President's term. him would have to give par- up Fifth Avenue from his Heavy snow fell in upper. 'met With the board 11 times gress, then driving to Walter Some sources said he was ticular attention to partisan apartment through streets New York State and the Al- with minimal movement by Reed Army Medical Center considering retirement in the strategy in the coming con- covered with ice and snow to bany area had up to 8 inches the school board toward only for his third post-election re- next few years. gressional session, where Temple Emanu-El for me- on the ground. two of the 36 points asked in union with former President The Nixon meeting with Re- Democrats will outnumber Re- morial services for Arthur Three inches of snow cov- the contract for next year. Dwight D. Eisenhower before publican leaders of Congress publicans in both houses. Hays Sulzberger, retired pub- ered the Pittsburgh, Pa., area "We are seriously consider- returning to New York. was a bit unusual in that one Yesterday, Nixon and lisher of the New York and drifts up to two feet In Little Silver ' ing asking the general mem- Aides said Nixon could outsider was included among daughter Julie attended, morn- Times. were reported in suburbs. bership for some sort of job hardly talk seriously about LITTLE SILVER - A 22- from 2!£ acres to one-half action at the meeting Tues- the policies and programs his acre industrial park is in the acre. day," Miss Panos • declared, administration will push since works for this borough. Mayor Litwin said at that but refused to speculate on task forces studying major N. I. Tall, an Englewood time the minimum require- whether the action might in- problem areas — and recom- May Send Child to Burns Institute manufacturer, wants to sub- ment was being, reduced be- clude- a.
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