L r., \..,7 l' J ' .. .\} " i , '1~I.'1'0.} ..."." L T... L'P Y, 1 . J f-I L 1 OR 1- -, "OF o ~l,'~',,\!f'u ~llv. pd' f.cr ' ' NT. State eel:" ~-.:. 1 r r • r," 'Y• 941 . , l - , '. • (ct. 1r 01 W a.silin\:)to Wu b. L; ,s .• ' ~, ..• , • Librat eling they re is nore, .ould UJashingto - ell NO.5 UBT, VOL. XLVID z799 STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, PULLMAN, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1941 ;IN AVE BRUINS, £OUGARS AWAIT Veterinary Building Cornerstone Laid E. O. HOLLAND LAYS OPENING GRID TUSSLE CORNERSTONE FOR VETS Wednesday Marks Program In WSC May Have Slight Edge; Requirement Listed OLD OPENHOUSE Construction of New Wash- Husky-Gopher Battle ington State Vet To Be Great For Advanced CPT PLAN RENOVATED Building Game Requirements for advanced ci- October 4 is the date set for Veterinary students became elat· It's only a matter of hours now vilian pilot training have recently open house, which this year will ed Wednesday afternoon when an- and the first 1941 Pacific Coast been published. Applicants must run under an entirely new ~ystem. other important step in the con- football game will be under way! posses a currently effective private Because the method used m. pre- struction of their new veterinary Awaiting the opening whistle to- pilots certificate obtained through building was taken. President E. vious years has proved unsat.lSfac- O. Holland, assisted by Dr, E. E. night are two eager, determined satisfactory completion of the tory and confusing, 1.K!s will see teams, both anxious to get off to a course in a previous session of the that all boys get in and out of the Wegner, dean of the College of good start for the coming cam- civntan pilot ttalining program. houses at the designated times, Veterinary Medicine, and stanley paign. Southern critics may look The private pilot certificate must Music will be broadcast over Smith, State College architect, for a very close UCLAvictory again be enforsed for 1941-42 if obtained KWSC through a special program laid the first brick. despite the talented Hollingbery- before October, 1940. .which will aid the boYS'.groupS Excavation of the laboratory and Sewell aerial attack, but loyal In addition, they must be re- to follow the schedule on trme. classrooms is progressing rapidly, Northerners don't think so. All in- commended by the coordinator of Only 30 girls from each ho,:!se the first story walls of the hospital dications show that the two teams civilian pilot training and the will be permitted to a~\'end ~th having already been erected. are quite evenly matched. flight contractor under whom they underclassmen getting fIrst eonsid- Next March has been set as the received the private training, as Following is the tentative line- eration. .., expected date when the new plant ups for tonight's all-important en- well as by the selection board at Complete detailS w111be given In will be ready for use. The build- gagement: UCLA Bruins - Milt the secondary course training cen- Monday's Evergreen. ings will replace the "Vet Shack" "Snuffy" Smith, and Bob Simpson, ter. .:.___- which has housed the College of ends; Charles Fears and Jack Fin- Veterinary Medicine since 1909. lay, tackles; Lynn Compton and The architect for the new build- Nate de Francisco, guards; Gene ing is Henry Bertelsen of Spokane. Alder, center; Ernie Case, quarter; The new classroom building is Ted Forbes, left half; Leo Cantor JUNIORS ARE to be four stories high and will give right half; and Noah Carti, full: 5 PER CENT special added room on the first Bob Cantwell, star end, is out of floor for psysiology laboratories action with a twisted knee. and class rooms, including a large Washington State will probably lecture room for physiology III, look like this for the line-up at .DECREASE IN READY FOR which has heretofore found it ne- kick-off time: Dale Gentry and cessary to use the auditorium of Nick Suseoff, ends; Joe Beckman KWSC, room 107, Old Science. ~nd Jim Woody, tackles; Bill Rem- The new clinic building, to be mgton, center; Bob Kennedy, quar- GRATIS HOP two stories high and which will t~rback, Bill Sewell, left half; Fe- ENROLLMENT cover considerable more ground Iix Fletcher, right half; and Les than the classroom building will McLennan, fullback. Johnny H~chestra Will provide, in addition to ope;ating States Work Out Absolute Increase Found Among Play For ''The Dance rooms and stabling facilities, rooms The visiting State College team Number of Women Students, on the top floor for attendants. ran through a brief warm-up ses- That's On the Location of the new building sion last night under the lights Registrar's Office Class" have been praised by Dean Weg- of UCLA's great gridiron bowl. ner as very advantageous, primari- Showing more pep and spirit than Reports ever before, it looks as though the Juniors and their escorts will lh because they are on the edge of WSC lads really mean business for dance to the music of JOhrnronwY. ~ campus on Stadium way, where An absolute increase in the num- Harris and his orchestra tomO It IS easy for people bringing ani- the coming engagement. The Cou- . lass pre- mals to be treated to drive in. gars, if stopped on the ground, may ber of women enrolled was reported President Holland, Dean E. E. Wegner, and Stanley Smith participate in laying the first brick for evening, when tJ:e Jun.lOr,~ "the The old location, now well in resort to the same sort of aerial by the registrar's office today, al- the new home of the Veterinary students. sents its "Grahs swmg - the center of the campus, has for c~r~us t~at so often baffled oppo- though a 5 per cent decrease in dance that's on the class." . several years caused considerable SItIOn time and time again last total enrollment shows on the rec- The second batch of ticket~;J inconvenience, not only to stud- season. Babe Hollingbery's mixed ords. Total enrollment now stands expected to be gone by FndaY yet ents, but to persons bringing ani- assortment of ground plays in'raz- at 3800 in place of 4000 as last those juniors who have noTheYi mals to the clinic. rle-dazzle fashion, and coach Babe year. Delta Sigma Rho obtained tickets should hurry. will Fo~lowing completion of the Horrell's "Q-T" style in offensive .Junior Class Drops operations, will no doubt present CLARENCE are free to juniors and none buildings, an extensive landscap- The drop in total enrollment was STREIT SPMKS another weird encounter such as Plans Intramural be sold to the other classes. x- I mg program will be carried out the one seen last year in the Coli- attributed to the large number of Because of the large numb~a~ce I Both. buildings are located acro~ . seum. Horrell has many fast and men of college age now serving pected to attend, the sport not StadIum way. shifty men, and the newly-inaugu- in the armed forces. Largest drop Debate TGurneys will be held in the men's gym ------------- occured in the junior class. The Al CONVOCATIONlUESDAY. rmed rated attack is so planned to get freshman class appears to be run- ,----------------------! the women's, as originallYpIa . NEW INSTRUCTORS them out into the open by confus- ning close to normal. ing the opposition with the peculi- Splendid enrollment in the new Newsman, Author of "Union Delta Sigma Rho, national de- or formations and plays. bate honorary, held it's first meet- WSC Has Edge department of police administra- Now With Britain," To De- ing Wednesday evening with Ruth tion was reported by V. A. Leonard Drum Majorettes ADDED TO ROSTER In the nine games played be- scribe Plan of World Eagleson presiding. Plans were tween the two colleges since 1928 head. An increase was also shown: made for the intramural debate Washington State has emerged in the enrollment of the depart- Union tournaments to be held this fall. Seleded From I -_ victorious five times; four of the ments of chemistry and chemical · ants 129 New Faculty Members Added engineering. The women's intramurals will contests being won by the Califor- start at the expiration of the six rosh Asplr To College Payroll nia school. In 1928, the Cougars Secretarial Course Expands Clarence K. Streit, author of week period set by AWS for fresh- F For 1941-42 won, 38-0. Skipping three years Enrollment in the secretarial "Union Now" and "Union Now men. until 1931, another game resulted With Britain" will speak at convo- science course has increased so The men's tournament will start June Cornelius Continues As in a second-straight win for the rapidly that two new sections have cation in Bryan hall auditorium October 15 and approximately four Ma~y new faces appear on the c:imson and gray, 13-0. Another been organized, In business ad- next Tuesday morning, September rounds will be held to determine Head Baton Artist; Je~ry ~ashmgton State faculty this year - VIctory was chalked up in '32-3-0. ministration the number of fresh- 30 at 11: 10 a.m. the preSident's wlth nearly 30 new professors, in- the winners. Lambda Chi Alpha Moore, Drum Major Will The next year, the Bruins reversed men is about average, but the tot- office announced today. won the men's cup last year. structors and assistants on the and won, 7-0. Then, in '36, the al enrollment is down because of Mr. Streit is at present leader of The men's question, set by the Lead Band payroll for 1941-42.
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