BOWED STRINGS SYLLABUS 2020–2023 Pathways through the Violin Syllabus 2020–2023 Teacher Development Curriculum & Lesson Planning © ABRSM 2019 BOWED STRINGS SYLLABUS 2020–2023 PATHWAYS THROUGH THE VIOLIN SYLLABUS THEMED REPERTOIRE Initial Grade Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 The importance B1 Katherine & B1 Bartók, A4 J. S. Bach, B3 Rieding, Andante B2 C. Dancla, B3 Tchaikovsky B2 Gluck, Melody B3 Hensel, Adagio B1 C. - A. de Bériot, of melody: Hugh Colledge, Round Dance (No. 17 Musette, arr. Suzuki (2nd movt from Concerto Romance (No.8 from Chanson triste (No.2 (from Orphée et Adagio (2nd movt These pieces demand Waterfall (No. 9 from from For Children, Vol. in B minor, Op. 35) Petite école de la mélodie, from 12 morceaux, Eurydice), arr. Kreisler B4 A. Beach, from Concerto No. 9 increasing awareness Waggon Wheels) 1), arr. Davies B1 Mahler, Op. 123, Book 2) Op. 40) arr. Bullard Lento espressivo, in A minor, Op.104) of shape and a refined Theme B7 Barbara Heller, B6 C. A. Gibbs, Op. 125 control of melodic B8 Sheila Nelson, B5 Katherine & (from Symphony No. 1, Lalai - A Lullaby to B5 Bridge, B4 Bridge, Cradle Song, The Silent Pool B3 Fauré, projection and balance I am a River Hugh Colledge, 3rd movt), arr. Gritton Awaken You?, arr. Mohrs Spring Song (No.2 from H. 96 (No. 3 from Three B6 N. Paganini, Andante, Op. 75 with accompaniment. Full Moon (No. 22 Four Short Pieces, H.104) Pieces for Violin) Cantabile B9 Sheila Nelson, from Waggon Wheels) B4 Katherine & Hugh C2 Rachel Stott, B10 Tchaikovsky, B8 Saint-Saëns, Over the Moon Colledge, Weeping Shadow Wizard B7 J. P. E. Martini, Waltz (from Serenade B8 Kreisler, B8 John Rutter, Élégie, Op. 143 B6 Lehár, Willow Plaisir d’amour, arr. Danbé for Strings), arr. Andantino in the Style Lament for the Holy Waltz (from The (No. 10 from Fast Huws Jones of Martini City Merry Widow), arr. Forward) B9 Mendelssohn, Huws Jones Andante con moto C4 Diana Burrell, B9 Shostakovich, B9 Sibelius, B5 Edward Jones, (2nd movt from Symphony The Secrets of the Dark Romanze in D, arr. Romance (No. 2 from Glwysen, arr. Huws No.4, ‘The Italian’, Pool in the Pine Forest Fortunatov Four Pieces, Op. 78) Jones Op. 90), arr. Wade B10 Tacchinardi, B10 Trad. Breton Romance (No. 11 from Lament, arr. Huws Jones Dodici miniature) Rhythmic accuracy A1 Sheila Nelson, A4 Arbeau, A1 Mozart, A1 Handel, A3 G. Saint-George, A1 Corelli, A1 Handel, A2 Mangean, A2 F. M. Veracini, and articulation: Fish Cakes and Apple Mattachins, arr. Allegretto (from La réjouissance (4th Giga (6th movt from Folia (Theme and Allegro (2nd movt from Andante grazioso and Allegro (1st mov’t These pieces require Pie Huws Jones Clarinet Quintet, movt from Music for the L’ancien régime, Deuxième selected variations Sonata in D, HWV 371) Allegro (1st and 2nd from Sonata in E minor, precise rhythmic detail, K. 581, 4th movt), Royal Fireworks, HWV petite suite, Op.60) from Sonata in D minor, movts from Sonata in Op. 2 No.8) in order to project an A4 Katherine & A10 Trad. Irish, arr. Scott-Burt 351), arr. ABRSM Op. 5 No. 12) A2 McGibbon, E minor, Op. 4 No. 2) authentic, characterful Hugh Colledge, John Ryan’s Polka, C1 C. Bohm, Largo and Allegro (1st A5 J. S. Bach, interpretation. Knickerbocker Glory arr. Huws Jones B2 Trad. Chinese, A3 attrib. Mozart, Petite rhapsodie A3 Vivaldi, and 2nd movts from A4 Beethoven, 1st movt (from Concerto (No. 10 from Waggon Bamboo in the Breeze, Contredanse (No. 1 from hongroise (No. 12 from Allegro (1st movt Sonata No. 3 in E minor) Rondo: Allegro (3rd in A minor, BWV 1041) Wheels) C1 N. Mackay, arr. Huws Jones 12 contredanses, K. Novelletten), adapted from Concerto in G, movt from Sonata in Tango (No. 2 from 269b), trans. Jones K. & D. Blackwell Op. 3 No. 3 RV 310) C4 C.Bohm, D, Op. 12 No.1) C4 Bartók, C1 Kathy & Four Modern Dance C1 Katherine & Bolero (No. 9 from Buciumeana, Poargă David Blackwell, Tunes) Hugh Colledge, A8 Mascitti, C5 Hadjiev, A7 Gossec, Albumblätter) B2 Rachmaninoff, românească and In the Groove The Ceilidh (No. 20 Gavotta (4th movt Rondino, arr. de Keyser Tambourin, arr. Nelson Vocalise (No. 14 from Mărunţel (Nos. 4, 5 C2 Trad. from Fast Forward) from Sonata in E minor, & Waterman C5 Szelényi, 14 Songs, Op. 34), and 6 from Romanian C7 Edward Huws Jones, What shall we do Op. 2 No. 10) C2 Britten, Youngsters’ Dance arr. Birtel Folk Dances), trans. Ten O’Clock Rock with the drunken C10 Pam Wedgewood, C6 Kabalevsky, Night Song and (No. 19 from 24 Easy Székely (No. 9 from Ten sailor?, arr. Bullard Siberian Galop A10 Telemann, The Clowns, arr. Pantomime (from Little Concert Pieces) C1 Bridge, Moto O’Clock Rock) Bourée (from Wedding de Keyser & Waterman The Little Sweep, Perpetuo (No. 3 from C9 ten Have, Divertissement) Op. 45), arr. Blackwell C7 Nölck, Three Dances, H.4) Allegro brillant, Op. 19 C9 J. S. Skinner, Hungarian Dance, C3 Ros Stephen, MacPherson’s Blade Op.196 No. 5 C2 Musorgsky, Relaxing in Rio (No. 3 Gopak (from from Violin Globetrotters) Sorochintsï Fair), arr. Carse THEMED REPERTOIRE Initial Grade Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 The importance B1 Katherine & B1 Bartók, A4 J. S. Bach, B3 Rieding, Andante B2 C. Dancla, B3 Tchaikovsky B2 Gluck, B3 Hensel, B1 C.-A. de Bériot, of melody: Hugh Colledge, Round Dance (No. 17 Musette, arr. Suzuki (2nd movt from Concerto Romance (No. 8 from Chanson triste (No. 2 Melody (from Orphée Adagio Adagio (2nd movt These pieces demand Waterfall (No. 9 from from For Children, Vol. in B minor, Op. 35) Petite école de la mélodie, from 12 morceaux, et Eurydice), arr. from Concerto No. 9 increasing awareness Waggon Wheels) 1), arr. Davies B1 Mahler, Theme Op. 123, Book 2) Op. 40) arr. Bullard Kreisler B4 A. Beach, in A minor, Op. 104) of shape and a refined (from Symphony No.1, B7 Barbara Heller, Lento espressivo, control of melodic B8 Sheila Nelson, B5 Katherine & 3rd movt), arr. Gritton Lalai - A Lullaby to B5 Bridge, B4 Bridge, B6 C. A. Gibbs, Op. 125 B3 Fauré, projection and balance I am a River Hugh Colledge, Awaken You?, arr. Mohrs Spring Song (No. 2 from Cradle Song, H. 96 The Silent Pool Andante, Op. 75 with accompaniment. Full Moon (No. 22 B4 Katherine & Four Short Pieces, H. 104) (No. 3 from Three B6 N. Paganini, B9 Sheila Nelson, from Waggon Wheels) Hugh Colledge, C2 Rachel Stott, B10 Tchaikovsky, Pieces for Violin) Cantabile B8 Saint-Saëns, Over the Moon Weeping Willow Shadow Wizard B7 J. P. E. Martini, Waltz (from Serenade Élégie, Op. 143 B6 Lehár, Waltz (from (No. 10 from Fast Plaisir d’amour, arr. Danbé for Strings), arr. B8 Kreisler, B8 John Rutter, The Merry Widow), arr. Forward) Huws Jones Andantino in the Lament for the Holy Huws Jones B9 Mendelssohn, Style of Martini City B5 Edward Jones, Andante con moto C4 Diana Burrell, Glwysen, arr. Huws (2nd movt from The Secrets of the B9 Shostakovich, B9 Sibelius, Jones Symphony No. 4, ‘The Dark Pool in the Pine Romanze in D, arr. Romance (No. 2 Italian’, Forest Fortunatov from Four Pieces, Op. Op. 90), arr. Wade 78) B10 Tacchinardi, B10 Trad. Breton Lament, Romance (No. 11 from arr. Huws Jones Dodici miniature) Rhythmic accuracy A1 Sheila Nelson, A4 Arbeau, A1 Mozart, A1 Handel, A3 G. Saint-George, A1 Corelli, A1 Handel, A2 Mangean, A2 F. M. Veracini, and articulation: Fish Cakes and Apple Mattachins, arr. Allegretto (from La réjouissance (4th Giga (6th movt from Folia (Theme and Allegro (2nd movt Andante grazioso and Allegro (1st movt from These pieces require Pie Huws Jones Clarinet Quintet, movt from Music for the L’ancien régime, selected variations from Sonata in D, HWV Allegro (1st and 2nd Sonata in E minor, Op. 2 precise rhythmic detail, K. 581, 4th movt), Royal Fireworks, HWV Deuxième petite suite, from Sonata in D minor, 371) movts from Sonata in No. 8) in order to project an A4 Katherine & A10 Trad. Irish, arr. Scott-Burt 351), arr. ABRSM Op. 60) Op. 5 No. 12) E minor, Op. 4 No. 2) authentic, characterful Hugh Colledge, John Ryan’s Polka, A2 McGibbon, A5 J. S. Bach, interpretation. Knickerbocker Glory arr. Huws Jones B2 Trad. Chinese, A3 attrib. Mozart, C1 C. Bohm, A3 Vivaldi, Largo and Allegro (1st A4 Beethoven, 1st movt (from Concerto (No. 10 from Waggon Bamboo in the Breeze, Contredanse (No. 1 from Petite rhapsodie Allegro (1st movt and 2nd movts from Rondo: Allegro (3rd in A minor, BWV 1041) Wheels) C1 N. Mackay, arr. Huws Jones 12 contredanses, K. hongroise (No. 12 from from Concerto in G, Sonata No. 3 in E minor) movt from Sonata in Tango (No.2 from Four 269b), trans. Jones Novelletten), adapted K. Op. 3 No. 3 RV 310) D, Op. 12 No. 1) C4 Bartók, C1 Kathy & Modern Dance Tunes) C1 Katherine & & D. Blackwell C4 C. Bohm, Buciumeana, Poargă David Blackwell, Hugh Colledge, A8 Mascitti, A7 Gossec, Bolero (No. 9 from B2 Rachmaninoff, românească and In the Groove C2 Trad. The Ceilidh (No. 20 Gavotta (4th movt C5 Hadjiev, Tambourin, arr. Nelson Albumblätter) Vocalise (No. 14 from Mărunţel (Nos. 4, 5 What shall we do with from Fast Forward) from Sonata in E minor, Rondino, arr. de Keyser 14 Songs, Op. 34), and 6 from Romanian C7 Edward Huws Jones, the drunken sailor?, Op.
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