INTRODUCTION The National Library of Medicine (NLM) designed Information about the rules NLM currently follows the List of Serials Indexed for Online Users to when constructing title abbreviations for items provide bibliographic information for serials from cited in NLM’s online services can be found at which articles are indexed with the MeSH® http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/constructitle.html. vocabulary and cited in MEDLINE®, the backbone of NLM's PubMed® database. The DATES OF PUBLICATION symbol “s)” is used before titles that are routinely monitored, but indexed selectively; only articles The dates of publication appear on the line below relating to the fields of biomedicine and life the title. These data contain the date of the first sciences are indexed from these journals. Some issue for titles currently published and the first and serials cited in MEDLINE are not included in this last dates for titles that have ceased publication or publication because they are not monitored on an have been superseded or continued by another title. on-going basis and have yielded only a few Unknown years are indicated with a “?”. The dates citations over many years. given are publication dates, and do not necessarily represent NLM’s holdings or issues indexed. The 2003 edition contains 10,192 serial titles, Information about NLM’s holdings and indexing including 4,579 titles currently indexed for coverage can be found in LOCATORplus, NLM’s MEDLINE, cited alphabetically by abbreviated online catalog, at http://locatorplus.gov. title followed by full title. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SERIAL The symbol “*” identifies titles indexed in NUMBER Abridged Index Medicus, which ceased hardcopy publication with the December 1997 issue, but is The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is a still available online in NLM’s PubMed® database serial identifier consisting of a unique seven-digit as a search subset limit called “Core clinical number and an eighth check digit. The ISSN journals.” uniquely identifies a serial title, regardless of language, and is therefore useful in international FILING ORDER information exchange and in machine storage of serials data. The ISSN is assigned to a serial title by Entries are sorted letter by letter. Numbers sort the appropriate national center of the ISSN Network, before letters. Special characters are ignored in which is coordinated by the ISSN International sorting, except for the “&”, which sorts before Centre in Paris. The National Serials Data Program numbers. (NSDP) of the Library of Congress is the United States Center of the ISSN Network. The ISSN is ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES irrevocably linked to the key title of the serial. If the title of a continuing serial changes, a new ISSN must The title abbreviations appearing in the List of be assigned to the new title. If a title is published in Serials Indexed for Online Users are constructed both print and electronic format, there should be a using the List of Serial Title Word Abbreviations separate ISSN for each format. In the List of Serials (LSTWA). The LSTWA is maintained by the ISSN Indexed for Online Users, the ISSN is printed on the (International Standard Serial Number) third line of the entry, and the format corresponding International Centre. For more information about to each ISSN is designated by a parenthetical (P) for the Centre and its LSTWA, please consult the “print” or (E) for “electronic” following the number. ISSN Web site at http://www.issn.org. More information about the ISSN is available at http://www.issn.org. NLM UNIQUE IDENTIFIER The NLM unique identifier consists of either a Information about journal selection for indexing at number with up to nine digits or an eight-digit NLM can be found at number followed by an alphabetic character. It is used http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/jsel.html by medical libraries in reporting serial holdings data Questions can also be directed to NLM’s Customer to SERHOLD, NLM’s database of machine- Service Desk at [email protected] (1-888-356- readable holdings statements for serial titles held by 3656). U.S. and Canadian biomedical libraries. The unique identifier appears on the right-hand side of the last line of each entry. In PubMed this number is labeled as “JID” in the MEDLINE display format. PERMANENT PAPER NOTICE Entries for indexed serials known to be printed on acid-free paper contain the designation ‘Acid-free’. The Acid-free notice appears to the left of the NLM unique identifier. To report other indexed serials printed on acid-free paper, contact: Head, Preservation and Collection Management Section, National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894. To obtain information about permanent paper and how to indicate its use, see the latest edition of American National Standard ANSI/NISO Z39.48, “Permanence of Paper for Publications and Documents in Libraries and Archives” at http://www.niso.org/. *** When requesting serial interlibrary loans from the National Library of Medicine outside of DOCLINE® (NLM’s automated interlibrary loan request routing and referral system), please include the NLM call number (or On Order or In Process notation) and the NLM unique identifier. The NLM call number, holdings information indicating what issues of a title NLM owns, detailed bibliographic data, and information about indexing coverage for serials cited in PubMed can be found in LOCATORplus, NLM’s online catalog, at http://locatorplus.gov. The NLM unique identifier (JID) or title abbreviation (TA) found in the MEDLINE display format in PubMed can be used as search keys in LOCATORplus. LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED 2003 The symbol "s" identifies titles which are selectively indexed. Only articles relating to the fields of biomedicine and life sciences are indexed from these journals. The symbol "*" identifies titles indexed in Abridged Index Medicus, which ceased hardcopy publication with the December 1997 issue, but is still available online in NLM’s PubMed® database as a search subset limit called "Core clinical journal." 1 AAPS PharmSci Acad Med AAPS pharmSci [electronic resource]. * Academic medicine: journal of the 1522-1059 (E) Association of American Medical Colleges. 1199 News 1999- 100897065 1040-2446 (P) s) 1199 news. National Union of Hospital and Continues: Journal of medical education. Health Care Employees. District 1199. AAPS PharmSciTech 1989- 8904605 0012-6535 (P) AAPS PharmSciTech [electronic resource]. Continues: 1199 drug & hospital news. 1530-9932 (E) Acad Nurse 19??- 9875136 2000- 100960111 The Academic nurse: the journal of the Columbia University School of Nursing. AARN News Lett 1062-0249 (P) A AARN news letter. Continues: SNC. 0001-0197 (P) 1987- 9114562 Continued by: Alberta RN. AACN Clin Issues 1945-1998 1251052 Acad Peru Cir AACN clinical issues. Academia Peruana de Cirugia. 1079-0713 (P) AB Bookm Wkly 0001-3854 (P) Continues: AACN clinical issues in critical s) AB bookman’s weekly: for the specialist Continues the Boletin of the Academia care nursing. book world. Peruana de Cirugia, Lima. 1995- Acid-free 9508191 0001-0340 (P) 1950-1980 14490460R Continues: Antiquarian bookman. AACN Clin Issues Crit Care Nurs 1967-1999 9877112 Acad Radiol AACN clinical issues in critical care Academic radiology. nursing. Abdom Imaging 1076-6332 (P) 1046-7467 (P) Abdominal imaging. 1994- 9440159 Continued by: AACN clinical issues. 0942-8925 (P) 1432-0509 (E) 1990-1994 Acid-free 9009969 1993- Acid-free 9303672 Acad Rev Calif Acad Periodontol Academy review of the California Academy of AADE Ed J ABNF J Periodontology, United States Section, ARPA AADE editors’ journal. The ABNF journal: official journal of the Internationale. 0160-6999 (P) Association of Black Nursing Faculty in 0008-0810 (P) Formed by the union of The Bulletin - Higher Education, Inc. Merged with Parodontologie (Zurich, American Association of Dental Editors, and 1046-7041 (P) Switzerland: 1954) to form Parodontologie Transactions - American Association of 1990- 9112807 and academy review. Dental Editors. 1953-1966 7503275 1974-1983 7708172 Abstr Gen Meet Am Soc Microbiol s) Abstracts of the... General Meeting of the Acarologia AANA J American Society for Microbiology. American s) Acarologia. AANA journal. Society for Microbiology. General Meeting. 0044-586X (P) 0094-6354 (P) 1060-2011 (P) 1959- 14510400R Continues Journal of the American Continues: Abstracts of the Annual Meeting Association of Nurse Anesthetists. of the American Society for Microbiology. Acc Chem Res 1974- 0431420 1991- 9208439 Accounts of chemical research. 0001-4842 (P) AANNT J Acad Emerg Med 1968- 0157313 AANNT journal / the American Association of Academic emergency medicine: official Nephrology Nurses and Technicians. journal of the Society for Academic Accid Anal Prev 0744-1479 (P) Emergency Medicine. Accident; analysis and prevention. Continues: The Journal of the American 1069-6563 (P) 0001-4575 (P) Association of Nephrology Nurses & 1994- Acid-free 9418450 1969- 1254476 Technicians. Continued by: ANNA journal. 1981-1984 8207766 Acad Manage J Accid Emerg Nurs s) Academy of Management journal. Academy of Accident and emergency nursing. AAOHN J Management. 0965-2302 (P) AAOHN journal: official journal of the 0001-4273 (P) 1993- Acid-free 9305090 American Association of Occupational Health Continues: Journal of the Academy of Nurses. Management. Superseded in part by: Academy Account Res 0891-0162 (P) of Management review. s) Accountability in research. Continues: Occupational health nursing. 1963- 7703609 0898-9621 (P) 1986- 8608669 1989- 9100813 Acad Manage Rev AAPPO J s) Academy of management review. Academy of ACP J Club AAPPO journal: the journal of the American Management. ACP journal club. Association of Preferred Provider 0363-7425 (P) 1056-8751 (P) Organizations. Supersedes in part: Academy of management Absorbed some articles and abstracts also 1054-5913 (P) journal. published in: Evidence-based medicine, 2000- Continued by: Health care innovations. 1976- 9877758 1991- 9104824 1991-1994 9206330 1 LIST OF SERIALS INDEXED 2003 Acquis Med Recent Acta Astronaut Acta Cardiol Acquisitions medicales recentes.
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