UNITED NATIONS KAftOJS UHUS WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ EB2/7 19 August 1948 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH EXECUTIVE BOARD Second Session AD HOC WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON VENEREAL DISEASES Note by the Director-General The Joint Committee on Health Policy UNICEF/UTHO con^ sidered it its first session UNICEF Programes and Projects to combat syphilis in expectant mothers and children up to eighteen years of age. The committee decided that the WHO Expert Committee on Venereal Infections should be consulted as soon as possible to consider requests from certain European countries for assistance in this respect(JC•l/üNICEF/ WHO/l) For this purpose the Executive Board of UNICEF had # set aside the sum of two million dollars• In addition, $81,000 was recommended by the UNICEF Survey Mission to the Far East for.limited programmes in certain Far Eastern coun- tries (E/ICEF/72). The committee directed the Chairman of the Joint Com- mittee, the Director-General and the Executive-Director on the basis of the relevant decisions of the WHO and its technical expert committees to advise UNICEF on the detailed technical and other aspects of such programmes and projects• A meeting of the ad hoc WHO Expert Committee on Venereal Diseases has been called for 15 - 19 October in Paris. In gccordance with the above decisions, the committee wil ccr>- sider: 1. the request to UNICEF for assistance to combat syphilis in expectant mothers and children up to eighteen years of age, and the recommendations of the UNICEF Survey Mission to the Far East in regard to certain Far Eastern countries• The Expert Committee will further considerI 2» the programme approved by WHO for 1949 for combating of venereal diseases* The main items are: the international serological standardization programme, field demonstration and consultation units for VD Control^ treatment schedules in syphilis and revision of the Brussels Agreement, 3* Bejol document submitted to the World Health Assembly 5 by the delegation of Iraq (A/prcg/27) and referred to the VD Expert Committee according to the decision of the Executive Board at its first session (Document EB/Mn/7*) Every effort will be made to have the report of the Expert Committee available before or during the second session of the Executive Board• UNITED MATIONS NATIONS UNIES WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ EXECUTIVE BOARD EB2/7 Add. 1 5 November 1948 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Second Session AD HOC EXPERT ССЖ1ТТЕЕ ON VENEREAL DISEASES Report by the Director-General In a note from tie Director-General to the members of the Executive Board dated 19 August 1948 (EB2/7) the items on the agenda for the ad hoc Expert Cc«nmi"btee on Venereal Diseases, to meet in Paris 15-191 October 19^6 were indicated. The Director-General has the honour to transmit herewith to the members of the Executive Board, Document ТШО/ 1 11 VD/12 "Expert Committee on Venereal Diseases Report on Second Session noted in the provisional agenda under item 17»2.1. X UNICEF programmes tp combat syphilis in pregnant women and children At its second session the Joint Committee WHO/UNICEF considered the recommendations of the ad hoc Expert Committee on Venereal Diseases (WH0/VD/l2 annex 4). The Joint Committee approved the recommendation that programmes for combating prenatal and infantile syphilis should go forward in four European countries^ thab surveys be conducted in five others and that the guiding principles set f.prth by the expert committee be followed in these programmes as well as in three far eastern countries (JC•2/UNICEF/WHO/3)• These recommenda- tions of the Joint Committee were approved by the Programme Committee of UNICEF on 2 November 1948. Since WHO will assume the technical responsibility for carrying these programmes ferward, as recommended by the venereal-disease expert committee, provision for technical personnel should be made for their implementat ion. 2 Ш0 venereal-disease programme The attention of the Board is drawn to items 18, 18.1 and 18,2 on the provisional agenda: Penicillin production, completion of UNRRA plants and survey of production which have been considered by the ad hoc committee, in view of the considerable importance of these items to venereal-disease control. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE .ORGANIZATION DELA SANTÉ Tirao/VD/l2 25 October 1948 ê ORIGINAL: ENGLISH EXPERT COMGTTEE ON VENEREAL DISEASES REPORT ON SECOND SESSION (Office International d'Hygiène Publique Paris,.15-19 October 1948) OUTLINE Page 1 NEW CONSIDERATIONS 4 2 FIELDS OF ACTIVITY. 8 « 2.1 Availability of Drugs 1 8 2.2 Training 9 2.3 Demonstrations and Consultation 12 2.4 Venereal Disease Information 15 2.5 Serological Standardization and Laboratory Aspects 16 2.6 Therapy 19 2.7 Health Education 21 2.8 Basic Data 22 2.9 Relations with other International Organizations 23 3 INTERNATIONAL HEALTH REGULATIONS FOR VENEREAL DISEASES AND THE BRUSSELS AGREEMENT OF 1924... 25 4 BEJEL 27 5 POLISH ANTI-SYPHILIS PLAN 28 6 WHO EXPERT COMMITTEE ON VENEREAL INFECTIONS". 29 7 SUMiARY OF RbiCOiAiENDATIONS OF THE EXPERT COMMITTEE 30 /LIST OF ANNEXES 2¡ LIST OF ANNEXES Annex No. 1 Summary of requests received from Governments under the 1Ш0 venereal- disease programme Annex No, 2 A« Examples of acceptable treatment schedules with penicillin B. Treatment schedules used in the Polish anti-syphilis programme Annex No. 3 Re suits in, and follow up ..of,Penicillin treatment in syphilis Annex No. 4 Note by Ш0 aid hoc Expert Committee on Venereal Diseases. Allocations by UNIŒF to programmes and projects for combating syphilis in pregnant women . and children up to 18 years of age. Annex No. 5 Summary of requests by governments to UNICEF for assistance under the pregnant women and infantile syphilis programme. Annex No. 6 Progress Report on the Polish anti- syphilis campaign. Annex.No, 7 List of Documents and reports etc. communicated to the ad hoc committee. The Expert Committee on Venereal Diseases held its second session 15-19 October 1948 in the premises of the Office International d'Hygiène Publique, Paris• Chief, Department of Social Hygiene MEMBERS Dr, W.En Coutte д Public Health Administration^ Santiago^ Chile Dr» M. Grzybowski Chief, Clinic of Dermato- (absent) syphilology» Professor, University ojf Щ^зт^ Poland McElligot Adviser on Venereal Diseases^ Ministry of Healthj London, United Kingdom Dis Mahoney Medical Direct orVenereal Disease Research Laboratory (United States Public Health Service)j Statan Island,11Л” United States of America Dr. R.V, Rajam Professor of Venereology, Principal, Medical College, University of Madras, Madras India> Dr S# Heller stroll Professor of Dermato-syphilology, # (Corresponding merribci) University of Stockholm^ Sweden 1 CONSULTANTS Dr, H« Brun-Pedersen Venereal. Disease Control Officer, Danish Maritime Services^ Copenhagen, Denmark Dr. £«H* Hermans Medical Director^ Venereal Diseases, Port of Rotterdam^ Holland OBSERVERS Mr. J.L. Mowat Chief Maritime Division,International Labour Office Geneva ? Dr# A» Cavaillon Secretary-General^ International Union against Venereal Diseases Dr D. Borensztajn Inspector General^ Venereal Disease f Control Division, Polish Ministry of Health, Warsaw】 Poland Co-opted by the committee for advice on maritime áspects of the venereal disease problem; also observers for the International Union against Venereal Diseases. :Seven meetings were held during the session. Dr. J»F. Mahoney was Chairman. Dr. GtL. McEligott took the chair during the discussion on the Brussels Agreement and during the seventh meeting. Dr.T. Guthe, veilereal diseases section, WHO, was Secretary of the committeet The committee noted that the Executive Board of TNHO at its first session appointed the expert conmittee of the Interim Ccranission to ssrve as an ad hoc committee until the E3q>ert Ccxnmittee on Venereal Infections of WHO has been established. Since the first session of the expert committee of the Interim Commission, Dr. R.V. Rajam, Madras, India had been appointed to the Expert CcHmnittee on Venereal Infeétions of WHO. The Chairman noted the terms of reference of the committee and invited those present to express their opinions in regard to the items on the agenda• Full consideration was given by the committee to the views put forward. During its discussions the ccxnmittee took the recommendations of the Interim Commission^ expert committee into full axcount and considered them in "the light of developments since that time and in relation to new items on the agenda. Supplementary as well as new recommendations have been mado, which have necessitated adjustment 1 of the pattern used in the report of the Interim Cc»miission s expert committee. 1- NEW CONSIDERATIONS Each year millions of people acquire venereal diseases. In untold number are severely incapacitated or sucourab from untreated congenital or acquired infections. Syphilis contributes significantly to the individual and social misery and to important econ<»iic losses of nations in industry and agriculture. The yearly cost in labour lost due to syphilis is estimated to be more than 100 million dollars in the US (1940). In other regions .of the world where syphilis is known to be highly prevalent and where only rudimentary VD services exist the cos、 is inestimable. The initiation of VD control work in such regions should be one of the primary objectives in the WHO action programmes. An epidemiological viewpoint should Ы applied and the problem should be approached in terms of population groups as well as the individual • The Committee notes with satisfaction that such a public health approach was endorsed both by the Interim Commission and the Health Assembly and that the international venereal disease programe of the HÏHO should pay particular attention to early syphilis;, gonorrhea, chancroid, lyinpho granuloma vene re um, . and granuloma ingii'nale being considered in order of relative, importance arid where special geogra- phical or racial considerations are concerned or in the spread of disease from country to country.
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